by Ralph Epperson
Author of The Unseen Hand


  Newspaper headlines scream:


  And we, the American people, flail our arms in contempt as we
  our gasoline prices increase! Those blasted "oil producing
  countries" have done it to us again! (OPEC stands for
  "The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries.")

  And our American oil producing companies seem powerless to
  do anything about the increase in price! Why isn't something
  done to get us gasoline at a reduced price? Why are we so
  dependent on OPEC for our oil needs?

  But we do not know who the "they" in the OPEC nations are,
  but all we know is that "they" are "foreign nations!" Because
  our American oil companies would not do such a thing to their
  fellow Americans!!

  Because we have the "free enterprise system" in America
  where competition forces down the high prices, and it doesn't
  occur to us that OPEC might be the American (and European)
  oil companies!!

  But let me tell you ................. they are!

  Because OPEC is not "the foreigners," it is "us!"

  However, proving that statement is more difficult than making it,
  because there is but a little information that I am aware of that
  tells us just who these "foreigners" are. However, there are
  adequate clues that OPEC is not owned by the "foreigners" at all.

  But to understand OPEC, we must first understand a few simple
  economic terms, such as NATURAL MONOPOLY, COERCIVE

  The industrialists of the "industrial revolution" soon learned that
  exorbitant profits could not be made in the "FREE ENTERPRISE
  SYSTEM,"  where competitors could enter the market place and
  compete by selling the same product at a reduced price.

  The "industrialists" soon learned the merits of the MONOPOLY,
  a market place where they could continue to charge their exorbitant
  prices and no one would compete. But in a "FREE ENTERPRISE
  SYSTEM," another producer could enter the market place even if
  they had a monopoly and once again, reduce the price.

  A NATURAL MONOPOLY is defined as a market place where one
  seller is allowed to be the only producer of a product, because no
  one wishes to compete. But that threat of future competition
  caused the MONOPOLIST concern: that competition could always
  enter the market place at a future date and drive prices down.

  The NATURAL MONOPOLIST soon discovered the joys of hiring
  a government to protect his NATURAL MONOPOLY by closing the
  door to its competition. (A basket full of money given to the right
  person at the right time has strange effects on politicians!) This
  because the hired government closed the market place by making
  it illegal to compete. So the MONOPOLIST turned to government and
  together they creates what is called a COERCIVE MONOPOLY.
  This exists when govern-ment and the MONOPOLIST combine to
  restrict the access of their competitors to the market place.

  But how does THE COERCIVE MONOPOLIST control the world
  market place when there is another COERCIVE MONOPOLIST
  in another nation with its government supporting its COERCIVE

  The answer is obvious: THE MONOPOLIST signs an agreement
  with the competing COERCIVE MONOPOLY and that resulting
  agreement is called a CARTEL!

  OPEC is a "CARTEL" (defined as "a few sellers in a market place,
  combining to set the price of a good sold.")

  This connection between the monopolists and government was
  correctly discerned by Frederick Clemson Howe, Ph.D., an
  economist, lawyer, and a special assistant to Henry Wallace,
  the Secretary of Agriculture and later a Vice-President to
  Franklin Roosevelt. He wrote:

       "These are the rules of big business: Get a monopoly.

  Let society work for you, and remember that the best business
  is politics, for a legislative grant, franchise, subsidy, or tax
  is worth more than a Kimberly or Comstock Lode, since it does not
  require any labor either   mental or physical, for its exploitation."

  John D. Rockefeller, the American oil magnate,  one who correctly
  learned the lesson about MONOPOLIES as well, expressed his
 opinion that "Competition is a sin."

  Another who wrote of this connection was Dr. Antony Sutton, who
  wrote in his book WALL STREET AND FDR: (meaning Franklin D.

  "Old John Rockefeller and his 19th century fellow capitalists
  were convinced of an absolute truth: that no great monetary
  wealth could be accumulated under the impartial rules of competitive
  laissez-faire [the free-enterprise system] society.

  The only sure road to the acquisition of massive wealth
  was mo-nopoly:  Drive out your competitors, reduce competition,
  eliminate laissez-faire [the free enterprise system] and above
  all get state protection for your  industry through compliant
  politicians and government regulation.

  The last avenue yields a huge [COERCIVE] monopoly
  and a legal monopoly always leads to wealth."

  REVOLUTION, Dr. Sutton further amplified his point:

  "The financiers ... could by government control ... more
  easily avoid the   rigors of competition.

  Through political influence they could manipulate the police
  power of the state to achieve what they had been unable, or what
  was too costly, to achieve under the private enterprise system."

  In other words, the police power of the state was a means of
  maintaining a private COERCIVE MONOPOLY.

  As I said before, the best known cartel in the world is OPEC.
  This cartel is thought to be foreign, primarily Arabian, in
  ownership.  However, there is ample reason to believe that
  the principle ownership of OPEC is not primarily Arabian but
  international, primarily American.

  Dr. Carroll Quigley, the mentor of President Bill Clinton at
  Georgetown University, (Clinton praised Quigley in 1992 on
  national television as being one of the two men who got him into
  politics) in his massive 1300 page book entitled TRAGEDY AND
  HOPE, discussed an oil cartel formed in 1928:

  "This world cartel had developed from a tripartite agreement
  signed on  September 17, 1920 by Royal Dutch Shell,
  Anglo-Iranian, and Standard Oil.

  These agreed to manage oil prices on the world market by
  charging an    agreed fixed price plus freight costs, and to store
  surplus oil which might weaken the fixed price level.

  By 1949 the cartel had as members the seven greatest oil
  com-panies in the world: Anglo-Iranian, Socony-Vacuum, Royal
  Dutch Shell, Gulf, Esso,   Texaco, and Calso.

  Excluding the United States domestic market, the Soviet
  Union and Mexico, it controlled 92% of the world's reserves
  of oil . . . ."

  It might help if I try and identify each of these 7 oil companies:

      Anglo-Iranian:         An Iranian company in partnership
                                     several American and European oil

     Socony-Vacuum:  Standard Oil Company of New York
                             Vacuum (an English company)

     Royal Dutch Shell:  Owned in the main by the Royal Family of

      Gulf:                  Not certain, but I believe this is an
                             owned oil company

     ESSO:               Standard Oil of England

     Texaco:             A Rockefeller oil company

     Calso:                  Standard Oil of California

  (Not much Arabian ownership in that list!!)

  James P. Warburg, who should know, further discussed the
  cartel in his book entitled THE WEST IN CRISIS.  Apparently
  the cartel had grown to include an additional member:

  "Eight giant oil companies - five of them American -
  control the non-Communist world's supply of oil, maintaining
  administered prices which. . . yield exorbitant profits.

  The oil companies extract oil from the Middle East, which
  contains 90%   of the known reserves of the non-communist
  world, at a cost of 20 to 30 cents a barrel and sell it at a collusive
  price, varying over a period of recent years from $1.75 to $2.16
  per barrel, F.O.B., the Persian Gulf.

  The resulting profit has, as a rule, been split on a fifty-fifty
  basis with the     government of the country in which the oil is

  See how noble these oil companies are? They share the profits
  "50 - 50" with the country they take the oil out of!

  Now for the fun part: I will use the figures shown above to show
  you just why there is money to be made in the CARTEL
  BUSINESS! Using Mr. Warburg's figures, it is easy to
  extrapolate price increases to today's oil market prices.

     Years             Cost          Price       Profit          % of

     1950            $  .30      $ 2.16          $  1.86          620
     1979        **  $3.25       $20.00      $16.75           515

  ** Presuming a lO% per year increase in costs and using
  the OPEC price of $20.00 in 1979, the profit of $16.75 is
  approximately the same as that pointed out in Warburg's book.
  (Gee, it doesn't take a brain surgeon to determine that a 620%
  profit on your investment is NOT TOO SHABBY!)

  (I must admit that these figures come from my 1985 book
  THE UNSEEN HAND and I have not updated them.)

  In other words, the OPEC countries are increasing oil prices
  today (in 1979) in order to maintain their profit percentages of
  30 years ago.

  It is interesting to note that both Dr. Quigley and Mr. Warburg
  wrote about the years 1949 and 1950.  OPEC was formed in
  1951, right after both authors pointed out that the Arabian oil
  reserves were owned by non-Arabian oil companies.

  It is doubtful that these non-Arabian oil companies gave up the
  ability to make a 620 percent profit to the OPEC nations when
  OPEC was formed. So, I think it is fair to conclude that they still
  own the oil from "the middle east."

  In summary, then, these agreements that artificially set prices,
  (the cartels and their cousin, the monopolies) lead to the
  accumulation of large quantities of amassed wealth through
  exorbitant profits!

  These marketplace aberrations exist solely because the
  monopolists have formed a partnership with the government,
  and the result is higher prices for the consumer.

  Think about this as you pay the higher price for your gallon
  of gasoline!!!!!!!

  "They" is "us!"

  (If you want to read THE UNSEEN HAND by Ralph Epperson,
  call him at (520) 886-4380 or contact him @t

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