Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

A few days ago, I read about a new ATF weapons ban and I started doing some
research. What gave me the information I needed was the phrase
"Implementation of the Model Regulations for the Control of the International
Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammuntion" I took
"Model Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms,
Their Parts and Components, and Ammuntion" + UN + OAS and ran it through a
searchbot. BINGO! OAS is the culprit that created it and Clinton is its able
abettor. America's ATF policy is now decided by an international organization
that favors world government.

Just today, I read an article by Tim Kern, "ANN SPECIAL REPORT: HR 4205 Is
Real, and Horrible" (http://www.aero-news.net). The article is an absolutely
MUST read. However, like most special interests groups, he is missing what I
call "The Big Picture". His article is excellent,but doesn't dig deeply
enough into the source of the problem.

Quoting Mr. Kern regarding HR 4205, "The bill would impact others, too --
WWII collectors, VFW posts, libraries, even Civil War re-enactors -- to
render their treasures inoperable. Wing spars would be cut; breechblocks
welded; books destroyed, all after the DoD had already " disposed" of the

"The offending sections, Sections 361 and 362, were designed as a bit of
"tail-covering" for the DoD, which has, on occasion, sold stuff it shouldn't
be selling. The DoD doesn't want to go track the stuff down, and Congress
doesn't want to embarrass the DoD, so they did what any fool would do:
Congress wants to give the DoD enough authority to cover up all its mistakes
-- at your expense, of course.

"Authorization for the language of Section 361, that allows the DoD to
require demilitarization of things the Department already sold, came from a
1998 law that covered Fiscal Year 1999, Public Law 105-261, Section 1051,
that requested the Secretary of Defense to provide "draft legislation that
the Secretary considers appropriate to clarify the authority of the
Government to recover critical and sensitive defense property that has been
inadequately demilitarized." The wording came from the Defense Logistics
Agency, and it's comprehensive enough to make sure that the DoD never has to
worry about anything its citizens would ever own. PL 105-261 doesn't say the
recommendations need to be adopted, either.

"It depends on what your definition of "demilitarize," is.

"Until recently, these legalistic word games were laughed aside; but we live
in a new era, when plain words don't seem to retain their meanings for more
than a session or two of the legislature. "Demil" used to mean, "render
incapable of being used for an item's offensive military purpose." Not any
more, according to the language of Section 361 (and its inbred little
brother, Section 2573, which is the "book of lists" so popular with those who
don't read the legislation they pass). There, you will see that, not only
would the owner of, say, a nuclear warhead [how would the DoD be selling
those? --ed] have to return it to the government for destruction, but owners
of non-offensive militaria would, as well. The bill includes non-offensive
items like clothes and like body armor. The real purpose of the bill becomes
clearer as you read that the possessor of even the repair manual on, say, the
instruments of a P-38 Lightning would have to subject his manual to
"demilling." So would owners of other books and manuals. Collections of
maintenance manuals, from everything from a lowly M-1 carbine, to the B-52,
could be sent to the DoD book-burners.

"Even non-offensive materiel would be banned.
Non-offensive materiel and systems, even safety equipment, would be rendered
useless. The bill includes "inertial navigation systems," and even some
"non-military inertial navigation systems." These last, even though the DoD
never owned them, could be recalled for the federal crusher.

"Non-aviation historic and practical materiel is included.

"A lot of aviators don't give a fig about guns, and that's fine. The rest of
us will protect you. On the other hand, if you do cherish your Civil War-era
caplock, or your 1903 Springfield (like Sergeant York carried), or your
Daddy's WWII pistol, you're out of luck. Destroyed, all. Small arms primers,
projectiles, ammunition, shell casings -- all gone. You say you're in the DCM
and you like to shoot competitively, and you waited three years to get your
M-1 Garand, and you bought it direct from the Pentagon? Sorry. It's bye-bye.
Your local library has a complete set of drawings for the B-17, pieced
together over thirty years by that little white-haired lady whose name you
can't remember any more, but whose son was killed flying one? Burn 'em.

"You reload your target ammunition, and you don't have any military manuals?
That's OK, because any information in the reloading manuals you have, must be
"redacted." If you don't know exactly which loads are military, you're going
to lose the book.
You bought your kid a set of XS camo clothes for camping out? Most of that
clothing has an IR-absorbing treatment; your kid goes naked from now on.

"You're in the VFW, and your unit saved donations for three years, and bought
a landing craft, a "duck," and you use it each year in parades, and to raffle
off rides across the river to a lucky dozen? Sink it.

"So, you've figured out a way round this?

"You don't have a warbird. All you have is your great gran-pappy's revolver,
that he used when he ran with Teddy Roosevelt up San Juan Hill. You're
certainly not going to turn it in, just to have its cylinder welded in place.
You just won't tell anybody. Fine. Next year, when your home is broken into,
along with all your other good stuff, that revolver disappears. The good news
is, the police get your stuff back. The bad news is, the revolver's part of
what they recover. Congratulations. You're a federal firearms felon. You
don't even know who broke into your house, do you?

"The "gun" issue...is a large part of the DoD's apparent paranoia; but
privately-owned aircraft haven't carried guns, at least since 1934.

"Just to make sure we weren't headed down a path already traveled, we called
Larry Pratt, president of the Gun Owners of America. [We called the NRA too,
but they're too busy to call back, or something. --ed] He shared his
thoughts. "My initial impression is that this is the kind of thing you would
expect at the end of a Congress." He recalled how other pieces of legislation
get buried in larger, complicated, important legislation, just to get them
passed, when they wouldn't have had a chance on their own. "This is how we
got Lautenberg." [The Lautenberg Amendment made "assault weapons" illegal,
just because of their cosmetics, in 1996. --ed] He is a strong Second
Amendment supporter, of course; but he brought up additional Constitutional
problems. "[Even] If we didn't have a Second Amendment, this law would still
be unconstitutional. The Congress is given the power to provide for the
militia, or to withhold its support; it isn't given the power to disarm the
militia. Article I Section 8 of the Constitution gives the Congress the power
to provision, not disarm. Additionally, the Tenth Amendment specifically
limits the powers to those delegated [to the federal government]." [The
Constitution also prohibits ex post facto laws, and declares contracts
sacred; and this Bill goes against both those provisions, as well. --ed]

"Action needs to follow from learning about this. We will be encouraging our
members to have a grassroots reaction to this."
We called the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, thinking they would
be interested in being instrumental in the recall and potential destruction
of so many personal firearms, while getting a bit of control over the FAA's
territory. We talked with Tracy Hite, who is in the ATF's Public Information
branch, and we found out that trust goes two ways. "Would you believe me if I
found out we (ATF) had nothing to do with this [bill]?" she asked. We replied
that whether we believed her or not, we'd report what she said. She called
back several hours later, after having done enough research to satisfy the
point. Her statement: "ATF was not consulted and had no other input in the
drafting of this legislation." [We found out the next day that the Defense
Logistics Agency had written the section. Score one for the BATF. --ed]" End
Kern quotes.

I REALLY have problems with Kern's last statement. The Defense Logistics
Agency is loaded with Clinton Administration appointees and what better way
to sneak in a very nasty piece of gun control legislation written by the DLA
than in a Defense Appropriations bill so huge, no one will read the entire
bill? The DLA under Clinton is also busy giving away the government store to
the Chinese.

 <A HREF="http://www.spectator.org/archives/97-10_timmerman.html">The
American Spectator: October 1997</A>

As for the ATF, perhaps they are innocent and perhaps not. Many UN documents
refer to " <A
al Traffic In Arms Regulations - PART 121-THE UNITED STATES MUNITIONS LIST</A>
 ". Without benefit of Congress, the Clinton Administration is actively
implenting UN gun control policies. ATF certainly was in their latest
unconstitutional ban. Unlike Mr. Kern, I do not think Sections 361-362 of HR
4205 was a simple CYA for the DoD. Rather, I think it was a stealth move by
Clinton as the largest gun grab in the history of America.

Check out the links for yourself and welcome to "The Big Picture."
More and more, it looks like it is time to "Praise the Lord and pass the

For years, I have been preaching the fact that the UN/OAS, and NGOs--financed
by the major foundations such Joyce, Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, MacArthur,
Soros and Rubin--are our most dangerous foes to Liberty and the power behind
the gun-grabbers. These same foundations (or most of them) support the
Eco-nuts. Many of these elitists serve on interlocking directorships. All
have a socialist agenda. That is to lock up over 50% of land in America from
all but the most restricted usage, herd Americans onto reservations and force
One World Government upon us. They know the only way they can accomplish this
is to disarm American citizens first.

To change the way Americans think, these elitists took over our education
system decades ago and are busily turning our children into good little
globalist worker bees for the human hive they envision.

Henrietta Bowman--proud member of the Henry Bowman Brigade

HR 4205
 <A HREF="http://thomas.loc.gov/">THOMAS -- U.S. Congress on the Internet</A>

`Sec. 2573. Significant military equipment: continued authority to require
demilitarization after disposal
`Sec. 2582. Military equipment identified on United States munitions list:
annual report of public sales

 <A HREF="http://www.fas.org/spp/starwars/offdocs/itar/p121.htm#C-III">Interna
tional Traffic In Arms Regulations - PART 121-THE UNITED STATES MUNITIONS LIST

 <A HREF="http://www.iansa.org/documents/gov/gov1.htm">Small Arms Issues: US
Policy and Views</A>

 <A HREF="http://projects.sipri.se/expcon/natexpcon/USA/uswaq1.htm">United
States: Wassenaar Arrangement Questionnaire on Exports of Conventional Arms
and Dual-Use Technology</A>

For Immediate Release FY-00-8
Contact: Art Resnick Date: June 20, 2000
Implementation of the Model Regulations for the Control of the International
Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and Components, and Ammunition

Washington - The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF), has issued a
Treasury decision governing the importation of firearms, ammunition, and
implements of war. The changes implement the "Model Regulations for the
Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their Parts and
Components, and Ammunition" which President Clinton directed the Secretaries
of State, Commerce, and Treasury to implement after the second Summit of the
Americas, in Santiago, Chile. The purpose of the Model Regulations is to
provide standardized procedures for the international movement of firearms,
their parts and components, and ammunition so as to prevent illegal
trafficking in these articles.

The new regulations will go into effect on June 20, 2000.

For additional information, refer to the June 20, 2000 issue of the Federal
Register, or visit the ATF web site at www.atf.treas.gov.



"Taking note with appreciation of the work of regional organizations such as
the Organization of American States, which completed in November 1997 the
Inter-American Convention against the Illicit Manufacturing of and
Trafficking in Firearms, Ammunition, Explosives, and Other Related Materials,
the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, which developed the Model
Regulations for the Control of the International Movement of Firearms, Their
Parts and Components, and Ammunition, and the Council of the European
Communities directive on firearm regulation, (2)

Taking note of the relevant recommendations contained in the report of the
United Nations Panel of Governmental Experts on Small Arms, in particular
those related to achieving effective control of firearms in the
peace-building process in order to prevent their entry into the illicit












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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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