Actually, it's more like 600 years (misplaced decimal point?)--the global
cooling known as the Little Ice Age began about 1500, and is finally ending
today.  During the High Middle Ages, ca. 1200, the mean global temperature was
probably several degrees warmer than it is today.  The Little Ice Age
contributed to the collapse of the Norse settlements in Greenland; isolated
Iceland from Europe and almost killed off its population (in combination with a
disastrous volcanic eruption which poisoned the island's water); and forced
England to plant colonies overseas to supply grain and other consumables
formerly produced within the British Isles.  "Global warming" seems to be the
result of a combination of human activity *and* natural climate shift.  In
short, the jury is definitely still out.

This *doesn't* mean that we can blithely go on polluting and wasting natural
resources; it is still essential that we make the value judgments necessary to
preserve and protect the biosphere for future generations.  But it *does* mean
that we simply do not have all the facts needed to determine how much global
warming is human in its origins and how much comes from poorly-understood
natural climatic cycles.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl Amedio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 6:26 PM
Subject: [CTRL] The North Pole has melted.

> An American scientist says the ice cap at the North Pole has melted.
> Dr James McCarthy, an oceanographer, says he found a mile-wide stretch of
> open ocean on a recent trip to the pole.
> Some experts believe it is the first time in more than 50 million years that
> the North Pole has been covered in water rather than ice.

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