-Caveat Lector-


Drug Czar Wants To 'Check' Chess Players For Drug Use

Washington, DC: In the September issue of Chess Life magazine,
drug czar Barry McCaffrey published an article in which he
suggests that tournament chess players should be tested for drugs.
    In the article, McCaffrey discussed an Office of National Drug
Control Policy sponsored group, called Chesschild, which is a
substance abuse prevention program conducted in libraries
and schools which promotes drug-free lifestyles and chess.
    "Research proves that mentoring youngsters and teaching them
that games like chess can build resilience in the face of illegal drug
use and other destructive temptations," McCaffrey wrote. "Drug
testing is as appropriate for chess players as for shot-putters, or
any competitors who use their heads as well as their hands."
    "Just when I thought I'd heard it all from McCaffrey," said Allen
St. Pierre, NORML Foundation Executive Director. "Drug testing for
chess players? What's next from this over reaching drug czar?
Drug testing for tiddly winks players? How about bingo players?
Policy recommendations like this from ONDCP demonstrate a
deep and disturbing pathology that goes well beyond opposing drug
law reform efforts."
    For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre, NORML
Foundation Executive Director at (202) 483-8751.


The worst thing in this world, next to
anarchy, is government.
- Henry Ward Beecher

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