[What part of the UN charter authorizes this kind of work?]



September 10 2000    WORLD

Giant telescope to look for alien life
Jonathan Leake, Science Editor

THE United Nations is drawing up plans for a giant radio
telescope that will scan more than a million stars for signs of
intelligent life.

The £800m machine, called the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), will
be the most sensitive astronomical instrument yet built.

An agreement to build the new telescope was signed last month at
a meeting of the International Astronomical Union in Manchester.
Scientists will spend the next few years designing the
technology, with completion due in about 2015.

Scientists hope to detect television and radio transmissions, or
signals broadcast by alien civilisations. "We will use it to
survey stars up to 1,000 light years away from us," said Jill
Tarter, a leading researcher at the Search for Extra-Terrestrial
Intelligence (Seti) institute in America. Seti's instruments are
only powerful enough to examine several hundred stars.

Impetus for the plan has grown in recent months, with astronomers
announcing the discovery of more than 40 planets in distant solar
systems. The planets are mostly very large and too hot to support
life as we know it, but their discovery suggests many smaller,
Earth-like planets may also exist.

Besides looking for intelligent extraterrestrials, the SKA will
seek the faint radiation emitted 10-12 billion years ago when the
first stars and galaxies formed after the big bang, the explosion
of dense matter that marked the universe's origin.

It will also allow astronomers to plot in detail the courses of
asteroids and comets that threaten to collide with the Earth.
Professor Peter Wilkinson, a senior astronomer at Jodrell Bank,
Britain's renowned radio telescope centre, said that the SKA
could enable humanity to protect itself from their impact.

Astronomers calculate that the telescope will need a collecting
area of a square kilometre, made up of hundreds of antennae or
dishes scattered across thousands of miles, linked by some of the
most sophisticated computers on Earth.

Scientists aim to create a "radio quiet park", where nobody will
be allowed to use mobile phones, TV, radio or walkie-talkies for
fear their emissions could be mistaken for signs of alien life.
The most likely site is in Australia.

Professor Ron Ekers, of the Australia National Telescope
Facility, who has been advising the UN, said the SKA would
provide "crucial new evidence on the formation and early history
of the first stars".

For Tarter, however, the biggest issue is how Earth will cope if
the SKA succeeds in detecting alien life. "Such a discovery will
change our perception of our role in the cosmos. This telescope
will be a great scientific instrument, but its effect on humanity
could be profound."

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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