Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 08:06:38 -0400
Subject: Re: Turkey Run Workers

Both calls refers to the "last" cannon.  In the first call, which
was to Fairfax, the caller does not identify himself.  On the
second call, which started before the first call was completed
and was placed to USPP, the caller says that he is a Park Service

I'm beginning to think that the second call may have been faked.
(They were not produced for the USPP investigation, but in March,
94 when the FBI got involved in the Fiske CoverUp.)  There was no
need for the Swann to make a second call, if the purpose of the
call was to notify authorites of a dead body at FMP.  He had
already called Fairfax and they responded with about 12 people.
Fairfax immediately called the USPP.

The FBI said that they located Strough and Swann from the second
call, which had been made to the USPP.  They took a recording of
the second call to Turkey Run offices where it was played and one
of the people there identified Swann as the voice.

We have this scenario:

Around February 23, 94 the FBI begins its investigation.

On March 9, the transcripts of the calls are made and given to
the FBI. March 14, the New York Daily News writes the article
saying that the park employees admitted to finding the body.

On March 22, after reading a copy of an obscure New York paper in
Washington DC, Dale Kyle meets with Liddy and Liddy persuades DK
to help the FBI. DK then meets with Monroe and Columbell, the two
agents who were greatly involved in the CoverUp.  M & C talked
with the USPP before they were interviewed for their depositions.
They met with Patrick Knowlton and tried to get him to identify
the wrong Honda as the one he saw in FMP.

> One other aspect of the "911" calls is (as I recall from some
> Chris Ruddy reporting from some years ago) the reference to
> something like the "second cannon gun."  Chris interviewed
> the NPS worker in question and (if memory serves) he said he
> would not have used lanfuag like that because he was aware of
> only one cannon in the park.  I am not sure whether the
> material at evaluates this point or not
> (maybe I should drag out my hard copy and look!).
> Warm regards,
> Hugh S.
> In a message dated 00-08-21 17:42:48 EDT, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << I don't know about logical, but the official record (FWIW
> !!) indicates he made the two calls.  As to the 31 second
> discrepancy, I think differing clocks (remember this was
> 1993) is still a reasonable explanation, but who knows for
> sure.
> With the calls being so close together, why would he not have
> mentioned the accident in the first call but lead off with
> the accident in the second call?
> As I indicated previously I think the most inclusive analysis
> of these calls can be found at the Knowlton/Clarke/Turley
> site
> Having trouble bringing up the analysis.  Btw, also seems
> strange that they would be drinking a six pack in front of
> their place of employment.  >>

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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