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Mitch Wayne's Digital Domain


Welcome to the United States of America - where, on April 22, 2000, the
lying, criminal rapist in the White House, William Jefferson Clinton, and the
Butcher of Waco, Janet Reno, committed the most outrageous flaunting of the
US Constitution since the murders they sanctioned at Waco on April 19, 1993.


This is a Politically Incorrect & Subversive Zone
In accordance with New World Order Directive #666, drones who have been
assigned to one or more of the following categories MUST LEAVE NOW:
• Statists  • Government Lawyers
• Scum-Sucking Politicians  • Humorless Droids
• Religious Proselytizers   • Fools & Idiots
• Control Freaks    • Pro Rapist and Victim Disarmament Advocates
• Politically Asinine Thought Police    • Environmental Ayatollahs
What Few Brain Cells You Have Are At Risk Of Contamination!

Welcome to my piece of Cyberspace. Here you will find an assortment of topics
I find interesting. If you do too, then welcome. If you could care less, so
be it. If you find anything offensive, go elsewhere. You are in control. This
site is best viewed on a Mac at 14 point font/72 dpi. The font is Verdana.

Who is Mitch Wayne? While this may be a metaphysical question, I am 48, a
"Native American" by definition (I was born on the land claimed by the
Federal Government as being part of the USA), and have been married to the
same woman (Sharon) for 23 years. Why she puts up with me, is beyond my
comprehension. We have two daughters, Gillian (age 18) and Nikki (age 13),
who I love dearly, but they sure know how to make me crazy. Our home is
rounded out by a cat, Emma Peel.
I am not a SNAG...Sensitive New Age Guy (Sharon will tell you that the
preceding statement is pure Bullshit). I like action/adventure/sci-fi movies
with lots of blood, most music including Blues, Rock (Classic and New),
Classical (Wolfgang Lives! Nothing beats the Piano Concerto in D Minor),
Reggae, World (especially Peter Gabriel), and "gasp" New Age. I don't listen
to "conventional" radio...strictly Digital Radio, and have the Blues channel
turned on all the time.
Sci-Fi literature occupies most of my reading time (Heinlein, Clarke, Asimov,
Ellison, L. Neil Smith, J. Neil Schulman, Wm. Gibson, Brin, Card, Bear, and
too many more to mention). I also like to read popular works on physics
(especially quantum mechanics) and mathematics. One of my all time favorites
is a work by Douglas Hofstadter, "Godel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden
Braid" Finally, the non-fiction literature is rounded out with everything by
Alvin and Heidi Toffler. Recently I read a "popular" math text entitled,
"Fermat's Enigma", by Simon Singh, a discussion of mathematical history, and
how Fermat's Last Theorem was solved. Highly recommended I just purchased his
next book, "The Code Book - The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to
Quantum Cryptography". Then there is Ayn Rand. More about her below.
I travel when I can, sail any chance I get, and otherwise try to enjoy
myself. Having lived in Arizona for the last year, I am discovering the great
outdoors more than ever before. Hiking and camping are becoming regular
I don't watch much TV these days. Babylon 5 (when it was on) and the X-Files
are my two favorite TV shows. I've watched both consistently since their
first season. I was sorry to see Bab5 end, and the sequel, Crusade, was only
picked up for 13 episodes. "Dilbert" is my favorite comic strip. I will admit
to also being a Trekkie (DS9 and Voyager), a fan of "Highlander: The Series"
(again, when it was on), and "Millennium" (ditto). I admit to being a
talk-radio listener - Rush, Michael Savage -The Savage Nation are two
favorites. I certainly don't agree with a lot of what they say (especially
Rush's advocacy of the Republican Party and GWB for Prez), but they are fun
to listen to.
I am a Macintosh bigot. Apple still makes the best personal computer on the
market. With the return of the prodigal son, Apple has obviously proved
itself to be a viable alternative to Wintel.
By avocation and interest, I am a Mac-oriented consultant based in
Scottsdale, Arizona. I have been in the "Biz" for 16 years, which is a long
time to do anything these days. I prefer to work with small businesses and
individuals, however, I have consulted with large multinationals - it pays
the bills. I also design databases using FileMaker Pro. I have a current
passport, and am willing to travel. As the man said, "Show me the money."
Everything is possible as long as you have the time and budget, and do not
ask me to violate civil or criminal codes. Also, don't ask me to disregard
the fundamental laws of physics or economics. (See below - TANSTAAFL)
My professional life has switched slightly due to an affiliation with two
Phoenix-based companies - Waves in Motion and WorqSmart - a group of FileMaker
 Pro developers and consultants who have some very interesting products and
services. Please pay a visit to their Web Site for more info on our products
for end users and developers. If titles are to be assigned, I guess I am the
VP of Sales for both companies, so if you have need of our offerings, please
call me.
For the latest info on the Mac universe, I recommend MacInTouch, the Mac News
Network, MacCentral and MacFixit.
As of this writing (September 4, 2000), fires are burning in the Western US,
Bush and Gore are vying to be the next Emperor, Bush called a NY Times
reporter an "asshole", (Good for Shrub), I have a G4 Cube on my desk at work,
Sharon is getting the recognition she deserves from her superiors at the GAP,
Gillian has left home for college, Nikki is in eighth grade and almost as
tall as me. Life goes on.


As the man once said:

Items For Your Consideration
Privacy in the Digital Age is essential. Big Brother IS Watching, as are your
neighbors, your employer, your ex-wife/husband, the local do-gooders, the
young intern working at your Net provider, and everyone else including Condo
Nazis (S. FL reference). As Stephen Stills once opined, "Paranoia strikes
deep. Into your heart it will creep." I am an advocate of PGP, Pretty Good
Privacy. Phil Zimmermann is a god!. Here is my PGP key. It is also available
from the PGP Server at MIT. (NOTE: This particular key uses the latest
version of PGP 6.5.8 and was created using the Diffie-Hellman algorithm). If
you are not using PGP, what are you waiting for? In the same vein, don't
forget about Anonymous Remailers. Check out PGP from The International PGP
Home Page. Then there is another point of view: noted sci-fi author and
physicist David Brin, argues for more openness - shine the light on those in
power, and then no one can throw stones.

Encryption Articles
Why Encryption Matters  David Brin - The Transparent Society
EPIC - Watching out for You     ECHELON - The Feds Really Are Watching
A Simple Crypto System RSA-3-lines-PERL

There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
Which means if you want the government to do something, they're either going
to take money from you to do it, or take it from someone else. Which makes
you either a Fool or a Thief

Politically, I am a radical libertarian. This may offend those statists who
are still here in violation of the warning noted above, but quite frankly, I
don't give a damn. I want to live my life in peace. You can live yours, but
don't tread on me, or, even worse, advocate that the government inflict your
will upon me. I see no difference between the Republicans or Democrats, Libera
ls or Conservatives. All advocate government controls of your life, liberty
and property. Only the Libertarian Party advocates Peace, Prosperity and
Freedom. As a former member of the LP, I am dismayed by the path it has taken
in the last several years. I was once asked what I would do if elected as a
libertarian, and I answered... "Abolish the LP." L. Neil Smith, in an address
to the Arizona LP stated it very well. If you're interested in a less
politicized view of libertarianism, check out the Advocates for Self
Government. Some pro-freedom links, news sources and writers for your reading
pleasure include the following:

The Home Page of J. Orlon Grabbe    Laissez Faire City Times    Freedom Home
Page of the Week
The Amazing Vindex - Vin Suprynowicz    The Cato Institute  The Liberty Round
Laissez Faire City  Wolf DeVoon     The Sierra Times

Freedom Articles
"Pity the poor, diseased politician. Imagine: to spend your days and expend
your efforts making rules for others to live by, thinking up ways to run
other lives. Actually to strive for the opportunity to do so! What a hideous
affliction!" -- THE SECOND BOOK OF KYFHO - F. Paul Wilson, The LaNague
Declaration of Independence     Constitution of the US  Freedom Quotes
>From Crossbows to Cryptography  Governmental Philosophy     "On the Day I Die"

Is Your Freedom in Danger?  The Most Dangerous Addiction    Louis Napper -
The Bill of No Rights
James Bovard - The Error of Big Government  When Freemen Shall Stand    The
Liberty Manifesto
"If ye love wealth greater than liberty, the tranquility of servitude greater
than the animating contest for freedom, go home from us in peace. We seek not
your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you; and
may posterity forget that ye were once our countrymen." -- Sam Adams.

Bill of Rights Enforcement!

I have recently become affiliated with Laissez Faire Books. If you are in
need of books, videos, and other material advocating individual liberties, I
recommend you visit their site.

Ayn Rand is one of my heroes, and Atlas Shrugged my all-time favorite novel.
Existence IS Black and White - just like cyberspace...Ones and Zeros. A=A.
Advocates of "grey" are moral cowards. Unlike others, I find no contradiction
between Objectivism and libertarianism. It is unfortunate that Rand's
philosophy is not taught in more schools, especially at the K-12 level. Of
course, that would threaten the current social order. One note is in order, I
am not an Ayn Rand cultist. So, I'm more comfortable with the folks at The
Objectivist Center, than the hard-core "Randians" at the Ayn Rand Institute.
Finally there is a site I recommend to everyone, which makes the case for
Objectivism as the underlying basis of moral and individual rights in the
form of an upcoming book - Fatal Blindness: America's Decades of Declining
Freedom and The Rise of its Dictators.

>From the final paragraphs of Chapter 7 of FATAL BLINDNESS, by Fulton Huxtable

"The immoral and reckless indifference of so much of the American public to
statists obliterating freedom in one area after another brings to mind the
quote attributed to Protestant minister Martin Neimoller, who reflected upon
Germany's fall to the Nazis: "In Germany they came first for the Communists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist. Then they came for the
Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the
trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a
Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak
If you are like most Americans, you didn't bother to notice that when
statists came for the owners of "public buildings," violating the property
rights of these owners, that, in principle, your rights were undermined,
undermining what you may do in your own home. You didn't speak out because
you are not an owner of one of these "public buildings."
When statists came for the owners of tobacco companies, infringing on their
right of ownership and restricting their freedom of speech, you didn't speak
out because you are not one of the owners of a tobacco company or you are not
a smoker or you consider smoking to be an evil which must be wiped out at all
costs, even at the cost of your freedom, your freedom to follow your own
When they persecuted and imprisoned innocent individuals for "abuse," you
didn't speak out because you were not the one being persecuted. When they
imprisoned those individuals for disturbing the "wetlands," you said nothing
because you thought it would never affect you, oblivious to the fact that
your backyard is a "wetland."
When they searched, without warrant, the private property of business owners,
you said nothing because these were only business owners and you are not a
business owner. When they seized property without due process, you said
nothing because it wasn't your property being seized, even though it could be
and will be tomorrow. When they imposed arbitrary fines, you said nothing
because you were not the one victimized. When they kicked in the door of the
home of someone suspected of drug possession and killed the innocent owner,
you said nothing because your loved one was not the one killed and because
you believe anything goes when it comes to fighting drug use. When they drove
an innocent man to suicide in their attempt to collect taxes never owed them,
you said nothing because the victim was not someone you knew and valued.
When they bullied television network executives into accepting a ratings
system, you said nothing because you are not an owner of a television
station. When they, in the name of children, came for the producers of
children's television programs, making it criminal to express certain ideas,
you did not speak out because you believe anything can be sacrificed in the
name of children, even though these children will not be free when they
become adults. When they suspended the right to trial by jury for accused
"deadbeat dads," you said nothing because you are not a deadbeat dad.
Even though you oppose socialized medicine, when they passed legislation
further regulating doctors, you said nothing, dismissing it as only a "small
step," perhaps hoping it would not affect you in your lifetime, hoping that
"somehow" it would not result in socialized medicine. When they got you to
accept the idea that your money is not yours, that they may forcibly take
"your" money and dictate to you how much you may keep for your own needs, you
said nothing because you consider taxation to be a necessary evil. When they
came for the online news organizations, you said nothing because you are not
a user of online services.
And when they and their evil finally come for you, and they will, if America
continues down this road to hell will there be enough left who will care
about your plight, will there be anyone left to speak out for you, to defend
you? You already know the answer: there won't be, if this country continues
to sink into the cesspool of statism, if most Americans continue to maintain
an indifferent silence about freedom's decline. And if you are one of those
who have said nothing, then your silence and the logic of your bad premises
will finally avenge themselves on you in practice when they finally come for

"It stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting
sacrificial offerings. Where there is service, there is someone being served.
The man who speaks to you of sacrifice speaks of slaves and masters. And
intends to be master." -- Ayn Rand
Objectivism FAQ     Essentials of Objectivism   "Health Care is Not a Right"
Rand on Money   The Impact of Objectivism   "Anthem"
Rand Quotes     What is Objectivism?    Branden - Who Is An Objectivist
"I swear - by my life and my love of it - that I will never live for the sake
of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine". -- John Galt
"A democracy, if you attach meaning to terms, is a system of unlimited
majority rule; the classic example is ancient Athens. And the symbol of it is
the fate of Socrates, who was put to death legally, because the majority
didn't like what he was saying, although he had initiated no force & had
violated no one's rights. Democracy, in short, is a form of collectivism,
which denies individual rights: the majority can do whatever it wants with no
restrictions. In principle the democratic government is all-powerful.
Democracy is a totalitarian manifestation; it is not a form of freedom." --
Leonard Peikof

I am also a strong proponent of the RKBA - the Right to Keep and Bear Arms,
and recently read an article in The Libertarian Enterprise entitled, The
Right to Bear Arms is a Matter of Life and Death, by Andrew Muriithi, which
put the discussion in the best perspective as any I have seen:

*   Do I as a human being have an immutable natural right to defend myself at
all times and in all circumstances against all such individuals as may
threaten my life and property?
*   Do I have the right to defend myself and my property always? Do I have
the right to defend myself using weapons sufficiently equal to or superior
than those of my aggressor to assure myself the chance to live tomorrow?
*   Is my right to use these weapons separable from my natural right to
freely exist and to assure my survival tomorrow?
*   Am I morally obligated to observe a law or ordinance that likely
threatens my survival tomorrow? Does my obligation to obey supersede my right
to live? If I am not living, can I obey? Which comes first, life or
obedience? If my federal, state or city government bans or limits my freedom
to own and carry any type of weapon I choose, does it limit my right to
freely live? Does it leave me vulnerable, malleable, compliant, and likely to
die as a result? Am I obligated to observe the ban or limit if I may likely
die as a result?
*   Is my natural right to freely live absolute? Is it independently
existent? If the Founding Fathers hadn't the prescient wisdom to enunciate
this right in the Constitution, would it still exist? If the Second Amendment
was repealed by the requisite 37 states today, would my right to bear arms

Right to Keep and Bear Arms
"The freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural,
fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil, and Constitutional
right - subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded
in social utility." -- L. Neil Smith
Memorandum on Arms and Freedom  The 2nd Amendment and the Ideology of
Get America Up In Arms  1997 Firearms Fact Sheet    The Embarrassing 2nd
Origin of US Gun Control Laws   Sundown At Coffin Rock  A Nation of Cowards
The Philosophy in Defense of Firearms   The Unabridged 2nd Amendment
Unintended Consequences
What Good Can A Handgun Do...?  Jews and "Gun Control".pdf  The 2nd Amendment
Handgun Control, Inc.'s Nazi Tactics    Gun Control: A Realistic Assessment
Firearms: the People's Liberty Teeth

There are two activities which are being directed by the Federal Government
and enthusiastically supported by State, County and Local entities which are
destroying this country: The INSANE War on Some Drugs, with its attending
increase in our prison population of nonviolent individuals, and the
accompanying Civil Forfeiture Laws.
One dirty secret of this increase in our prison population is the "slave labor
" element. Talk about a desecration of the Bill of Rights. The Founding
Fathers are rolling in their graves.

INSANE War on Some Drugs - Civil Forfeiture Articles
Alan Brock writes in the November 1999 issue of Liberty:
The question George W. Bush, along with Clinton, Gingrich, Gore and all the
other boomer politicians who have admitted to a walk on the wild side but saw
the error of their ways and support the drug laws now more than ever should
be required to answer is simple:
"At what point in your drug-using career would it have been a good thing for
you to get arrested and go to prison?"
If an arrest wouldn't have been good for these high achievers, why do they
think it's the best way to deal with somebody else's decision to do drugs?
Drug Legalization   We Were Butterflies
What You Can Do     Prosecutors Granted Leeway on Forfeiture
Wm Buckley - The Effects of Drug Legalization   Drug War Factbook
New Study Question DARE     Gore Vidal - The War at Home

Let's cover another area, Jury Nullification. Should jurors, in all trials,
be able to decide not only the facts of a case, but also the law? If you ask
judges and prosecutors, the answer is a resounding "No!". However, if you ask
others, you will be referred to the Fully Informed Jury Association site. It
is argued that the jury is the last bastion of freedom against a corrupt
legal system. As Frederic Bastiat noted:
"No society can exist unless the laws are respected to a certain degree. The
safest way to make laws respected is to make them respectable. When law and
morality contradict each other, the citizen has the cruel alternative of
either losing his moral sense or losing his respect for the law."
I think you can surmise where I fall on the issue. I'm convinced that anyone
paid by the State, owes his/her allegiance to the State, not the
taxpayer/citizen. Like gambling casinos, the odds are stacked in favor of the
State. Jurors are even being tried for voting their conscience. Enough is

FIJA Articles
Kriho Found Guilty - Acquitted on Appeal    Don't Juries Only Try the Facts?
The Past is Prologue    Lysander Spooner - Trial by Jury

"America is at that awkward stage. It is too late to work within the system,
but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe

So, is the Social Contract that makes the US a viable experiment in
governance unraveling? Some think so. I am of the opinion that we are
"Balkanizing" into numerous factions, some with "rights", and some without.
As we continue to do so, it becomes more and more difficult to agree on
anything. The net result may be a Civil War between those who want a strong
Federal system, and those who don't. Whatever happens, do not forget precedent

How about some paranoia Scarecrow? Lets talk about aliens and the attending
cover up conspiracies. I love Sci-Fi, and so the idea of alien cultures and
civilizations isn't far fetched. I want to meet a Vulcan! So the question is
- Have we been visited by aliens and is the US government covering it up?
What really happened at Roswell in 1947? Did the US military in the late 40s,
out of fear of the Soviets, embark on a cover up that has continued to this
day out of sheer bureaucratic inertia? What really goes on at Area 51? Who
are those guys? How did Vince Foster die? Despite what Fiske and Starr
stated, it certainly wasn't suicide. Who shot JFK? Where is Elvis? And then
there was TWA Flight 800. It was a missile. It was fired by individuals
associated with Iran in retaliation for the Iran Air Airbus shot down over
the Persian Gulf in the early '90s by the USS Vincennes. The Clinton
Administration knows it. The Intelligence Community knows it. Period. End of
sentence. I have seen the fnords.


This is a Microsoft Free Zone. I refuse to financially support the Evil
Empire despite the kiss-and-makeup show demonstrated by Steve and Bill. Mr.
Bill has amassed great wealth selling mediocrity, which only validates the
following business philosophy:

"You can fool all of the people some of the time, some of the people all of
the time, and that's enough to earn a decent living."

While I do not begrudge him his success, I prefer not to contribute to his
coffers. What I find really fascinating are all the MIS Managers and VPs of
IT who want to standardize on Win95/98/NT/2000, a proprietary solution, but
abhorred being tied into proprietary solutions from IBM, DEC, or Apple.
"Wintel" users be forewarned: you are fair game for barbs and ridicule.

Having said that, I am firmly opposed to the antitrust lawsuit that was filed
by the US Department of Justice and 20 States. Microsoft cannot "force"
anyone to buy their product - not individuals, PC manufacturers, ISPs,
nobody. If you don't want to buy MS products under the terms which it wishes
to sell them, tough!! No one has the "right" to buy anything they want under
terms which are not beneficial to both the seller and buyer. It's too bad
that Gates didn't made a principled defense at the trial. Unfortunately, the
following was Gates reaction as noted in an article by David C. Adams
entitled Bill Gates: Hero, Coward:

Speaking to students recently at the Columbia Business School, Bill Gates
said, "You don't have to go as far as Ayn Rand to think that allowing
businesses to keep innovating in their product is a good idea." In other
words, you don't have to bother with the actual principles involved. And he
means it.


It was last modified on September 4, 2000. I have blatantly ripped off design
techniques and graphics. If you care to send any comments to me, fire away.
Spam or other crap can be sent to: Mr. Bill (no, not that one, the other
one). Finally, I could care less how many people have visited this site since
the turn of the last millennium, so no Web Counter or guest book. Have a nice
day. Or don't. It's your choice.
Back to Top
Copyright © 2000 by Mitch Wayne ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). All rights reserved.
"Without prejudice" per UCC 1-207
crypto, crypto, crypto, mitch wayne, mitch wayne, mitch wayne, fija, fija,
fija, jury rights, jury rights, jury rights, jury rights, kyfho, kyfho,
kyfho, macintosh, macintosh, macintosh, rkba, rkba, rkba, rkba, tanstaafl,
tanstaafl, tanstaafl, tanstaafl, the right to keep and bear arms, the right
to keep and bear arms, the right to keep and bear arms, war on drugs, war on
drugs, war on drugs. libertarianism, libertarianism
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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