-Caveat Lector-

Reserve decision is high-octane politics

Los Angeles Times Syndicate

The definition of strategic, for people interested in such things
in the age of Clintonisms, is "necessary to or important in the
initiation, conduct or completion of a strategic plan; required
for the conduct of war ... of great importance within an
integrated whole or to a planned effect."

Tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in an effort to
lower fuel oil prices a few pennies in the Northeast five weeks
before an election does not have the importance or urgency
suggested by the above definition. The decision looks instead
like high-octane politics. Naturally, both President Clinton and
Al Gore deny such a motivation, but when did they ever
acknowledge a political motivation for any action (or inaction)?

Gore continues to accumulate proof that he is more than a
standard politician. He is a dishonest man whose thoughts are not
his own and whose positions and promises cannot be believed. To
paraphrase his former opponent, Bill Bradley, he will lie about
anything if it suits his purposes.

Last week, after claiming that "Look for the Union Label" was a
childhood lullaby he frequently heard, though it wasn't composed
until he was 27 years old, Gore told another fib: "I've been part
of the discussions on the strategic reserve since the days when
it was first established." But the reserve wasn't established
until 1975, and Gore didn't arrive as a congressman until 1977.

Gore has flipped on the use of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to
drive down oil prices. Last winter, Gore opposed tapping the
reserve because he believed it would lead to retaliation by other
oil-producing countries. Of those countries he said, "All they
would have to do is to cut back a little bit on the supply, and
they'd wipe out any impact from releasing oil from that reserve."
If Gore wanted to reduce oil and gas prices, he could propose
that fuel taxes added by this administration to balance the
budget be rolled back, given the forecast of huge surpluses that
Republicans and Democrats are busy spending before they

Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers opposes raiding the oil
reserves. It "would be a major and substantial policy mistake,"
he says. Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan agrees.

Wall Street Journal columnist Al Hunt quoted a top Gore advisor:
"Larry is substantively brilliant, but politically stupid." What
was that again about politics having nothing to do with this
decision? A Detroit Free Press editorial called the decision a
"Bad idea. Bad precedent. Poor policy that seems politically
motivated by the man who would be president."

In his environmental manifesto, "Earth in the Balance," Gore
writes of his hope to eliminate "the internal combustion engine
over, say, a 25-year period." He says he favors higher gas and
oil prices (he would drive them up by raising taxes, but the
objective is the same) because it is "one of the logical first
steps in changing our policies in a manner consistent with a more
responsible approach to the environment."

One might expect Gore to be enthusiastic about higher fuel prices
this winter because they take him closer to his goal of
eliminating the automobile as we have known it. Higher prices
would serve as an offering to Gore's environmental gods. But the
politics of it won't let him do it. Not yet.

Clinton and Gore may not have the final say on winter fuel
prices. That may be up to Iraq's Saddam Hussein. Farouk Kaddoumi,
foreign minister for the Palestine Liberation Organization, said
last week that Arab nations should again use the "oil weapon,"
which they have not done since 1973. Saddam has revived his claim
that Kuwait is stealing Iraqi oil, the pretense he used to
justify his 1990 invasion. But as Holger Jensen of the Rocky
Mountain News writes on Scripps Howard News Service: "Saddam
doesn't need to invade Kuwait again. He only needs to halt
exports of Iraqi oil to send crude oil prices soaring above their
current $38 a barrel, causing massive disruptions in the world
economy." This would be the ultimate October surprise.

Gore's lies, flips and bad ideas are catching up with him. He is
offering George W. Bush the integrity and policy weapons he needs
to win the debates.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Best Way To Destroy Enemies Is To Change Them To Friends
       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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