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>From the Rumor Mill News Forum


Date: Friday, 25 August 2000, 12:23 a.m.

Turning and Turning in a widening Gyre
The Falcon cannot hear the Falconeer.

There is more going on than can be told.

The Kursk was sabotaged... It was NOT done by Chechens.

If the game is played as set in motion.. the US and Britain will be blamed.
If they fight it, they will expose even more of their dirty linen (Lenin).
They were set up as they have set up many others throughout history. Let
Clinton and Blair take the fall.

The Kursk was done for two reasons: to bring on a new cold war, and to keep
Iraq from developing a missile defense system. Iraqi scientists were on the

But there needed to be two incidents, not just one. The cold war must have
three members this time not just two

The US, Russia and China will be the players in the cold war troika.

China was sending some information in a diplomatic pouch on Gulf Air. Check
and find out who owns Gulf Air. This should tell you everything.

The information in the Chinese diplomatic pouch would have been the last
piece needed in a missile defense system. China has done this before,
(transported highly sensitive information on a commercial airliner)and has
almost caused an airliner to be crashed.

Chris Cox knows about this, he wrote about it in his report. If you have any
doubts about Gulf Air, contact Representative Cox's office and talk to the
aide who worked on the 1999 Cox Report. Since they are still following
China's technology trail, they will know about Gulf Air.

Who are the players in this little play?

Try Iraq, Russia and China. Throw in North Korea for some of the computer
expertize; and Israel who has access to any top secret information they
want,no matter what country is in control of it.

Israel has not just robbed the United States of its national security,
Israel has done this to every nation on the planet. What will the nations of
world think of Israel when they discover this?

Will any of this come out? There are people behind the scenes who are doing
everything they can to make sure the truth gets out. Watch the Canadian
papers. The first of this will come out of Canada.

The election in the US will keep most of it out of US papers.

If the heat gets too hot for people in the Clinton administration expect
them to create another Oklahoma City bombing. If the incident occurs in the
southern states, like Florida or North Carolina, it will be blamed on
radical American extremists.

If the bombing occurs in NYC or Los Angeles, it will be blamed on Iraq.

If an OKC type incident happens, it will be done to keep the news of the
century from reaching the American people.

There is so much more that the Clinton crew has done that is scheduled to
come out. When it does, he and his groupies will face trial and many years
in prison. Treason doesn't even come close to describing what has been done
by this administration.

There will be more pieces released soon. Hang tight. Check the Canadian
papers over the weekend. Don't expect any of the truth to be told in
American papers for a while, if ever. Don't expect too much of the truth on
the web either. And take everything you read, even on this forum, with a
grain of salt.

There is a lot of fear mongering going around. Don't buy into it. This type
of thing was going around in the early 80's also.

What is old is new again. What was in the shadows will soon be in the light.


Note from Rayelan -- While trying to discover who owned Gulf Air I
discovered that their symbol is the Falcon.

I also discovered that Gulf Air appears to be bank rolled by German banks
even though they claim to be owned by several countries in the middle east.

Regarding the reference to the Falcon and the Faconeer from the poem by
Yeats -- It is the same poem where Judge Bork got his title for "Slouching
toward Gamorrah" -- Some RMNews Agent should analyze this poem -- it may
very well have a more timely meaning right now that any of us know.

Does the Falcon/Falconeer reference mean that Gulf Air (the Falcon) is not
listening to the Falconeer (possibly ther Germans who are bankrolling them?)

Just a thought -- No better or worse that anyone else's guess.

RMNews, The Uncensored National Rumor

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