From: The Jamaican Gleaner
Aug 24, 1999

Former US envoys to Jamaica ‚ an update
Lacy Wright 
(Lacy Wright was Deputy Chief of Mission at the US Embassy in Kingston and
acted as Ambassador 1993-1994.)


Youthful emissary 

Although Washington has sent Jamaica no women Ambassadors, Barbados has seen
two. The most recent was Jeanette Hyde. The other was Sally Shelton, who was
a youthful US emissary to Bridgetown under President Jimmy Carter
(1979-1981). In the 1980s, she married former CIA Director Bill Colby, whose
untimely death in 1996 deprived the United States of a respected elder in
foreign policy. Today, Sally Shelton Colby is with our Agency for
International Development (AID), where she is Assistant Administrator for
Global Affairs, arguably the most exciting perch in the world's largest
national development agency. Needless to say, she travels widely. 

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