I found this anonymously posted article at the following URL:


This information is well worth reading, IMHO.....

9/4/00     ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

MARtin F. ABErnathy

Religious and Psychological Warfare Tactics in Phoenix, AZ


How innocent people's lives are likely being ruined by "God's Chosen People"
abusing Remote Neural Monitoring Technology in an attempt to create the
"Perfect Utopian Society" or "Nanotopia".


Are you familiar with the terms Nanotechnology and Biotechnology ? If not you
should be. These two powerful weapons are being unleashed on an unaware
population in an all out attempt to take over our country. Nanotechnology is
the study of molecules or manipulation of matter on a molecular level. This
includes computers and microchips. Biotechnology is the process by which
sophisticated technology is combined with the manipulation of human behavior
and body function. Remote Neural Monitoring is a process by which these new
technologies are being used to control, monitor and manipulate human behavior
on a massive scale utilizing supercomputers. Cellular phone frequencies,
microwave radar and radio frequencies are likely being used to "connect" to
the body's Bio-Electric Field, allowing for total around-the-clock
surveillance of our thoughts, usually via satellite. Brain to brain links
(linking your thoughts to your neighbors, or anyone else for that matter) are
easily achieved with nanotechnology supercomputers capable of processing
massive amounts of data in a few seconds. The National Security Agency in Ft.
Meade and Bowie, MD as well as Raytheon's E-Systems in Dallas, TX and The
Cray Supercomputer Research Centers in Minneapolis and Eagan, MN are major
supercomputer sites within the United States that implement this surveillance
on millions of citizens around our country and the world. DOMINT, COMINT and
SIGINT are the main code names for the NSA's covert surveillance operations.
This RNM procedure can create both brain to brain links and brain to computer
links. In other words, along with supercomputers directly filling your brain
with images and thoughts, there is the capability to create the illusion of
mind reading abilities with the brain to brain links.

Phoenix, AZ is a "technological mecca" where people are likely being used as
"guinea pigs" by large defense contractors who work alone or in conjunction
with The Department of Defense to test their latest behavior modification
technology. People are being connected to these electromagnetic frequencies,
their thoughts are being monitored and recorded and the people implementing
this procedure basically have total control over their lives. Religious
beliefs are being forced on people, jobs are being lost, crimes are being
committed, privacy is being invaded and people are becoming addicted to drugs
and losing their lives as a result of this psychological terrorism. People's
innermost thoughts are being "broadcast" over these frequencies to others
around them in an attempt to stress everyone out and bring people to their
knees. What's worse is that artificial, repulsive ideas and images are being
sent to people's minds as well, creating the perfect stress scenario. Imagine
how you would feel knowing everyone around you was picking up on your
thoughts, chances are you would try to think only neutral, positive things
that would not offend anyone. With this technology, trying to do that is a
losing battle since any type of image or idea that a supercomputer operator
wishes to conjure up can be sent directly to the brain of the intended victim
where it will be perceived by others as the victim's own thoughts. Please
understand that your personality can be studied and all events you have
witnessed in your life can be stored on their database, allowing them ample
ammunition to be used to control you. They will use emotions such as love or
anger against you to disrupt your life and your normal decision making
process. Acts or thoughts you previously considered to be completely out of
character for you can be slowly introduced into your mind in a clever attempt
to "take you down" and cause to to lose your assets and appear unsavory.
Perversion of all kinds that will cause an emotionally charged reaction from
others is a common tactic such as thoughts relating to child molestation,
etc. . . Sad that children have to be used by their own parents as weapons to
gain money and power over others.

Religious Organizations can easily abuse this procedure, telling any targeted
subject that it is simply Satan and that they should quickly repent and allow
the beliefs of the Religious Organization to completely domineer their lives.
Judgement of elected officials and others can be influenced and changed
allowing for complete takeover of the political spectrum. This includes
attorneys, judges, Senators and members of the House of Representatives to
name a few. Other organizations such as New World Order Affiliates are using
this technology also, leading to massive apathy and drug addiction which
makes the rich who traffic such substances richer and more powerful. People
are likely being deceived into contributing large amounts of money to their
churches, mis-diagnosed mental illnesses are exploding and millions of
dollars are being made by organizations with access to this RNM Technology.

In addition, a device called the Bio-Pacer has also been developed that will
inflict a "goose-bumps" effect on individual subjects likely via satellite.
Many people are flocking to join religious groups such as the Promise Keepers
for Men because they "feel the power" of Jesus or the Holy Spirit. The
Bio-Pacer can easily imitate this power, leading to the duped masses donating
substantial amounts of money and becoming totally submissive to the religious
leaders in power today. Pat Robertson of the Christian Coalition has stated
that he expects the Coalition to rise to be the most powerful force in the
country today and with this technology used on an unaware population, this
can be easily achieved. In addition, he believes that all government jobs
should be taken away from non-Coalitioners as only his people are qualified
to run government. He then plans to abolish social programs such as welfare,
school lunches, higher education assistance and more. Quite a plan, force
people out of their jobs and then abolish any remaining government programs
that would help them survive and all of this is in the name of Jesus. Sad
that groups such as this capitalize on the normal human instinct to place
guilt and blame on themselves, these traits come from our Bicameral Minds.
They are telling us that if we go against them, we are Satanic and must be
destroyed. In 1996 alone, the Christian Coalition amassed over $26,000,000.00
tax free dollars, an amount that would easily allow access to supercomputers
and the other technology mentioned here.

Some notable anti-gay members of the Arizona Legislature are Karen Johnson
and Barbara Blewster. Barbara has stated that "Homosexuality leads to
beastiality, human sacrifice and cannibalism.". With the use of RNM, radicals
such as these two women who are affiliated with the Coalition can easily
inflict such ideas on an unaware population of blacks, jews or gays (or
anyone on their 'hit list') to produce the very thoughts that will cause an
outcry against their intended victims. The favorite slogan in Phoenix is
"Better be careful around here, we'll make your worst fears happen for you
!". Sound diabolical ? Thats Phoenix ! Beautiful palm trees, seas of stucco
and tile roofs, swimming pools and so much technology being unleashed on
people that they are destroying each other with it. Hypocrisy on a grand
scale with money grubbing white supremacists who likely unleash clandestine
schemes to take assets from minorities, drive them insane and basically
destroy anyone who questions their way of doing things. Private business
ideas, advertising ideas, investment ideas and a host of other personal
information is likely being stolen at an alarming rate while the lawmakers do
little to keep up with out of control technology in the hands of fascists.
This is Phoenix's idea of family values. Rich white supremacists likely
targeting innocent victims by having their buddies in the aerospace industry
or Department of Defense "go after" gays, blacks, jews or anyone who "rubs
them the wrong way" with psychological warfare technology.

I wonder if Johnson and Brewster realize how closely their agendas mirror the
terror of the Nazi Regime. Before the Nazis started their death camps in
WWII, they ran all "genetically inferior races", peasants and other
minorities out of their country. Sound familiar ? Shades of the Christian
Coalition and their "Target 2000" program to run gays and other minorities to
Africa by the year 2000 with RNM. History is repeating itself, thanks to the
Coalition and the Nazis of the New World Order. Sad that we have learned
nothing from the atrocities committed in WWII. Access The Truth for an
in-depth look at mankind's struggles over several centuries. The site relates
how over 5 million victims were exterminated by the Nazis in WWII, their
bodies ripped open to check for hidden valuables and then they were turned
into fertilizer by incineration. More information relates the apparent
relation between alien manipulation and the Nazi quest for genetic
superiority. The main idea the site converys is that no matter what your
beliefs are, if humans don't come together as one race and learn from the
past, we will likely destroy ourselves. It would seem that Blewster & Johnson
are adding to the conflicts in their state and condone the same types of
human sacrifice they are maliciously accusing gay people of. If you girls
(Johnson & Blewster) can squeeze this website into your busy schedules of
gay-bashing, hidden agendas and victimization on the taxpayer's dime, your
state will likely thank you for doing so.

Other technology includes microchips which are designed to be injected into
the blood stream of unaware citizens that are 200 times smaller than a human
hair (nanotechnology) that allow for monitoring, control and manipulation of
bodily functions. Bertrand Cambou of Motorola has done an interview with
Popular Science Magazine relating to the use of radio frequencies through the
body and the encapsulation of computer components into a "single, tiny chip".
Phoenix is full of this technology and I have personally lived there and
endured the harrassment from the Coalition and others. They believe that they
can take anyone's money away, soil anyone's reputation, inflict psychological
hardship and drive anyone out of the country they choose because they are
chosen by God and all of the money belongs to God. All of this can be
inflicted while they stay anonymous and hidden away behind their religious
facades, safe from reprisal which is their highest priority. Their assets,
according to the group, will be kept safe while others are secretly ruined
without knowing who their true persecutors are. Their agenda clearly states
that their true identities are to be kept secret to allow infiltration into
Republican Committees, Governments, etc. . . Seems pretty comical, people
using Jesus as their vehicle to skulk around like the Pink Panther, gathering
evidence to destroy others while they are protected by anonymity. Gay people
and political adversaries as well as religious and ethnic minorities are
being ruined psychologically and financially. Groups such as the Aryan Nation
clearly state in their agenda that they are currently fueling stigmas towards
minorities and will use sophisticated electronic systems to put an invisible
wall around the United States once they have "taken down" their adversaries.
There is even a plan to send all gay people to a small country in Africa to
live, apart from "God's Chosen People" (Target 2000). This is highly
suspicious with all of the biological warfare testing that has been going on
in Africa for decades. Nazi groups have created various biological weapons
there to target blacks and others. Probably a plan to complete the genocide
that has been going on without jeopardizing the safety of any of the "Chosen
Ones" who will be safely across the ocean.

Other organizations with a strong presence in the Phoenix area are the
Mormons and the Watchtower (Jehova's Witnesses). Money and power seem to be
common denominators where these groups are concerned. When approached
directly with questions regarding their part in taking the country over with
these tactics, most Coalitioners, Aryans or other affiliates would probably
respond with something to the effect of "Oh, ha, ha, ha, that isn't going on.
That's ridiculous, better give those people who say such things a
psychological once over, ha, ha, ha." This keeps their schemes hidden,
protects their assets and allows them to continue controlling our perceptions
and make us believe what they want us to believe.

Awareness to what is actually taking place allows you to become stronger and
better able to withstand this repulsive game until it is fully exposed and
dealt with by our legal and judicial system. You no longer have to blame
yourself for thoughts of perversion or unsavory acts as the true source of
those thoughts is now known to you. Do the best you can to try and convey
this to others, even if only through your thoughts. Imagine how easy it would
be to go to the mall or a ballgame and just sit and think about these
tactics, relaying it to others around you who are being targeted with the
same technology. Basically it is a way to use their own system against them
and take advantage of the RNM brain to brain links. I would encourage anyone
reading this that relates to these tactics and has had their life ruined by
them to upload your experiences to the World Wide Web, leave your name off it
you think it is necessary but use facts and think logically. Remember that
the organizations we are dealing with are obsessed with money, power and
manipulation and use all kinds of tactics to control and ruin others who know
the truth. It's sad that even though you are conveying real experiences that
you have to do so with such caution but we have to start somewhere.

The normal tactics used in Phoenix are first to approach people in public
with information relating how your thoughts are known to others and that you
had better abide by the "invisible martial law" they implement there. If this
has no effect on you, the harrassment is stepped up and you will be monitored
more closely and attempts will be made to cause you not to obtain employment
or to lose your job. When these two tactics of malicious harrassment fail,
the last steps are usually to implement psychological manipulation using RNM,
microchips and Bio-Pacer stimulation. It is time that the deception be
revealed and the lives that have been destroyed so the priviledged few can
prosper be restored. The atmosphere in Phoenix, AZ is a sort of "hear no
evil, see no evil, speak no evil" and people try to just forget about it
while their lives are ruined. They are likely taking vast amounts of drugs,
both over the counter and street substances, whether the media reveals it or
not, in order to cope with this abnormal totalitarian control. You can't even
carry on a conversation in Phoenix in your own home or workplace without fear
of reprisal. Government Employees are likely being "taken down" and do not
realize what is happening. In the last two years alone, I am familiar with
one public employee who shot and killed his ex-wife, another was shot while
at work and another jumped off the roof of a government parking garage. They
are being told it is simply stress from day to day living. This is likely not
the case with the existence of such powerful technology. The atmosphere I
observed when I lived there was one of a money-oriented power struggle where
hundreds, possibly thousands, of innocent lives were ruined and then the
victims were made to simply disappear and sweep knowledge of their torment
"under the rug". The feeling I got was one of smug, self-righteous, power
seeking groups who go around bullying the average people into submission
while they make money off of their fear and misery. This is how Phoenix is
able to always seem so clean and attractive to tourists and out of state
businesses. In light of this information, their slogan "All Roads Lead To
Phoenix" takes on a whole new meaning.


Useful terms for you to study and research on the Net:

(RNM) Remote Neural Monitoring
Bio-Pacer Device
Cellular, radio and microwave radar frequencies
Bioelectric fields
Screen Memory
Narco Hypnosis
Psychological Manipulation/Warfare
Mind Control
Biochemical Control/Manipulation
Psychotronic Weapons
Low Orbiting Satellites
Christian Coalition
Creator's Rights Party
New World Order (Committee of 300)
Aryan Nation
Federal Bureau of Investigations
Central Intelligence Agency
Cult of the Olympians
Air Force Project HAARP
Army Project THAAD
China Lake Naval Weapons Center
National Security Agency
Raytheon's E-Systems
Cray Supercomputer Research Center

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