~~for educational purposes only~~

Why the Price of Oil Is Surging
By George Reisman

Over the last year, the price of oil has once again been
surging. The most prominent immediate cause has been
cutbacks in the production of oil on the part of the member
countries of OPEC, such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. But
there are other and deeper causes at work, just as there
were in the 1970s, when the price of oil dramatically

First, the government of the United States was and is bent
on a reckless expansion of the money supply. This acts to
raise the demand for everything and thus the price of
everything. Until recently, the main effect of the current rapid
expansion in the quantity of money was to drive up stock
prices and then real estate prices. But now it is spreading to
commodity prices, oil in particular. It is only an expansion in
the quantity of money and the corresponding increase in the
overall ability to spend money that enables people to make
sharply increased expenditures for oil and oil products
without having to equivalently reduce their expenditures for
other things and thereby reduce the prices of a wide range
of other things.

And second, it is the U. S. government, no less than the
governments that are members of the international oil cartel,
that was and is responsible for the reduction in the supply of

The U.S. government, acting largely under the influence of
the ecology movement, has restricted the supply of oil in
the following ways: (1) It has prevented exploration for and
development of oil reserves in vast areas of territory
arbitrarily set aside as “wildlife preserves” or “wilderness
areas.” It has even consistently sought to prevent the
development of the vital North Slope Alaskan oil fields, on
the grounds of alleged concerns over harmful
“environmental” effects, such as disturbance of the feeding
habits of caribou herds and deterioration in the appearance
of frozen waste lands. (2) It has joined in an international
agreement to close Antarctica and its potentially vast oil
deposits to all mining operations for the next fifty years. (3)
It has prevented the development of offshore oil wells on
he continental shelf. (4) It has prevented the construction of
oil and gas pipelines, of new refineries, oil storage facilities,
and facilities for handling supertankers. (5) Over the years,
the U.S. government has imposed price controls on oil and
has acted further to restrict oil company profits, and thus oil
industry investment, by punitively increasing their rate of
taxation through first reducing and then totally abolishing the
old depletion allowance on crude oil.

In addition, the U.S. government has been responsible for
an enormous artificial increase in the demand for oil, over
and above the increase caused by its policy of inflation. It
has caused this artificial increase in demand mainly by
holding down the supply of substitutes for oil, such as
atomic power and coal. In these ways, it forced, and
continues to force, the demand for fuel to rely more heavily
than necessary on oil supplies. Like reductions in the supply
of oil, these measures also increase the scarcity of oil.

In sum, the government and the ecology movement
have done everything in their power to raise the demand for
and restrict the supply of oil.

It should be realized that it was only these actions of
the U.S. government that has made possible the dramatic
rise in the price of oil—in the 1970s and again today. The
U.S. government bears a far greater responsibility than the
Arab cartel. It is the party that has made it possible for the
cartel to succeed. All that the cartel did in the 1970s, and is
once again doing now, is to take advantage of the artificial
increase in demand and reduction of supply brought about
by the U.S. government.

Had the U.S. government not restricted the
expansion of the domestic petroleum industry and forced
up the demand for oil, the supply reductions carried out by
the cartel would not have had such a significant effect on
the price. Because in that case, such supply reductions
would have been at the expense of far less important wants
than actually turned out to be the case. With the larger
domestic supply of oil and competing fuels that a free
market would have produced, the importance of any given
amount of oil would have been far less. The loss of any
given amount of oil by virtue of the supply reductions
carried out by the cartel would therefore have been much
less serious. (An analogy would be the difference between
someone having to give up a scoop of ice cream when he
has three or four scoops compared with when he has only
two scoops.) As a result, the cartel would not have been
able to raise the price nearly as much by virtue of any given
amount of supply reduction.

In such circumstances, in order to establish a price
of crude oil as high as existed back in the 1970s, or as high
as exists today, the cartel members would have had to
reduce their production far more than they actually did
reduce it. They would have had to reduce their production
by an additional amount equal to the sum of the reduced
supply and increased demand for oil caused by the
policies of the U.S. government. This would have been too
great a loss of volume for the cartel to be able to benefit
from the high price.

Furthermore, in the absence both of environmental
restrictions on the supply of domestically produced oil and
of controls on the price of such oil, any rise in the price of
oil achieved by the cartel would work to the advantage of
the American oil industry at the expense of the oil industry in
the countries belonging to the cartel. This alone would be
enough to frustrate the plans of the cartel. For in this case,
the effect of the cartel's reduction of supply would be to
hand the American oil industry the profits and the capital
required for an expansion of supply. The cartel would then
either have to allow the price of oil to fall or else it would
have to restrict its own production still further, which would
mean that the American oil companies would earn the high
price of oil on a larger volume of production and have still
greater profits available for expansion, thereby creating still
worse problems for the cartel in the future.

It should be obvious that it is impossible for any
cartel to succeed that is confronted with a major competitor
able to profit from its policies and expand his production.
The Arab cartel was and is able to succeed only because
the U.S. government did, and continues to do, its utmost to
prevent the cartel's competition—the U.S. oil industry—from
earning high profits and expanding. Although it was and is
certainly not their intent, those elected officials who have
been setting the U.S. government’s energy policy for much
of the last thirty years have behaved as though they owed
their election to voters in the member countries of the Arab
cartel, rather than to voters in the United States. For it has
certainly not been an American constituency that their
actions have served, but the interests of the Arab cartel.

In the absence of the U.S. government's misguided
policies, the Arab cartel would probably never even have
been formed in the first place, because the conditions
required for its success would have been totally lacking. If,
today, the United States were to abolish its restrictions on
the production of energy and abstain from enacting price
controls and any other punitive measures against the
American oil and other energy-producing industries, the
OPEC cartel would be broken once and for all, and the real
price of energy would resume the descent it enjoyed from
the start of the Industrial Revolution until the 1970s.

Such a policy, of course, would entail removing the
prohibitions on the construction of atomic power plants and
the restrictions on the strip mining of coal. It would also
entail the privatization of the vast landholdings of the federal
and state governments in Alaska and the other Western
states and of the continental shelf, and then fully respecting
the right of the new private property owners to use their
property as they saw fit, so that oil, coal, and gas reserves
and atomic power could all be freely developed. That would
be a policy of abundant and cheap energy in all of its forms.
It would be a policy that would operate in favor of  the
American consumer, not the Arab governments that control
substantial oil reserves.

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