
>From the New Paradigms Project [Not Necessarily Endorsed]
Note:  We store 100's of related "conspiracy posts" at:

From: "Alex Constantine" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: JonBenet Ramsey
Date: Thursday, August 17, 2000 1:58 AM

9/20/99 Letter to Kane"Posted by jameson on Oct-21-99 at 09:20 AM (EST)
September 20, 1999

Dear Mr. Kane,

I wish to talk with the grand jury about the subject of the book Presumed
Guilty by Stephen Singular: various ways child pornography and/or abuse
could have been the original motive(s) for what became JonBenet==s murder.
One obvious possible connection with child porn is through JonBenet==s
pageant life. Pam Griffin, JonBenet==s costume maker, says in the book
(p.110) "One time Randy [Simons] wanted to shoot Kristine [Pam==s daughter]
nude, but I said absolutely not."

There are other possible connections between the Ramseys and the child
porn/sex world that should be investigated. Keeping a lid on this ultimate
taboo could mean death for a headstrong child like JonBenet who couldn't
otherwise be silenced.

Child porn and abuse are deeply ingrained into Boulder society. Some
evidence is:

The Child and Family Advocacy Program provides statistics that 204 Boulder
County children under 20 were sexually abused in 1998. (Daily Camera
7/12/99, p. 1C) "Parent of the Year" Zack Prendergast returns his award when
it is found he had been a trainer for The Children of God, a cult which
advocated sex from infancy. (Daily Camera 8/5/99, p. 3B) Mr. Prendergast
also runs fathering workshops. (Daily Camera 9/19/99, p. 1B) First Baptist
Church treasurer Jerry Berry is arrested for fondling 3 little girls. Police
find albums of child porn and seize 5 computers. (Daily Camera 8/14/99, p.
1B) The popularity of the late poet, former Boulder resident and Naropa
professor Allen Ginsberg, avowed member of NAMBLA, the North American
Man/Boy Love Association, whose motto was "Sex by 8 or it==s too late."
(www.nambla.org/ginsberg.htm)There have been many other recent child sex
abuse cases here, including several with the convicts in possession of
JonBenet==s photos, including Sean King. The above are all prominent people.
Related evidence includes:

The existence here at 1050 Walnut St. of a large XXX porn media company, New
Frontiers Media, now rapidly expanding (Daily Camera, business section,
7/21/99, 8/9/99, 8/18/99, 8/20/99) An acquaintance of mine says his former
girlfriend had been drawn into this world. SANE rape support program closes.
"But two SANE nurses, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said many
within the program were frustrated by the constant plea bargaining of
Boulder County==s sexual assault cases. >>We==ve been operating for two
years now and in that whole time, none of us have ever had to go to court to
testify,== one nurse said. >>That==s very concerning to us, that none of
these cases are going to trial.==" (Daily Camera, 9/2/99, p. 1A)All the
referenced newspaper articles are available from me on request.

The inability of the FBI to explain to former Denver DA and Lockheed-Martin
executive Norm Early why they never took charge of the Ramsey case BBan
apparent kidnapping of a top Defense contractor executive==s daughter by
foreign terrorists- is suspicious and an apparent violation of the
"Lindbergh Law." Det. Linda Arndt stated on TV last week that she
specifically asked for FBI assistance and did not receive it. She received
no backup of any kind, having been told everyone was in a meeting BBfor
hours starting about 7:30 AM the day after Christmas. Were they in a meeting
with or about the FBI? Mr. McFarland has a contact with information that
Lockheed-Martin security were in the Ramsey house before the BPD. We have
available a video of Mr. Early discussing the issue on a recent TV show.

John DeCamp, Esq., former Nebraska State Senator, in his book The Franklin
Coverup describing the State of Nebraska==s investigation into the failure
of Omaha==s Franklin Saving and Loan, shows that the FBI protected child
molesters and killers and intimidated child victims and witnesses. One of
Mr. DeCamp==s former-child clients Paul Bonacci won a related $1,000,000
judgment against Larry King, the former president of Franklin, just this

[In the rest of this version of the letter for the public, names have been
replaced with XXX, YYY and ZZZ. In the version for the DA, the real names
were used and more details given. BBEvan Ravitz]

The Singular book also concerns BBdisguised to avoid libel- Mr. XXX, a
highly ranked official in Boulder City government. Mr. XXX has admitted to
two prominent and respected friends of mine that in 1991 a box of sex toys
and pornography were found in his City Hall office during an office move
that occurred when Mr. XXX was out. He further admitted that 3 women
employed at City Hall alleged he harassed them, though none filed charges. I
was in mediation with Mr. XXX when I learned these things, and that City
Council had sent him to counseling. I asked who was paying for his therapy
and he said that he was.

The late Ron Porter, when he was President of the Boulder Bar Association,
moved to investigate Mr. XXX, but apparently nobody would talk. There should
be some record of this. I also have 3 names of eye-witnesses to what was in
the Pandora==s box.

What we suspect is that Mr. XXX== pornography was child porn, for 3 reasons:

Mr. YYY, then a City Hall administrator, after we talked 10 minutes on the
subject in 1992, told me "He [Mr. XXX] gives me the willies. I==ll keep my
kid away from him." He recently denied to me that he knows anything about
Mr. XXX. I received the enclosed anonymous letter in 1992. I gave the
original to Det. Tom Wickman on May 5 this year when he and Mr. Trujillo
interviewed Dr. McFarland and I. Mr. Porter would not be likely to start an
investigation of Mr. XXX for the unpleasant but legal possession of
non-child pornography.If Mr. XXX has possessed child porn, he would want to
keep the spotlight off other people==s similar "peccadilloes." This is the
"Belgian Syndrome" mentioned in Dr. McFarland==s interview with Donald
Freed. Because DA Hunter was on vacation incommunicado at the time of the
murder he could not be contacted for advice on proceeding with the highest
profile case ever here. The grand jury should determine if Mr. XXX was

If indeed a network of highly-connected pedophiles exists here as in Belgium
and France, Mr. XXX or others could have acted to keep (sincere) FBI
investigators away. A one-time "suspect" in this case told me he was shown a
bookcase of videos in the home of prominent Boulder drug-case attorney Mr.
ZZZ and told these were all child porn. Mr. ZZZ left Boulder soon after the
murder and moved to a monastery in Wyoming. Phone records of XXX and ZZZ
should be examined for calls to FBI or Lockheed Martin numbers that morning.

DA Hunter and the police might be reluctant to investigate Mr. XXX.
According to the Singular book (p. 90) Hunter said "If this got into the
hands of certain people in the media it would further embarrass Boulder and
make the town look worse than it already does. What are you going to do with
this information?" You the outsider should exhaust all leads, this being a
government of laws and not of men.

Dr. McFarland and I have been careful not to libel Mr. XXX for 7 years. Once
we saw the possible connection to the Ramsey case we worked with a reputable
author for 2 years to get the story told right. We want to do the right
thing and give more complete details to the grand jury.


Evan Ravitz

2 . "Kane's rejection letter to Evan"Posted by jameson on Oct-21-99 at 09:23





September 20, 1999

Mr. Evan Ravitz

1130 11th St #3

Boulder CO 80302

Re: Request to appear before the Boulder County Statutory Grand Jury

Dear Mr. Ravitz:

After due consideration of your request to appear and testify before the
Boulder County Grand Jury in the JonBenet Ramsey murder investigation, I
wish to inform you that your request is denied. We have determined that your
proposed testimony would not serve the interests of justice which is the
controlling standard by which to judge your request.

Your request discusses the exstence of child pornography in Boulder County
and suggests that there may be a link between that and the death of JonBenet
Ramsey. You have not identified any nexus between that and the murder of
JonBenet. Ramsey, nor any reason to conclude that there might be one.
Further, to the extent that one could possibly exist, you have no personal
knowledge of any facts, apparently, to make the connection.

In addition, you have stated that the grand jury should investigate the
response of the FBI to the initial report that JonBenet was kidnaped by a
foreign faction. This is not a proper subject for the grand jury to explore.
Their mission is to determine, if possible, who killed the child. A review
of the FBI's role in the investigation would not further that goal, and
would be more appropriately addressed to the United States Department of
Justice Inspector General's Office.

Finally, you state that you wish to inform the grand jury that a former city
attorney in Boulder might have been in possession of child pornography in
1991, that he might have ad a motive to protect others in the city who
engage in the same activity and he might have been consulted and presumably
have steered authorities away from a child pornography connection. You
surmise this because Alex Hunter, the District Attorney, was not available
to be consulted in the early days of the investigation. You offer no
evidence to connect any of this chain of speculation together.

I wish to advise you that you have a right to petition the Boulder District
Court to review this Decision. The procedure is outlined in Colorado Revised
statutes Section 16-5-204 (l)

Very truly yours,

Alexander M. Hunter


 3 . "letter to Judge Bailin"Posted by jameson on Oct-21-99 at 09:25 AM
Judge Roxanne Bailin20th Judicial District6th & CanyonBoulder CO 80302

Dear Judge Bailin,

This is my petition to the court for a hearing on the District Attorney==s
denial of my request to speak to the grand jury, as provided for by CRS
16-5-204 (l). I enclose my letter to Mr. Kane and his reply.

[In this public version, a name and position have been disguised. The
version to Judge Bailin contained the real name and position. BBEvan Ravitz]

I was stunned to discover that Mr. Kane had not carefully read my letter. He
refers (last paragraph, 1st page) to "a former city EMPLOYEE" when my letter
clearly names "Mr. XXX, City EMPLOYEE of Boulder," a position he still holds
BBand held at the time of JonBenet Ramsey==s murder, which is how he might
have influenced the case. Apparently Mr. Kane has read the chapters of the
book Presumed Guilty that Dr. McFarland and I innocently sent to the grand
jury, which, to avoid libel, disguise Mr. XXX, and refer to him in an
ambiguous way, from which one could mistakenly infer his position was

Further Mr. Kane (2nd paragraph) says "You have not identified any nexus
between that [child pornography] and the murder of JonBenet Ramsey." I did,
clearly, in the first 2 paragraphs of my letter. Pam Griffin has publicly
stated that JonBenet==s pageant photographer Randy Simons had requested her
daughter Kristine to participate in a child pornography session, whether or
not she was allowed to talk about this to the grand jury.

Mr. Kane states (3rd paragraph) "This [the FBI no-show] is not a proper
subject for the grand jury to explore. Their mission is to determine, if
possible, who killed the child." The citizens have waited 2 :: years and
spent 2 million dollars and we don==t know who killed her, possibly because
the DAs refuse to look in the yawning pandora==s box we and others have
opened. The "mission" of justice should also be to prevent more children
from being raped and/or killed. Just as we must investigate not just "who
sold drugs" but how they were imported, who else profited -and who was paid
to look away- so we must, as circumstances demand, find out not just "who
killed JonBenet" but what motives and other illegal activities led to the
murder, so history doesn==t repeat itself! Truth, you will remember, was
also found in Pandora==s Box.

Finally, Kane writing his response the same day I hand-delivered my letter
(September 20th), not even having read it carefully, hardly shows "due
consideration of [my] request to appear and testifyYY" It seems to me that
the prosecutors have pre-determined that the investigation will not broach
these subjects even if someone gets away with murder. If you are party to
such an agreement, I pray for you. Sunshine will be the best antiseptic.

To summarize:

I==ve made a strong case that prominent people in Boulder are involved in
pedophilia. Pam Griffin states that JonBenet==s photographer was involved.
I==ve made a circumstantial case that pedophilia exists at the highest level
in the Boulder justice system.

The FBI no-show is evidence that legal procedure has been corrupted in this
case BBapparently constituting related crime that has effectively destroyed
the investigation of this murder..

Only the citizens can be impartial in a case in which the legal machinery
has been corrupted. Keeping we citizens from the citizens of the grand jury
seems to violate CRS 16-5-204 (l) which states "any person may approach the
prosecuting attorney or the grand jury and request to testify in an inquiry
before a grand jury or to appear before a grand jury." (emphasis added)


Evan Ravitz1130 11th St. #3Boulder CO 80302

 4 . "request to vacate order"Posted by jameson on Oct-21-99 at 09:27 AM


Colorado Revised Statute 16-5-204 (l) states "Any person may approach the
prosecuting attorney or the grand jury and request to testify or retestify
in an inquiry before a grand jury or to appear before a grand jury."
(emphasis added)

Judge Daniel Hale==s 15 September 1998 Court order states, in part:

"3. No person, other than an employee of the State of Colorado or the County
of Boulder while acting in the performance of their official government
duties, shall otherwise attempt to contact any grand juror or alternate
grand juror regarding their service on the Boulder County Grand Jury;"

If we the citizens cannot "contact" grand jurors, then we cannot "approach"
grand jurors and request to testify. Therefore, the court order violates CRS
16-5-204 (l) and must be vacated.

Evan Ravitz1130 11th St. #3Boulder CO 80302(303)440-6838[September 27, 1999]

[The ACLU of Colorado has decided to take this case IF the Ramsey matter is
handed to the next grand jury. We were late getting the ACLU involved for
this grand jury ]

 5 . "letter to Colorado Attorney General Ken Salazar "Posted by jameson on
Oct-21-99 at 09:28 AM (EST)
Evan Ravitz tel/fax: (303)440-6838

1130 11th St. #3

Boulder CO 80302 October 15, 1999

Dear Mr. Salazar: Re: Ramsey Case and "grand secrecy"

This year I had substantive contact with 2 Grand Jury investigators, 2
District Attorneys, 3 District Judges, several Grand Jurors, the ACLU of
both Boulder and Colorado, attorneys and citizens around the country. It has
been an extraordinary education in what my pro bono attorney and Grand Jury
expert David Lane calls the "Just us" system. Alex Hunter has prevented me
from giving testimony to the Grand Jury, which is, according to Lane and the
ACLU of Colorado, a denial of my rights under Colorado Revised Statute
16-5-204 (l) which states "Any person may approach the prosecuting attorney
or the grand jury and request to testify..." (emphasis added) The ACLU says
they will take my case (see my enclosed motion to Judge Hale) if a future
grand jury considers the Ramsey matter.

I hope you will profit from my unique perspective on this singular
situation. I have information about a probable pedophile in a very high
position in Boulder who may have had means and motive to derail the
investigation. I am a 21-year resident of Boulder, voted "Best Activist" by
readers of the Boulder Daily Camera. My friend Dr. Robert McFarland, a
retired physician and co-founder of Boulder's Parenting Place, has similarly
been denied the chance to present what he's learned from treating,
autopsying, and advocating for abused and other children for 38 years here.

Here is a time line of our major interactions:

In March, 1999, Dr. McFarland sent a transcript of a radio interview he
conducted with Donald Freed to the Grand Jury Foreman, c/o the DA. The
return receipt was signed by a Mr. Martinez.

On May 5, 1999, Det. Tom Wickman and Tom Trujillo, the Grand Jury
investigators, interviewed McFarland and I for an hour. We had some
indications that they did not follow up on our leads.

In June, McFarland sent the Foreman, again c/o the DA, a copy of the book
Presumed Guilty: An Investigation into the JonBenet Ramsey Case, the Media
and the Culture of Pornography by Stephen Singular , for which we were
sources named in the acknowledgements. Again the receipt was signed by a Mr.

In late June, Dr. McFarland realized that Mr. Martinez was not the Jury
Foreman, James Plese. We called Mr. Plese at home who confirmed that he had
never received the items. On June 28 we mailed copies of chapters 10 and 20
of the book to the homes of the 8 Grand Jurors whose addresses were in the
phone book. We later received suspended prosecution for contempt for thus
violating Judge Hale's no-contact order, of which we were unaware.

On September 7 Dr. McFarland sent his request to testify to the DA. He was
denied. He then submitted his appeal to Judge Bailin, which was denied as

On September 20 I hand-delivered my request to testify to the DA's office. I
received my denial on September 23.

On September 23 I myself finally read CRS 16-5-204 (l). On September 27th I
(l) for Judge Hale, my appeal of the DA's denial for Judge Bailin, and a
letter for the Foreman almost identical to the one I wrote to Kane; copies
of each to both the DA's office and the District Court Clerk's office. I
never received replies from Judge Hale or the Foreman, nor any indication
that my correspondence was received. I received Judge Bailin's denial of my
appeal on October 14, a week after its date of October 7, due to the Court's
special "normal mailing process" stamped on the document.

On September 28th I attended a meeting of the board of directors of the
Boulder chapter of the ACLU, who told me to contact the Colorado office.

On September 29th I faxed my motion to Judge Hale to the Colorado ACLU and
talked with Intake Director Simon Mole. On October 8 Mr. Mole informed me by
phone that the ACLU would take my case should a future grand jury consider
the Ramsey matter. You can confirm this with Mr. Mole at (303)777-2628.

Citizens, in theory, have the final decision-making power in the justice
system, and the Ramsey case is an example of why this should, in fact, be

The substance of our testimony to the police and what we still want
investigated is what we believe DA Hunter most wants to avoid: the
possibility that pedophiles- who we name- in very high places in Boulder
de-railed the investigation in the first hours, possibly by calling off the
FBI from immediately assuming its jurisdiction over an apparent kidnapping
by "a small foreign faction" of the child of a Lockheed-Martin executive.
Det. Linda Arndt has stated that she asked for the FBI and police backup
before she even arrived at the Ramsey home and was told no. Later she was
told everyone was in a meeting. Did the meeting include the FBI?

It is understandable that Mr. Hunter wants to avoid further marring the
image of Boulder justice, the FBI or his long-time counterpart, the City
Attorney of Boulder. However, "sunshine is the best antiseptic," and "this
is a government of laws and not of men," at least outside of Boulder, at
least theoretically. Here, the DA's exclusion of Dr. McFarland and I seems
to demonstrate the "Just us" system noted by David Lane, who represented me
in the contempt proceeding. Hunter himself referred to "grand secrecy" (sic)
in the first minutes of his October 14 press conference.

Please read our letters. We have available copies of the other referenced
documents and tapes. I urge that prosecution of this crime be removed from
Boulder officials and the case given to a new grand jury. I urge that
citizens be allowed First Amendment freedom to speak to and associate with
our fellow citizens including future grand jurors on this and other cases.
It may be a burden to grand jurors to deal with the volume of material that
may be presented, but real justice precludes filtering by men with very
special interests like DA Hunter. I recommend the wisdom of Ghandi: "Truth
is the highest god."

Sincerely yours,

Evan Ravitz

 6 . "email addresses"Posted by jameson on Oct-21-99 at 09:51 AM (EST)


Here are email addresses for Colorado Governor Owens' advisory panel.
 Tell them why the Governor should appoint a special prosecutor:


We still seek email addresses for Colorado Springs DA (El Paso County)
Jeanne Smith, Owens' chief legislative counsel Troy Eid, former Colorado
Supreme Court Chief Justice Anthony Vollack, and deputy Colorado Attorney
General for criminal justice Don Quick.


     [7 . "Evan promises"Posted by jameson on Oct-21-99 at 09:52 AM (EST)

Additions coming soon: transcript of Dr. McFarland's radio interview of
Donald Freed regarding the FBI's behavior; Dr. McFarland's published
articles on sex cults, letters from Judge Bailin rejecting our appeals to
testify, etc.

 THE DAILY TIMES- CALL                        by B.J. Plasket © 2000
BOULDER ‹ A woman who claims she was sexually assaulted as a child by a
California-based child-abuse ring remains in hiding after reportedly being
first offered money and later threatened in order to silence her
The Times-Call has learned the woman's therapist received several phone
calls ordering her to stay away from the woman. Those calls, a source said,
are believed to have come from people targeted in the woman's allegations.
Police are also investigating the woman's claim that one of her alleged
childhood assailants traveled to Boulder with a small female child and
attended the same Christmas party as 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey the night
she died.
That party is believed to have been held at the Boulder home of Fleet White
Jr., the former best friend of JonBenet's father, John Ramsey.
Reports have said both John and Patsy Ramsey and their two children ‹
JonBenet and her 9-year-old brother, Burke ‹ attended the party and returned
home about 10 p.m.
JonBenet's body was found in the basement the next day after her parents
reported finding a ransom note in the home.
The California woman, who is now 37, claims she was repeatedly sexually
assaulted by a group of adults who employed garrotes placed around her neck
to asphyxiate her.
JonBenet Ramsey had such a device around her neck when she was found.
The woman, according to the source, was often given small gifts after the
assaults. One such gift was reportedly a picture of a stuffed bear with a
heart on it similar to the so-called "mystery bear" authorities said was
found in JonBenet's bedroom. The Ramseys reportedly told police JonBenet did
not own such a bear.
Local police and the FBI are still investigating the woman's claims.
Boulder attorney Lee Hill, who represents the California woman, declined to
comment on the reports when reached Monday night.
"I can neither confirm nor deny what her specific allegations are,
preferring instead to let law enforcement explore those allegations," Hill
said, adding the woman's safety remains his top priority.

"What claims has Callie made?"
Posted by LovelyPigeon on Mar-08-00 at 00:49 AM (EST)

The nickname Callie is given to an unidentified woman who lives near San
Luis Opisbo, California.
These are statements found in various articles in Boulder Daily Camera and
Longmont Times-Call, and audio reports by Carol McKinley and by Mame as
posted on forums:
Callie, 37, knows JonBenét's parents, John and Patsy Ramsey, through the
family of Fleet White Jr. Callie's mother is the goddaughter of Fleet
White's father, Fleet Sr.

Callie suggested JonBenet was killed accidentally when an adult used an
asphyxiation technique to stimulate orgasmic response.
"She's saying, 'I have been a victim, and I swear that's true, and I know
people near this case who have done similar things to me,'" [Lee]Hill said.
The woman, according to the source, was often given small gifts after the
assaults. One such gift was reportedly a printed image of a bear similar to
the so-called "mystery bear" authorities said was found in JonBenet's
Lee Hill said Callie claims "widespread ongoing criminal activity of
victimizing and endangering children. ...family members who are at risk and
other innocent victims who can't speak for themselves...she has struggled
with the burden of this abuse and domination all her life. She's been
programmed from her earliest memory to shut up and not say anything about
what was being done to her.
Boulder police and the FBI are looking into the woman's allegations of
holiday parties in which children are sexually abused for the gratification
of adult attendees.
Police are also investigating the woman's claim that one of her alleged
childhood assailants traveled to Boulder with a small female child and
attended the same Christmas party attended by 6-year-old JonBenet Ramsey the
night she died.
Callie told Boulder authorities she suffered years of sexual and physical
abuse at such sessions, which sometimes involved garroting. She told police
sexual and physical abuse began when she was 3 and that she was a victim of
the asphyxiation technique as a child.
Sheriff's investigators in California spent hundreds of hours looking into
the woman's claim in 1991 that she had been raped. They were unable to
confirm her claim, the paper said.
"She has filed a number of reports with us and most of them have been
determined to be unfounded," said San Louis Obispo County sheriff's Sgt.
C.J. Bell.
Sheriff's officials here say the woman claiming to have information critical
to the JonBenet Ramsey murder case has a history of making false reports.
Among several alleged false claims, San Luis Obispo County sheriff's
officials said investigators spent hundreds of hours looking into the
woman's claim in 1991 that she had been raped, which an investigation never
Boulder police detectives spent five hours with the woman the week of March
1 and said her allegations of a child-sex ring aren't credible
Here are statements Lee Hill made to mame on audio about his client from
"She brings forward information that implicates widespread ongoing criminal
activity of victimizing and endangering children.
"A portion of her information has relevance to the case. Her complaints
merit an investigation.
"Her witness protection issues are of paramount concern. I'm convinced that
she is in danger. We fully anticipate that the next step will be a concerted
effort to discredit her...By whoever has an interest in discrediting her.
"Her sole purpose is to protect family members who are at risk and other
innocent victims who can't speak for themselves. That's her sole purpose.
And she has struggled with the burden of this abuse and domination all her
Callie says she was sexually abused by a sex ring since the age of 3.
Another report is that Callie was raped in her early teens (late 80's?) by a
step-uncle and her testimony sent a man to prison. Police in CA say Callie
reported another rape in 1991 which was not confirmed by their
Reports are also made that Callie claims Fleet White Sr. offered her $75,000
to be quiet. She is now in hiding while investigation proceeds by FBI and
Boulder detectives.


Fox TV's movie about the JonBenet Murder is an excellent expose of  the
bungling Boulder Police Department's inability or CHOICE to not find the
killer(s) of Jon Benet.  With an X-file flair, Fox TV clearly showed that
the FBI was a NON-ENTITY in the investigation, and capitulated to the
Boulder Keystone cops.  The movie is an admission that the case has been
designated by someone to be another famous unsolved mystery.
A key question in the JonBenet case is:  Why didn't the FBI intervene in the
first few hours of the investigation and take a strong lead in the case?
FBI fans and the FBI itself responded that it did not have "jurisdiction."
In all "kidnap" cases, the FBI does have jurisdiction. Kidnapping
jurisdiction is under a statute that 'presumes' interstate *asportation
until proven otherwise, thus once the corpse was found in the home, the FBI
technically may have lost jurisdiction.  However, the JonBenet case was
treated initially as a "kidnap."  Although clearly a kidnap case in the
early hours, the FBI did not show up to look for JonBenet at the Ramsey
residence and didn't even begin to interview any witnesses. The first few
hours, if not minutes, in a kidnap case are the most important.  Why did the
FBI back off?   The official line is that when John Ramsey found his child's
body, the kidnap aspect of the case was over and the FBI lost jurisdiction.
(Note how John Ramsey found the child in the cellar after his longtime
friend Fleet White had already visited the cellar and did not see any body.
Fleet White, who had a bitter public fight with John Ramsey,  remains an
extremely vocal critic of the Boulder investigation.
The "placement" or "discovery" of the JonBenet's corpse in the wine cellar,
made it a certainty that the FBI was out, that Boulder Police and D.A. were
in, and that the investigation would fail to find the killer(s).  But was
federal jurisdiction really lost when the body was found?  The FBI has
jurisdiction over kidnap cases.  Was kidnap ever ruled out?   There was a
kidnap ransom note written by someone!  Who?  The possibility of JonBenet
being kidnapped from the residence or from her parent's control that night
or on previous occasions for porno photo sessions has not been ruled out.
Finally,  Lockheed, a defense contractor, had purchased John Ramsey's
company, Access Graphics, just before the murder of JonBenet.  Ramsey's
security clearance and access to federal data regarding computers and this
financial acquisition may have been related to the murder.  The ransom
kidnap note condemns Ramsey, demands $118,000 ransom, (the sum of his Access
bonus), and refers to a foreign faction involved in the "kidnap."  The FBI
must have believed that Ramsey with his national security information, was
not a potential target of blackmail or terrorism by a foreign faction?  Did
the FBI formulate this belief after some type of investigation?
The FBI did have the discretion to intervene.  The Boulder Police could have
invited the FBI to join their crazed and failed investigation.  When the FBI
wants to take over a case, it does.  That's a fact.  The FBI declined to
lead this investigation.  Why?  Lack of FBI intervention is the key to the
JonBenet case.  The killer(s) had some federal "pull."  Note that in July
1997, the FBI did perform some analysis of the case, and that District
Attorney Hunter, leading the Boulder investigation, refused to attend the
September 1997 meeting with the FBI. (Note: Hunter's two deputies did
attend.) Click to read Boulder Daily Camera article.
*asportation - latin legal word meaning "to carry away", an element of


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CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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