The plot thickens: while perusing our list I attempted to open up site referred to in 
the post Solar Threat and my firewall immediately announced that NOAA was pinging on 
me and then the computer locked-up and froze. A check showed no virus activity. This 
online computer is NT4 service pack 6 with alarm zone firewall... technician says NT4 
with a firewall is about as secure as you can get. Apparently this isn't entirely 
true. It's obvious we're under attack..a nibbling attrition mode. If nothing can be 
done about it wouldn't it be ironic if we had to agree with the government that 
there's no point in precipitating a nataional panic? I mean, soon the stores would be 
out of Bud and potato chips....that would be heavy.

 ---- you wrote:
> The reason that I am submitting this data to our Mercury Hour list
> is that I believe it may point to something very real and potentially
> of great significance to all of us. Also, I lack the know-how to
> check this out via advanced horary and other symbolic techniques.
> I do feel certain that some of you have such abilities or know those
> who do.
> This is the site:
>  >>>>>
> I truly hope someone can get to the bottom of this...........byron

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