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Sent: Thursday, August 24, 2000 1:10 AM
Subject: [CTRL] Alternative Radio: Selected Program Summaires …"

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.alternativeradio.org/tapes/sum-p-s.html">Alter
native Radio:  Selected Program Summaires .</A>
Just a few of what these folks have available.



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Christian Parenti | BIO | - "Lockdown America: The Growth of the Police State"
The 19th century robber baron Jay Gould once boasted that he could "hire half
of the working class to shoot the other half." With the rapid growth of the
prison industry in the United States, that comment could be adapted for a
future where half of the people are guarding the other half. Billions are
spent every year on building new prisons; billions more go to running them.
Over half a million people now work in the corrections industry in the U.S.,
and about two million are behind bars. Laws are passed at the state and
federal levels that encourage increased policing and incarceration. The money
to pay for it all comes at the expense of social programs. Christian Parenti
examines the social, political and economic issues that are at the root of
the growth of the police states over the past three decades September 26,
1999. [national broadcast] #CPAR1

Michael Parenti | BIO | - "The Bush Wars & the New World Order"
April 2, 1991. [national broadcast] #MPAR9
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "The Control of History"
The conventional view of history is that it is neutral and impartial, written
by disinterested, objective scholars. These lofty ideals, however, don't
stand up to scrutiny. History is a vehicle for ideology. Its
guardians-historians-often fabricate, distort and omit crucial facts and
events. Take President Kennedy, for example. There's a lot written about him.
In 1962 he sent the U.S. Air Force to bomb and defoliate South Vietnam. At
about the same time, JFK launched a campaign of terror, sabotage, biological
warfare and assassination against Cuba. It was called Operation Mongoose.
You'll have to look far and wide to find those things out. And don't bother
looking in school textbooks, because they won't be there. History is a
commodity, manufactured like any other product. Its production, what is
selected, emphasized or ignored, reflects not just race, class and gender
biases but also the interests of hegemonic power. For example, just read
Henry Kissinger or Arthur Schlesinger. May 11, 1994. [national broadcast]
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "Costs of Empire"
Discussions about empire are carefully controlled and constructed. It's fine
to talk about the Byzantine, Ottoman and British varieties. However, the
subject of U.S. empire, when not ignored outright, is couched in euphemisms
like the "free market" or "free trade." Other favorites are "national
interest" and "national security." U.S. global intervention is framed in
terms of altruism and good intentions. The costs of empire are borne by
Americans, but the profits go to the Fortune 500. September 28, 1995.
[national broadcast] #MPAR16
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "Fascism: The False Revolution"
September 23, 1995. [national broadcast] #MPAR17
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "History as Mystery"
Michael Parenti demonstrates how history's victors distort and suppress the
truth to perpetuate their power and privilege. In his inimitable and incisive
style, Parenti discusses class biases of pack historians and why they mystify
the past, historians' debt to Marx, the strange death of Zachary Taylor,
conspiracy theories, psychohistory, Lenin, and the NATO bombing of
Yugoslavia. Interview. #MPAR21

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Michael Parenti | BIO | - "The Hidden Ideology of the Mass Media"
Mass media are owned by huge corporations that have a definite ideological
agenda. Yet it is a staple verging on dogma that the mass media are
independent, objective and liberal. The latter is repeated like a mantra and
never challenged. Detailed studies and documentation refute the liberal
label. Nevertheless, the charge of liberal bias persists and has become part
of the political culture.. April 9, 1997. [national broadcast] #MPAR18
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "Imperialism, Drugs & Social Control," "Censorship
in America" (two tapes)
Interview. November 4, 1990. #MPAR7b
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "Inventing Reality: The Politics of the Mass Media"
April 20, 1987. #MPAR2
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "The Struggle for Democracy"
October 23, 1992. [national broadcast] #MPAR13
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "The Sword & the Dollar"
The foreign policy objectives of the U.S. sometimes seem to be in conflict
with its professed values. On the one hand, the U.S. affirms its dedication
to democracy and human rights, and on the other, it supports dictators and
repressive regimes. Do the interests of large U.S.-based multinational
corporations factor into the formulation of foreign policy? What role does
the world's most powerful military force play? Is there an intersection
between the sword and the dollar? January 28, 1999. [national broadcast]

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Michael Parenti | BIO | - "The U.S. War on Yugoslavia"
Clinton says the U.S.-led war on Yugoslavia is moral and just. A lot of
people are not convinced that they are getting straight news on the Balkan
crisis. Some critics say that the U.S. is selectively applying its concern
for human rights. They observe that the bombing has turned a bad situation
into a catastrophe. They wonder about Madeleine Albright's comment, "What's
the point of having this magnificent military if we never use it?" Congress
voted an additional $12 billion for the Pentagon. Stocks in military
corporations are booming. May 16, 1999. [national broadcast] #MPAR20
Michael Parenti | BIO | - "Why Gulf War?"
Interview, call-in. January 24, 1991. #MPAR8
Robert Parry | BIO | - "The Art of Investigative Journalism: Iran/Contra,
October Surprise, etc."
As newsrooms shrink and budgets are slashed, fewer and fewer reporters do
serious investigative journalism. Award-winning reporter Robert Parry is part
of a vanishing breed. Interview. March 2, 1996. [national broadcast] #RPAR2
Robert Parry | BIO | - "Iran/Contra Scandal, Colin Powell, and Cover-ups"
Interview. September 20, 1995. #RPAR1
Matti Peled - "Israeli-Palestinian Peace: Prospects and Obstacles"
May 5, 1992. [national broadcast] #MPEL1

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Frances Fox | BIO | - "Labor in a Global Economy"
The pundits say globalization is the wave of the future. If you're against
it, says Tom Friedman of the NewYork Times, then you are part of a "Noah's
ark of flat earth advocates." Workers are the cogs in the global economy. Yet
when it comes to the media, labor is an afterthought. Programs like Moneyline
and Marketplace and whole sections of newspapers are devoted to business.
Elections are when workers' concerns are discussed. As soon as they are over
the politicians return to their traditional role of keeping labor on a tight
leash. February 22, 2000. [national broadcast] #FPIV3
Frances Fox | BIO | - "The Politics of Rich & Poor"
The political system is largely the captive of special interests and
lobbyists who dole out bushels of money. In the old days it used to be called
influence peddling. Today it is simply politics as usual. In the din of
ringing cash registers the voices of ordinary people cannot be heard. Voters
don't vote and democracy atrophies. Among industrialized countries the U.S.
has the sharpest levels of income and wealth inequality. Are the times ripe
for change?
Frances Fox Piven | BIO | - "Welfare: Myths & Facts"
The public discourse on welfare is often characterized by hyperbole and
falsification. Ronald Reagan was a great one for making up stories. He spoke
of a welfare queen in Chicago with eighty names, thirty addresses and a dozen
social security cards who collected thousands of dollars in checks. Another
Reagan fabrication had people buying vodka with food stamps. These kinds of
myths, echoed by the media, enter the political culture and influence
people's perceptions. Today, right-wing demagogues equate poverty and being
on welfare with criminality. Pseudo-scientific books like The Bell Curve
suggest that welfare dependency is genetic. The facts about welfare are
obscured. For example, only 1% of the budget goes to Aid to Families with
Dependent Children (AFDC). Whites, not blacks, are the majority recipients of
benefits. April 8, 1995. [national broadcast] #FPIV1
Frances Fox Piven | BIO | / Richard Cloward | BIO | - "The Politics of Family
"Family values" is a political football thrown all over the field. It's a
rich vein of rhetoric mined by poiticians who can't seem to finish a
paragraph without denouncing "deadbeat dads" and "welfare moms." What are the
underlying impulses that drive both Democrats and Republicans in making
family values such a contentious issue? How do worsening economic conditions
affect families? These are some of the topics addressed in this important
program. January 22, 1996. [national broadcast] #FPIV/RCLO1
Sandra Postel | BIO | - "Water & Security: Challenges for the 21st Century"
Water. It is essential to all plant and animal life. In developed countries,
turn on a faucet and water flows with seemingly unending abundance. For those
who have adequate access, water is so basic it's easy to forget its
importance. As world populations increase, tensions between nations which
share rivers is growing. How to equitably share such a vital yet finite
resource? Sandra Postel predicts that the increasing competition for water
will prove a major influence in global affairs in this century. November 15,
1999. [national broadcast] #SPOS1
Sister Helen Prejean | BIO | - "Death Row: Into the Belly of the Beast"
Gandhi said, "An eye-for-an-eye leaves everyone blind." None seem so blind
toward capital punishment as Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, China and the U.S.,
the only five countries to withhold their votes from a moratorium on the
death penalty. An Amnesty International investigation concluded that the
death penalty in the United States is applied arbitrarily and is subject to
bias based on the defendant's race and economic status. Sept. 17, 1998.
[national broadcast] #HPRE1
José Ramos-Horta | BIO | - "East Timor, Indonesia & the U.S."
East Timor is an island east of the fabled Bali and north of Australia. It
was invaded by Indonesia in 1975. The ensuing occupation has resulted in the
greatest proportional genocide since the Holocaust. The U.S. was a long-time
ally of the Suharto-led Indonesian dictatorship. The East Timorese, with
increasing international support, are continuing their struggle for self-
determination. February 20, 1997. [national broadcast] #JRAM1

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William Rathje | BIO | - "Rubbish: What Garbage Tells Us About Ourselves"
Whether it comes in the form of papers, bottles, cans, phone books or
diapers, our collective trash constitutes a serious environmental problem.
Landfills get bigger and bigger. Trains crisscross the land and barges roam
the seas in search of dumping sites. There is much to be learned about our
culture and patterns of consumption from what we throw away. Recycling is
crucial in processing and reducing waste, but a lot of what we dispose of is
not recyclable. Sometimes those newspapers you put on your curb become just
another layer at a landfill. December 9, 1992. [national broadcast] #WRAT1
Jeremy Rifkin | BIO | -"Genetic Engineering"
Genetic engineering is being trumpeted as one of the greatest scientific
developments in history. GE is not only revolutionizing agriculture but it is
unlocking the secrets of life itself. Its proponents predict that it will
cure diseases and feed the world. What does it mean when the natural world is
replaced by laboratory experiments and corporations control the process?
[national broadcast] #JRIF1
John Robbins | BIO | - "Diet for a New America"
Vegetarianism is increasingly in the forefront of public consciousness. For
health, environmental and moral reasons, more people are choosing meatless
diets, and they are no longer considered quirky. Restaurants offer vegetarian
options. Salad bars are popping up everywhere. A revolution in eating is
evolving. In this spirited presentation, John Robbins lays out his philosophy
of eating and living. October 6, 1997. [national broadcast] #JROB1
Tania Rosario/Mateo Roose - "Organize! Union Summer"
Much of the current economic malaise is attributed to a weak union movement.
Corporations downsize and restructure with virtual impunity because there is
no countervailing force to defend and protect workers' rights. There is now a
major effort to recruit new members into unions. Tania Rosario and Mateo
Roose are Recruitment Coordinators for the AFL-CIO's Organizing Institute's
Union Summer. They are both in their early twenties. They crisscross the
country meeting with thousands. Their energy and enthusiasm are inspiring.
Interview. March 12, 1996. [national broadcast] #TROS/MROO1
Loretta Ross | BIO | - "The Global Women's Movement"
"Women hold up half the sky and they are absolutely the equal of men,"
declared the new leaders of China in 1949. Inspiring slogans aside, what is
the status of women and their struggle for equality? While over the past few
decades a global movement has emerged to promote women's rights, it still
faces such obstacles as the persistence of patriarchy and traditional notions
of subordination and gender roles. February 7, 1998. [national broadcast]

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Loretta Ross | BIO | - "Welfare, Scapegoating and Human Rights"
This program is a provocative analysis that answers the question of why
welfare reform is a national obsession and why so many middle-class people
who are only a paycheck away from poverty participate in dismantling the very
safety net they might need. According to international law and the U.N.,
human rights and welfare are closely connected. February 26, 1997. [national
broadcast] #LROS1
Nawal El Saadawi - "Women, Politics and Religion in the Arab World"
Interview. March 12, 1995. #NSAA1
Edward Said | BIO | - "The Arabs and the West"
In addition to being in opposition to Arafat's increasingly tyrannical rule,
Professor Said is an outspoken critic of Islamic formations such as Hamas and
an advocate of secular democracy. Positive solutions still exist, he says,
but the horizon of hope in the Mideast is shrinking. December 4, 1992.
Edward Said | BIO | - "Clash of Civilizations"
Said refutes the work of Samuel Huntington, contending that Huntington's
much-touted book Clash of Civilizations, thinly disguised as cultural study,
actually advances a divisive policy agenda. Said shuns these "driveby
cultural studies" and challenges Huntington to a higher standard. October 3,
1997. #ESAI18
Edward Said | BIO | - "Culture & Imperialism"
Imperial power is constructed on a bedrock not only of force but of letters
as well. Culture provides the underpinning, justification and validation of
empire. Its crudest manifestation is perhaps Kipling's "white man's burden."
A more refined version is the French "mission civilisatrice," or "civilizing
mission." Imperialism is often thought of as a European phenomenon of the
past. In fact, it continues today in new shapes and forms. Culture and
politics cooperate to produce a system of control that transcends military
power to include a hegemony of representations and images that dominate the
imaginations of both the oppressor and the oppressed. February 10, 1993.
[national broadcast] #EASI12

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Edward Said | BIO | - "Empire and Literature"
September 27, 1990. #ESAI5
Edward Said | BIO | - "The Gulf Crisis, the Question of Palestine and United
States Policy" (two tapes)
Edward Said describes the matrix from which Saddam Hussein evolves, the U.S.
involvement in the Middle East and ways to resolve not only the current Gulf
crisis but the long-simmering Isareli-Palestinian issue. Said contends that
U.S. policy and public attitudes are jaundiced by "hostility and ignorance
towards the Arabs, Islam and their culture." The media present the Arab world
as "either an empty desert or terrorists." Said exposes these reductive
clichés and stereotype and opens the way for a genuine understanding of the
present situation. September 26, 1990. [national broadcast] #ESAI4b
Edward Said | BIO | - "Gulf War Aftermath: The Tasks Ahead"
May 4, 1991. #ESAI6
Edward Said | BIO | - "Historical Experiences with Multiculturalism"  (two
November 3, 1993. #ESAI14b
Edward Said | BIO | - "Israel & Palestine: The Challenge Ahead"
The Israeli-Palestinian conflict appears at once intractable and unsolvable.
The cycle of outrages affecting both communities seems endless. The
much-vaunted peace process is in shambles. In this program, Edward Said
proposes a radical solution that cuts through the current impasse with a
promise of reconciliation and peace for both peoples. November 2, 1997.
[national broadcast] #ESAI19

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Edward Said | BIO | - "The Israel/PLO Accord: A Critical Assessment"
Interview. September 27, 1993. [national broadcast] #ESAI13
Edward Said | BIO | - "Nationalism, Human Rights and Interpretation" (two
April 29, 1992. #ESAI9b
Edward Said | BIO | - "A One-State Solution"
Interview. February 8, 1999. #ESAI22
Edward Said | BIO | - "Orientalism Revisited"
Interview. October 8, 1991. #ESAI8
Edward Said | BIO | - "Palestine: Betrayal of History"
Interview. February 17, 1994. #ESAI15

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Edward Said | BIO | - "The Palestinian Future"
September 13 marked the fifth anniversary of the Oslo Accords. Hardly anyone
noticed. Peace still seems distant. Fifty years after Israel's founding, the
status of the Palestinians remains unclear. What is the Palestinian future?
March 26, 1998. [national broadcast] #ESAI21
Edward Said | BIO | - "The Palestinian Perspective" (two tapes)
October 26, 1989. [national broadcast] #ESAI2b
Edward Said | BIO | - "Peace in the Middle East"
September 25, 1991. [national broadcast] #ESAI7
Edward Said | BIO | - "The Pen & the Sword: Culture & Imperialism"
Interview. January 18, 1993. #ESAI11
Edward Said | BIO | - "The Politics of Discord"
April 15, 1994. #ESAI16

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Edward Said | BIO | - "The Question of Palestine," "The Culture and Politics
of Palestinian Exile"
Lecture, interview. March 18, 1987. [national broadcast] #ESAI1
Edward Said | BIO | - "The Shrinking Horizon of Hope: The Mideast Peace
Process"  (two tapes)
The peace process between Israelis and Palestinians is teetering. The current
round of negotiations began in Madrid and culminated with the Oslo Accords
and the much-celebrated 1993 signing in Washington. The pundits assured us
that the long-time rivals had finally come to terms. Today, few express such
optimism. Large parts of the West Bank and Gaza remain under Israeli military
occupation. Elections, like troop withdrawals, have been postponed again and
again. Expansion of settlements continues. There is repression, terrorism,
violence and counterviolence. The central issue remains: two peoples lay
claim to the same land. Will there be a just compromise where both groups can
live in peace and dignity? The alternative is a permanent prescription for
conflict. Lecture, interview. April 20 & 25, 1995. [national broadcast]
Edward Said | BIO | - "A Tribute to Eqbal Ahmad"
October 4, 1997. #ESAI20
Edward Said | BIO | - "Unresolved Geographies, Embattled Landscapes"
The standard imperial strategies of "divide and rule" and "partition and
quit" have had disastrous consequences in Ireland, Palestine and India. The
ravages of identity politics and skewed nationalist impulses have further
contributed to turmoil and war. Independence for many post-colonial states
has meant little more than replacing a foreign system of oppression with a
local one. What are the ways to create new forms of affiliation and communal
existence in order to overcome difference and resolve conflicts? September
17, 1999. [national broadcast] #ESAI23
Edward Said | BIO | - "Western Power and the Literary Canon"
October 27, 1989. #ESAI3

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Edward W. Said | BIO | / Christopher Hitchens  | BIO | - "The Palestinians:
Blaming the Victims"
Moderated by Alexander Cockburn. February 6, 1988. #ESAI/CHIT1
William Sales | BIO | - "Malcolm X and the Struggle for Black Liberation"
Malcolm X is one of the towering figures in the struggle for black
liberation. He has been identified as an articulator of the rage of black
youth and a symbol of pride and defiance. But he was much more than that.
Malcolm X was a major thinker and theoretician of black liberation. In the
year before his assassination in February 1965, he underwent enormous
intellectual growth and transformation. He moved from being a narrow
nationalist to embrace a much more global perspective. October 17, 1995.
[national broadcast] #WSAL1
Bernie Sanders | BIO | - "Single Payer Health Care"
The health care debate is in full swing. The statistics are well known. Tens
of millions of Americans have no coverage at all; many more have huge gaps in
their benefits. The Clintons crisscross the country promoting their managed
competition plan. Others offer varying counterproposals. One alternative is
the Canadian model. Canada has a single payer health care system where costs
are controlled. Single payer rids health care of private insurance companies,
along with deductibles, costly bureaucracy, excessive profits and wasteful
advertising. According to a Harris poll, Americans, by a huge majority,
prefer the Canadian system. Yet there is virtually no media discussion of it.
April 23, 1994. [national broadcast] #BSAN2
Sydney Schanberg | BIO | - "Sleaze Journalism: The Decline & Fall of the
The wave of corporate media mergers has changed the business of
news-gathering. Investigative journalism, which takes time and money, is
largely replaced by McNews. The public is titillated with coverage of crime
and sex scandals. There are endless features about the lives of rich and
famous Hollywood celebrities and sports stars. March 3, 1999. [national
broadcast] #SSCH1
Danny Schechter | BIO | - "The More You Watch The Less You Know"
The news media provide less and less information and more and more
"infotainment" and a steady diet of the trial of the century, sexcapade of
the year and multiple car crash of the week. It is fluff over matter. And it
is all served up by the "prettiest hair on the air," as Schechter calls the
anchors. Interview. April 18, 1998. [national broadcast] #DSCHE1

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Phoebe Schellenberg | BIO | - "Home Economics: The Sweat Off Her Brow"
Even though the Commerce Department puts the value of housework to the U.S.
economy at $1.46 billion, women at home with children are not working hard
enough to register in the hearts and minds of Congress, who still equate
staying home with being lazy. Oddly enough, if a mother gets a job outside
the home and someone else cares for her children, they are both considered
productive workers. But if mom stays home with the kids, there is no
compensation. Some other countries acknowledge the value of this work and pay
a family allowance to women with children. But in the U.S., with the
strongest economy in the world, women work a double day. February 8, 1999.
[national broadcast] #PSCH1
Dan Schiller | BIO | - "Digital Capitalism"
The telephone seems to be everywhere, not just in the home and workplace, but
in the car and in the pockets of millions of telephone customers. The growing
use of the telephone is increasingly a global phenomenon. Less than half of
the world's main telephone lines are in Western Europe and the United States.
Asian, South American and the Middle Eastern countries have also expanded
their telecommunications infrastructure. Dan Schiller says that this rapid
growth didn't occur just so we could all talk to each other. Behind all these
phones is a network that moves money and information around the globe in a
blink of an eye. It's the electronic infrastructure of economic
globalization. October 28, 1998. [national broadcast] #DSCH1
Herbert Schiller | BIO | - "Corporate Control of Information"
Media mergers are larger and more common than ever: Viacom/CBS, Disney/ABC
and AOL/Time Warner. When will the acceleration of corporate control of media
stop? On the heels of the successful anti-trust suit against Microsoft,
politicians from as opposite sides of the spectrum as Senator Paul Wellstone
and Mayor Rudolph Giuliani agree that media monopolies ought to be the
Justice Department's next target. Herbert Schiller, author of Information
Inequality, discusses how a lack of a communications policy regulating media
conglomerates poses serious consequences to the functioning of a democratic
society. November 12, 1993. [national broadcast] #HSCH2
Herbert Schiller | BIO | - "The Corporate Packaging of the Public Mind"
Corporate control of media is rapidly expanding. The Telecommunications Act
allows media giants to own even more radio, TV, cable and phone services than
before. Herbert Schiller contends that the capability of private,
resource-rich conglomerates constitutes the true levers of contemporary
power. Their influence and impact on shaping public opinion are enormous.
Herbert Schiller, professor emeritus at UC/San Diego, is a authority on
corporate power and the media. He is professor emeritus of communications at
the University of California at San Diego and the author of Culture Inc.: the
Corporate Takeover of Public Expression and Information and the Crisis Economy
. His latest book is. April 18, 1996. [national broadcast] #HSCH3
Juliet Schor | BIO | - "The Overworked American: The Unexpected Decline of
Working more hours-if you are working at all-and enjoying it less? Why,
contrary to all expectations, do Americans enjoy less leisure today than at
any time since the end of WWII? In the last twenty years, employed Americans
have seen their working hours increase by the equivalent of one month a year.
Manufacturing employees work 320 hours longer a year-that's two months-than
their counterparts in Germany and France. Interview. January 20, 1993.
[national broadcast] #JSCH1

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Peter Dale Scott - "The Politics of Global Drug Trafficking"
Crusades against drugs are routine now, but the untold and amazing part of
the story is the growing evidence of how covert U.S. involvement with regimes
and movements has exacerbated the problem. In this revelatory program, Peter
Dale Scott, author of Cocaine Politics and The Iran Contra Connection,
documents the politics of drug traffic. April 4, 1995. [national broadcast]
Bobby Seale | BIO | - "The Black Panther Party"
In the sixties and seventies, the Black Panther Party captured the
imagination of millions in the U.S. and around the world. The organization
also attracted the rapt attention of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Herbert Hoover's FBI launched a sustained counterintelligence program to
infiltrate, disrupt and destroy the Panthers. The media and popular history
have focused on gun-toting Panther militancy and ignored the group's
dedication to community organizing and providing much-needed services.
Seale's candid eyewitness account of the Panthers' rise and fall makes for a
memorable program. February 2, 1995. [national broadcast] #BSEA1
Mab Segrest | BIO | - "Backlash: Community or Chaos in the Twenty-First
Racism, sexism and homophobia are deeply entrenched. While some legal
provisions provide a patina of protection, the problems persist. During
periods of economic decline, there is a tendency not to examine root causes
but to scapegoat individuals and groups who are most vulnerable and
powerless. Politicians and editorial writers sanitize and mask their
attitudes. The real issues, they inveigh, are crime, welfare, single women of
color having children and gays and lesbians who go too far-whatever "far"
might be. Ballot initiatives and amendments seek to limit rights. Are we
moving toward greater equality and tolerance or in the opposite direction?
September 21, 1994. [national broadcast] #MSEG1
Jack Shaheen | BIO | - "Shattering Stereotypes: Media Images of Arabs"
Popular depictions of Arabs range from a menacing Saddam Hussein to camel
caravans and oil-rich sheikhs to the movie Aladdin. The World Trade Center
bombing fills the news. Arab terrorism and Islamic fundamentalism, we are
informed, threaten Western civilization. There is a decisive connection
between media representations and public attitudes. Repetitive distortions
defame an entire group. History is replete with examples of the dangers of
prejudice. January 26, 1993. [national broadcast] #JSHA1
Amal Shamma - "Beirut: 1982"
Interview, poem "The Beirut Hell Express," music by Fairuz. October 1982.

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Vandana Shiva | BIO | - "Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature & Knowledge"
Vandana Shiva of India is one of the Third World's most eloquent voices on
the environment, women's rights and sustainable development. She directs the
Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in New Delhi. In this
program, she describes the impact that giant agribusiness is having on global
food production and the effects intellectual property rights and patents are
having on traditional communities. April 29, 1997. [national broadcast]
Vandana Shiva | BIO | - "Democracy and Biodiversity"
Vandana Shiva discusses the corporatization of the rural economy in India and
the efforts to resist it. "I have recognized that civil disobedience is a way
to create permanent democracy, perennial democracy, a direct democracy.
Gandhi's idea of swadeshi, that society should put its own resources and its
local capacities to use to meet its needs as a basic element of freedom, the
economic pillar of political freedom, is becoming increasingly relevant."
Interview. June 20, 1997. #VSHI4
Vandana Shiva | BIO | - "Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of Global Food"
Multinational corporations are transforming global agriculture. Using the WTO
as a wedge, they seek to patent seeds and life forms. Citizens from all over
the world are questioning the impact of industrial agriculture and
biotechnology on small farmers, the environment, and the quality and safety
of food. Perhaps nowhere is resistance to the practices of giant agribusiness
as strong as in India, where hundreds of thousands protest and demonstrate.
March 16, 2000. [national broadcast] #VSHI5
Vandana Shiva | BIO | - "The Recovery of the Commons"
It is almost a given that the industrialized countries, the North, are the
epitome of progress and wisdom. The South, the Third World, is a place of
backwardness and ignorance, but it does have lots of resources. The North
wants to use those resources to continue to enrich itself. Today parts of the
South are redefining and challenging conventional notions of growth and
development. There is resistance to the destructive effects of transnational
corporations and global capitalism and a new awareness of the value of
indigenous knowledge and centuries-old diverse agriculture. September 25,
1994. [national broadcast] #VSHI1
Vandana Shiva | BIO | - "Women's Power"
In this interview, Vandana Shiva talks about the central role of women in
resistance struggles in India and throughout the Third World. David
Barsamian: "On the other side of India in Orissa there was also another
movement that you write about. The women's slogan is, Soil is our goddess,
it's our religion." Vandana Shiva: "A new steel plant is coming up. This
really tells the story of the perversion of the global economy. Bethlehem
Steel is closing down. U.K. steel mills have closed down. In Gopalpur, Nippon
is involved with Tata (an Indian conglomerate) in setting up this new steel
plant, for which they have to displace twenty very prosperous villages. And
the women are saying, We will not let you move into our villages. We will not
give up our land. The earth is our mother. She has looked after us in this
part of the earth, and we are going to die here. Because uprooted from here
we would die anyway. They're not allowing either the government or the
company to enter, to even start doing the surveys. They have this tremendous
direct action. They have a stri shakti watch. Basically the defense committee
is run a hundred percent by women." Interview. April 29, 1997. #VSHI3
Michael Shuman | BIO | - "Going Local: Self-Reliant Communities"
Some say that small business is a prerequisite to democracy in the Americas.
But the current trend is to attract multinational corporations with tax
abatements, reduced environmental standards and a plethora of goodies offered
in an ever-escalating bidding war. The results: communities that are
vulnerable to remote decisions and capital flight and an at-risk local
workforce relying on a job source with loyalties limited to the bottom line.
Michael Shuman proposes another approach. By placing the focus on
locally-owned and -operated businesses and creating incentives for staying in
business, a community's vulnerability can be significantly reduced . May 13,
1998. #MSHU1

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Ken Silverstein | BIO | - "Media Reporting on the Third World"
For many in the privileged North, or the First World, the Third World
consists of beaches, swaying palm trees, tropical weather and exotic women.
It is a place to get a tan and maybe learn a few words of Spanish, Tagalog or
Indonesian. Much of our information and many of our attitudes are shaped by
media images. Reporting generally reflects and promotes biases and hegemonic
impulses. The First World monopoly of representation contributes to a lack of
understanding and awareness of the realities of the Third World. Interview.
December 10, 1993. [national broadcast] #KSIL2
Christopher Simpson | BIO | - "Science of Coercion: Psychological Warfare"
During the Cold War, a battle raged for control of people's minds. U.S.
military, intelligence and propaganda agencies saw mass communication as an
instrument of persuasion and domination. To achieve their goals, they
enlisted top professors and universities. The legacy of that relationship
between the government and the academy was profound, and it continues today.
The academic studies provided an important part of U.S. psychological warfare
not just internationally but domestically as well. Interview, April 14, 1994.
[national broadcast] #CSIM1
Holly Sklar | BIO | - "The Economics of Greed"
The dramatic growth in income inequality and wealth is a defining feature of
this era. Wages are stagnant, workers are laid off, profits zoom, CEOs rake
in millions and the stock market soars. The economics of greed prevails. How
does it happen? Holly Sklar explains how the political economy really works
and what can be done to change it. June 13, 1996. [national broadcast] #HSKL4
Holly Sklar | BIO | - "Scapegoating the Poor"
Scapegoating is a classic technique of manipulation and control. It deflects
attention from those who benefit from the economic system. Right-wing
politicians rail against welfare queens. Their counterparts on radio talk
shows target the poor for causing economic decline. One thing is certain,
there are serious problems, but scapegoating doesn't explain them. The
economy has undergone drastic changes. The middle class is shrinking. Workers
are putting in longer hours and earning less. Wages have been in a downward
spiral for twenty years. Unions are fast disappearing, and with them workers'
rights. Income inequality is increasing at a dramatic rate. In Manhattan, the
income gap between rich and poor is greater than in Guatemala. People are
suffering. So who is to blame? It must be unmarried black teenagers who are
having too many babies and getting too many welfare checks. Or maybe it's
gays and lesbians or immigrants? The entire public discourse is marked by
distortion and propaganda. For example, Aid to Families with Dependent
Children accounts for 1% of the budget, while aid to dependent corporations,
which is much larger, is not even discussed. October 29, 1994. [national
broadcast] #HSKL3
Norman Solomon | BIO | - "False Hope: The Politics of Clinton"
After twelve years of Reagan and Bush, some people were hoping the election
of Bill Clinton would represent positive change. He was, after all, a new
Democrat. He wouldn't kowtow to corporate lobbyists. He would break the
bureaucratic gridlock in Washington. So far, President Clinton, with a few
exceptions, has not significantly departed from his predecessors. He has
fervently promoted NAFTA and GATT, the regional and global trade pacts. To
win NAFTA, for example, he forked over much pork to secure wavering
congressional votes. His crime bill is long on enforcement and punishment and
short on addressing the roots of the problem. On other issues-gays in the
military, the environment, the economic stimulus package, Haiti and
Bosnia-Clinton has vacillated and backtracked. Health care reform has been
compromised and diluted. February 7, 1994. [national broadcast] #NSOL1

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Normon Solomon | BIO | - "The Orchestration of News"
Surveys and polls indicate that few institutions are as distrusted and
disliked as the media. Many people, without knowing the details, sense that
what they see, hear and read is orchestrated. August 11, 1997. [national
broadcast] #NSOL2
John Stauber | BIO | - "Lies, Damn Lies and Public Relations"
Public relations is a multi-billion dollar industry. There are now more PR
agents than working journalists, and the gap is widening as Madison Avenue
continues to expand. PR wizards sometimes not only spin the news but actually
invent it. They organize campaigns to influence public opinion and shape
legislation that benefits their corporate patrons. February 8, 1997.
[national broadcast] #JSTA1
John Stauber | BIO | / Sheldon Rampton - "Mad Cow USA"
Mad cow disease. Could the nightmare happen here? Since its outbreak in
Britain, concerns have risen about the disease spreading to the United
States. Animal cannibalism-the feeding of animal remains to animals-continues
more extensively in the U.S. than anywhere in the world. John Stauber and
Sheldon Rampton work at the Center for Media and Democracy in Madison,
Wisconsin. November 12, 1997. [national broadcast] #JSTA/SRAM1
John Stockwell - "The Dark Side of US Foreign Policy" (two tapes)
April 10, 1987.[national broadcast] #STO1b
John Stockwell - "Inside the CIA"
John Stockwell, the highest-ranking CIA officer to go public, exposes the
inner workings of the Agency. He descirbes in vivid and precise detail how
CIA propagandists concoct stories and then plant them in the media. He
demonstrates that Agency-directed covert operations in the Hird World are
expressions of deep impulses in U.S. foreign policy. Stockwell documents
long- rumored CIA involvement in drug smuggling. He also reveals startling
information about George Bush's tenure as Director of the CIA. Interview,
April 9, 1989. [national broadcast] #STO3

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John Stockwell - "The 'New' World Order and the Gulf War"
Interview and call-in. January 23, 1991. #JSTO7
John Stockwell - "U.S. Invasion of Panama"
With Blase Bonpane. Interviews. December 29, 1989. #JSTO6
Nadine Strossen | BIO | - "The Right Turn of the Supreme Court"
The Supreme Court is at the center of numerous controversies ranging from
freedom of speech to reproductive rights. No issue is more volatile than Roe
v. Wade, which guarantees women the right to an abortion. The Court is
currently hearing a case which may decide the fate of Roe. Nadine Strossen
contends that the Court has taken an activist turn to the right in ignoring
established legal precedents. March 19, 1992. [national broadcast] #NSTR1
Nadine Strossen | BIO | - "The Case for Affirmative Action"
April 22, 1997. [national broadcast] #NSTR2

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Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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