This story sickened me for it seems not too much concern was shown for
this kid - more worried about the election of the righteous man ....

Now if I had a kid who drove like that, I would take away his expensive
car - for the kid is 17 years old......Tipper is so worried he will be
killed - well at the convention she smiled all week.....this kid is

With all their money, this kid has everything most parents would like to
give to their children, but something is lacking here - it seems to me
that we are told that poor deprived kids act like this, one's that go to
bed hungry.

100 MPH?   Sounds like the kid is suicidan and running from something -
so do not let the Gores give me that wonerful parent crap while they
praise each other on the stage.....

Gore let go of the little boys hand - lets him run in the traffic and
too late observes what he has done.   Gore preaches homosexuality as
lifestyle?   Well look at Littleton and this great
half doped up and now parents of killers sue the Sheriff?

Maybe Al Gore III has some principles his father lacks?  Looks like the
one thing the kid does not have, is a father.

But what could one expect of a slum landlord - the son is an
embarrassment?   That is all the kids needs for if his dad loses the
election which no doubt he will, will they heap this burden upon him

When Al Gore looks at this kid does he think of the little 6 year old -
he let go of his hand.

Kid needs a hand up now ..... this is a call for help and these
wonderful parents turned a deaf ear......remember once Gore telling of
the near death of his son, appealing for sympathy, etc.....but he never
told that it was he, who let go for that one moment in time, which he
can never return to correct.

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

A. Saba
Dare To Call It Conspiracy

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