-Caveat Lector-

>-----Original Message-----
>Date: Sunday, September 24, 2000 10:46 AM
>Subject: Bulgaria Meddles in Yugoslavia: A letter from Blagovesta Doncheva
>in Bulgaria
>>Election Day Meddling
>>A letter from Blagovesta Doncheva in Sofia, Bulgaria
>>Dear friends,
>>Enclosed is the rough translation of an interesting, informative article,
>>published in 'Monitor.'
>>Here's my opinion about the "parallel vote counting" dioscussed in the
>>article. They have repeatedly carried it out here. It is a way to
>>people on the day of the elections! What do they do? All day long they
>>figures and graphics. In most cases deliberately wrong figures and
>>And thereby manipulate people most blatantly! (They are usually very
>>in the afternoon hours of the election day, which is logical.) What will
>>do now? They will deliberately announce that Kostunica leads with, for
>>instance., 20-30%. They might even insist that he is nearing the 50 %.
>>will quote towns and whole regions. They will give graphics. Some people
>>would vote for Milosevich will say to themselves: "What's the use of
>>The other one is already elected!" And they will stay at home. Others will
>>stay at home out of sheer fear. "They have already elected the other one.
>>is better to lie low now." Etc.
>>Some words about some names quoted in Monitor article.
>>Velko Valkanov is a Bulgarian Socialist party (BSP) MP but he is not a
>>of BSP. He is firmly at anti-NATO position (a kind of inner opposition
>>the BSP Parliamentary group.) I don't know what to make of him: if he is
>>very much against the pro-NATO orientation of BSP, why is he still in the
>>group? But in this one he is right.
>>Evgeni Dainov - is the most faithful Bulgarian US-government flunkey and a
>>totally amoral ass. Money is his God, his morals, his ethics, his love and
>>his hate. Good is every cause that spews Money. Bad is every one that does
>>not pour fresh Money or especially if it threatens his own Money. If his
>>mother is still alive, and his Money Masters tell him to cut her into
>>then fry them and last give them to the street dogs against a certain sum
>>a position that goes with a nice package of money!), Evgeni the Rat will
>>it without hesitation. In his comment he reveals that he has given cell
>>phones to the "kids" from Otpor but that monster Milosevich's people have
>>taken them at the boundary. (There was an information that the Yugoslav
>>Customs have confiscated 20 (!) cell phones from Otpor 'activists' on
>>way back from Bulgaria to Yugoslavia.)
>>It is the Election Day.
>>God help the Serbs..
>>God help us all..
>>Blagovesta Doncheva Sofia, Bulgaria
>>[The 'Monitor' article follows]
>>URL for this article is
>>[Emperor's Clothes]
>>Bulgaria Meddles in Yugoslav Vote
>>'Monitor,' [Bulgaria] September 22, p. 1-2-3
>>Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marin Raikov, is behind an unprecedented
>>plan for parallel Yugoslav vote counting from Sofia. Kostov threatens
>>Milosevic with "categorical/decisive actions" if he 'manipulates' the vote
>>Yugoslav charge d’affaires, Danko Protic, warns that the elections are
>>"exclusively an internal problem."
>>By a Monitor Team
>>Translated by Blagovesta Doncheva
>>Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, Marin Raikov, is most probably behind a
>>plan for parallel Yugoslav President vote counting from Sofia, [Bulgaria,]
>>high level governmental official told 'Monitor.'
>>"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has nothing to do with it. Those are NGO
>>activities," the Foreign Affairs Ministry Speaker, Raiko Vlaikov,
>>On Sunday the UDF Political Academy and the U.S. organisation, "Freedom
>>House," will organise parallel Yugoslav vote counting. The single
>>Centre outside Yugoslavia will be in Hall 4 of the National Culture Centre
>>and will closely observe the vote counting.
>>Meantime, in a special statement for Monitor, the Yugoslav charge d’
>>Danko Protic warned about the increased external pressure on his country:
>>"Those who are intervening in our inner affairs, keep talking about unrest
>>Yugoslavia if the opposition lose and are repeating the fabrications about
>>armed conflict between Serbia and Montenegro, increase additionally the
>>pressure on Yugoslavia, and an alibi is thereby created for fresh
>>interference in our internal affairs," the diplomat declared.
>>Premier Ivan Kostov, broadcast yesterday "the government position" on the
>>Yugoslav election after a lunch in the Embassy of Germany with the NATO
>>countries’ ambassadors in Sofia. The premier warned President Slobodan
>>Molisevic in his Statement not to falsify the Yugoslav citizens’ vote.
>>Kostov’s Threats
>>Premier Kostov threatened that "there will be very strong reactions on the
>>part of all the European governments in case of election
>>case they are not honest, I admit that the actions will be very
>>Kostov added. But he did not say if Bulgaria would take part in those
>>"decisive actions". "Let’s see what will happen," the Premier said in the
>>German Embassy building in Sofia. Together with the German Ambassador in
>>Sofia, Ursula Zeiler-Albring [sp?], he made a statement after a luncheon
>>meeting with the other NATO countries’ Ambassadors.
>>"We share the worries and misgivings about possible manipulations while
>>Yugoslav elections are going on. My misgivings do not include the
>>for a civil war there, but it is a fact that all of us in the region,
>>including the NATO countries’ ambassadors, are debating those problems,
>>interested in them, and we will watch the day September 24 very
>>Lots of things will depend on it,' Kostov added.
>>Official Belgrade Misgivings
>>"When we talk about the elections in Yugoslavia, we have to underline that
>>are witnesses of unprecedented pressure with the aim of ensuring results
>>which will be in the USA and NATO countries' interests. That fact
>>additionally is destabilising our country," Danko Protic said. According
>>him, "it is not by chance that the European Union declared from Brussels
>>before the elections that it will lift the sanctions against Yugoslavia
>>if the opposition wins at the elections. Besides, those in Brussels are
>>constantly repeating their unprecedented undemocratic position that the
>>elections will not be recognised if the Yugoslav President wins," the
>>Yugoslav charge d’affaires continued. According to him, "insinuations are
>>constantly being made that election stealing is being prepared in
>>and in that way conditions are created for explaining the opposition’s
>>by charging election manipulations on the basis of some untrue public
>>inquiries, giving great advantage of the opposition parties."
>>"The elections in all sovereign countries are exclusively inner affair
>>because it is expected that the citizens express at them their will and
>>position on the different parties' policies and on some persons who want
>>take part in ruling their countries," Danko Protic sates.
>>[Here there is a photo, not reproduced. The caption is in bold]
>>[Photo Caption:] Premier Ivan Kostov enters the Embassy of Germany in
>>from where he threatened once again Yugoslav President, Slobodan
>>[Caption:] After having had lunch with the NATO countries’ Ambassadors in
>>Bulgaria, Premier Ivan Kostov threatened with "sharp reaction" the
>>President Slobodan Milosevic if he falsifies the Sunday elections. The
>>ambassadress Ursula Zeiler-Albring stayed behind him. [End of caption]
>>The Blue (UDF) Academy and Freedom House commission
>>"The parallel vote counting is a mutual project of the Political Academy
>>Central and Southeastern Europe and of the U.S. NGO, "Freedom House," with
>>which we have very close contacts", Orfei Duevski, explained to 'Monitor'.
>>is an MP from the UDF and the head of the Political Academy. According to
>>some high-placed UDF officials, he has headed that organisation's Board of
>>Directors thanks to Hristo Biserov’s support; Bisserov is the UDF's First
>>Secretary. The Board of Directors consists of two more MPs from the UDF,
>>three Americans from the International Republican Institute, and the
>>specialists in policy sciences, Evgeni Dainov and Ognjan Minchev. The
>>Republican Institute had been that Academy's main sponsor last year. It
>>is its main sponsor. (1)
>>"I want to explicitly underline that it is not a UDF project. It is a
>>of the Academy, mainly of its expert members. The ideas come entirely from
>>the experts and they are being realised with the help of their colleagues
>>from Belgrade", Duevski claims. The Academy has sent to Belgrade Vassil
>>Zanov, the head of the mathematicians’ group at the Sofia Central Election
>>Commission. His team is to send from Belgrade the raw election results,
>>will be reworked by the people in the Faculty of Mathematics at "Clement
>>Ohridski," the Sofia University. Zanov is a professor there. The data will
>>sent to Sofia via E-mail.
>>On Election day Mr. Zanov will work in the office of the Centre for Free
>>Elections and Democracy in Belgrade. "That is an analogue organisation to
>>Bulgarian Society for Honest Elections on the territory of Yugoslavia",
>>head of the Political Academy explained. According to an official press
>>release of the Academy, the Centre for Free Elections and Democracy in
>>Belgrade supports Voislav Kostunica, Milosevic’s opponent.
>>Unprecedented vote counting
>>"They have no experience in the parallel vote counting in Yugoslavia. That
>>why we, with the assistance of Mr. Zanov, have decided to help the Centre
>>Free Elections and Democracy in Belgrade" Orfei Duevski told. But he could
>>not explain what will be the interaction between 'our' specialists and the
>>official Yugoslavian power and if the Bulgarians have an official
>>authorisation for the elections on September 24.
>>"I hope that the official authorities in Belgrade would co-operate with
>>initiative which might disprove the accusations from everywhere that the
>>Yugoslav elections will be manipulated", Duevski would only say.
>>However, experts in that field claim that the parallel vote counting will
>>unprecedented if the Bulgarians are not authorised by the official
>>authorities in Belgrade.
>>According to an official information of the BTA (Bulgarian Telegraph
>>quoting the Bulgarian Society for Honest Elections, "60 of its activists
>>take part as scrutineers of the presidential election in Yugoslavia".
>>Together with the Yugoslavian Centre for Free Elections and Democracy in
>>Belgrade they had to form Vassil Zanov team according to the Political
>>"We will not send any data from Yugoslavia to Bulgaria and we even do not
>>know if we will be allowed to go there", Anton Hidgov said. He is the head
>>the Bulgarian Society for Honest Elections. "We will be only international
>>scrutineers there. I do not want any information to come out from my name
>>that might be used against us and we might not be authorised," Hidgov
>>Last week the Bulgarian Society for Honest Elections had sent an official
>>note to Belgrade to be authorised as scrutineers for the elections. The
>>Yugoslav Mission in Sofia says that such a demand for authorisation has
>>passed through them.
>>Who pays
>>"The parallel vote counting project is financed by Freedom House," Duevski
>>It is an American NGO and its members are Republicans and Democrats alike,
>>influential businessmen, Trade Union leaders, experts on foreign policy
>>former administration employees. Zbignev Bzezinski, Kenet Adelman and Pol
>>Volfovitz are among the more well-known names in the Freedom House
>>"I have offered projects of mine many times to the Freedom House, but they
>>react now for the first time", Evgeni Dainov, the member of the Director
>>Board of the Political Academy said yesterday. He thinks though that "the
>>money is not enough". "I am almost certain that we will spend more,"
>>Raikov’s Role
>>"The Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs has very good contacts with the Serb
>>opposition and it is very probable he offered "parallel vote counting" at
>>some of his confidential meetings with the Serb opposition leaders,"
>>'Monitor'’s source from the Government explained. He could not specify
>>when exactly Raikov had launched his idea.
>>In the middle of July our Ambassador in Belgrade Ivailo Trifonov
>>engaged himself as a translator for the opposition Serb mayors, who were
>>called in Sofia to receive instructions by Sofia Mayor, Stephan Sofianski.
>>Marin Raikov is responsible for the Balkans in the Ministry of Foreign
>>Affairs. Some years ago he was a First Secretary in our Embassy in
>>He is a Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and a son of
>>Nickolov, Bulgarian first diplomat in Yugoslavia for years on a run. Marin
>>Raikov accompanied Kostov at all the meetings that year with the
>>representatives of the Serbs and the Albanians from Kosovo, although they
>>taken part in the UDF Party building at "Rakovska" 134.
>>An MP commented on the parallel vote counting from Sofia:
>>VelkoValkanov, BSP
>>The parallel vote counting is a drastic and incorrect interference in
>>Yugoslavia internal affairs. There is even a greater manipulation than
>>one. The West promises to lift all the sanctions and to pour the horn of
>>plenty over the Serbs if they vote against Milosevic. Isn’t that an
>>at buying a whole people, isn’t that the most disgusting manipulation ever
>>known? Our government and the ruling party join to that policy of
>>manipulation. I will be very pleased indeed if the Serb people box the
>>of both those Western politicians and our pro Western ones, and vote for
>>Milosevic, refusing to be bought out. A centre of diversion/sabotage in
>>relation to Yugoslavia is being created here, and that press-centre is
>>the beginning.
>>1) The International Republican Institute has offices in 15 lands
>>Albania, Angola, Nicaragua, Russia, Yugoslavia and South Africa. It is one
>>the "core institutes" of the National Endowment for Democracy and
>>part of the network of US government agencies which recruit local
>>and set up front groups with the goal of exercising indirect colonial rule
>>the guise of building what is called "civil society" (which amazingly
>>to the groups they set up and fund!) and "Democratic institutions".
>>"Democracy" is here not defined as something the people choose (as one
>>think) but rather as being aligned with the Establishments in the NATO
>>countries. A rather partisan definition.
>>The Monitor article notes that this particular civil society group (the
>>"Political Academy for Central and Southeastern Europe") works closely
>>Freedom House, a US NGO, receives funding from the International
>>Institute, and plans to coordinate its "monitoring" with the Centre for
>>Elections and Democracy in Belgrade, which, in turn, supports the
>>of the "democratic" coalition in Yugoslavia. Both the Centre for Fair
>>Elections and the Yugoslav "democratic" opposition receive funding and
>>training from US and NATO-country government agencies.
>>For more on how the U.S. is fostering indirect colonial rule in the guise
>>building "civil society" and "democracy" go to

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