-Caveat Lector-

:              Holocaust Reparations--A Growing  Scandal

:                             Gabriel Schoenfeld

:         GIVEN THE depth of the scars inflicted by the Nazis in World War
: II, it is no
:         surprise that issues of restitution and reparations have refused
: to go away.* The only
:         surprise is that they should now, at this late date, be
: occupying center stage, where
:         they have also become a subject of increasing contention.

:         The sheer scope of devastation in World War II is impossible to
: compass. By the
:         time the last shot was fired some five-and-a-half decades ago, a
: mind-numbing 53
:         million lives had been extinguished in the concentration camps,
: in the cities, and on
:         the battlefields of half the world. And no less huge than the
: toll in human life was the
:         destruction and theft of property; everywhere the Nazis turned,
: they not only killed
:         but plundered.

:         The Jews of Europe, singled out for a special fate, were victims
: on both counts. In
:         most places, they were first forced by the SS to provide a
: precise inventory of all
:         their property, from silverware to real estate, from stamp
: collections to
:         stock-exchange holdings, from furniture to insurance policies
: and bank accounts. All
:         this they were compelled to surrender, after which they were
: gathered together in
:         ghettos and deprived of sustenance, and then, after a time,
: taken away to be shot,
:         gassed, or worked to death as slaves.

:         The bill for this death, destruction, and robbery came due in
: 1945 with Germany's
:         surrender. But the prostrate country was hardly in a position to
: pay. Only by 1951
:         did the Federal Republic, which constituted one half of the
: by-now divided country,
:         voluntarily undertake to compensate the few pitiful survivors or
: the families of the
:         slaughtered and to provide restitution to the holders of the
: property it had seized. In
:         the 50 years that have elapsed since this historic step, some 4
: million claims have
:         been paid and a total of $55 billion has been disbursed both to
: the state of Israel and
:         to individual victims around the world.

:         Today, over 100,000 Holocaust survivors, primarily residents of
: Israel and the
:         United States, continue to receive monthly pensions from the
: German government.
:         Yet these numbers, significant as they are, by no means indicate
: that a final reckoning
:         has been made. Indeed, a huge tangle of claims still appears to
: remain unsettled, and
:         dealing with them has lately become a major enterprise.

:         Here in the United States, the organs of the federal government,
: coordinated by the
:         Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Stuart Eizenstat, are engaged
: in an intense
:         diplomatic thrust to negotiate a resolution to the outstanding
: issues. They have been
:         propelled forward by the World Jewish Congress (WJC), an
: umbrella body led by
:         the billionaire tycoon, Edgar M. Bronfman, as well as by two
: organizations with
:         which the WJC is closely affiliated and that share some of the
: same key personnel:
:         the World Jewish Restitution Organization and the Conference on
: Jewish Material
:         Claims Against Germany (known as the Claims Conference). At the
: same time, a
:         small army of lawyers has filed class-action suits against
: European corporations said
:         to have profited from the war at the expense of Holocaust
: victims. Revelations of
:         misdeeds and complicity, and demands for huge sums in
: recompense, have become
:         daily fare.

:         Politicians have not been shy about climbing on board. Former
: Senator Alfonse
:         D'Amato of New York made Holocaust restitution into one of his
: signature issues,
:         holding widely publicized hearings on the conduct of Swiss banks
: during and after
:         World War II. Insurance commissioners in California, Florida,
: and Washington, all
:         with aspirations to higher office, have been generating
: favorable coverage as they
:         pursue European firms attempting to conduct business in their
: states. On September
:         11, at the height of this year's election season, many of these
: politicians will come
:         together at a banquet at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel in New York;
: there, under the
:         sponsorship of Bronfman, they will be draped in the mantle of
: their good deeds.
:         Among others being honored are D'Amato, Hillary Clinton (now
: running for the
:         Senate in New York), and Alan Hevesi, the New York City
: comptroller.

:         Leaving aside the issues raised by the very idea of a
: reparations banquet, let alone a
:         number of names of dubious relevance (like Mrs. Clinton's) on
: the roster of
:         honorees, the continually expanding list of Holocaust
: restitution projects begs to be
:         examined on its merits--not least because it has begun to come
: under fire from a
:         number of different directions.

:         PERHAPS THE first question to be addressed is the one with which
: I began: why
:         is all this happening only now, after so many decades have
: passed? The obvious
:         answer has to do with the dissolution of the USSR and its East
: European empire.

:         By 1990, almost all the victims of Nazi persecution living in
: Western Europe and the
:         United States had received a measure of compensation from the
: German
:         government; but this was hardly true of denizens of the East who
: fell under
:         Communist rule after the war. The East German authorities, for
: one, insisted all along
:         that they had no special obligations to the Jews who suffered
: under Hitler--victims,
:         they asserted, not of Germany per se but of a Nazism that had
: been eradicated in
:         their own country even as it remained (so they claimed) very
: much alive in the
:         Western zone. Elsewhere in Eastern Europe and the USSR, postwar
: regimes
:         vigorously pursued anti-Semitic policies of their own, up to and
: including judicial
:         murder. And in countries that were busy nationalizing all
: private property, assets
:         seized by the Nazis were, with rare exception, never returned to
: private hands.

:         With the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1989, and largely as a
: result of pressure by both
:         the U.S. government and Jewish organizations, a variety of new
: initiatives were set in
:         motion. Reunified Germany moved to establish a fund for
: impoverished Holocaust
:         survivors from Eastern Europe who had hitherto received minimal
: or no
:         compensation. Another German fund, officially opened this past
: July, will provide
:         money to the forced and slave laborers conscripted into German
: firms. Elsewhere,
:         arrangements have been made to restore confiscated property to
: its rightful owners
:         or their heirs or, where heirs cannot be found, to designate any
: proceeds from the
:         sale of such property to Holocaust education or to social
: services for Holocaust
:         survivors around the world. And so forth, in virtually every
: country of Eastern
:         Europe.

:         Not entirely by coincidence, shortly after the question of
: restitution became unfrozen
:         in the East, two issues involving Switzerland came dramatically
: to the fore. The first
:         was that country's role as a neutral power in the war. In this
: role it not only enforced
:         an exclusionary policy against Jews seeking refuge behind its
: borders but also
:         provided assistance to Nazi Germany in laundering gold,
: consisting of some $4
:         billion (in today's dollars) looted from the treasuries of
: conquered Europe and an
:         additional $1.2 billion taken from victims of the Holocaust;
: this last included not only
:         wedding rings but dental crowns extracted from corpses in the
: various death camps
:         and melted down into ingots. Secondly, attention focused on the
: Swiss bank
:         accounts established by many European Jews in the 1920's and
: 30's, thought by
:         those who opened them to be exceedingly secure. Indeed, so
: secure were they--and
:         so wrapped in the secrecy that is the selling point of the Swiss
: banking system--that
:         in the years following the war they became for all practical
: purposes another windfall
:         for Swiss bankers on top of the one offered by Nazi gold.

:         This state of affairs was hardly unknown or even forgotten in
: the West in the postwar
:         era, but it took until the 1990's before the World Jewish
: Congress and the U.S.
:         government embarked on a concerted effort to resolve it. Coming
: under great
:         pressure, the Swiss government and major Swiss banks rushed to
: create a "Fund for
:         Needy Victims of the Holocaust" along with a "Solidarity Fund"
: for other victims of
:         oppression. In the face of a slew of American-based lawsuits,
: Swiss banks also
:         agreed last year to a $1.25-billion settlement aimed at
: resolving all outstanding claims
:         and averting sanctions on their U.S. operations.

:         While the Swiss banking controversy has not been fully defused,
: a different set of
:         claims has also been making headlines around the world. These
: involve the various
:         kinds of insurance policies issued to Jews and others in the
: 1920's and 30's, which,
:         for one reason or another--including the death of the purchaser
: in the Holocaust and
:         the destruction of documents in the war--were never paid. To
: deal with this
:         exceedingly complex matter, still another commission was
: established in the late
:         1990's, this one headed by the veteran diplomat Lawrence
: Eagleburger and
:         comprising German and Italian insurance companies,
: representatives of the state of
:         Israel and of world Jewry, and European and American insurance
: regulators.

:         In the wake of a series of tempestuous meetings, some progress
: has been made
:         toward a settlement in this area as well. At the same time,
: however, a number of
:         multibillion-dollar suits have been filed against the companies.
: Several states in the
:         U.S. have also passed laws forcing European insurance companies
: doing business
:         within their borders to disclose Holocaust-era records, and have
: commenced actions
:         to recover unpaid insurance proceeds. The issue remains highly
: charged, with
:         allegations of bad faith and betrayal on all sides.

:         THE VARIOUS disputes now unfolding are not entirely
: unprecedented, with
:         respect either to the basic issues they raise or to the
: intensity with which they are
:         being fought. Indeed, in the early 1950's, the debate in Israel
: over whether to accept
:         money from Germany was, if anything, far more acrimonious than
: the debate in
:         Germany about whether to pay it. Menachem Begin, then the young
: leader of the
:         right-wing Herut party, held street demonstrations to denounce
: the government for
:         accepting German "blood money." It was only as the 50's wore on
: and the funds
:         began to flow that the debate in Israel over this subject
: essentially died out.

:         In the United States, by contrast, a rather different pattern
: has prevailed. Though in
:         the past decades the Holocaust has emerged as the central
: preoccupation of
:         American Jewry, until virtually yesterday there has been
: remarkably little discussion,
:         let alone disputation, over the proliferating initiatives,
: commissions, negotiations,
:         funds, and lawsuits designed, ostensibly, to aid the surviving
: victims of the Holocaust
:         and to return to the Jewish community that which was stolen from
: it.

:         In large part, this silence undoubtedly indicates concurrence
: with the idea that, in the
:         face of a crime so immense, every last ounce of justice must be
: done; history's
:         greatest villains must be punished and punished again while
: those who suffered
:         deserve every last measure of recompense. But other factors are
: at work as well.

:         One of these is easily enough comprehended. The anti-Semitic
: pseudohistorians who
:         deny that the Holocaust happened have battened on the issue of
: reparations and
:         pressed it into the service of their "counternarrative," as an
: example of how
:         predacious Jews are profiting from their invented tale of
: suffering. One finds this kind
:         of thing, for instance, in the Journal of Historical Review, the
: principal publication
:         of Holocaust deniers in the United States, in articles with
: titles like "Jewish Blackmail
:         Against Switzerland" and "No End in Sight: Germany Has Paid Out
: More Than
:         $61.8 Billion in Third Reich Reparations." Meanwhile, on the far
: Left, a version of
:         this same thesis has been put into play by some of the
: anti-Zionist followers of Noam
:         Chomsky, as in a recent tract purporting to demonstrate that
: Jewish organizations
:         have engaged in a ruthless campaign to maximize their own wealth
: and influence by
:         manufacturing non-existent Holocaust survivors.**

:         In the face of this portrait of avaricious Jews exploiting the
: Holocaust for pecuniary
:         gain--a portrait that draws upon time-honored anti-Semitic
: images--it is hardly
:         unnatural that a general (if silent) consensus should reign
: within the Jewish community
:         on the rightness of pressing restitution claims. But there have
: also been one or two
:         notable dissenters. The syndicated columnist Charles
: Krauthammer, for example,
:         has worried aloud about what he terms a "grotesque scramble for
: money," a
:         scramble whose only certain result is the "revival of Shylockian
: stereotypes."
:         Abraham Foxman, chairman of the Anti-Defamation League, has
: voiced a related
:         concern: thanks to the continuing demands for reparations, he
: has said, people
:         around the world may be led to believe "that the Jews died [not]
: because they were
:         Jews, but because they had bank accounts, gold, art, and
: property."

:         In Europe, what Krauthammer and Foxman fear has in fact
: happened, at least to
:         some extent. Among the Swiss, the controversy surrounding Nazi
: gold and dormant
:         bank accounts unleashed, at its height, a tide of anti-Semitic
: feeling unseen since the
:         pre-World War II era, complete with hate mail and death threats
: directed at officials
:         of Jewish organizations and physical harassment of Orthodox Jews
: on city streets. In
:         Austria, the ascension of Jörg Haider's Freedom party rested in
: part on widespread
:         indignation at the bills being presented for that country's
: complicity in crimes against
:         the Jews. In Germany, the New York Times reports, there has been
: "a nationalist and
:         right-wing intellectual awakening" that reflects "weariness,
: even anger, at what is seen
:         as Germany's eternal victimization" for the Holocaust. A vivid
: sign of this was on
:         display in June when Germany's most prestigious literary award
: was bestowed on
:         the revisionist historian Ernest Nolte: tellingly, Nolte used
: his acceptance speech to
:         denounce the "collective accusation" continuously leveled at
: Germany since the war.

:         UNSETTLING THOUGH this European mood may be, it is by no means
: clear
:         that it should have a decisive bearing on the pursuit of
: Holocaust claims. If such
:         claims are legitimate, it would be a double injustice to forgo
: them out of fear of
:         arousing anti-Semitism. Besides, as the Washington Post
: columnist Richard Cohen
:         has pointed out, if the demands of Jewish organizations have
: exacerbated
:         anti-Semitism in places like Switzerland, then perhaps it is the
: Swiss who "ought to
:         look to their own values and not the Jews to theirs." But are
: the claims legitimate?
:         And are they being pursued in a legitimate manner? In attempting
: to answer these
:         questions, we unavoidably enter upon treacherous terrain.

:         Within the broad categories of restitution--slave labor, stolen
: artwork, confiscated
:         personal property and real estate, dormant accounts,
: stock-exchange holdings,
:         insurance polices--there are, of course, countless individual
: cases, each of which
:         must inevitably stand or fall on its own merits. But after the
: passage of so many
:         years, assessing the merits of any one case can itself be highly
: problematic.

:         The 1920's and 30's, the period in which many of the insurance
: policies and bank
:         accounts now under dispute came into being, were decades of
: unremitting
:         turbulence, with hyperinflation and depression roiling economies
: worldwide and the
:         governments of Western and Eastern Europe responding with
: currency controls,
:         devaluations, and other forms of intervention that left few
: instruments of worth
:         untouched. This highly unstable era was followed by a war that
: created displacement
:         on a global scale, with monetary, border, and regime changes,
: and widespread
:         destruction of documents. After the war, Communism came to a
: great swath of
:         Europe and the state assumed custody of all private assets and
: records. Even if
:         private corporations were today consistently proceeding with the
: best will in the
:         world, many claims would remain exceedingly difficult to sort
: out.

:         Consider a single case. Jack Brauns, formerly Jakob Braunsas, is
: currently suing the
:         Italian insurance company, Assicurazioni Generali, in California
: courts for failing to
:         make payment on a life-insurance policy on which he is a named
: beneficiary.

:         According to the set of facts presented by Generali, in 1930
: Moisejus Braunsas, a
:         resident of Lithuania, purchased a U.S.-dollar-denominated
: policy in the amount of
:         $2,000 from Rigaer Union, a Latvian company in which Generali
: had an ownership
:         interest and for which it was providing reinsurance, i.e.,
: acting as a backer of last
:         resort if Rigaer Union for some reason could not pay. In 1936,
: well before the Nazis
:         appeared on the scene in Latvia, the policy's value was reduced
: to $800 for
:         nonpayment of premiums, which also, under Latvian law, voided
: Generali's
:         reinsurance guarantee. At approximately the same time that the
: premiums ceased
:         being paid, the Latvian government enacted a monetary reform
: that forcibly
:         converted all dollar-denominated insurance policies into
: lats-denominated ones,
:         greatly reducing whatever residual value Braunsas's policy may
: have had. In January
:         1939, not long before the war came to Latvia, Rigaer Union was
: forcibly liquidated
:         for failing to comply with a new law governing capital
: requirements for joint-stock
:         companies; its policies were taken over by Drosiba, a far larger
: Latvian insurer with
:         which Generali had no reinsurance tie.

:         Then came the war. First, Drosiba fell under Soviet rule when
: Latvia was annexed
:         by the USSR in 1940. Then it was administered by the Nazis after
: they conquered
:         Latvia in 1941. Finally, it fell once again under Soviet rule
: after Latvia was
:         reconquered in late 1944. At that point, all private firms were
: absorbed by the state.
:         Some 50 years later, after the USSR dissolved and Latvia again
: achieved
:         independence, Drosiba resurfaced as a private firm.

:         Under the circumstances, Generali contends that it has no
: contractual obligations to
:         Jack Brauns, and that if indeed he has a valid claim at all, he
: should apply in the first
:         place to Drosiba. For his own part, needless to say, Jack Brauns
: adheres to a very
:         different and highly compelling version of this same murky
: history.

:         Nor is this an atypical example of the ambiguities and
: difficulties inherent to the
:         process of sorting things out--ambiguities and difficulties that
: perforce raise a
:         question about the tactics that have been employed to compel
: settlements. If the
:         issues were all cut and dried, not only would most claims have
: been settled long ago,
:         but it would be entirely justifiable to employ the heaviest
: legal and political artillery to
:         resolve the outstanding ones. But the issues, in many if not
: most instances, are not
:         cut and dried. And yet, some inside and outside the organized
: Jewish community
:         have unrestrainedly availed themselves of any method, however
: unseemly or even
:         disreputable, to go after every last franc, lira, guilder, and
: mark, owed or not owed.

:         A GROWING number of attorneys practice the new specialty of
: Holocaust law.
:         Although they like to wrap themselves in the rhetoric of a
: sacred cause, a New York
:         Times story suggests an admixture that is at least 99 parts
: profane. In the free-for-all
:         to obtain Holocaust victims as clients, the paper reports,
: "competing lawyers from
:         the United States have barnstormed across Europe soliciting
: clients, publicly
:         castigating each other and privately maneuvering to oust their
: adversaries." In the first
:         50 years after World War II, the number of Holocaust-related
: class-action law suits
:         could be counted on two hands; in the last four years alone, the
: number has more
:         than tripled.

:         Active players range from Cohen, Milstein, Hausfeld & Toll, an
: eminently
:         respectable Washington, D.C. law firm that has humbled such
: corporate giants as
:         Texaco, to small-time lawyers like Diane Leigh Davison, a solo
: practitioner who
:         conducts her primary specialty in "entertainment" law out of an
: office in Baltimore.
:         Cohen, Milstein boasts that it has assumed "the struggle for
: justice" for Holocaust
:         victims on a pro-bono basis. Davison, for her part, expects
: remuneration: "You don't
:         say to a surgeon, 'don't take your fee.'" And then there is
: Edward Fagan, an obscure
:         personal-injury lawyer from San Antonio, Texas who claims to
: have signed up
:         31,000 clients in record time. For his role in the Swiss
: settlement, he submitted to
:         the court a bill for $4 million, or $640 an hour. The average
: pension that Holocaust
:         survivors today receive from the German government is $640 a
: year.

:         Elan Steinberg, the executive director of the World Jewish
: Congress, has warned
:         that "Holocaust survivors are being exploited by a feeding
: frenzy of fee-grabbing
:         lawyers." But his organization, too, has not shied away from
: eyebrow-raising tactics
:         of its own--for example, against a Dutch insurance company named
: Aegon that
:         during the war was forced by the SS to surrender all policies
: owned by Jews to a
:         Nazi-controlled firm. Already at the time, the Dutch
: government-in-exile declared
:         such compulsory transactions null and void, and, beginning in
: the 1950's, Aegon,
:         acting under Dutch law, moved to provide restitution to those
: who had been robbed.
:         The firm, moreover, participated in successful negotiations with
: the Dutch Jewish
:         community to establish a fund to cover any additional claims
: that might come to light.

:         Despite this eminently defensible record, last year the WJC
: launched an aggressive
:         campaign against Aegon, insisting that it join the Eagleburger
: commission or face a
:         boycott of its American-based subsidiaries. Aegon balked at this
: demand,
:         maintaining that, as a company that had itself been a victim of
: the Nazis, it would not
:         participate in an enterprise in which it would share equal
: culpability with Italian and
:         German firms. "Our country suffered," Kees Storm, Aegon's
: chairman, told the
:         Financial Times. "We are in a totally different position from
: other insurers."
:         Nevertheless, the World Jewish Congress imposed its sanctions,
: with Steinberg
:         promising to bring the company to its knees: "the insurance
: companies," he warned,
:         "will be even easier" to target than the Swiss banks.

:         No less troubling than this ungrounded effort to bludgeon a
: company into
:         submission--the WJC has never publicly referred to a single
: Holocaust-era insurance
:         claim against Aegon that has gone unpaid--is the organization's
: attempt to wield
:         Dutch wartime history as a club in its public-relations war
: against the insurer.
:         Holland, according to the congressional testimony of Israel
: Singer, the secretary
:         general of the WJC,

:              had the worst record in Western Europe during the
: Holocaust--some
:              80 percent of its Jewish population was murdered. They were
: handed
:              over by Dutch police. . . . The perception of Holland has
: been colored
:              by the tragic Anne Frank story. But Anne Frank, who was
: betrayed
:              and died in a Nazi concentration camp, had her furniture in
: the hidden
:              annex removed by a Dutch moving company. So the failure of
: Aegon
:              and the Dutch insurance companies is clearly bound up in
: the
:              unwillingness to face the past--a failure of moral
: restitution.

:         It is, of course, indisputable that, in percentage terms, more
: Jews perished in Holland
:         than anywhere else in Western Europe. In his outstanding Victims
: and Survivors:
:         The Nazi Persecution of the Jews in the Netherlands, 1940-1945,
: the British
:         historian Bob Moore emphasizes the interplay of elements that
: helped to account for
:         this disparity, among them the deeply ingrained deference to
: authority that
:         characterized both the Dutch people and the Dutch Jews
: themselves; the fact that it
:         was civilian Nazi officials who ruled Holland in the war years
: and not, as elsewhere
:         in Western Europe, the Wehrmacht, thus giving a freer hand to
: the SS, the key
:         instrument of Nazi genocide; and the continuation, during a
: temporary pause in
:         deportations to Auschwitz from locations across Western Europe,
: of transports from
:         Holland alone to the death factory of Sobibor. Indeed, Moore
: records in one highly
:         relevant passage, "the Dutch victims of Sobibor more or less
: account for the
:         percentage difference in mortality between the Netherlands and
: its nearest
:         neighbors."

:         It is also true, as the WJC's Israel Singer observes, that there
: was extensive
:         collaboration in the roundups and deportations of the Jews to
: the death camps,
:         particularly by the Dutch police and the civil service, and in
: this respect the fate of
:         Anne Frank was typical. But one cannot speak of Dutch
: collaborators without also
:         taking note of the other side of the coin: the Dutch men and
: women who gave shelter
:         to those forced to wear the yellow star, many of whom paid a
: terrible price for their
:         pains. Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust museum and research
: institute, has kept a
:         meticulously researched record, broken down by country, of the
: men and women
:         who came to the aid of persecuted Jews in occupied Europe. In
: absolute numbers of
:         such "righteous gentiles," tiny Holland outstrips all the
: countries of Western and
:         Central Europe combined. Holland, moreover, was the only country
: in Nazi
:         occupied Europe to witness a general strike in response to Nazi
: depredations against
:         the Jews, a heroic and costly move that tragically failed to
: affect the Nazi resolve to
:         hunt down and murder every last Jew in the land.

:         One can hardly say that the Dutch had an unblemished record
: during World War II;
:         far from it. And in the aftermath they were often as callous as
: they could be to the
:         relative handful of Jews who returned alive. Still, the image we
: have of the "good
:         Dutchman" is not simply a myth to be torn away. To assert
: without qualification that
:         the Netherlands had "the worst record in Western Europe during
: the Holocaust" is
:         wickedly to blacken the name of a country that, from the bombing
: of Rotterdam in
:         1940 to the hunger winter of 1944-45, itself suffered grievously
: in the war. One
:         would expect an organization attempting to right a historical
: wrong to acknowledge,
:         and honor, its special obligation to historical truth.

:         AS CLOUDED as are the issues presented by the claims against
: insurance
:         companies, an even more complex case is presented by
: Switzerland. In pursuing the
:         Swiss banks, major Jewish organizations have loosed the most
: forceful weapons in
:         their arsenal, including class-action lawsuits, boycott threats,
: and barrages of adverse
:         publicity. The World Jewish Congress has again taken the lead,
: lambasting the Swiss
:         in forum after forum for sins ranging from gold laundering to
: the failure to admit
:         refugees. It has also published a series of hard-hitting
: pamphlets, with titles like The
:         Sinister Face of "Neutrality": The Role of Swiss Financial
: Institutions in the
:         Plunder of European Jewry, that detail instances of misconduct
: during and after the
:         war.

:         Summing up the overall charge, Edgar Bronfman testified before
: Congress that,
:         contrary to received wisdom, the Swiss were "far from neutral"
: in the war:

:              Their assistance to the Nazi war machine, through the
: clandestine
:              conversion of looted gold into Swiss francs, enabled the
: Germans to
:              buy fuel and other raw materials they needed to prolong the
: war. Some
:              estimates in testimony before the U.S. Senate hearings
: following the
:              war suggest the cost may have been staggering in the lives
: of American
:              soldiers, Allied soldiers, Jews, and other civilians across
: that continent.

:         What are we to make of this indictment?

:         Clearly, the picture of wartime Switzerland as a kind of happy
: haven, encapsulated
:         in the Broadway show The Sound of Music, has long been in need
: of adjustment.
:         But in its place has come a mirror-image caricature that does no
: greater justice to
:         historical reality. As with the Dutch, the actual record of the
: Swiss is very checkered.

:         Thus, a case can be made--and has been made by, among others,
: Angelo Codevilla
:         in a new book*--that, surrounded on all sides by the Nazis and
: their allies and
:         vulnerable to invasion, Switzerland acted from necessity when it
: served as a banker
:         for the Third Reich. It is also reasonably clear that
: Switzerland did not violate
:         international law merely by trading with Nazi Germany, which was
: in any event again
:         not a matter of choice. On this point international law is
: fairly straightforward: neutral
:         countries are permitted to engage in commercial relations with
: belligerents so long as
:         the government itself does not participate in such trade and so
: long as none of the
:         belligerents is given special favor. For the most part,
: Switzerland complied with these
:         two conditions.

:         The Swiss did violate international law in another way--by
: trading in Nazi gold,
:         which they had reason to know had been looted from the
: treasuries of Germany's
:         victims (although there is no evidence suggesting they knew that
: some of the gold
:         had been taken from death-camp inmates). This violation,
: however, was in effect
:         cured, legally if not morally, by the Washington Accord of 1946,
: in which the Swiss
:         agreed to settle Allied claims in exchange for a contribution of
: $58 million ($500
:         million in today's dollars) to the reconstruction of Europe.

:         This sum was paid only after much kicking and screaming; but it
: was not a
:         particularly large amount, and from our present vantage point
: the Swiss would seem
:         to have gotten off far too easily. Even so, however, some
: additional considerations
:         are relevant. Washington was hardly in the dark about the true
: nature of
:         Switzerland's gold transactions, having obtained through
: decryption of diplomatic
:         communications and other means a generally comprehensive picture
: of Bern's
:         activities. In signing a binding accord, then, the U.S.
: government was not snookered.
:         And the Truman administration had solid reasons of its own for
: avoiding a major
:         breach with Switzerland, the one wholly intact country in the
: heart of Europe in the
:         chaotic year 1946.

:         But international law aside, was Swiss neutrality itself not an
: ethical disgrace? This,
:         as it happens, is the gravamen of a 1997 U.S. government report
: prepared by the
:         office of Stuart Eizenstat, which also points out that Nazi
: Germany "was a mortal
:         threat to Western civilization itself, and had it been
: victorious, to the survival of even
:         the neutral countries themselves."

:         That the Swiss were free riders on the Allied war effort is
: indisputably the case, but it
:         is difficult to imagine what kind of useful contribution a
: belligerent Switzerland--a
:         nation of 5 million--could have made to the defeat of Nazi
: Germany; in all likelihood,
:         a major portion of the country would have been conquered within
: days and, among
:         other consequences, the Jews of Switzerland would have been
: rounded up and
:         shipped away, never to return. As things stood, moreover--and as
: no lesser an
:         authority than Winston Churchill would later attest--neutral
: Switzerland was not
:         without considerable value to the Allies, too: as a trading
: partner (in gold, as with the
:         Germans), an espionage porthole, and a "protecting power" for
: German-held Allied
:         prisoners of war. To reprove Swiss neutrality from an office in
: Washington five
:         decades after the fact, without considering the alternative and
: what it would have
:         entailed, is to indulge in the worst kind of armchair
: moralizing.

:         As for Switzerland's exclusionary immigration policy, it was
: arguably no worse than
:         that of many other countries during the war. (The United States
: itself hardly has a
:         glorious record in this department.) But there can also be no
: blinking some of the
:         terrible things done by the Swiss, like the encouragement given
: to the German
:         authorities in 1938 to stamp the passports of Jews with a "J" in
: order to help the
:         Swiss border control keep out terrified refugees fleeing for
: their lives. Although some
:         have denied anti-Semitism was prevalent in Switzerland in this
: period, and Codevilla
:         goes so far as to say that no Swiss officials wanted to put
: their names on "a policy of
:         exclusion of Jews per se," a profusion of easily obtainable
: documents belies such
:         apologetics. Nor was it just low-level bureaucrats who
: instructed, as in one crucial
:         circular, that the passports of those "who are Jewish or
: probably Jewish" should be
:         stamped "turned back." Such policies flowed from the very top,
: and were approved
:         unanimously by the Federal Council, the highest decisionmaking
: body in the land.

:         GOLD LAUNDERING and a pinched or anti-Semitic refugee policy
: undoubtedly
:         constitute the blackest mark on Switzerland's wartime history.
: But the irresistible lure
:         both to class-action lawyers and to Jewish organizations has
: been not these but the
:         dormant bank accounts belonging to Holocaust victims. Thanks in
: large measure to
:         an Independent Committee of Eminent Persons, set up in response
: to the growing
:         clamor about these unrestituted funds and headed by Paul
: Volcker, the former
:         chairman of the Federal Reserve, our understanding of this
: matter is much more
:         complete than it was before the shouting began--and strikingly
: at variance with the
:         picture we have been given.

:         The Volcker committee examined the records of some 254 Swiss
: banks that
:         operated during the period 1933 to 1945, covering every
: institution likely to have
:         had foreign depositors. It scrutinized some 4.1 million
: accounts, or 60 percent of the
:         total from those years (the records for the other 40 percent no
: longer exist). From
:         these, the commission attempted to cull accounts matching the
: names on lists of Nazi
:         victims provided by Yad Vashem. In all, the auditors found some
: 53,886 accounts
:         bearing what they cautiously describe as "a probable or possible
: relationship to
:         victims of Nazi persecution."

:         This number is dramatically higher than all previous estimates
: given by the Swiss
:         banks themselves--a 1962 survey turned up only 739 accounts,
: while in 1956 Swiss
:         bankers had been able to find a paltry total of 86. The
: disparity is overwhelmingly
:         the result of sheer bad faith on the part of the Swiss--but it
: is also a testament to the
:         technical and legal problems wrapped up in this issue. For, even
: after the
:         expenditure of almost a quarter of a billion dollars in what
: became the most
:         expensive audit of all time (not even counting the sizable
: internal costs imposed on
:         the banks themselves) and with the aid of a "fuzzy logic"
: algorithm and other
:         advanced computational techniques, the Volcker audit itself
: encountered enormous
:         difficulties in tying particular accounts to particular
: Holocaust victims with any
:         certainty.

:         The report is properly severe in its judgments. Some banks, it
: concludes, did engage
:         in "questionable and deceitful actions." These included
: "withholding of information
:         from Holocaust victims or their heirs about their accounts,
: inappropriate closing of
:         accounts, failure to keep adequate records." Then there were
: "many cases of
:         insensitivity to the efforts of victims to claim dormant or
: closed accounts, and a
:         general lack of diligence--even active resistance--in response
: to earlier private and
:         official inquiries." Some of the more egregious instances of
: dissimulation and
:         stonewalling involved the charging of extraordinary fees to
: those seeking information,
:         or closing accounts in such a way as to complicate or rule out
: any future tracing of
:         ownership.

:         On the other hand, the offending behavior was evidently limited
: to a relatively small
:         number of banks and is not of recent vintage. Rather, it "took
: place years ago in a
:         particularly difficult period with different banking standards."
: Significantly, the
:         Volcker commission uncovered no evidence of "organized
: discrimination against the
:         accounts of victims of Nazi persecution" or "concerted efforts
: to divert the funds of
:         victims of Nazi persecution to improper purposes." Although many
: records could not
:         be located, this could not be attributed "to systematic or
: widespread and deliberate
:         alteration or destruction of bank-account records for the
: purpose of obliterating the
:         history of the accounts of these victims." Indeed, in a stunning
: conclusion completely
:         contrary to the picture drawn by the World Jewish Congress and
: the Western
:         media, the commission reports "many cases" in which banks
: "actively sought out
:         missing account holders or their heirs, including Holocaust
: victims, and paid the
:         account balances of dormant accounts to the proper parties."

:         No less remarkable than this conclusion is the committee's
: analysis of the root cause
:         of the problem, which, it avers, lay less in cupidity (though
: there was that, too) than
:         in the underlying legal framework of the Swiss banking system.
: One pillar of that
:         framework was, and remains, the secrecy rules that were adopted
: in the 1930's,
:         ironically enough in large measure to protect the assets of
: persecuted German Jews.
:         These secrecy laws then helped underpin the decision (later to
: become the subject of
:         much criticism) "not to publish the names of the dormant account
: holders after World
:         War II."

:         A second and no less important pillar was the absence of an
: escheat provision that
:         would, as in most other countries, mandate the transfer of
: unclaimed banking assets
:         to the state after a specified period of inactivity. This
: continuing anomaly in Swiss law
:         has given rise to what the Volcker report calls "large numbers
: of dormant accounts
:         even in settled times" and also, for the period in question,
: "very large amounts of
:         dormant accounts completely unrelated to victims"--a
: circumstance from which the
:         report concludes that "the banks, for the most part, treated
: foreign and domestic
:         customers alike."

:         This lapidary finding puts paid to the notion that Swiss bankers
: deliberately sought to
:         profit from the Holocaust. Although they clearly harbored their
: share of miscreants,
:         for the most part their dereliction, characteristic of bankers,
: lay in applying the
:         ordinary rules of procedure to an extraordinary situation. Thus,
: what can be said of
:         them as a whole is that they failed to rise to the occasion, and
: that they made no
:         systematic effort, until challenged, to resolve a glaring
: scandal.

:         Although one hesitates to compare, something similar can be said
: of other banks,
:         including, as the Jerusalem Post and other news outlets have
: reported in great detail,
:         local banks in Israel that have been found to be sitting on
: dormant accounts
:         belonging to Holocaust victims. (Once again, avarice is not the
: cause; it is merely the
:         intrinsic difficulties of determining who owns what.) And as the
: Jerusalem Report
:         has recounted in a series of scathing articles, even the Claims
: Conference, whose
:         vice president is Israel Singer and on whose board of directors
: sits Edgar Bronfman,
:         has faced its share of unsightly entanglements in carrying out
: its fiduciary
:         responsibilities--principally by failing adequately to inform
: actual property owners or
:         their heirs of their rights to unclaimed property that then fell
: to the Conference to
:         dispose of as it wished. In short, in managing large sums of
: money belonging to the
:         dead, even the best-intentioned bodies can fall prey to
: procedures and incentives
:         that can make them appear as self-serving and heartless as the
: Swiss banks.

:         IN BRINGING this inquiry to a close, let us leave aside the
: "fee-grabbing" lawyers,
:         who are doing what such lawyers, for better or worse, are
: nowadays wont to do.
:         But has the organized Jewish community itself been pursuing
: Holocaust claims in a
:         legitimate manner?

:         It is indisputable that without the aggressive campaign waged by
: the World Jewish
:         Congress and its affiliates, many of the restitution efforts in
: train today would never
:         have been set in motion. Although much of the money promised in
: the 1990's
:         remains tied up in litigation and bureaucratic wrangling, if and
: when it begins to flow
:         freely it might yet benefit the dwindling group of Holocaust
: survivors dispersed
:         around the world, many of whom, particularly in Eastern Europe
: and the USSR, are
:         said to be destitute and forsaken.

:         But consider what else has been set in motion. There is, to
: begin with, the
:         questionable nature of at least some of the claims themselves,
: especially those that
:         have been settled en bloc and under duress by banks or
: corporations anxious to
:         avoid an unceasing notoriety and/or to continue doing business
: in the United States.
:         As we have seen in the case of the insurance companies, the
: issues are so tangled as
:         inescapably to inject uncertainty into the validity of any given
: claim, with questions
:         arising about the timely payment of premiums, the existence of
: reinsurance
:         guarantees, the effect of currency devaluations, and so forth.
: And as we have seen
:         with the dormant bank accounts, the Volcker committee's
: authoritative report clearly
:         refutes the accusation that the Swiss bankers engaged in
: widespread and systematic
:         larceny.

:         If anything, indeed, the Volcker report highlights the suspect
: nature of a good
:         number of the claims for compensation that have been streaming
: in ever since this
:         issue was highlighted in the 1990's. Through a campaign of
: public statements and
:         paid advertisements, Jews around the world have been actively
: solicited to locate
:         their names on lists of dormant bank-account holders and unpaid
: insurance policies.
:         More, they have been given the impression that filing a claim is
: a moral imperative, a
:         way of seeing justice done.

:         The Volcker report itself expresses serious reservations about
: publishing lists of
:         accounts, which carries a "greater implication of widespread
: insensitive and even
:         unethical behavior than is warranted by the facts," and invites
: "frivolous claims" that
:         can "clog the claims-resolution process [and] delay justice
: rather than serving the
:         legitimate claimants." An independent tribunal of distinguished
: jurists has been at
:         work evaluating claims against the Swiss banks, and has already
: denied some 80
:         percent of them. But the organizations are pursuing an agenda of
: their own, and have
:         been deterred not at all by the undifferentiated scramble for
: compensation they have
:         unleashed.

:         QUITE APART from the merits or demerits of individual claims,
: that agenda may
:         be inflicting injuries ever more costly to Jewish interests.
: When, in the early 1950's,
:         Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion asked the Israeli people to come
: along with him in
:         accepting reparations from Germany, he did so reluctantly and
: for the weightiest of
:         reasons: namely, to obey the "final injunction of the
: inarticulate six million, whose
:         very murder was a ringing cry for Israel to rise, to be strong
: and prosperous, to
:         safeguard her peace and security, and so prevent such a disaster
: from ever again
:         overwhelming the Jewish people." Does even a shadow of such a
: vital imperative
:         exist today?

:         Assuredly, the restitution effort now being pushed forward by
: U.S.-based Jewish
:         organizations contributes nothing to Israel's security.
: Conceivably, it may even harm
:         it. For many years now, Germany, Holland, and Switzerland have
: been staunch
:         supporters of Israel in a Europe that has been less than
: friendly to the Jewish state.
:         The arm-twisting, the threats of boycott, the bad press--some of
: it undeserved, and
:         some of it undertaken for the naked aim of extracting
: money--cannot but leave a
:         distinct impression on European minds.

:         Stoking the fires of anti-Semitism on the far Right is only one
: and by no means the
:         most significant danger. The real peril comes not from the
: fringe but from the damage
:         done in the European political center. Countries that fail to
: fall into line, Israel Singer
:         has warned, will be "publicly attacked and humiliated," and on
: more than a few
:         occasions his organization has made good on this threat. When
: moments of strain
:         come along, as when Israel's Arab adversaries come shopping for
: advanced
:         weapons systems, will the nations that have been "publicly
: attacked and humiliated"
:         be ready to do the right thing? It is impossible to say for
: sure, but one senses that
:         moral and political capital has been heedlessly squandered.

:         An injury of another sort may be done to relations between Jews
: and non-Jews.
:         With the exception of the forced laborers and some other
: currently favored groups
:         like Gypsies, homosexuals, and the mentally ill, both European
: corporations and
:         Jewish organizations have said embarrassingly little about the
: great numbers of
:         non-Jews who were deprived of life, limb, and property at the
: hands of the Nazis.
:         But if banks and insurance companies, in particular, have unpaid
: obligations, they
:         have them to all of their murdered customers with whom they had
: valid contracts.
:         Obviously, the firms do not wish to widen their exposure to
: thousands upon
:         thousands of more claims, and Jewish organizations are fighting
: first and foremost for
:         Jewish interests.

:         So they should; that is their job, and besides, the fate of the
: Jews, it hardly needs
:         emphasizing, was singularly terrible. Nevertheless, to lead or
: participate in a process
:         through which some are given restitution while others in similar
: circumstances, but on
:         the wrong set of lists, are not, is to sow the seeds of needless
: acrimony and to court
:         censure on grounds to which Jews of all people should be
: especially sensitive.

:         PRUDENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS of this sort are by no means the end
: of it;
:         at stake also is Jewish honor, violated in several ways. For one
: thing, we have been
:         witnessing the spectacle of American Jewish organizations
: teaming up with politicians
:         whose tears for the six million are exquisitely synchronized
: with their need for
:         campaign contributions and applauding headlines. A bipartisan
: complement of this
:         breed will attend the black-tie reparations banquet at the
: Waldorf-Astoria, an
:         exercise in self-congratulation that promises to drag the mass
: murder of European
:         Jewry into ethnic politics at its crassest.

:         For another and much graver thing, there are those indigent
: survivors languishing in
:         isolation while their claims are laboriously processed. The
: Jewish community has a
:         proud history, extending across millennia, of taking care of its
: own, buttressed by a
:         voluminous legal and moral literature on the sacred obligation
: to feed the hungry,
:         clothe the naked, and ransom the captive. Can it really be that,
: at the very moment
:         when American Jewry has been investing millions of dollars in
: the construction of
:         Holocaust museums and memorials in every city and suburb of the
: United States,
:         and when hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent digging
: through European
:         banking archives, these suffering souls have been kept waiting
: for Swiss and German
:         money to materialize? Yet so we have been solemnly assured by
: those spearheading
:         the press for Holocaust restitution. If what they say is false,
: merely a public-relations
:         ploy, then the pursuit of "blood money," in Menachem Begin's
: withering phrase, will
:         have ended by casting into disrepute Jewish integrity; if what
: they say is true, it will
:         have ended by casting into disrepute Jewish self-respect as
: well.

:         And finally there is the damage done to our understanding of
: history, to which I have
:         already alluded. In testimony before Congress earlier this year,
: Israel Singer
:         declared that "the importance of financial restitution must not
: overshadow the priority
:         of moral restitution--the honest confrontation and accounting of
: the past."
:         Unfortunately, he and his associates have rendered any such
: "honest confrontation"
:         all the more difficult. History is not clay to be molded this
: way or that in the service
:         of a cause, no matter how worthy, and treating it as such only
: eases the way for
:         extremists of Left and Right to reshape the past toward their
: own, entirely different
:         ends, including the end of proclaiming that the Holocaust, like
: everything else
:         touching upon the Jews, was just about money after all.

:         Some of these extremists have accused the organized Jewish world
: of engaging in
:         gangster tactics. One can only hope that the venom of such
: attacks will not deter
:         other, more responsible voices from issuing criticism when and
: in whatever measure
:         it is due. Thus far, alas, only a few such voices have been
: heard. "The pursuit of
:         billions in Holocaust guilt money," warns Charles Krauthammer
: with characteristic
:         directness, "has gone from the unseemly to the disgraceful." To
: Abraham Foxman,
:         the reduction of the Holocaust to a matter of dollars and cents
: amounts to a
:         "desecration" and "too high a price to pay for a justice we will
: never achieve."

:         They are right. It is past time to reconsider.

:         * In what follows I use the words "restitution" and
: "reparations" interchangeably,
:         though the former, strictly speaking, refers to the return of
: property to its rightful
:         owner and the latter to compensatory payments for wartime or
: occupation losses
:         agreed to, usually in a treaty, by a vanquished belligerent
: state.

:         ** The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of
: Jewish Suffering,
:         by Norman Finkelstein. Verso, 150 pp., $23.00.

:         *** Between the Alps and a Hard Place. Regnery, 288 pp., $27.95.

:         GABRIEL SCHOENFELD is senior editor of COMMENTARY.

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