[EMAIL PROTECTED],Internet writes:
>I guess I dont really understand why anyone

>would want to lie about be raped and shocked

>and beaten.

There are a number of possible reasons. Just because you wouldn't want to
lie about being raped and shocked and beaten doesn't mean everyone
wouldn't want to lie about being raped and shocked and beaten. Not
everyone thinks like you do.

Just because  you
>dont really understand why anyone

>would want to lie about anything, doesn't mean they won't do it.  Your
>understanding or lack thereof is seldom a determining factor in what
>other people do. Other people do what they do for their own reasons. If
>your lack of understanding this is a factor at all,
it's only in that
>it actually encourages some people to lie to you because no one is more
>gullible than someone who doesn't understand lying, and no one makes
>better prey than the gullible.

People will lie about anything. I'm not accusing you, personally, or any
single individual of lying. I'm not saying that organized child abuse
doesn't happen or that some of you are not telling the truth. That does
not, however, mean that all of you are telling the truth.

No human being should ever be taken solely on their own word about
anything, at all, ever. This is particularly true if what they are saying
elicits an emotional response of any kind, especially if it elicits
resonance. Corroboration should always be sought. Trust is foolhardy.

Let me give you one shining example that's particularly relevant to this
kind of case.  Predators  seek out victims because seeking out victims is
what being a predator is all about. The most dense populations of victims
are found in victim support groups. Predators sometimes pretend to be
victims in order to gain the trust of likely prey. This is not at all
unlike the way drug dealers go to NA meetings looking for new customers.
It's a time tested predation strategy with proven results.

Of those people seeking out victims for company, some are themselves
victims. Others, however, are predators, using a disguise to hunt prey.
Anybody seeking out victims should therefore be especially suspect.

The surest way to be victimized is to go around trusting people when you
have nothing to go on but their own word. Don't do it. It's dangerous. It
leads to victimization.

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sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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