On Friday I received (below) the following deranged lunatics unsolicited SPAM in my very PRIVATE e-mail box - and thence had a great LMAO!!!! whilst ROTFL!!! 
You are a damn psycho fruit loop SHANNON!!!
But please don't let us be a cause for the suppression of your latent homosexual urges Billy, nor your psychopathic rants!!! 
HA! HA! HA!   LOL!!!!!   What a sociopathic fruitcake!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 22, 2000 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [CTRL] Scientists I.D. Christ's fingerprint - Nonsense of Achyara S an

> It's young Jimmy right?
> Thought so...another Gay Nazi 4 Jeeeeeezus....how is your queer leader
> lately??
> And Jimmy boy, at a mere 22 don't ye' have anything better to do with  your
> time? Like chasing chicks??? Ooops, I forgot...
> sorry lil' queenie!
> Get a grip girly-wuss...THEN get a clue!
> Looking forward to your next forward...er I mean original thought! LMFAO!!!!
> Bill.

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