Jela, your friend, Jared Israel publishes this racist, Buchanan
supporter, Bob Djurdjevic and Bob returns the favor by publishing him. What
                                           Michael Pugliese

 "Mutt" America, The Religio-Racist Right, and Genocide in the Balkans
Michael Sells

July 8, 1999

In Illinois and Indiana, a racist goes on a terror spree, shooting blacks,
Jews, and Asians in a declared effort to free White, Christian America from
the "mud people" (non-white, non-Christian peoples). In Kosovo, peacekeepers
are coming across the horror of the wells: wells in which the bodies of
Kosovar Albanian women and girls, who had been held, raped for days or
weeks, and tortured by Serb police and paramilitaries, had been thrown. In
some cases, forensics experts have shown that the victims were alive when
then were thrown into the wells and either drowned or were killed after
grenades were thrown in on top of them.

The numbers of atrocity sites in Kosovo run into many hundreds, perhaps
thousands, and the war-crimes investigators can only selectively choose
certain sites. This is the continuation of a campaign of "ethnic cleansing"
that began in 1992 in Bosnia and lasted in that country for three years. In
the areas controlled by the Serbian army every mosque and every trace of
Bosnian Muslim civilization was eradicated, including hundreds of mosques
and monuments and manuscripts dating to the 15th and 16th century and
recognized as masterworks of southeast european architecture and heritage.

Those responsible for such atrocities have ingested one of the most virulent
forms of racial and religious bigotry I have ever investigated, an ideology
that equates both Bosnian Muslims and Kosovar Albanians with Christ-killers,
race-traitors, and genetic deformation. I have spent years studying this
this ideology of ethnic and religious extermination and how it is based on
the manipulation of the mythology of Kosovo /1/.

While anyone with a sense of humanity understands that these two incidents,
in Kosovo and in the American mid-west, are intimately related, and that any
murder of a person out of ethnic or religious bigotry is a murder of all
humanity, the ties between U.S. racist and Christianist groups (those that
believe the U.S. is by nature and must always remain a Christian state) and
the Belgrade proponents of "ethnic cleansing" are now become increasingly

In the U.S., supporters of Serb nationalist "ethnic cleansers" are writing
that the effort to liberate White, Christian America from the the "browning
of America" are like the effort of a courageous Christian Serb nation to
liberate itself from the bastarization brought by Albanian Muslims.

In an earlier posting, I outlined the intriguing connections among the GOP
extreme right and the pro-Belgrade lobby. These connections included the
Serbian Unity Congress, which has the expulsion of Kosovar Albanians as a
major plank of its platform dating back to 1991, SRPSKA-MREZA a less
moderate version of the SUC, James Jatras a speaker at SUC events and
advisor to Senator Larry Craig (R-Idaho) and the GOP Senate Policy Committee
who has written anti-Muslim hate literature categorizing Islam as a
"Christian Killing Machine," reviling the Qur'an, and speaking of Islam as
the outgrowth of "Heathen Araby."

Most people don't use terms like "Heathen Araby" anymore and few people are
as ignorant of the history and culture of Islam as Mr. Jatras, but his
stereotypes play play big with the GOP Senate leadership. Others involved
discussed in my earlier piece for their pro-Belgrade positions and their
ties to the Neo Confederate Right and the SUC were Reps. Dan Burton, Bob
Barr, Tom Campbell, and Randy "Duke" Cunningham, the John Birch Society and
its journal The New American, and its two most prominent writers, Rep. Helen
Chenoweth (R-Idaho), and Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma). Many of these
people intersect through the Rockford Institute, an extreme Christian-right
organization dedicated to fighting the non-Christian and non-White threat to
White,Christian America. All opposed the NATO operation to stop the 10 year
butchery of the Belgrade regime in the Balkans and all recycled standard
Belgrade propaganda and many were behind efforts to stop the NATO operation
cold, efforts that, had they succeeded, would have allowed the Milosevic
regime to carry out what its paramilitaries have said was their goal, the
extermination of every last Kosovar Albanian still inside Kosovo.

My original essay has now been updated with information on new figures, such
as Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) and will include the information below. See The
GOP Right, the Belgrade Lobby, and NeoConfederacy Groups: Multiple

I have also found a number of statements by William Pierce, the leader of
the Christian Identity Movement and author of the racist hate-manual The
Turner Diaries which inspired Timothy McVeigh to blow up federal buildings.
Mr. Pierce is full of sympathy for the efforts of the Belgrade regime to
cleanse itself of the non-Christian subhumans. I will be adding this
information, published on the web pages of pro-Serb-nationalist
organizations, to my full article.

One of the most intriguing additions to that list is Bob Djurdjevic, a
columnist for The Washington Times and Chronicles, the journal of the
Rockford Institute (the foreign policy editor of which is Srdja Trifkovic,
former adviser to such luminaries as Serb nationalist Biljana Plavsic
(author of the view that Bosnian Muslims are subhuman and genetically
deformed as a result of the conversion of their ancestors to Islam) and a
former agent of the Bosnian Serb Republic).

In a preliminary examination of Djurdjevic's columns (all available at his
web site at over the last
few months, here is what we find are his major concerns and claims:

1) Djudjevic has a large photo of himself with one of his heroes, General
Ratko Mladic, who has been indicted by the International Tribunal in The
Hague for genocide, on his WEB site. In the accompanying article, he
ruminates on "How [he] Mladic is talking about himself, and about how the
Serbs have betrayed their hero. Indeed, as if reading my thoughts, the man
whose approval rating among the Serbs has gone from 80% before Dayton to 93%
in a recent poll . . continued almost wistfully . . . "The Serbs should
stand up one for all, and all for one." See "Kosovo, Montenegro . . Next
Serb Dominos to Fall? The End Game is Near," May 1996.

2) NATO is a bully in Bosnia and the proof is the encounter of British SFOR
forces with Simo Drljaca, the accused war-criminal who was killed in a
shootout with the Brits. In a Washington Times piece that glorified Drljaca
as a victim of NATO bullying, no mention was made of Drljaca's key role in
the extermination of non-Serb communities throughout the Prijedor area was
mentioned. One would never know that Drljaca had presided over several
concentration camps and major killing centers, dozens of smaller killing
areas and rape-centers, and

annihilation of 500 years of Muslim and Catholic sacral heritage, and the
organized destruction of the corpses of many of the thousands exterminated.
See NATO's Bullyboys (in Bosnia), The Washington Times, July 20, 1997. For
the activities led by Drljaca, see the Prijedor page at or the indictments of the
International Tribunal in the cases of the Omarska and Keratermconcentration
camps, at The Bridge Betrayed Balkan War-Crimes and Human Rights Page, as
well as the voluminous records of human rights workers, survivors, and
Serbian dissidents available on the same site.

3) The United States is becomed a "mutt nation." According to Djurdjevic,
this "browning of America" is due to the combination of Wall Street
capitalists and bankers, their anti-Christian New World Order (NWO), their
liberal lackeys, and the immigration laws that have allowed more
non-Christians and non-Whites to enter the U.S. The Washington Times,
"Towards a Nation of Mutts: Dancing 'Round the Golden Calf," August 31,
1997. As a special treat on his WEB page version of this article, our social
philosopher of the Washington Times becomes a more original. "Blacks are no
longer black; they are now African-Americans, thus claiming the entire
continent, despite the presence of the white people, like the Coptic
Christians, since time immemorial, on this allegedly 'Black Continent.'"

In an article in Chronicles, Djurdjevic expresses similar concern in
decrying what he calls the "browning of America" in recent years. See:
Chronicles: A Magazine of American Culture, Vol. 22, No. 12, December 1998,
A BEAR IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING, By Bob Djurdjevic, General Section: VITAL SIGNS;
Sub-section: FOREIGN AFFAIRS, [Editor Srdja Trifkovic]:

"Just as the 'browning of America' has been 'a demographic effect of seismic
proportions' since the Immigration Act of 1965, according to Peter Brimelow,
a Fortune magazine editor and author of the book, 'Alien Nation,' helping
destroy the cohesion of the mostly Christian Europe has been the agenda of
the same materialistic globalist crowd. Enter the millions of 'Gast
Arbeiters' ('guest workers') from Turkey, Algeria, Albania, Tunisia, Middle
Eastern countries... and by the time they multiply and/or bring their own
brethren along, Europe will have lost its cultural identity, just as we are
losing it in the United States. We will both become 'continents of mutts' .
. .""

Djurdjevic's extreme pro-Belgrade and anti-"mutt" views fit right into the
philosophy of Rockford Institute chairman David Hartman who is also a member
of the League of the South. See, for example, Hartmann's Jan. 1999 article
entitled "Reflections on a Texan's Visit to Bosnia," pp. 45ff. Hartman
writes on p. 46:

"Specifically instructive are the circumstances in Kosovo and Muslim Bosnia.
Kosovo is the heartland of Orthodox Serbia. Today the region is
predominantly peopled by Albanian Muslims, the result of immigration from
Albania and victory in a war of reproduction. The Albanians have retained
the language, customs, and religion of their mother country, and most
observers agree that Kosovo will eventually be annexed by Albania. At the
rate that the Muslims are reproducing, Bosnia will soon find that Muslims
have replaced the Orthodox Serbs as the a majority. Not surprisingly, the
Muslims want a strong central goverment for the confederation they soon will
dominate. There is a lesson here that those of us who live close to our
national border should heed. Texas was effectively annexed by Americans
whose language and culture were alien to Mexicans. Today, Texas has a
reverse demographic shift due to immigration and reproduction, and our
politicians are pandering to the Hispanic constituency by encouraging the
preservation of a foreign language and culture."

5) Djurdjevic has proudly announced that Louis Beam of Texas, one of the
major leaders of the Ku Klux Klan in the United States, has volunteered to
fight on behalf of the Serb cause in Kosovo. Beam, on his own Web site, has
an entire article filled with the standard ideology of Serbian religious
nationalism. He writes that the battle of Kosovo in 1389 was the Serbian
Alamo, and that just as we must fight to keep the U.S. racially pure, so we
must support the heroic efforts of white, Christian Serbs to keep their
country from being overrun by subhuman Muslims. Among Beam's many
proclamation is the following:

"Thenceforth Kosovo Field became to the Serbian people campo santo, The Holy
Field. It is considered by many historians of the Christian Church to be the
single greatest tomb of Christian martyrs killed in a single day. No other
single larger sacrifice of Christians is know. Rome had it's glory. But
Serbia has Kosovo! Each year on St Vitus' Day the Serbs honour the holy
martyrs of Kosovo Plain and commemorate that epic sacrifice to freedom and
the Faith of Christ with prayer and fasting.

Such is the history of the Alamo like stand of Serbian manhood against the
invading foes of Western Christian Civilization. Kosovo province is the
heart and soul of Serbia and they will not yield it to today's Albanian
Muslim terrorists backed by American cruise missiles and B2 bombers. The
United States' aggression against the Serbs will be valiantly opposed by the
descendants of those who died upon Kosovo Plain. The attempt to break it
away from the Serbian nation will fail and America will reap more shame and
condemnation for it's cowardly bombing of the Yugoslavian people. Like the
Mexican commander Santa Anna who called for the Texans to surrender before
his troops stormed the walls of the Alamo, Clinton has called for the
surrender of Kosovo. He will not get it. And he will make martyrs of those
he kills. Liberty and Faith still has it's defenders."


4) Djurdjevic explains that Muslims are a global threat and a source of
terror to the U.S., as shown not only by the World Trade Center bombing but
also by the downing of TWA flight 800 over New York. "They are killing us on
the ground (World Trade Center, Saudi Arabia); they may be killing us in the
air, too (we hope to find out soon about the TWA 800 flight, preferably from
the FBI, rather than the Hezbollah or Hamas)." Washington Times, September
15, 1996. Note the classic use of the undefined "they" of hate literature.
Muslims have not been identified as behind the TWA tragedy any more than
Muslims were behind (despite a torrent of assumption and accusation) the
bombing of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City.

4) The turning of pure-bred Americans into "mutts" is clearly related, if
one reads all of Djurdjevic's columns, to the Global Persecution of
Christians, concerning which he is one of the prophets. "Yet, the
non-Christian batters are still at the plate, swinging and hitting . . .
swinging and hitting. . . emboldened by the relative silence of the
frightened or stupefied Christians. Which is why it may be time for Jesus
again to come to his people's rescue, as He did nearly 2000 years ago."
Washington Times, "Christianity under Siege, Toward a One World Religion,"
Sunday, Jan. 4, 1998.

5) In the same brilliant Washington Times piece you will find this nugget
about Kwanza. "Is this [CNN coverage of Kwanza] part of another effort to
pry away the blacks from Christianity? Coincidentally, "Kwanza" is actually
a Swahili word for currency, i.e., money, according to the Webster
dictionary. In other words, the Kwanza followers and the non-Christian NWO
seem to worshp the same Golden Calf--the Almighty Dollar."

6) And the conclusion? Read it and become illuminated: "Has the time come
for the lambs, brought up on turning the other cheek, to rebel against the
NWO hyenas, brought up on killing the meek and the mild? Just as the slaves
of La Amistad did to their captors?"

7) According to Djurdjevic, Mira Markovic [the wife of Slobodan Milosevic
and one of the most powerful figures in the 10 year campaign of butchery in
the Balkans] may rival Hillary Clinton in America as possibly the country's
most hated woman." Washington Times, "Kosovo: Why Are We Involved," July 5,
1998. Senators Lott and Craig and Representatives Delay, Barr, Burton, and
Chenoweth, and the other Belgrade sympathizing GOP congressional leadership
must have loved this: Hillary Clinton compared to someone responsible for
ten years of atrocities, some 400,000 deaths, 5 million made homeless, and
immeasureable human suffering.

8) The ethnic violence and partition of Bosnia will be followed by a
division of the United States into New Africa, New Spain, Mormonland, New
Hong Kong (The Pacific Northwest), New Jerusalem (New York [--note, the
center of the Wall Street NWO]), White Man Protestant Enclave, New Vaticana,
and New Mexico (all the Southwest, of course). For this brilliant article,
in its shorter Washington Times format and its longer format, with more
details and maps, go directly to: Only Mr. Djurdjevic has this
prophetic power to see the inevitable fate of what happens when you lose
ethnic and religious purity.

9) As Djurdjevic writes in a postscript to his WT "Dancing 'Round the Golden
Calf" piece:

"If you're a white Christian American, you may be fairly alarmed now. 'What
do we do?' I hear you ask. 'How do we fight this Antichrist who has seized
America by her bootstraps?'"

For the solutions, dear reader--if you are a white Christian American--I
refer you to Mr. Djudjevic's web page. This page includes a list
of all the articles, with most of them posted in full on the site.

Just go to "Dancing 'Round the Golden Calf" to find out what happens to the
Antichrist who has seized White Christian America by her bootstraps./2/


Michael Sells

/1/ See M. Sells, The Bridge Betrayed: Religion and Genocide in Bosnia
(University of California Press, second edition, 1998).

/2/ Note, all references to Djurdjevic's writings in Chronicles and in the
Washington Times are based on the copies of these pieces he has posted on
his web site and on the identification he gives there.

Disclaimer: the claims and opinions on this page and all other pages linked
to Sells represent the opinions of Michael A. Sells only, and do not reflect
the position of Haverford College.

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