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Today's Press Briefing

September 16, 2000

Clinton Proposes $4.5 Billion "Plan Bolivia"...
...to Clean Up Damage Caused by $1.3 Billion Plan Colombia

Today's Reports From: La Paz, Bolivia; Bogotá, Colombia; Buenos Aires,
Argentina; Quito, Ecuador; London, England; Tokyo, Japan; Washington, DC;
and from somewhere in "Farclandia" ...from the frustrated libido of TIME
correspondent Tim McGirk:


Today's Summary: The Clinton administration and key members of the US
Congress continue to break the promises they made when they convinced the
wider Congress to support the $1.3 billion "Plan Colombia" military

Clinton himself has proposed spending $4.5 billion dollars more to prevent
the coca crops from returning to Bolivia and now uses this bribe money to
buy off and consolidate the most repressive and undemocratic regime in Latin
America, headed by the violent and authoritarian Hugo Banzer, because every
other Américan nation has already rejected Plan Colombia.

Meanwhile, the new US Ambassador to Colombia admitted to that nation's press
that Plan Colombia's projection of eliminating the coca crops by the year
2005 is an impossible goal (the administration had assured Congress that the
Plan would accomplish that goal in five years when wooing its support.)

And now a SECOND US General has been installed in Colombia to join General
Keith Huber: his name and other information appears in today's briefing.

Across the globe, rejection of Plan Colombia is now being voiced in
traditionally hawkish and US-allied nations from Great Britain to Japan.

And this week's Yellow Journalism award goes to Tim McGirk of TIME magazine.

salud y abrazo,

Al Giordano
The Narco News Bulletin

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