As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:636885">Eustace Mullins;
American Patriot</A>
Subject: Eustace Mullins; American Patriot
Date: Sun, Aug 20, 2000 5:37 PM
Message-id: <XQ_n5.3418$[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Eustace Mullins; American Patriot

Eustace Mullins is the Father of the modern-day American Patriot Movement,
and a
descendant of some of the original settlers of the North American continent.

Eustace Mullins -
<A HREF="">

Eustace Mullins, Patriot Author -
<A HREF="">
alladar/eustace.htm</A> -
"Eustace Mullins is a veteran of the United States Air Force, with
months of active service during World War II. A native Virginian, he was
educated at Washington and Lee University, New York University, Ohio
the University of North Dakota, the Escuelas des Bellas Artes, San Miguel de
Allende, Mexico, and the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C."

Eustace Mullins' book "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" (
<A HREF="">
.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=9992967595/</A> ) was originally commissioned
by the author Ezra Pound, and is discovered upon research to be the source of
the majority of present day information on the Federal Reserve Banking System.
Compiled from information originally found in the U.S. Library of Congress,
research in this book has been confirmed, validated, and verified by many
authors from many different fields of research. A good companion to this book
another book by Mullins entitled "The World Order." That book, and "Secrets of
the Federal Reserve" are both books which have sent many people scurrying for
cover, and has caused a barage of misleading information which, in itself, has
only served to give even more credence and credit to what Mullins says about
subject matter.

"Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins -
<A HREF="">

=The Mother of All Conspiracies= -
<A HREF="">
l</A> -
"Non Jewish members of the Masonic lodges seem to ignore the fact that the
of Freemasonry is to return all the wealth of the world to King Solomon's
in Jerusalem."

Interview with Eustace Mullins -
<A HREF="">http://www.thun</A>

"Mullins' New History of the Jews" by Eustace Mullins -
<A HREF="">http://www.universal</A>

Books by Eustace Mullins -
<A HREF="">http://www.midnight-emi</A>

"Murder By Injection" by Eustace Mullins -
<A HREF="">

"J'Accuse!" by Eustace Mullins -
<A HREF="">
m</A> -
"Today, in the United States, I accuse the federal government of planning and
perpetrating the most horrible crimes, a series which culminated in the April
19, 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City. This was a
conspiracy by corrupt and treasonous elements in the federal agencies in
Washington as part of a plan to provoke martial law, confiscate legal guns
American citizens, and to wipe out the citizens militia of the several

Eustace Mullins pulls no punches, and tells the truth, whether you like it or
not. He is unencumbered by any personal agenda or desire to perpetrate some
of great deception because of emotional ties. Some people may think that
goes overboard sometimes, and the following observations on his book "Mullins'
New History of the Jews" perhaps reflects his penchant for attacking a subject
right at the heart of the matter;

Perhaps no book in the world today makes more astonishing claims about the
Jewish people than the book "Mullins' New History of the Jews" (The
International Institute of Jewish Studies, 1968), authored by Eustace
Mullins, a
modern-day non-Jewish purported expert on Jewish civilization. Following are
some observations on that most astonishing book that has raised the ire of so
many Jews and Jewish supporters in the years since its publication.

Mullins writes on page 22 of that book that "The Oriental Institute of Chicago
contains one of the world's definitive collections of fine arts, specializing
Egyptian, Syrian and other cultures of the Near East. One would expect to find
the Jewish contribution to civilization well represented here. After walking
through vast halls filled with great works of art, splendid statues, exquisite
jewels, and other artifacts from the tombs of the Egyptian and Assyrian
conquerors, we come to the Jewish exhibit. Here is a glass case filled with
broken bits of clay pots, crude, undecorated, and unglazed utensils which
have come down to us from the Stone Age. This is the great Jewish culture
which we have heard so much. It is all that they have to offer."

Mullins attempts to make a case for Jewish plagiarism when he writes on page
of his book "Jewish writers admit that most of the 'Hebrew' writings were
taken freely from Babylonian and Egyptian sources. The Psalms, supposedly a
series of great Hebrew poems, were taken word for word from Akhenaton's Hymns
the Sun, written 600 years earlier in Egypt. Horace Meyer Kallen, a professor
the Jewish New School of Social Research, says that the Book of Job was lifted
bodily from an early and obscure Greek play. Velikovsky admits that there are
'many parallels' between the Vedic Hymns and the Books of Joel and Isaiah. The
Decalogue was taken wholly from the Egyptian Book of the Dead. And so on
the entire list of 'great Jewish writings.'"

Early on in the book, Mullins attempts to show that the origin of the term
"Hebrew" comes from the term "Habiru" which he claims actually meant to the
Egyptians "cutthroat bandits from across the river," and he asserts that the
term "sagaz" has historically been associated with the term "Habiru" whenever
was written. Further, Mullins claims, the Egyptian use of the term "amulet
in ancient Egyptian writings actually meant "Hebrew bandits." And on page 29
the book, Mullins writes "Among the few comments on the Jews which have
the Jewish destruction of libraries are those of Philo and Strabo. . . The
had already become known as the destroyers of nations, and they were allowed
exercise little or no political power, but they still managed to make their
power felt, as Strabo points out. They did this through their trade in
stones and gold, through their international connections as bankers, and as
fences for stolen goods."

Mullins attempts to show in the book that history records the destruction of
the great civilizations of the world by Jewish intrigue, betrayal, and
treachery; that is, as he claims, history remaining after Jewish destruction
books and libraries which exposed their crimes. Many of the great
of the world, he claims, were destroyed in the same manner; a Jewess was
infiltrated into the court of a nation's ruler, seduced her way into his
and then made demands for the heads of the enemies of the Jewish people.
claims that the Book of Esther of the Old Testament records in the words of
Jewish people that this same type of treachery was used to destroy Egypt, and
that this type of treachery was also recorded by the Egyptian historian
whose writings apparently agree with the Book of Esther that this was the
of destruction of Egypt. And Mullins himself further claims that this type of
treachery was used by the Jewish people in the destruction of Persia, Egypt,
Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome, England, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, and
America, and that all those nations and peoples have fallen to Jewish
betrayal, and treachery, so says Mullins.

Mullins' comments on page 35 of the book are very interesting to some people;
"The Greeks represented the refinement of the civilized gentleman and
individual, while the Jew continued to be a brutalized, earthbound, unartistic
and nameless member of a bandit tribe" and even more on page 78 "The Greeks
perfected the greatest human civilization the world has ever known by making
rights of the individual more important than the power of the central
government. The Jews, on the other hand, were able to perpetuate a vicious
criminal state by destroying the rights of the individual." And this is coming
from an author who himself has attacked modern-day homosexuality and
influences in America, but who apparently was not able to uncover research
shows the acceptance and integration of homosexuality in ancient Greek

On page 35 of the book, Mullins assigns the blame for anti-semitism as
"Ralph Marcus writes, in Great Ideas of the Jewish People, page 103, 'We know
from recent architectural discoveries that the Hellenistic cities on the
of Judea were rich in Greek architecture and art.' Greek culture extended to
edge of the wilderness, and it stopped where the Jewish bandits began. In his
History of the Jews, Kastein says, page 92, 'The Greeks had had vast
in this world, their imagination had been fertile and they had created much .
. that, in these circumstances, they should fall in with a people imbued with
calm and sometimes stolid and bucolic certainty where its spiritual
were concerned, barbarians with no sculpture or breeding, necessarily tinged
their contempt with impotent wrath. The inevitably logical result of this
attitude on the part of the Greeks was the growth of anti-Semitism, of hatred
the Jews.'"

"Thus Kastein attributes anti-Semitism to the Jews, but says nothing of the
Jewish hatred for Greek culture. On page 88 of his History of the Jews, he
a more plausible reason for anti-Semitism: 'Judea paralyzed the Greek attack
while the Alexandrian Jews brought about the disintegration of Hellenic
civilization.' This is the most startling admission which a Jewish historian
ever made about the destructive impact of the Jews. Alexandria was the
intellectual centre of the Greek Empire, and its library was the greatest in
world. It was here, as Kastein says, that the Jews brought about the
disintegration of of Hellenic civilization. They later burned the great
because it contained historical references to the destructive activities of

Another series of accusations is presented in the chapter entitled "Jews and
Ritual Murder," and on page 51 Mullins writes "There are so many thousands of
well-attested examples of Jewish murder of children that we need cite only a
few. In 'Excavations at Gezer,' the archaeologist R.A.S. Macalister notes that
the bodies of sacrificed young children are found in every strata of Jewish
remains from earliest times. Photographs of the children's bodies are
in Macalister's book, although the book itself, like most works which attest
the criminal nature of the Jew, is now almost unattainable. It is classified
a rare book, and most rare book dealers are Jews." The book then continues on
make an historical and modern-day case for this blood libel of ritual murder,
even including a repeat of old claims that Bruno Hauptmann was innocent and
an Isidor Fisch of B'nai B'rith was actually responsible for the kidnapping
murder of the Lindbergh baby, who was supposedly sacrificed in the manner of
"Jewish Ritual Murder" with political revenge as an additional motive, for the
work done by Lindbergh's father in fighting against the Federal Reserve

Back on page 50 of the book is found "Although all Jews are aware of the blood
rite and its importance to the Jewish cult, only the most important leaders,
rabbis and the wealthiest members of the Jewish community [editor: such as the
Rothschilds?], are allowed to participate in the blood-drinking rite. Kastein
states, on page 173, that ordinary Jews are forbidden to participate in the
rite. One reason for this is the fact that the practice of ritual murder is
fraught with danger for the entire Jewish community. Many of the uprisings
against the Jews during the past two thousand years have stemmed from the
discovery of this practice, and the resulting attempts to punish the Jews for
murdering gentile children."

Continuing with his accusations of the blood libel, on page 52 Mullins writes
"In the Bible, Isaiah LVII, 3-5 the prophet says 'But draw near hither, ye
of the sorceress, the seed of the adulterer and the whore. Against whom do ye
sport yourselves? Against whom make ye a wide mouth, and draw out the tongue?
Are ye not children of transgression, a seed of falsehood? Inflaming
with idols under every green tree, slaying the children in the valleys under
cleft of the rocks?' By the phrase, 'ye sons of the sorceress', Isaiah calls
attention to the fact that Jewish ritual murder is a black magic rite. It is
customary for the rabbi, as he drinks blood, to invoke the presence of Satan,
who will then presumably carry out the wishes of the Jews. The drinkers of
also swear eternal obedience to Satan during the rite." Presumably, then, from
this information, it might be supposed that Mullins thinks that Satan on earth
would continually excuse the Jews of their crimes, castigate and persecute the
innocent hated enemies of the Jews instead, allow Jews into his organizations,
and fail to ever mention or take action against this practice of ritual
while his great deception continues to try to convince people that he is
actually a good person who really cares about the plight of all people.

Further continuing with the blood libel, on pages 52-53 Mullins writes "Jesus
denounced the Jews as ritual murderers, and also made a point of protecting
little children from them. 'Suffer the little children to come unto me', as a
means of saving them from the Jews. He also says, St. John VIII:44, 'Ye are of
your father the devil, because the lusts of your father ye will do; he was a
murderer from the beginning.' This passage refers to the blood lust of Satan
the Jews. As has been customary throughout Jewish history, whenever a gentile
criticizes them for their practice of ritual murder, the Jews officially
to kill him, and after this accusation, the Elders of Zion met and resolved to
kill Jesus." And on the ritual practice of male infant circumcision, Mullins
writes on page 53 "Among the Jews themselves, the blood rite is an integral
of the ceremony of circumcising Jewish males. According to the Jewish
Encyclopedia, Vol. VI, page 99, when performing the circumcision, the mohel,
circumciser, 'takes some wine in his mouth and applies his lips to the part
involved in the operation and exerts suction, after which he expels the
of wine and blood into a receptacle provided.' What the Jewish Encyclopedia
not tell us is that this mixture of wine and blood is then drunk by the rabbi,
as a great delicacy. No other people in the world today enact such a weird
rite, save, perhaps, some Stone-Age natives in the deepest jungle of the Congo
or New Guinea."

On pages 54-55 of Mullins' book can be found "Dr. Eric Bischoff, a famous
scholar, has found the explicit authorization of the practice of Jewish ritual
murder in the Thikunne Zohar, Edition Berdiwetsch, 88b, a book of cabalistic
ritual, as follows, 'Furthermore, there is a commandment pertaining to the
killing of strangers, who are like beasts, This killing has to be done in the
lawful (Jewish) method. Those who do not ascribe themselves to the Jewish
religious law must be offered up as sacrifices to the High God.' Murders of
Christian children by the Jews usually occur during the important feast-days,
Purim, one month before Easter, and Passover, at Easter. Jewish law prescribes
that the gentile victim at Purim, a Jewish holiday described in a previous
chapter as the Jewish victory over the gentiles, may be an adult. Also, if no
gentile victim can be obtained, dried blood from a previous victim may be
However, Jewish law is quite specific that the victim at Passover must be a
white child under seven years of age, who must be bled white, crowned with
thorns, tortured, beaten, stabbed, and finally given the last blow by being
wounded in the side, the dagger prescribed to be in the hands of a rabbi, in a
complete re-enaction of the crucifixion of Christ. This vindictive ceremony
reassures the Jews that even if a few of the gentiles are alerted to the
of this people, as Christ talked about them, the Jews will always win out by
murdering the critic. Consequently, many critics of the Jews are slain in
terrible ceremonies. In the United States, perhaps the most famous victim of
Jewish ritual murder was the son of Charles Lindbergh, on March 1, 1932,
the time of the annual Jewish celebration."

Apparently, human sacrifice (aka ritual murder) has been, and still is, a
time-honored human tradition. The Thuggee in India, the Aztecs in Central
America, the Celts/Druids at Stonehenge, the ancient Mayans of Central America
in their "Lost City of Gold," the secret society of the "Great Buildings" of
American Indians in the Four Corners region of the United States, are all
well-known and well-attested examples of this unique tradition, not to mention
the world wars and other major conflicts which have been a continuous and
consistent part of human history. And the new Jewish ritual entitled Brit
Shalom, designed by a Jewish parent in consultation with his Rabbi to be a
substitute for the blood rite of infant circumcision, contains the following;
"Historians tell us that both the priestly animal sacrifice and the blood rite
of circumcision replaced an earlier practice of human sacrifice. Instead of
giving up the male child's life itself to God, the Jews began to offer up the
blood of circumcision." Thus, even some Jewish people have acknowledged their
historical role in this time-honored tradition of the human species.

On pages 55-56 can be found "In Lincoln, England, stands one of the most
magnificent Gothic cathedrals in the world. Tourists are told that it was
to commemorate a local child named Hugh of Lincoln, but they are not told why
was martyred, or by whom. Nevertheless, the story is well known, and it was
by many prominent writers, including the great poet, Chaucer, who told the
of Hugh O' Lincoln in his poem, The Prioress Tale. Saint Hugh was murdered by
the Jews in Lincoln in the year 1255, and the townspeople resolved to erect a
great cathedral which would serve as a warning to all gentile parents to
their children from the Jews. Hugh's body had been found in a well on the
property of a Jew named Copinns. King Henry III himself directed the
investigation, as proof of its fairness. He refused to allow mercy to be shown
Copinns, after the evidence had been gathered about him, and Copinns was
executed, but the other Jews involved in the act escaped punishment. Tourists
are now told that no such child as Hugh ever existed, and the story has been
expunged from the guidebooks about the cathedral. Many professors of English
have also dropped Chaucer from their course because he exposed the Jewish
Many other churches were erected to commemorate the victims of Jewish ritual
murder, some four hundred in Europe alone."

And still on the subject of Jewish ritual murder, on pages 57-58 of Mullins'
book can be found "As in many cases of ritual murder, a Jewish physician
obtained the gentile victim, because Jewish doctors have many opportunities to
steal away gentile children. There are now many Jewish hospitals in the United
States, which are owned and operated by Jewish doctors and nurses. Parents who
place their children in these hospitals for minor ailments are stunned to be
told, a day or two later, that the child has suddenly passed away. In many
cases, the child has been removed to a synagogue and murdered by the
ritual. The bloodless body of the victim is then turned over to the parents.
This procedure also obeys the Jewish prohibition against the burial of a
gentile, for the Jews simply allow the parents to take care of the burial. It
therefore behooves American parents to avoid leaving their children unguarded
the presence of a Jewish physician or placing the child in a hospital run by
Jews. Any parent should think twice about abandoning a helpless child to a
people which has a history of five thousand years of murdering children under
such horrible circumstances."

And on page 88 of Mullins' book can be found "'The best of the gentiles -
has always been the terrible motto of the Talmud. The French have always
the Jews. The great philosopher, Voltaire, wrote of them, in his Philosophical
Dictionary, 'Jews- In short, we find in them only an ignorant and barbarous
people who have long united the most sordid avarice with the most detestable
superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom they are
tolerated and enriched.' No wonder Voltaire has been dropped from the courses
philosophy at American universities! He was one of the few gentiles
enough to see that it was not the gentiles who hated the Jews, it was the Jews
who hated the gentiles. He would have been pleased to see Kastein's
that the Jews hated Romans with 'an almost inhuman hatred.' And so they have
hated every people by whom, as Voltaire says, 'they are tolerated and

The book continues on with Mullins claiming that communism is the direct
manifestation of the extension of Jewish tribalism upon gentile civilization,
and that international communism has always been funded by Jewish money under
the control of the European Rothschild family. At the same time, on page
of the book we find "Despite their obvious pleasures, the Jew also finds
Communism a boring existence. Why is this? Every stroke of invention, every
of creative life, has come from the gentile, because the earthbound Jews,
collectively and hating the individual, lack any imaginative or creative
instinct. They have always had to get this from the gentiles. Now it is gone,
for under Communism, the gentiles have no money or leisure to develop new
inventions or works of art. Consequently, the Jew loses his reason for
existence. The driving purpose of Jewish life for five thousand years has been
to subdue or control the gentile host. Once this has been achieved, the Jew
nothing left to live for. He has destroyed the spark of life in the gentile
host, and he is horrified to discover that he has, by so doing, extinguished
spark of life in himself, for his own life was wholly dependent on the life of
the host."

Besides "Mullins' New History of the Jews," author Eustace Mullins has written
many other mostly obscure books which have made a certain contribution to
American society, and some people will be familiar with Mullins from his first
book, a study of the Federal Reserve Banking System entitled "The Secrets of
Federal Reserve" which was first published decades ago and which has been used
as the primary research source for a substantial number of works on the same
subject for the past several decades. Other books authored by Mullins include;

This Difficult Individual Ezra Pound (Angriff Press, 1961);
A Writ For Martyrs (O.T.U. Christ Church, 1985);
The World Order; A Study In The Hegemony Of Parasitism (Ezra Pound Institute
Civilization, 1985);
The Curse Of Canaan (Revelation Books, 1987);
The Rape Of Justice (National Commission For Judicial Reform, 1989);
Murder By Injection (National Council For Medical Research, 1992).

Whether or not you like Eustace Mullins, he tells the truth, unencumbered by
ties and agenda that so many other great deceivers have so clearly exhibited
their attempts to obscure the truth, and direct people towards misleading
information that will only lead them further down the path to oblivion.

Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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