Maybe if the truckers do the same thing here, we might get rid of that
!@#$%^&*()_+=- environmental protection agency.

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2000 15:42:15 -0700
From: John G. Gunderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dan Meador wrote:

> The following NewsHawk message, which includes a Reuters article,
> reflects the disposition of folks in Europe and the British Isles
> concerning oil prices.
> Taxes, food prices and energy prices hit everyone in the pocket book,
> particularly middle and low income classes. Fuel prices can do severe
> damage particularly to independent producers where production depends
> on
> automated power. The farmer is but one example.
> In the last week, Mark Haines had a Dallas market analyst as co-host
> on
> Squawk Box (CNBC Financial News) who talked about the logistics of
> petroleum. She made some interesting observations.
> Petroleum prices sustained over $25 per barrel for the last year would
> appear to benefit domestic producers. However, the oil bust in 1982
> and
> after put domestic exploration in the hole, reducing active drilling
> rigs from over 4,000 to the 750-1,000 range. In the nearly two decades
> since, we have lost the skill pool, the experienced worker, so today
> our
> domestic producers are having to recruit from jails and prisons in
> order
> to locate experienced people.
> There is also a second serious infrastructure problem: Many of our
> inland refineries were simply shut down rather than being upgraded to
> current standards so we do not have home refining capacity to support
> a
> shift back to energy independence.
> The lady made the point that you don't simply pump a bucket of oil out
> of the ground then haul it directly to the gas station. The whole
> industry infrastructure is involved.
> Present news from the industry does not suggest short term relief from
> current high gas and diesel prices. Refinery capacity has to be
> dedicated to heating oil for the Northeast, so even if OPEC increases
> production, limited refining capacity will adversely affect prices at
> the pump for some time.
> Is it a trumped-up deal? There were rumors that when we suffered hits
> from the two 1970s Arab oil embargoes, American storage tanks were
> full
> to running over while there was rationing and lines at the pump.
> Whether
> or not there was abundance in the seventies, and whether or not there
> are currently hidden inventories, does not alter the real and present
> danger of our infrastructure problems.
> The question is this: Is the United States energy self-sufficient? The
> answer is clear: No, we're not. We're exposed to the whim of a
> self-interested international cartel.
> Dan Meador
> From: "NewsHawk Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Organization: NewsHawk Inc.
> 9.12.00
> UK Farmers Vow To Topple Blair Over Fuel//
> --Europe In Uproar
> Great Britain's farmers have let it be known that they will bring the
> city -- And also the "City" (that financial center of London which is
> in
> FACT the financial capital of the WORLD) -- of London down to its
> knees
> over the outrageously high fuel prices in the U.K.
> And they obviously mean it. And first and foremost, they CLEARLY mean
> to
> bring down the Blair government, FAST, if the situation there doesn't
> improve in a huge hurry.
> The situation, as well as the actions now being taken by large
> numbers of people, is much the same in the rest of Europe and now
> beyond,
> into former Soviet Bloc countries; though so far the protests in Great
> Britain have been the most severe.
> The uproar in the U.K. and ALL of Europe over the massive, outrageous
> and intolerable oil/fuel price gouging and market fixing that has been
> gong on worldwide is growing STEADILY by the hour.
> More European countries including The Netherlands, Poland,
> Scandinavia,
> Germany, Ireland and Spain have had huge public protests over fuel
> prices, as well as blockades of fuel depots and refineries.
> The people of Europe and of Great Britain have laid down the line and
> will no longer tolerate what's been going on.
> Our UK sources tell us that DESPITE the major disruptions to certain
> services and activities which the powerful fuel depot/refinery
> blockades
> there are precipitating, the VAST majority of the British population
> SUPPORTS the blockades, and the demands by farmers, truckers and
> haulers
> that fuel prices be brought WAY down, and QUICK.
> Hello, America -- ANYBODY HOME?! How long are WE going to tolerate the
> very same extraordinary and malicious manipulations regarding oil and
> gas prices in the U.S.?
> What is now going on across Europe is EXACTLY what the American people
> must begin to carry out here.
> NewsHawk® Inc.
> ±±±±±±±±±±±±±±±
> WIRE:09/12/2000 15:07:00 ET
> Blair Defiant In Face Of Farmers, Truckers--
> Europe Fuel Protests Grow
> LONDON (Reuters) - Protests against fuel prices blocked highways
> across
> Europe Tuesday and as pumps ran dry in Britain Prime Minister Tony
> Blair
> vowed tough action to move supplies through blockades. Hauliers
> furious
> at high prices and taxes promised more wildcat action across the
> continent.
> Blair"s promise came only hours after farmers promised to bring London
> to a standstill. "Blair went running home (to London) with his tail
> between his legs, he couldn"t deal with the real feeling of this
> country," said farmer David Neave at a blockade near the city of
> Manchester. "We"ll strangle London...We will bring it to its knees."
> Blair said police would do what was necessary to protect against
> intimidation and had already removed most obstacles. Oil companies
> would
> urge drivers to cross peaceful picket lines, he said. The mood has
> been
> generally peaceful at blockades. Britons pay more for their petrol
> than
> other Europeans, squeezed by hefty fuel taxes and oil prices hitting a
> near 10-year high. Paradoxically, Britain is a big oil producer
> itself.
> Blair did not invoke emergency powers, which would reserve fuel for
> essential services, but said the powers were there if they were
> needed.
> Nearly all of Shell"s UK filling stations ran out of fuel and
> Britain"s
> five leading oil companies all said that between half and all of their
> petrol stations had run out of fuel. "This is by far the worst crisis
> we"ve had in 25 years. The government has to step in immediately,"
> said
> a motoring organization, the Royal Automobile Club (RAC).
> Panic buying swept Britain, draining the few remaining supplies of
> fuel.
> In the worst hit areas, rubbish went uncollected and hospitals
> canceled
> non-emergency services.
> "Whatever the strength of feeling there can be no excuse
> whatever for this type of action which is hurting our people,
> businesses
> and emergency services severely," Blair told a news conference after
> cutting short a visit to northern England. "Legitimate protest is one
> thing, trying to bring the country to a halt is quite another," he
> said,
> adding that he hoped the situation would be on the way back to normal
> within 24 hours.
> Dutch truckers staged wildcat blockades to stop traffic on motorways
> around Amsterdam and Rotterdam. About 60 taxi drivers forced a traffic
> slowdown on motorways around Amsterdam. The BBC, monitored in London,
> quoted a Polish radio report that hauliers and fishermen were
> considering blockades against fuel depots, refineries and ports.
> Protests began in Germany and more were likely in Spain and
> Ireland. Although crude oil prices dropped more than $1.30 a barrel,
> oil
> traders warned that market fundamentals pointed to continuing high
> prices in spite of an OPEC pledge to increase production.
> Over 200 German truck, bus and taxi drivers drove in convoy at
> Saarbrucken, close to the border with France, where protests first
> flared
> and where the government conceded fuel tax cuts.
> Belgian truckers mounted a third day of blockades, vowing to stay put
> for weeks unless the government met their demands. The blockade of key
> streets leading to Brussels" historic center widened and blockades
> were
> also set up in the southern cities of Charleroi and Nivelles. "One
> week,
> 15 days, three weeks -- no problem," said trucker Jean Bury.
> Irish lorry drivers vowed to take action from Friday if their demands
> were not met.
> Angry Spanish farmers were Tuesday planning a series of protests after
> talks with the Madrid government failed to reach a deal on how to
> compensate them for rising transport costs.
> The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries decided
> Sunday to raise output by 800,000 barrels per day. European Union
> foreign ministers said Tuesday that OPEC"s latest output increase
> should
> help stabilize world oil prices. The bloc"s transport ministers said
> they would meet next week to discuss the impact of high prices.
> "Governments should negotiate with OPEC to reduce the price of crude
> oil. If they cannot do so then fuel taxes must be reduced to
> compensate
> the public," leading European motoring organizations said after a
> meeting in Brussels. Benchmark Brent futures were down $1.32 at $32.30
> per barrel at 1755 GMT, but traders said it was too early to suggest
> the
> market was turning bearish.

"The moment the idea is admitted into society that property is not as
sacred as the law of God, and that there is not a force of law and
public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny commence." -- John

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