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Politics in America

Part 15: Parties, Subcultures, and Structures
Within the American Political System

by Robert L. Kocher

This is not a dissertation on American Republicans and Democrats, although it
begins with them. It is an examination of political reality and needed
direction for reform and survival. It's worth a doctoral degree in political
science that is guaranteed to get you barred from entering, or expelled from,
any university department on earth.

A study was done in 1998 as a joint project of Harvard University, the Henry
J. Kaiser Foundation, and the Washington Post. It was published in the
October 4, 1998 Washington Post. It showed the following well-defined
subgroups within the major political parties and how those voted in the 1996
presidential election. The study found four Republican subcultures and five
Democrat subcultures. The Democratic and Republican subcultures, and their
voting patterns, are those identified by statistical analysis in the study.
The analysis here will incorporate, but is not limited to, information found
in that study. My descriptions of these subcultures incorporate and parallel
the defining features found and described in the study, but are my own words,
observations, and analysis.

Democrat Subcultures

1) The Determined Liberals.

These are 30 percent of democrats. Sixty-three percent are women. Eighty-six
percent voted for the Clintons. Four percent voted for Dole. Four percent
voted for Perot. The remainder voted for splinter party candidates.

This subculture believes entitlement to everything is a personal right.
Government is to guarantee jobs, medical care, economic equality.
Concurrently, most of these people believe government is inefficient and
intrudes into people's lives. That means they want unconditional government
support and funding without accountability. Accountability is relabeled
intrusion. Basically, they want a blank check given to them with no questions
asked and no demands for responsibility. They want a government that is a
wealthy permissive parent surrogate.

They support same-sex marriage, unrestricted abortions, out-of-wedlock
childbearing, unlimited welfare or social service benefits. They believe in
confiscation of other people's earnings and redistributing it so they can
coast through life with their primary concerns being their sex lives and
personal problems.

2) Helping Hand Democrats.

They are 22 percent of Democrats. Sixty-seven percent are women; 84 percent
voted for the Clintons. Six percent voted for Dole. Seven percent voted for

These are people who have bought into liberal sociology and selectively
combined it with the most socialistic aspects of religion. They are
essentially religious socialists. They inhabit a form of soft religion that
emphasizes forgiveness, but is deficient on demanding responsibility from
both themselves and others. They are Jimmy Carters.

My personal observation over the years is that there is a class of Christians
who live in a bland separation from emotional reality. They have attained a
type of pathological dissociated state through religion and are willing to
browbeat anyone who doesn't share it. A type of unrealistic all-forgiving
all-understanding emotional euphoric stupor is, in their eyes, attainment of
sainthood. They are dangerous to themselves and dangerous to others in their
emotional unreality and in their judgments made within that unreality. The
type of government and social environment they advocate requires someone as
emotionally neutered, repressed, or sublimated as they are to live in it.
Many in this political subculture are of that condition.

The idea of sainthood is to be in such a state such as to look up at The Lord
in oblivious forgiveness when people stick pins in you. The problem is, when
you have attained that mental condition, the world has a serious number of
sadists who will stick pins in you, and more, for amusement if they can get
away with it. Those of us who are less emotionally detached from reality
regard this sadism as a danger signal impelling us to make war rather than

This subculture is a difficult group of people to explain. They have
classical religious moral values. Fifty percent strongly disapprove of
abortion. Eighty percent strongly reject homosexuality. Eight in 10 strongly
agree that America should return to traditional family values. But socialism
is more important to them than traditional morality, which is why they are
Democrats. Most believe welfare benefits should continue indefinitely. They
believe America should become some sort of compulsively imposed religious
economic commune, and that that would end all problems.

Their religious values terminate at, or emphasize, selected socialistically
oriented words of Jesus at the expense of weighting necessity for
responsibility and self-discipline.

3) Discouraged White Democrats.

These are 19 percent of Democrats. Fifty-seven percent are women. Sixty-nine
percent voted for the Clintons. Thirteen percent voted for Dole. Twelve
percent voted for Perot.

These tend to be poor white American southerners who decline government money
and government programs as a matter of moral conviction. They vote Democratic
from the Southern tradition of supporting the Democratic Party and because
nobody but Reagan has ever appealed to them. They are probably many of the
Democrats who voted for Reagan because he could talk to them.

They tend to be of more serious religious moral conviction and have the same
attitudes toward homosexuality and abortion as the Helping Hand Democrats.

4) New Generation Democrats.

These are 15 percent of Democrats. Forty-three percent are women. Ninety-two
percent voted for the Clintons. One percent voted for Dole. Two percent voted
for Perot.

These are economically well off, eternal party kids—although many of them are
in their 30s, 40s, and even 50s who are still trying to pretend they are kids
and avoiding adulthood. They live exclusively for instantaneous personal
amusement regardless of costs to themselves or others. One third of them are
in their 20s. The remainder are older, but think and act as if they were
fifteen. Most of them are single. They like sex of all varieties, drugs,
abortions, and anything else either immediately amusing or servicing the
consequences of that amusement. They care about nothing but the night's
party. They reject all forms of morality and religion. They want a bigger
government with more guaranteed services to relieve them from responsibility
or having to absorb any consequences for their actions or for employing any
thought in their lives.

They are essentially free-spirited freeloaders. They are emotional
freeloaders in their unreasonable demands upon other people. They are
economic freeloaders in their demands upon others to enable their life
styles. Many of them have fallen into good positions in an economic condition
where the living is easy.

They are apparently differentiated from other people on the economic and
lifestyle political left by absence of ideology. You won't hear elaborate
Marxist or para-Marxist philosophy. They just want what they want at the
moment and believe life should be a continuation of that pattern forever with
government help and assurances. The merry-go-round should go on forever with
no responsibility and others paying the bills, although they are not serious
enough in thought to even consider that others need to sacrifice to pay the

5) The Libertarian Democrats.

These are nine percent of the Democratic Party. Forty-nine percent are women.
Eighty-five percent voted for the Clintons. One percent voted for Dole. Ten
percent voted for Perot.

These people are practitioners of eternal angry selfish empty rebellion.
There is a difference between a degree of enlightened selfishness in which a
person demands respect for themselves as opposed to a selfishness that
believes the entire world revolves around themselves at the expense of others
and the future. These are proponents of the latter.

Their interpersonal relationships tend to be horrible or nonexistent. They
are angry fortresses inhabited by empty emotional refrigerators. They can't
tolerate each other any more than their group can tolerate other groups. More
than 40 percent of the entire group are divorced. That's 40 percent of the
entire group including a large proportion of people in the entirety who have
not, and do not, engage in close interpersonal relationships, including
marriage, of any kind. They want to be a subject of some kind of sterile awe
and worship in their personal lives. They are would-be stern demanding
Germanic gods expecting to be worshipped.

They hate government but are Democrats because they believe the Democratic
party is atheistic and they hate religion more than they hate government.
They tend to be people who have destroyed their personal lives and in too
many cases religion reminds them of it. They are also vehemently polarized
from the authoritarian simplistic faith-based reasoning found at many
churches. They are of the belief that acceptance of any type of moral code
would make them similar to the rote bible-thumping faith-based systems that
they hate. They have exchanged rote blind bible-thumping for rote blind

They believe they are sophisticated. In their belief in their own
sophistication, they don't believe in any rules except the ones they make up
themselves for their own life. But, they don't seem to be smart enough to
come up with a working set of rules for life. Consequently, they tend to mess
up their lives, and are angry about it. They mistakenly believe all rules for
life and reality come only from religion.

In their complacent belief in their own sophistication, beneath which is
really a shallowness, many of them are the most tedious and boring people
imaginable. They are narrow, obsessive, and boring.

If there is truth in the old adage that a man all wrapped up in himself makes
a small package, these are people who have achieved a state of
miniaturization to be envied by the semiconductor industry.

There is another infused or parallel sub-subcultural branch of the
libertarian subculture that is mentioned in other studies and crosses over
into the Republicans and into portions of the Libertarian party. This part of
the subculture is primarily oriented toward one issue. The people subscribing
to it want recreational drugs to the point of obsession. They are unreliable
for anything else. They are stunted mentalities fixated at immature levels,
lacking a broader or comprehensive view of life. Regardless of what they say,
if Ivan the Terrible were to guarantee them access to drugs, they would
accept him with open arms or vote for him. They are temporarily aligned with
the movement toward a weaker smaller government as a type of manipulation
because they believe such a government would have less power to interdict
their drug supply.

Once they have access to enough drugs to stay stoned, any other commitment or
concern decays into doubtfulness or non-existence.

There is nothing wrong with America that using drugs is going to fix. Not
once in 40 years have I seen drug use add to anyone's quality of life. On the
other hand, there is much that using drugs has made worse, individually and
socially. The legacy of drug use has been to inflict on America legions of
soft immature personalities who show a remarkable capacity for continuing to
function at the level of logic they have become accustomed to under the
reality-anesthesia of drug use. It's a quality of functioning well-adaptable
to the soft unreality of socialism.

Republican Subcultures

1) Liberal Republicans.

These make up 19 percent of the Republican party. Fifty-eight percent of them
are women. Thirty-four percent of them (you read that correctly) voted for
the Clintons, 48 percent for Dole, and 12 percent for Perot.

They seem to be Republicans rather than being Democrats because of the snob
appeal of the Republican party. They believe they bathe more frequently, wear
fancier clothes, have fancier educations, have better table manners,
discourse with more subtle wit, and are more suitable for management
positions than the rather crude laboring people or non-perfumed coarse
radicals stereotyping the traditional Democratic party.

In terms of political activism, they work to see that the most liberal
candidate becomes the nominee of the Republican party. After working for
that, they then vote for the even more liberal Democrats on election day.

These are often people living life in the personal fast lane. The women tend
to screw around a lot in what they believe is a higher class manner than the
vulgar Democrats, and they want abortions afterward. The men they are
screwing around with want them to get those abortions afterwards because they
don't really want to be stuck with either the women or their babies. Abortion
is a major thrust in the liberal Republican agenda.

2) Big Business Republicans.

These make up 22 percent of Republicans. Forty percent of them are women.
Twenty percent of them ( yup ) voted for the Clintons. Fifty-eight percent
voted for Dole. Fourteen percent of them voted for Perot.

These are people whose dominant or only interest is money money money. They
are either relatively unconcerned about morality, or their disapproval of
classical immorality is passive and distanced. Few of them are religious.
Contrary to the stereotype of people in big business, many of them believe
they can make more money under quasi-socialism.

3) Big Government Conservatives.

These make up 23 percent of Republicans. Fifty-five percent are women.
Eighteen percent of them voted for the Clintons. Fifty-eight percent of them
voted for Dole. Sixteen percent of them voted for Perot.

They are moderately religious. They are the least prosperous of all
Republicans. Sixty percent of them never went beyond high school. Forty-five
percent live in the South.

Sixty percent of them believe the government "Should do everything possible
to improve the standard of living of all Americans." That is translated into
a wish for greatly enlarged government, government support, and programs
—which is why so many voted for the Clintons.

(Note: At this point a pattern is evident. A major and critical amount of the
Clintons' political strength, and the strength of people like them has been
in the Republican party—and particularly among Republican women. )

4) Religious Conservatives.

These are 29 percent of Republicans. Thirty-nine percent are women. Nine
percent of them voted for the Clintons. Eighty percent of them voted for
Dole. Five percent of them voted for Perot.

Many years ago there was a movie adapted from an old script in which Burt
Lancaster played a western sheriff in the 1800s. As a sheriff entering an
unknown town, the first thing he would do was examine the churches to
determine the character and temperament of the people. As he came into one
town he remarked some other towns had churches where people knelt down in
submission and prayer. But in this particular town the people stood upright
when they addressed their god.

Most Republican religious conservatives are of a nature who stand upright
before their god and all else. Submission and compliance are alien and
immoral. They say what they believe is the truth regardless of whether people
want to hear it. They allow no slack in their own lives, or in the lives of
those around them. They are repelled by extramarital sex, homosexual
marriages, or casual abortion,

No emotional blandness here. They will crack heads in an eye-for-an-eye
fashion rather than turn the other cheek. When something goes wrong, they
want to know exactly why, and what somebody did to cause it. Prayer will come
only after honest brutally frank accounting. Like the cold-blooded
libertarians, 68 percent of them believe in a five-year limitation on welfare
benefits. According to their god, for those who don't use a helping hand to
discipline and improve themselves, the free ride stops.

Their preference for rigorous cold logic and personal accountability
regardless of anyone's personal discomfort makes them hated by those people
who are chronic screw-ups looking to concoct a story to sell somebody. This
subculture doesn't accept stories.

Their integrity and self discipline serve them well. They are apparently the
most highly educated and prosperous of the political subcultures. One in
seven have gone to graduate or professional school. More than half were
making over $50,000 per year in 1998 and one quarter were making over $75,000
per year. They are the most serious advocates of, and participants in, free
enterprise and entrepreneurialship of any of the political subcultures. They
are basically what remains of the backbone of America.

They vote strongly Republican in desperate defense against what they conceive
of as the total degeneracy and madness of the liberal Democratic Party.

They are looked upon as an inconvenience and annoyance within the Republican
party, but the party needs their votes and therefore tolerates them with

What follows was not part of the Harvard study.

The Third Party Subculture

Third, and other, parties were not mentioned in the study, but most certainly

The third party is the dominant party, but runs no candidates itself. It
strongly affects the candidacy and issues in the Republican and Democratic
parties. The Third Party is essentially the media and entertainment industry
further supported by the educational establishment. Somewhere about 89
percent of the Washington press corps voted for George McGovern in 1972,
which is more conclusive evidentiary demonstration of clear aggressive
insanity than could be derived from administering Rorschachs and Minnesota
Multiphasic Personality Inventories. About the same percentage voted for the
Clintons, suggesting the condition is both permanent and passed to, or is a
requirement of, successive professional entrants. The relationship between
the political values of the media versus the ordinary public has ranged from
sharply divergent to crusadingly adversarial during the last 40 years. The
gap is closing as the machinations of the monolithic media have taken effect.

People in the media and entertainment professions live a life much like the
European fops of several hundred years ago who sat about dressed in wigs and
gaudy clothes impressing and entertaining each other through demonstration of
affected effete childishness and with their distance from reality and the
vulgar world of physical productivity. The media and entertainment elite, and
university educators belong in a closely parallel class, inhabit that
artificial world where they can remain entranced by their self-conferred
superiority. It's a subculture of fops, fools, and court jesters who have
contempt for all others other than themselves and their world.

But the American public's knowledge and image of history and events is
channelized into, and filtered or distorted through, the media, particularly
TV. There, political-social ideas or candidates can be subjected to subtle
ridicule, there can be selective presentation and distortion of candidate
image, there can be cultivation or development of recognition and appearance
of leadership or importance of selected people in a virtual reality, while
just as importantly fop-disapproved ideas and candidates are sentenced to
oblivion in terms of public knowledge or awareness through deleted
presentation. This is the most highly developed monolithic propaganda and
information control system in history. It is voluntarily and almost
religiously adhered to and operated. With power such as this, a political
party doesn't need its own candidates. It creates and determines issues and
political candidates and injects them into other political organization and
in the nation's cultural institutions.

This political party tends to believe in liberated sex, casual abortion, same
sex marriage, government welfare programs, one-world economics and socialism,
and they advocate what they consider to be this sophisticated view. In fact,
living within their social and intellectual inbred separation and isolation
that they inhabit, the existence of serious valid opposing views is
inconceivable to them or thought to be held only by primitives and eccentrics
in distant ignorant regions.

The increasing thrust of media lives and the media industry (and educators)
is unrestrained sadistic imposition of outrage coupled with feeling of their
own narcissistic superiority. From the time you get up in the morning the
listening or reading audiences are assaulted with declarations of what is
wrong with America —-and what is right about the political and lifestyle
left. Outrage procures attention and TV ratings as well as contributing to
their sense of self-importance. So does theatrical lunatic politics.

Under the revision and filtration process the public learns Viet Cong
atrocities never took place, leftist subversives and revolutionaries are
blandly relabeled social activists with new ideas who are persecuted for
thinking differently, Eleanor Clift and Gloria Steinem are serious
spokespeople worthy of repeated presentation. Gun control is of prime
importance —and so on. Other people and views are non people or non existent
—or are represented in as distorted a manner as possible.

Minor Parties (erroneously called third parties)

These are small parties ranging from socialists, to libertarians, to
constitutionalists, to environmentalists.

In the world of real politics, candidates or parties need to meet three
criteria to become elected.

1) They need to receive media, particularly TV, support, or need some way to
get around left-wing media opposition and filtration. Without that, few
people will know they exist. Party and candidate credibility is established
by certifiers and supporters in the media, particularly by certification on

2) Any party or candidate needs enormous amounts of money to buy glitter,
presentations, and TV time. TV is where the contest of politics takes place.
Companies spend $300,000 to $600,000 a pop advertising automobiles or
concoctions guaranteeing underarm niceness because those commercials work.
Those commercials are a necessity to counterbalance commercials from
alternative companies and maintain a share of the market. Similarly, to even
begin to run, a national presidential candidate requires $50,000,000 to do
the same thing companies need to do.

3) Any minor party must have a presentable candidate with what passes for
ideas. Major parties don't seem to need ideas at the present time. Major
party candidates seem to do little but accuse their opponents of calling them
nasty names and waging negative campaigns.

Minor parties and minor party candidates invariably lack items one and two of
the above. As a consequence, those of us in realistic politics realize they
have no serious chance of winning a presidential election within those
conditions. While it is true that Abraham Lincoln could win the presidency in
what was then a splinter party, he could do it from horseback without needing
to spend $300,000 a shot for minutes of TV time.

Perception of a party's being able to win is important as a determining
factor in receiving votes. This is independent of the validity of the party's
ideas or quality of candidates. That is, if there are two major political
parties, one of which is 95 percent incompetent and terrible, and the second
of which is 85 percent terrible, and a third party that is quite good, with
good ideas, but relatively unknown with little money and with little
visibility and public recognition, most people are of the belief that the
third party has no chance of winning. Hence, the voting public is forced to
try to salvage what little it can by voting for the party that is only 85
percent lousy on election day. Or they stay home in depressed resignation.

What has evolved is a skillfully constructed system of implicit blackmail in
which people are threatened with being afflicted with the worst of two clowns
running for president if they withdraw their vote from the second worst clown
and caste it for someone in a splinter party with integrity. I'm constantly
assaulted with that in political discussions. "A vote for a minor party is
the same as a vote for Al Gore," say the Republicans.

As a practical matter, any political system that has splinter parties
produces this intrinsic conflict between voting one's conscience versus
losing leverage and ending with the worst major party candidate instead of
the second worst candidate.

In most cases a so-called third party vote is an angry protest over the
existing condition of American politics. The splinter parties are so
fragmented in ideology and personalities that none of them have the resources
to mount a significant campaign.

The Largest Subculture: the Other People

The largest single political group in America is composed of people who don't
vote. This group has been growing steadily in America for the last 40 years.
The percentage of people voting in American presidential elections has
declined nearly linearly from 63.1 percent in 1960 to 49.1 percent in 1996,
with one major exception which will be examined in a moment.

Let's look at some numbers of people registered to vote, number of people
voting, and percentage of eligibly-aged people voting in recent presidential
elections in America.

Year    # Voting    % Eligible  % of Eligible Voting

1960    64,833,096  68,838,204  63.1

1964    73,715,818  70,644,592  61.9

1968    81,658,180  73,211,875  60.8

1972    97,328,541  77,718,554  55.2

1976    105,837,986 81,855,789  53.6

1980    112,043,724 86,515,221  52.6

1984    124,150,614 92,652,680  53.1

1988    126,379,628 91,594,693  50.1

1992    133,821,178 104,405,155 55.1

1996    146,211,960 96,456,345  49.1

The percentage of registered voters showing up at the polls to vote is as

1960 NA

1964 95 %

1968 89 %

1972 80 %

1976 77 %

1980 77 %

1984 74 %

1988 72 %

1992 78 %

1996 66 %

These figures can be found in any of the almanacs. I'm using the 1998 Time

Readers may be puzzled as to how more people voted than were registered in
1960. Although this was always standard procedure in Chicago under the old
Daley Cook County Democratic Party machine, it isn't the major reason.
Several states did not report their number of registered voters for that

With two exceptions, one minor and one major, to be discussed, the percentage
of eligible voters who vote has declined almost linearly over the last 40
years. Greater numbers of people register to vote each year, but smaller
proportions show up at the polls on election day. Even the popular President
Reagan, who was the minor of the two exceptions, failed to generate the
proportion of voters showing up at the polls eight years earlier. Why?

These non-voting people are the crux of American politics and need to be
explained. We can postulate several theories to account for them. We can
postulate the interpretation that recent generations and people in recent
years simply have no political interests. We can venture the hypothesis that
there is some sort of generational phenomenon in which recent generations
will not go to the polls.

If we postulate some sort of generational phenomenon in which recent
generations are politically disinterested or will not vote, is there anything
that would refute this hypothesis? Yes, and the answer lies in the 1992
election in which there was the only significant increase in voter turnout
over the previous four presidential elections in 40 years, to provide the
highest percentage turnout in 20 years. If we draw the overall voter
participation decay line, we would expect to see a proportion of voters at
about 49.7 percent for 1992. Instead, we see a strong surge to over 55
percent. How can this be accounted for? What happened in 1992?

For the moment we'll call the 1992 surge the Perot Phenomenon, which is an

The consistency within the last 30 years is that there is a base of
39,000,000 Republicans who will turn out to vote for a Republican
presidential candidate under nearly any conditions or quality of candidate.
Anything above that is an expression of an exceptionally frightening and
lunatic Democratic candidate or a charismatic Republican candidate.

Indications are that there are now the same or a slightly higher number of
solid Democrats with their number increasing each year.

In the last 40 years the American people have shown progressive
disinclination to show up at the polls to support the products of the
Democratic or Republican parties who are really media manipulated/filtered
and produced products in a virtual reality. People are tired of childish
Democrat, Republican, and media, antics. The splinter parties are an exercise
in futility. Consequently, people have withdrawn from political participation
in reaction to the virtual reality theater of the absurd being pushed upon
them from remote TV studios. An ever-greater proportion of the American
people seem to have withdrawn from a political system in which they have no
leverage or relationship.

Ross Perot

So what happened in 1992? What occurred was the entering into the political
presidential campaign of an exasperated Ross Perot who, like many others, was
clearly disgusted by the condition of America and the direction it had been
going for some time.

Perot had several things going for the Reform Party. Being a
multi-billionaire he was well funded and could afford TV time to circumvent
the control exercised by the leftist media and thus create both visibility
and the perception that the party could win.

Love him or hate him, agree or disagree with him, Perot talked to the
listening audience straight as if they were human beings. He conducted his
presentations as though they were serious business meetings. There were no
brass bands or circus performances. He had his charts and graphs and
explanations delivered in his peculiar homespun Texas style. Whether you
liked them or disagreed with them, he had his conceptions and ideas in an
honest and frank form where they might offend some people, but listeners knew
where he stood. For many millions of people it was a breath of fresh air and
a blessed relief to listen to someone who wasn't presented as a slickly
packaged fashion model programmed to say as little as possible.

The Perot campaign took off like a rocket. At one time the polls showed him
with somewhere in the order of 30-35 percent of the vote.

There was a major flaw in the campaign. Perot was much too serious a person
to survive a political campaign. He expected much more seriousness, more
honesty, more maturity, and less goofing around in choosing a president than
the way it actually was. He thought he would be dealing with the caliber of
serious people he was accustomed to interacting with. He was in for a shock.
Actually, the weakness was not Perot's. Elections to determine the American
government should not be conducted like carnival side shows.

His frustration with the silliness and dishonesty in the political process
began to build. The end came when he appeared before a Black organization some
where in Florida. Most of the people there didn't give a damn. Finally, in
pained frustration, surprise, and disbelief, Perot exclaimed something to the
effect, "Don't you people want to do anything?" —-you people—? Cries of
"racism" went up from a chorus of voices from media-attended stages
throughout America. Perot shortly withdrew from the presidential race in

In fact, the ungiven answer to Perot's question before the group he was
addressing was, no. The people attending were looking for groveling
guilt-ridden support for presenting themselves as victims deserving special
privileges and an absence of accountability as compensation.

It seems somewhat evident that Perot became frustrated and disgusted beyond
his levels of personal toleration and withdrew from the presidential race.
The reasons he gave for his withdrawal my have been somewhat evasive and
contributed to an erratic public image that was being spun by his

After watching Bush and Clinton continue to campaign, Perot became further
exasperated and reentered the race in disgusted desperation. But at that
point his campaign was permanently scarred and too many people felt wary or
betrayed by his earlier withdrawal. At that point Perot was permanently
destroyed politically beyond complete remedy by his previous withdrawal.

A number of assertions have been made about Ross Perot. Most of what is said
is foolishness and spin. I don't know Ross Perot personally and have never
met him. I've known or met people similar to him.

So who was, or is Ross Perot. To understand Perot, I'll begin with a true
story. When I was a teenager I was a good chess player. There was a
middle-aged local small town lawyer I had acquaintance with who had played
chess at various times in his life. I asked him if he wanted to play a game
and he agreed with interest. Being an impulsive 15 year old I punctuated my
moves with comments about how I had him. His quiet replies were, "Um, hum."
Finally he quietly declared, "Forced mate in three." He hit me with a
brilliant line of play that came out of nowhere and he won the game. I asked
him if he wanted to play another game. He respectfully replied that he didn't
have time.

When GE and another large company wanted to effect a merger some 50 years
ago, they had their choice of all attorneys in the country to represent both
parties. They chose this man to negotiate the merger for a percentage of the
stock. The reason was, he was one of the best attorneys in the country and
they wanted to make certain nothing went wrong. He was one of the best legal
minds in the country and could practice any kind of law, at any level, before
any court in the county, or probably, the world.

I'd unknowingly tangled with one of the sharpest men in the country who was a
quiet unpretentious man. The typical 15 year old kid doesn't understand that
beforehand. I quickly grew to understand it. I learned a lot that
day—including a strong dose of humility. It's a lesson I have never forgot
and though it still embarrasses me, I am thankful for it. It's something many
adults have never learned.

Beneath his folksy manner Ross Perot is in the same league as that attorney.
You will recognize and understand it out of experience with such people if
it's within your capacity and willingness. Ross Perot is a man who works
quietly and whose word is accepted unconditionally by top people in the
business and economic world. There is little doubt in knowledgeable circles
that Perot could probably buy and sell entire continents if he wanted to do
so. The typical view of the economically and personally naive is to retort,
"If he could do it, then why doesn't he do it and make more billions of
dollars?" The answer is, more money is useless to Perot. He has no need or
interest in it. More money is useless to anyone in his position.

Few people can understand what it is like to be Ross Perot. If Perot wanted
another ten or twenty billion dollars, he could probably make it in the snap
of a finger. Anyone of any stature and seriousness knows it. It's also a fact
that Ross Perot could spend $300,000 a day for the remainder of his life and
never run out of money. But, as a practical matter, if most people tried to
spend $300,000 a day on themselves, at the end of a month they'd be in a
state of nervous breakdown trying to find something to buy or do next. Perot
is in a financial state such that more money is useless to him. There is
nothing more he can do with it. It won't buy him any more of anything and
he's smart enough to know it. It wouldn't be worth Perot's time or effort to
walk across the street to pick up $1,000,000 if someone were to offer it to
him for nothing.

Then in his 60s, and now 70, Perot's primary concerns are simple interests,
such as his family. Secondarily, he has interests such as the condition of
the country. He was president of his class at the Naval Academy and his
personal national commitment and outlook have not changed since that time.
Perot's interests are such that he is the only person ever allowed to take a
copy of the Magna Carta out of Great Briton, whereupon he placed it in the
American National Archives next to the Constitution and Declaration of
Independence. The Perots have contributed more than $100,000,000 to various
charities and organizations.

But Perot's personal world and integrity of operation are ill-adapted to
politics. He wrongly expected the same level of competency, maturity, and
seriousness in political life that he conducts in his own business and
personal life. Instead, he faced a circus.

One subject to address here is the Perot election urban myth. The assertion
is made by a class of amateurs with political interests that the reason the
Clintons either entered or continued in the White House was because of people
changing their support from Republicans to Ross Perot. But few of these people
 have looked at the election statistics. The reason the Clintons either
entered or continued in the White House was not because of Ross Perot. The
reason the Clintons continued in the White House is because 20 percent of
Republicans voted for the Clintons. That is how they entered the White House.
You cannot win an election with 20 percent of your own party voting for the
opposition candidate. The differential between Democrats voting for Dole and
Republicans voting for the Clintons was over 12 percent. Assuming a initial
50/50 split in Democratic/Republican party affiliation, a net 12 percent
shift brings a landslide final vote tally of 62 percent for the Clintons and
38 percent for the Republicans within party lines. For Republican candidates,
it was catastrophic. For the Clintons, it was a signal for celebration.

There are various myths and theories saying Perot cost the Republicans the
election, or that Perot made some kind of strange private agreement with the
Clintons or mysterious political/economic forces and societies to enter the
race and elect the Clintons. But the fact is, send the Democratic Perot
voters back to the Democratic party and the Republican Perot voters back to
the Republican candidate, and the Clintons win. You can not win an election
when 20 percent of your own party votes for the opposition. It's a loser.
Notice that the average turnout for Democrats voting for the Clintons was
about 85 percent. If Republicans voting for Perot had instead voted for Dole
in 1996, Dole still doesn't obtain that necessary support percentage. It was
Republican votes for Clinton that put the Clintons in office. It was
Republicans who reelected the Clintons. The Clintons didn't need Perot.

People who argue Perot cost Bush the election in 1992 often do so while
making the doubtful assumption that the people who voted for Perot would even
bother to vote if Perot were not running. That's a very doubtful assumption.
Note that the percentage of voter turnout for Bush's win in 1988 was a very
poor 50.1 percent. If Perot votes by Republicans and Democrats in 1992 are
subtracted from the proportion of people voting and the totals for
Republicans and Democrats are evaluated exclusive of the Perot vote, what is
obtained is a percentage of active voters closing in on the poor 1988

What occurred is that Perot did not change the election outcome by taking
votes away from Bush, but, rather, he brought additional people into the
voting booths who would otherwise not have voted. That accounts for the large
increase in percentages of eligible voters voting and registered voters
voting in 1992.

(continued next issue)


Robert L. Kocher is the author of "Attitude Channeling and Brainwashing," as
well as many other articles (available at
html). His email address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]


from The Laissez Faire City Times, Vol 4, No 35, August 28, 2000
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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