News Article: Catastrophic Event Preceded Dark Ages - Scientist

 LONDON (Reuters) - Something catastrophic occurred on Earth
1,500 years ago that may have led to the Dark Ages and
coincided with the end of the Roman Empire and the death of
King Arthur, a Northern Ireland scientist said on Friday.
It could have been a bombardment of cometary debris or the
eruption of a super volcano.

But whatever it was, it is clearly etched in the chronology
of tree rings from around the world, according to Professor
Mike Baillie, of Queen's University in Belfast.

The global environmental event that occurred around 540 AD
is not recorded in any history books. But the tree ring
chronologies compiled from samples of trees, some preserved in
bogs, which date back thousands of years, single out something
that was quite extraordinary.

"It was a catastrophic environmental downturn that shows up
in trees all over the world," Baillie told a news conference at
the British Association for the Advancement of Science

"This event is clear in the tree ring records."

The height of a tree is indicative of the quality of soil
it is growing in but the rings hold clues about past climate
conditions and have been used to date events in the past.

They correctly recorded the year without a summer in the
North American region in 1816 and the eruption of various
volcanoes around the world.

Baillie believes the slowdown of tree growth recorded in
the rings around 540 AD was due to a bombardment of cometary
debris which happened around the time of King Arthur's death,
the end of the Roman Empire and the beginning of the Dark Ages.

Traditional myths recorded in 13th century texts refer to a
comet in Gaul around 540 AD when the sky seemed to be on fire,
according to Baillie.

"These myths hint strongly at a bombardment vector for the
environmental downturn but are almost universally dismissed as
fiction or fantasy by academics," he said.

Baillie is appealing to historians to accept that something
terrible happened around 540 AD and to find a record of it.

"I am calling for a debate by scientists and historians on
how to approach the evidence for catastrophic events of this
kind which were previously not known to have taken place," he


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