-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!



George Bush is maintaining marginal leads in two of the nation's three
national tracking polls. Battleground 2000 gives Bush 41, Gore 37.
Rasmussen Research gives Bush 44, Gore 41. CNN/USA Today/Gallup, a
media poll, gives Gore 48, Bush 44.

So why is it that most Americans are inundated with the hit-and-miss
media polls du jour -- all of which seem to indicate that Albert Gore
has already won the campaign?

ABC's George Stephanopoulos, who was a key strategist in Bill
Clinton's 1992 campaign, says that political scientists "talk about
the bandwagon effect, that once a candidate gets in the zone, all of
the coverage is good, almost no matter what happens, and when you're
out of the zone, even when you do things right, it goes against you."

This "bandwagon effect" is an insidious process that The Federalist
has written about in each election cycle, and which accounts for the
fact that our editors rarely cite any poll result, favorable or
unfavorable to conservative issues, in The Federalist.

Polling, especially media polling, is most often nothing more than
deceitful, insidious lies masquerading as news -- with the intended
effect of influencing public opinion. In political cycles, media polls
lead public opinion rather than reflect public opinion, and are,
ultimately, self-fulfilling.

To better explain the process of polling as propaganda, we are
reprinting two definitions from The Federalist Dictionary:

Pollaganda -- n.  1.  Media polling used to manipulate public opinion
and advance a particular bias. This is primarily accomplished by
television networks, on which most people rely for daily news.  (Those
who rely on print media for information are less likely to be
subjected to extreme bias, and more inclined to discriminate between
balanced and biased reporting.)

Pollagandize -- v.  1.  To engage in pollaganda.  2. The systematic
propagation of television media polls to manipulate public opinion by:
first, saturating viewers with "reporting" which reflects a doctrinal
bias; second, designing and conducting public opinion surveys which
reflect that bias; and third, further proselytizing viewers by
treating media poll results as "news."  3. Using pollaganda to induce
"bandwagon psychology" (the human tendency to aspire to the side
perceived to be in the majority), thus driving public opinion toward
the original media bias.

The Federalist is not suggesting that there is a deliberate media
conspiracy to drive public opinion. The process is the consequential
result of the media zeitgeist and culture, which are uniformly and
profoundly liberal.  Such liberalism has become so embedded within the
collective consciousness of television talking heads that it flows
freely in every broadcast.

This is not to say that there are not objective and thus, credible
polls, such as Battleground 2000, which is conducted by Democratic
pollster Celinda Lake of Lake, Snell, Perry & Associates and
Republican pollster Ed Goeas of the Tarrance Group. But even the most
objective polls are eventually adulterated by the effect of
pollaganda, as is the only poll that matters on Election Day -- the
voter poll.

There is little that conservatives can do to battle this phenomenon,
though, when it is time for the next revolution, the literate will
naturally recall this line from Dick The Butcher, one of Jack Cade's
gang in Shakespeare's King Henry the VI, pt. 4: "The first thing we
do, let's kill all the lawyers." Surely in the present day, Dick The
Butcher would have suggested eliminating the netwonk talkingheads
first -- and then the trial lawyers!


>From the Bush campaign journal...

George Bush is finally starting to land a few on Albert Gore: "My
opponent's theory is that only the 'right' people should get tax
relief. That is what Gore calls them, the 'right' people. But there
are no right Americans or wrong Americans. Tax relief should be aimed
at one big target, so you can't miss: Everyone in America who pays
income taxes."

That's a good start, Mr. Bush. Now, every time you make such a
comment, tell people why. Explain the constitutional rationale for
your position -- in layman's terms. And make it stick!

Despite the fact that Gore wraps himself in blue uniforms at every
whistle stop, Mr. Gilbert Gallegos, President of the National
Fraternal Order of Police, the largest law enforcement labor
organization in the United States, with over 290,000 members,
announced the FOP's endorsement of George Bush this week.  "Governor
Bush's commitment to law enforcement and his crime-fighting record in
Texas, make him the best candidate for America's police officers. Real
officers facing real problems understand that George W. Bush is a
leader who shares their values and shares an unyielding commitment to
supporting law enforcement with action. The Fraternal Order of Police
does not issue an endorsement like this lightly. Governor Bush has
earned our endorsement because he is a leader who will do what he says
and do right by the cop on the beat. We will stand behind him and look
forward to working with him when he takes up residence in the White

Observation Points:
"Bush's decision to go negative now is exactly right and needs to be
intensified to counter Gore's summer-long assault." --GOP pollster
Linda DiVall  ++  "I'm growing a bit weary of all this negative talk
about negative campaigning. I think it's time we started being
positive about this gloriously negative American tradition." --David
Limbaugh  {}  "Sorry, Gov. Bush, but if you want the presidency,
you're going to have to fight for it. Your advisors thought you could
win on niceness (compassionate conservatism). They were counting on
visceral anti-Clinton feelings rubbing off on Gore." --Don Feder **Why
do you think they call him "Slick"?  {}  "...[P]eople who run
presidential campaigns know everything and cannot be bothered by
listening to individuals who just might know something." --Lyn

>From Amerika2000 -- the Demo-lition...

News from the American Labour Party! James Hoffa (not the one
permanently napping in concrete somewhere on Chicago's South Side)
handed Prince Albert the Teamsters' endorsement, though it was
decidedly lukewarm.  "We have no permanent allies; we have no
permanent enemies," he told 1,500 Teamsters at a Las Vegas casino
awaiting Gore's arrival. "We have permanent interests."  Mr. Gore said
in formally accepting the union's endorsement, "I will take the
hard-working men and women of the Teamsters." He did not say where he
would take them -- though, most likely, the unemployment lines.

Undeterred by Gore's left-lead, Ralph Nader continued nipping at
Albert's heels: "If elected president, I will make sure that the
airlines give everybody leg room and hip room," Nader announced --
obviously pandering to the outsized Demo-derriere vote.

Talking Points:

On class warfare...
In addition to the $4.2 million Gore pocketed from Hollywonk
glitterati on Monday, he collected another $3.5 million from the
entertainment cartel Tuesday, telling them, "You are public spirited
enough to know that [a tax cut] is not good for you. [Bush] will
squander the surplus on a very large tax cut, mainly for the
wealthiest in our society -- well represented in this crowd, I might
add." That comment met with restrained laughter.

On the medical care scare...
The Algorista focus groups are reporting that attacks on those
sinister drug companies are a big winner with the electorate. Of
course, as Gore assails "big pharmaceutical companies," he fails to
mention that, largely because of government regulations and his donor
base of trial lawyers, it can take almost 15 years and $500 million to
develop and get government approval to market new prescription drugs.

On race-baiting...
"If you want no more delay and denial of justice [for blacks] it would
help if you had Al Gore and Joe Lieberman and senators like the First
Lady." --Mr. Clinton to the Congressional Black Caucus on the
relationship between those racist Republicans and "justice for

On "big oil"...
Gore continued to blame "Big Oil" for skyrocketing prices of crude --
in advance of what may be the most expensive heating oil season on
record. It's a bit late in the game for Mr. Gore to be "taking
action," and foolish to part with our strategic petroleum reserve as
an election-day perk. "The reserve was established for national
security emergency objectives, not for bailing out a politician whose
long record of receiving oil industry political money and caving in to
Big Oil has become an embarrassment during this election season," says
Ralph Nader.

Perhaps Gore can sell his family's $500,000 in Occidental Petroleum
stock, and put that money in an energy trust for low-income families
in the Northeast. But, then, this is the guy who, in a recent year as
Vice President of the United States, gave a grand total of $353 to
charity. Of course, Uncle Albert is much better at giving away YOUR

Q: "Joe Lieberman also said that quote, 'morality cannot be maintained
without religion.' He later struggled to explain that statement. But
did that cross the line a little bit?" --CBS's Gloria Borger
A: "Well, that was actually George Washington who said that and Joe
Lieberman was piggy-backing on George Washington...." --Bill Bennett

Observation Points:
"How delicious it has been to see Vice President Al Gore trash the
entertainment industry for 'false and deceptive advertising.' Bill
Bradley must have busted a gut laughing over that line." --Debra
Saunders  {}  "The Gore campaign's exploitation of public discontent
with Hollywood's excesses illustrates two repulsive tendencies in
contemporary liberalism. The first is the 'Do Something Disease' --
the impulse to offer some immediate, showy response to any perceived
problem; no matter how ineffectual the gesture, we can all feel better
that the problem's been addressed. The second involves the instant
resort to governmental expansion -- new regulation, legislation and
bureaucracy -- as the only appropriate response to every difficulty."
--Michael Medved  {} Gore is not as bad as he seems -- he's worse!
--The Editor


"Bush has got to make it clear that as President he will not tolerate
any efforts to deceive or manipulate the voters." --CNN's political
analyst Bill Schneider **Unlike CNN!  {}  "George W. is one thing, but
as long as the Republican Party -- you noted some of them -- is
populated by the Pat Buchanans...the Bob Barrs, don't blacks have a
right to be suspicious?" --CBS's Bryant Gumball  {}  "In the 1980s,
the Reagan administration poleaxed NHTSA and other regulatory agencies
as costly encumbrances to business. NHTSA's current budget is $392
million, a third less in real terms than it was in 1980." --Time's
Adam Zagorin **Translation from Leftspeak: Ronald Reagan is
responsible for the Firestone fiasco.


Clintonese: "Are we going to pick leaders that we know understand the
future and can take us there, or are we going to pick people who say
things we like to hear and may make things easier for a month or two?
.. Don't let this election be about little things. And don't let this
election be about divisive things." --Mr. Clinton, the premier
"divider," who is quick to say anything his pollsters and focus groups
say will "make things easier for a month or two."  {}  "However much
people may dislike paying petrol duty, there's no way that any
government of this country could or should yield to this form of
protest." --British Sociocrat Tony Blair refusing to reduce his
government's taxes on fuel despite last week's crippling blockade of
oil refineries and storage depots.  {}  "If you're an African-American
in Texas who commits a crime that could warrant the federal death
penalty, you get it. If you're white in New York City, you probably
don't. ...What is this, some form of natural selection? Death penalty
Darwinism?" --Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr.


This month's "Heterophobia" Award: "We must find a way to honor
same-sex relationships." --The Rt. Rev. Chip Marble, on the Episcopal
Church's resolution to support monogamous homosexual relationships.
**Aptly named....  {}  This month's "Chronic Villagitis" Award: "I
kept wondering, 'Where are the slaves? Who's picking the cotton'?"
--Director Spike Lee reacting to the Revolutionary War epic "The
Patriot."  {}  This month's "Character-Deficit Disorder" Award: "I am
many things. I am an animal. I am a convicted rapist, a hell-raiser, a
loving father, and a semi-good husband. You don't really know me."
--Mike Tyson  {}  From the "Village Academic Curriculum" File: Yale
psychology professor Marianne LaFrance spent three months conducting
interviews and experiments to produce a report on "The Psychological,
Interpersonal, and Social Effects of Bad Hair."


"I haven't felt this way since I threw up on the Japanese prime
minister." --President George Bush after eating salsa from radio host
Don Imus.  {}  "The Redskin-Cowboy game was so bad that I switched
over to Paula Zahn and 'The Edge' and watched her interview George W.
Bush." --Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott **If she had been
interviewing Chester Lott, we would have stuck with the 'Skins!  {}
"The 53rd anniversary of the CIA came and went without much hoopla.
There was no cake, no ice cream, no party -- and nobody knew anything
about it." --Kenny Noble Cortes  {}  "It was announced Gloria Steinem
was recently married at the home of a lady friend named Wilma
Mankiller, presumably in a bid by Ms. Steinem to see if she could get
The Guinness Book of Irony to implode." --Norman Liebmann  {}  "First
it was director Robert Altman. Now the acting Baldwin brothers say
that if George W. Bush is elected president, they'll leave the country
too! If this becomes a trend, it could garner Bush more votes than
winning the debates!" --Ira Lawson

Member Comment: Let's move all central government elections to April

Editor Comment: Mr. Bush's standing in several polls improved this
week after that consummate Village Hollywonk Kim Basinger claimed her
spouse, consummate Hollywonk Ignorati Alec Baldwin, will leave the
United States if Bush is elected. House Majority Leader Dick Armey is
running a poll on his homepage asking, "Who in Hollywood would you
most want to see buy a one-way ticket to another country?" Of choices
Alec Baldwin, Barbra Streisand, Rosie O'Donnell, Susan Sarandon, or
Whoopi Goldberg, Robustly Abominable is leading the pack!

Night Lines:

Leno....  I saw part of the Lazio-Hillary debate the other night. Wow!
Things got hot! Lazio asked Hillary to sign a pledge and she refused.
I can't blame her, she signed that marriage certificate.  ....
President Clinton is heading to Vietnam next month. I guess that
student deferment is up. He says he's going to Vietnam to normalize
our relations. Normal relations? He doesn't have normal relations with
his wife.  ....  Clinton's lawyer, David Kendall, had to tell Hillary
about Bill's affair with Monica. That was a tough call -- neither Bill
Clinton nor Dave Kendall tells the truth.

Letterman....  Al Gore was a guest on the show last night and he
dropped eight points in the polls today!  ....  George W. Bush would
have appeared on the show tonight as well, but he said he was
"unavailabable"! ....  So Gore was here and he was kissing up. He told
me if he got elected I could stay in the Lincoln Bedroom for only ten
grand!  .... Anyone in town visiting? Have you been to Radio City
Music Hall? Gore was there today. Did you know that Al Gore invented
the Rockettes?  ....  Did you see the Lazio-Hillary debates? I tell
you it was intense. There was arguing, cheap shots, loudness,
bickering, animosity...just lots of tension. I began to think, hey,
this is no different from Hillary being around Bill.  ....  Lazio said
that Hillary has no roots here in New York. I thought, "No, that isn't
true. I do believe her husband's girlfriend lives here!"

Hamilton.... George W. Bush called a New York Times reporter, Adam
Clymer, an @$$#%// onstage. Republicans are encouraged by the comment.
This is the first indication they've had that their candidate actually
reads the newspaper.  ....  Japanese sumo wrestling
superstar...exposed himself during a wrestling match. He says he tied
his belt too loosely and his loincloth fell to the ground. It's known
worldwide as the "Clinton Defense."

(**) Denotes Editor's Comment

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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