America’s prolonged assault on gold 1
FEW would deny that the US Government has for years worked hard to
destabilize the South African economy.

 The efforts include the current “disinvestment” policy, an international
and financial squeeze, pressure on US companies with South African
sub-sidies, blocking of loans by international organisations and, most
dangerous of ail, America’s prolonged “holy war” against gold.
 As recently as last September the American Press was crammed with long
learned treatises on the price collapse of the “barbarous metal”, due to the
US-dominated IMF gold auctions. Many were the prediction8 of disaster for
the South African economy, culminating in hints of imminent revolution as a
 Simultaneously, a report by the Chiries Rivers ASSOCiates, commissioned by
the US Department of Commerce, gave fuel to the US Liberal Estabiisment
belief that Marxist and militant governments in Southern Africa would not
seriously affect American access to natural resources.
 Now we come to two fundamental facts about South Africa: -
 0 It is the world’s premier producer of gold, providing two-thirds of the
wand’s supply of newly mined gold.
 ??It is the target of a furious world-wide attack for it8 policy of
separate development.
What is the link between these two facts? Today I am privileged to quote
from “The War on Gold,” by British-born Professsor Antony Sutton, a former
Research Fellow at the Hoover institute for
War, Revolution and Peace, and author of a number of major works on the
inter-national monetary system.

 ‘The War on Gold,” (Valiant Publishers, Sandton) deals extensively with the
US assault on South Africa. in it, Professor Sutton makes a number of
disclosures likely to shock South Africans and American8 alike.
 He contends: ‘The attack on South Africa has little to do with it8 racial
Or domestic policies; these are propaganda counterparts to the war on gold.
A moment’s thought wiil suggest that a Kissinger who is unmoved by Soviet
persecution of Jews and political dissidents is unlikely to be moved by the
lack of voting rights for Black South Africans.
 “Basic to anti-South African hostility is the fact that South Africa is a
geological freak, 8 vast storehouse of mineral wealth, an inviting target
for every imperialistic cabal in the world, the Soviet Union and the US
 US demands for a war on gold, he says, began surfacing as far back as 1966.
In that same year, “the tax-exempt Carnegie Endowment for international

ostensibly studying ways to end Black persecution in South Africa, published
a study (Ameiio C Leiss, Apartheid & UN Collective Measures) detailing how a
UN attack could be made on South Africa. The report quoted military
calculations including the number of troops required for the attack (93
000), the air power required (3 000 flying hours) and the estimated
casualties (18 900 to 37 800).
 “We can set aside the obviously gross underestimates by the presumably
amateur generals at Carnegie. More pertinently, how does a tax-exempt ‘peace
foundation get tangled up in promoting wars on the world’s largest producer
 ‘This Carnegie Report. . .was signed by Joseph E Johnson, President of the
Foundation. Johnson is less well known for another position he holds:
Honorary Secretary-General ofor the US at the Bilderberger meetings.
 “Prince Bernard (of Lockheed payoff fame) is chairman of the Biiderberger
 “The Bilderborgers, otherwise known as The Navigators, are described as
global thinkers, supposedly dedicated to strengthening Western ideals. in
practice, the group is in the forefront of planning a One-World New Order.
Such a New Order would of course be under US (that is, Wail Street)
dominance. in other words, it would be the same dollar imperialism that is
at the root of the war on gold.
 “The Carnegie Endowment is an integral part of the US Establisment. In many
ways it is closer to the centre of policy-making than the Washington
bureaucrats. I\ has a vested interest in promoting dollar imperialism.
 “As part of the Carnegie programme to ‘alter the future’ on behalf of
dollar imperialism, the Leiss Report recommended a boycott on gold as a
prelude to military action.
 “This 1965 report noted that export of gold and gold by-products accounted
for 77 percent of South Africa’s gross national product. ‘Gold is the most
impor-tant single earner of foreign exchange,’ the report stressed. The
‘study’ also in-traduced some shaky reasoning contending that gold mining
would decline before 1970 and predicted that ‘by 1981’ only four of the
existing mines on the Witswatersrand may still be in production.”
 The Leiss Report concluded, says Professor Sutton, that “it would be next
to impossible to prevent gold from moving into trade channels even if
complete economic measures were applied.” it observed that “a successfui
boycott on gold would, if followed, either require some extremely intensive
policing operations or some method of shutting off the market or a part of
 “in other word8 merely calling for a boycott would not be sufficient. Force
would be required to make it stick. Getting such a programme implemented
would create problems for the US. So the report raised the question: ‘Which
would be more damaged by a successful boycott on South African gold -South
Africa or the system of international liquidity?’
 “The report then offered the obvious conclusion: the only way by which the
benefits of South African gold could be denied to South Africa, without
destroy-ing international trade, was to destroy the price of gold, while at
the same time maintaining US gold reserves to preserve US liquidity and
making these reserves available for strategic purposes.
 “In practice, the Carnegie Endowment proposal has on the policy adopted by
the US. Psychological warfare has been mounted against gold and against
South Africa, the largest producer of gold. While promoting a war on gold,
however, the US has been careful to maintain its 3wt1 gold reserves.
 “In 1975 the Russo-Cuban takeover of Angola provided a spine-chilling
concerting its final phase. confirmation that the ‘Carnegie Plan’ for
military action against South Africa was

 “Publicly, the US position on the takeover of Angola was an uncomfortable
‘hands off.’ But in fact the US was working at the time against South
Africa, and the Marxist conquest of Angola fitted into that plan. Secretary
of State Henry Kissinger personally reassured leaders of Latin America’s
Marxist governments that the US would remain on the sidelines of the
conflict in Angola, although some public announcement would be made
criticising the Russo-Cuban takeover.
 “Such statements would be made to appease the American public, however, not
upset the plans for Angola.
 “In Peru, Kissinger assured President Morales Bermuder, Castro’s close
friend, that the US had no real intention of supporting South Africa’s
action against the Cubans. Later, when the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee questioned Kissinger about a presidential request for aid to the
China-South African alliance fighting the Russian-Cuban-MPLA side, Kissinger
replied: ‘The request was only a diplomatic gesture.’
 “The London Economist quoted intelligence sources to the effect that the US
played a double game in Angola: the CIA promised South Africa military
support against the Marxist MPIA - then reneged on its promise. In brief,
the report suggests, the US led South Africa into a trap.
 “This may sound incredible to many readers, but note that this
interpretation and the facts are both consistent with three basic realities:
the war on gold, the propaganda war against South Africa, the economic
assault on South Africa.
 “In the light of the above, it can be argued that the attack on South
African racial policies is nothing more than a cover for a politico-military
attack on South
Africa, for which the war on gold is an essential preliminary, and in which
gold and mineral wealth are the ultimate objectives.”
 I have shown this report to a number of South African bankers with strong
US connections.
 Most agree that the US liberal-international wing, both in political and
financial circles, does not accept the South African argument that this
country is important to the West because of its key strategic position and
its control of a wide range of essential strategic minerals.
 “Board members of the largest US banks argue quite cynically that they
could negotiate far more easily with a weak and possibly corrupt. Black
government in Pretoria than they can with a strong White one; that they
could buy more cheap-ly from such a Black government or simply take what
they need, as Russia is do-ing in the African countries under its
 influence,” said one banker.
 The bankers, however, also point out - as does Professor Sutton - that; 0
South Africa is a very much tougher nut to crack than many in the US
liberal-international wing may suppose. Says Professor Sutton: “The armchair
generals in New York under-estimated the resiliency of the South African
economy. The 1975 devaluation, a tough 1976 Budget and a gold currency swap
stabilised the economy.”
??Whether the US Establishment likes it or not, gold has again proved to be
“the asset of last resort” for prudent investors.
 Swiss bankers, indeed, believe the upward pressure on gold is now so strong
that it will significantly protect South African gold sales against US State
Department interference.



New World Order’ group dictates US policy
DO MAINSTREAM Americans have any idea of the true motives behind their
Government’s politico-economic assault on South Africa?
 Do mainstream Americans, indeed, have any real idea of who and what
con-stitute their own Government?

 How may Americans, let alone South Africans, know anything at all about the
Trilateral Commission, the liberal-international “New World Order” group now
dictating all US fiscal and foreign policies?
 What is the Trilateral Commission, the liberal-international “New World
Order” group now dictating ail US fiscal and foreign policies?
 The story begins in 1921 when a private organisation called the Council on
Foreign Relations was established in New York. Composed of individuals with
a special interest in foreign affairs, the CFR was initially conceived as a
tank” to identify world soft spots that could affect American political,
economic and strategic interests before they developed.
 Over the years the CFR, backed by financial giants such as the
Rockefellers, has ballooned into the most important private organisation in
the world America’s “invisible Government.”
 Its current membership - 1 702 - reads like a Who’s Who in the fields of
high finance, academics, politics, commerce and major foundations.
 Included are executives of multinational corporations such as IBM, Bendix,
ITT, of the major mass media such as Time, Fortune, Business Week, the New
York Times, Washington Post, NBC, CBS and many more - in short, the most
politically powerful and financially viable people in the US.
 In 1973, on the initiative of Mr David Rockefeller, chairman of Chase
Manhattan Bank and at that time also CFR chairman, and Warsaw-born,
Harvard-educated Professor Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Columbia University
specialist on international relations, the CFR set up the Trilateral
 The Rockefellers, with assets and business interests in more than 125
nations, naturally take a more than usual interest in international affairs.
 The Trilateral Commission’s declared aim is to bring private citizens of
Western Europe, Japan and North America together “to foster closer
co-operation between these three regions on common problems.” The
organisation has 80 members from each region hence the name Trilateral.
 TC, like its CFR parent, is financed by the Ford Foundation and the
Rockefeller Brothers Fund, plus the Lilly Endowment and the Kettering
Foundation. All these are noted liberal-internationalists with the declared
aim of bringing about a world government or superstate.
 In 1973, the TC founders, anxious to have a liberal Southerner in their
ranks, invited Mr Jimmy Carter, then Governor of Georgia, to join them.

 Many have wondered how an obscure Georgia peanut farmer came out of nowhere
to win the most powerful position in the world.
 It was Professor Brzezinski and the TC that did it for him. Brzezinski
coached Mr Carter for three years in foreign affairs -“it was like a private
tutorial,” said Mr Carter recently.
 Mr Carter won his election by promising his people “I will never lie to
 you” and that he would bring forth “a new generation of leaders.” Maybe
those leaders were new to the American voter but certainly not to the TC or
the CFR.

 TC members now holding key posts in the US Administration are: 0 Mr Carter
and Vice President Waiter Mondale. ??Professor Brzezinski, White House
National Security Adviser and director of the staff of the National Security
Council, regarded by many as the most power-ful appointed post in
Washington, with co-ordinating powers over the Pentagon, Treasury, State
Department and CIA.
0 Mr Cyrus Vance, Secretary of State.
0 Mr Michael Blumenthal, Secretary of the Treasure.

0 Mr Andrew Young, US Ambassador to the UN. ’ ??Dr Harold Brown, Secretary
for Defence.
0 Mrs Lucy Wilson Benson, Assistant Secretary of State for Security.
0 Mr Warren Christopher, Deputy Secretary for State. 0’ Mr Richard N Cooper,
Under-Secretary of State, Economic Affairs.
0 Mr Richard Holbrooke, Assistant Secretary of State, Far East. ??Mr C Fred
Bergsten, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury.
 Altogether, 16 top White House posts are held by men and women associated
with TC. in particular, active or former TC members now head every key
agency involved in mapping US strategy for dealing with the rest of the

 The CFR is equally prominent. Mr Blumenthal, Professor Brzezinski and Mr
Cyrus Vance are all listed as directors of the CFR. CFR members in the White
House include:
0 Dr Harold Brown, Messrs Bergsten, Christopher, Cooper and Holbrooke.
0 Mr Joseph A Califano, Jr, Secretan/, of Health and Education Welfare.
0 Ms Patricia Harris, Secretary, Housing and Urban Development.
0 Mr Alfred Atherton, Assistant Secretary of State, Middle East.
0 Mr Leslie Gelb, former Washington correspondent of the New York Times, now
heading the Politico-Military Affairs Division of the State Department. @ Mr
Philip C Habib, Under-Secretary of State, Political Affairs.
0 Mr Anthony Lake, Director, Policy Planning Staff, State Department.
0 Mr Richard Moose, new Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

 Two directors of the Rockefeller Foundation and three directors of IBM are
the Carter Cabinet.

 There has never been anything like this in US politics before. Not even
Roosevelt’s famous “Brains Trust”, assembled to solve the problems of the
Great Depression, had such a stranglehold on the central government.
 No one challenges the quality of the Trilateralists chosen for these
important posts. All of them are outstanding figures in their own fields.
Nevertheless, as US analysts are increasingly pointing out, by and large
they represent a particular section of the Eastern Liberal Establishment
rather than the main force of the Democratic Party itself.
 Not surprisingly, many in the US -and not in the Republican Party alone see
this concentration of power as very undesirable and menacing.

 In a recent assessment of the Carter Administration, prepared for the

based Foreign Affairs Research Institute, the analyst A H Standton Candlin

“It has often been remarked that the US presidents, particularly since the
time of Woodrow Wilson, have held, as it were, a sort of dual mandate.
 “On the one hand they have been elected by’the constitutional machinery and
procedures designed to achieve that purpose; on the other they have also
been selected and endorsed by powerful financial interests whose aims they
have been obliged to view with the utmost respect and sometimes, if not
always, execute.”
 Be that as it may, it is precisely because the Trilaterists now so
effectively rule America that their ideas are important.
 Because so little has been published on the TC, it is very difficult to get
a clearcut definition of the commission’s aims. However, those in
policy-making positions have repeatedly stated that TC’s goal is a New World
 In “The Future of Federalism,” Noble Nils says:“No nation today can fulfil
the needs and aspirations of its own people from within its own borders or
from its own resources alone - and so the nation state, standing alone,
threatens in many ways to seem as anachronistic as the Greek city states
finally became in ancient times. . .”
 Professor Brzezinski has publicly stated there is a “new global mood. . .”
and adds: “International banks and multi-national corporations are acting
and plan-ning in terms that are far in advance of the political concepts of
the nation-
 In one TC pamphlet it is stated that in present circumstances it is
necessary to abolish “the narrow dictates of national interests” and create
a new “world order.” To do this, it will be necessary to “renovate” the
world economic system presently based on Bretton Woods.
 This would demand a new IMF, a new General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT), a new General Agreement on Investment and a new role for the World
 To do this, a new currency called “Bancor” would be established. Like the
Special Drawing Rights of the IMF, this currency would replace gold and the
dollar as the world monetary unit.
 The “New World Order,” it is emphasised, would finally encompass the
Western world, the communist world and the Third World. It is this proposed
universal link that is increasingly alarming many in the West - and
particularly South Africa, currently the main target of the
 Professor Antony Sutton, in his book “Wall Street and the Bolshevik
Revolution,” says recent history cannot be properly understood unless it is
“There has been a continuing, albeit concealed, alliance between
international political capitalists and international revolutionary
socialists to their mutual
 South Africans have until now almost entirely defined their enemy as
inter-national communism. Perhaps they will understand their danger far
better if they appreciate that their so-called “Western” traditions and
standards are of little real value to the One Worlders.

Questions in parliament

CAPE TOWN.- Two prominent MPs have asked questions in Parliament about The
Citizen’s exclusive series of articles reflecting the secret US war against
South Africa.
 One of them has challenged the United States Government to deny the facts
if they are untrue.
Mr Louis Nel National Party MP for Pretoria Central, referring to Aida
Parker’s Monday article, said the facts disclosed regarding America’s
alleged indirect intervention in South Africa’s internal affairs were
They were so serious that he hoped the US would deny the allegation. Mr John
Wiley, South African Party MP for Simonstown, called the report a seemingly
well-researched article which the House must take in a very serious light.

 It bore out what he himself had said in Parliament during the last few
years. What was most disturbing was that it disclosed that a part of the

Where the money comes from

THE most remarkable aspect of the US thrust against South Africa, often with
heavy British back-up, is that it remained so successfully camouflaged for
so long. Two factors made such screening possible:

 1, Those directing the operation wield such vast international wealth and
power that very few people were prepared to buck the system.
 2. Ironically the real wreckers have been saved from exposure by those most
bitterly opposed to them; the hardcore Far Right, here and in the West
 The whole emphasis has been on the communist danger, with the Far Right
going well beyond the bounds of reason and blaming everyone, from Reds to
liberals, for the country’s afflictions, with Zionist plots thrown in to add
to the confusion.
 It is the Western wreckers, however, who have done more to destabilise this
country than all the communist efforts combined.
 If South Africans generally had been a little more alert, they would have
caught the warning signals long ago.
 First reputable historian to blow the gaff was the late Professor Carroll
Quigley, formerly of Georgetown University in Washington and himself a
member of the liberal Establishment. In his massive, well-documented 1 3000
page treatise, “Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time,”
published by MacMillans of New York in 1966, Prof Quiqley said;
 “There does exist and has existed for a generation an international
anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the Communists
act. In fact, this network has no aversion to co-operating with the
communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so.
 “I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for 20
years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960’s, to examine its
papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aim
and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its

 Quigley described the network’s aims as “nothing less than to create a
world system of financial control in private hands to dominate the political
system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.”
 The network, he said, worked through a number of “front organisations,” the
two most important being America’s Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and
Britain’s Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).
 Predictably, Quigley was cutting far too close to the bone. HIS book
received the silent treatment from the entire Establishment Press overseas.
Indeed, research has uncovered only one published review, a short
non-committal com-
ment in Current History an academic journal to which Quigley was a
contributing editor.
 Although few here know of the Quigley work - a pity, because it comes up
with some startling South African disclosures - a number of South African
analysts have used it as a major reference work for a long time, regularly
monitoring the activities of front organisations named by him.
 I can disclose that their findings have periodically been submitted to
Government officials, but because of the overall desire of South Africans to
believe the US to be an anti-communist ally and friend, there has been a
marked reluctance to take serious note of such warnings. Adding to the
general scepticism has been the Far Right’s obsession with “communists” in
the CFR.
 This long-term research exposes the real manipulators of the anti-South
African push as:
 No 1, the Ford Foundation. This is the giant among the American foundation
giants, with total fixed assets of around R2 OOO-million and an annual
income bigger than many African states.

 Significantly, Henry Ford II resigned as a trustee of the foundation last
February because, according to a statement issued by the Ford Motor Company,
he felt the foundation was no longer encouraging the goals for which it was
founded - the pursuit of capitalism.
 Presently, the Ford Foundation is controlled by a board of six trustees, a
sort of “cabinet” which effectively decides how upwards of RlOO-million a
year is spent.
 Of the six, four are CFR men- McGeorge Bundy, the president; William H
Donaldson, Charles E Wyzanaki and J Irwin Miller.
 Five other CFR men are prominent in the foundation’s affairs: David E Beel
(executive vice-president), Roger G Kennedy, a vice-president, and Andrew F
Brimmer, Hedley Donovan and Robert McNamara, all general trustees.
This is how the Ford Foundation allocates funds for South Africa: 1. It has
provided millions to the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights under the Law,
this money being used for the legal defence of terrorists and others
ac-cused of trying to undermine the South African Government.
 2. It allocated hundreds of thousands of dollars to be spent on behalf of
Charles V Hamilton, co-author of Black Power, blueprint for the South
African Black Power movement. We can now expect more from Prof Hamilton
 The latest FF report discloses that around R230 000 has been allocated to a
civil rights movement, MARC (Metropolitan Allied Research Centre, of which
Hamilton is president), to “promote the collaboration of civil rights
activists and university scholars in research and information activities. .
 3. It has handed over thousands of dollars to the University of California
Press, which uses this money to commission and pay academics and activists
to write works (all hostile) on South Africa.
 4. It has given millions of dollars (R5550 000 last year) to the
International Association for Cultural Freedom in Paris. Formerly known as
the Congress for Cultural Freedom, this group has for many years subsidised
some of the most virulently anti-South African publications, notably Africa
South and Africa South in Exile.

 5. It passes along many thousands of dollars to the Royal Institute (HIIA),
another front organisation which frequently supports anti-South African
 6. It finances a British outfit known as the Minority Rights Group (R55 000
in 1975, R70 000 in 1977). MRG specialises in “investigation and publicising
violation of human rights of minorities.”The Indians in South Africa have so
far been “investigated and publicised.”
7. According to evidence given before the Schlebush Commission by Paul

Pretorius, a former NUSAS president, Ford has also funded a host of other
groups, including SAS0 and the Christian Institute, through the
International University Exchange Fund in Switzerland.
 Next comes the Johnson Foundation of Racine notable for its famous
“Wingspread” conferences where anti-South African zealots such as Dr
Gwendoline Carter have blue-printed action US businessmen can take against
this country.
 Again, according to evidence before the Schlebush Commission it was this
foundation that paid around R5 000 to take Neville Curtis and a friend to
the US to meet radical groups, including Black Power leaders. Curtis was one
of the first in this country to popularise Black Power. Johson’s president,
Leslie Paffrath, is a CFR man.
 Both the mighty Rockefeller Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
are entirely controlled by the CFR. Both groups are generous supporters of
anti-South African activist bodies.
 The Field Foundation, which lists a certain Andrew Young as one of its
trustees, is a contributor to the Lawyers’ Committee and gave R5 000 to
South African self-exiled lawyer, Joel Carlson, who is actively working
against this country. Field’s president is a CFR man.
 Six officers and trustees of the Carnegie Corporation are CFR men. Carnegie
has given more than R300 000 to the rabidly anti-South African
African-America Institute (AAI) in the past few years. Six officers of the
AAI are CFR men.
 South Africa’s biggest enemy in the US, and the one which financed the
Leiss plan to blockade and invade South Africa, is the Carnegie Endowment
for Inter-national Peace. Seventeen of its officers and trustees, including
the president, are CFR.
 The Lawyers’ Committee is controlled by a group of lawyers, including 23
CFR members.
 Another CFR-controlled foundation playing an alarming anti-South African
role in the US is the UN Association of the. United States of America. In
December, 1971, one’ Cyrus R Vance, chairman of this group’s Policy Studies,
presented a 930page report compiled on Southern Africa.
 This report bore down heavily in favour of disengagement from South Africa
by US companies. Of the 14-member panel connected with the report, nine were
CFR members.
 One of the five non-CFR members of this panel was Prof Charles V Hamilton,
co-author of Black Power.
 CFR members have played a large role in getting Hamliton’s Black Power
theories established in South Africa.
 The Ford Foundation financially backed a seminar in Cape Town in 1971 to
which virtually unknown Black Power leaders were invited. This was the first
occasion when their dangerously racist views gained real Press coverage.
 Later essays by these men, studiously in the Hamliton tradition, were
published in a book, “Student Perspectives on Southern Africa,” for which a
foreword was written by prominent CFR-member, Seymour Martin Lipset.
 He described the works of these Blacks as “most significant and
praiseworthy,” thus allowing his internationally respected name to give
respectability to a dangerous ideology.
 That then is the story of the highly successful efforts of the
liberal-international wing of the CFR and the American Establishment at
destabilising South Africa.
 There is not the slightest doubt that this is being done without the
knowledge and without the wish of the great majority of American people.
 Nevertheless, a certain section is bent on destroying White South
Africa -and South Africans must understand this. Roosevelt once said: “In
politics nothing happens, by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was
planned tha;
 South Africans must now recognise the face of their true enemy, since their
country’s future may depend on their doing SO.

US chiddeny grants directive revealed
TODAY I can produce clear-cut proof that the US Administration deliberately
uses private organisations, foundations and institutes as a “cover” for
providing educational grants, some of which are used to benefit existing or
potential members of so-called “liberation” groups.
 Such proof is contained in a confidential 1 200-word telex message sent out
from the US Embassy in Cape Town in February, 1976, and made available to me
by a trusted source in an adjoining territory for use in this series.
 The telex, which was transmitted to the Secretary of State, Washington, to
the American Embassies in Dar-es-Salaam, Gaborone, Lusaka, Maseru, Mbabane
and Pretoria, and to the American consulates in Durban and Johannesburg,
deals with one of the most sensitive issues between South Africa and
Washington today: “Development Training for Southern Africans.”
 The documents provides the clearest possible evidence of the
inter-relationship between private foundations (many of them known CIA
conduits) and the US Government itself -the old secret service story of “the
revolving door”.
 A senior lawyer to whom I submitted the document for examination said:
‘While this directive may give the impression of maintaining some sort of
impar-tiality or neutrality in respect of these programmes, there are
tell-tale references which indicate that the organisators are no friends of
South Africa; that they are in fact leaning over backwards to disguise their
intentions from the South African
 Here, unaltered, are points taken from the documents. Where the word “SAG”
is used read South African Government.
 “Any training aid program in South Africa must keep the program from
ap-pearing either to support SAG apartheid policy or to foster revolution .
. .
 “Direct aid label should be avoided by operating through grants or
contracts with US organisations which can carry out private training
 “If handled through reputable private organisations not specifically deemed
unfriendly by SAG Passport problems should be manageable.
 “If program envisioned . . . is to include candidates chosen from within
either South Africa or Namibia, it is obviously important that that program
should not be seen by Blacks here or in other African states as aid to SAG
or as direct sup-port for SAG “separate development” concepts.
 “Equally important, however, program should not be seen by SAG as designed
to foster revolutionary change or establish base for insurrection.
 ‘Within guidelines suggested by these limits, Embassy believes successful

program can be developed.
 “Program should not be identified as “aid” or given any of the usual aid
 “It should not repeat not be administrered by an aid field officer here or
in some other country.
 “Program involving participants from inside SA or Namibia should not be
related to SASP (“Africa-American Institute’s SA Student Programme” even if
parts of overall funding goes towards separate supplementation of SASP for
persons who have left SA or Namibia. Whatever its reputation in Black
Africa, SASP is regarded in SAG as program of support of liberation
 “In circumstances, seems quite likely that SAG would refuse passports or
otherwise block selections for any program administered by AAI or by any
other organisation deemed by SAG to be openly committed to Black majority
rule in Southern Africa.
 “Best means of avoiding direct obstruction may be to diversify program by
utilizing more than one or two organisations, including educational
institutions, and giving it appearance of program designed to support
co-operations in various forms of “exchange” activities.
 “While program objectives should give primary emphasis to professional
/occupational advancement of Black South Africans in certain priority fields
opportunities should not be too narrowly limited to such fields or to
particular development concepts.
 “If direct USG role is needed in program design or participant selection,
it might be best for this to appear as only a logical extension of existing
CU -funded activities such as our small student program, operated through
the Institute of International Education, the International Visitor program,
and various
multi-national and multi-regional programs, several of which are operated
through grants to private funding assistance this would be all the better.
 “Use of private organisations would require close monitoring and guidance
to insure that they not fall in trap of allowing SAG or private SA
organisations to
guide, their activities or selections solely into support for strictly
segregated in-’ stitutions of ‘separate development.’
 “If adequate care is taken in selecting US contact institutions. . . it
should be possible to operate on moderate scale without having to enter into
consultations or special arrangements with SAG and without encountering more
than usual problems in getting passports and travel permission for
 “Passports for Non-White participants would continue to take long lead time
and would frequently prove difficult or impossible to arrange for
prospective participants who might have taken part in any kind of political
protest movements or active anti-apartheid activity. Passports would
probably not prove more difficult to get than for participants in present
exchange activities, however.
 “In considering training needs which program can meet by projects in US or
Third countries, seems important to identify types of training that can be
put to immediate use by pat-ticipantv in job opportunities that already
exist or can be created.
 “In South Africa, Embassy would give first priority to labour field. Small
business enterprise and management would contribute another useful priority
 “For Namibia, we believe some candiates in obvious priority field of public
ad-ministration may be found. Beyond these top priority fields there is
still considerable need for upgrading professional skills and experience of
Black teachers and social workers who, while already in fields that are
relatively more open to Blacks, can play significant role in community
organisation and social-political awareness.”
‘70 explore programme opportunities of type envisioned believe Aid should

consult such US organisations as overseas liaison committee of American
Council on Education, American Management Association, international
Management Development institute and various professional associations or
large universities which, with aid funding, might be interested in offering
training opportunities directly to Black South Africans or Namibians.”
 Experts with whom I discussed the reference:“Upgrading professional skills
and experience of Black teachers . . . can play significant role in
community organisations and social-political awareness” said this was an
American sphere of operations that could bear some investigation,
particularly in Bophuthatswana.

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