-Caveat Lector-

Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

Capt. Joyce Riley Reveals
New V.A.-FBI Ploy To
Grab Veterans' Guns
>From Skye Turell [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Loved the Riley appearance with Jeff...enough so that I transcribed the gun
control portion of it. Thought it might be good to post it on your headlines.
Everyone should be aware of this! _____

This is a transcript of a portion of Capt. Joyce Riley's most recent
appearance on the Jeff Rense Program, Sunday, September 3, 2000. This
particular broadcast was an encore presentation of a show aired the previous
week which failed to Archive properly at Yahoo/Broadcast.com.

JEFF: First up, it's a great pleasure to have one of my heroes back on this
program. Capt. Joyce Riley has been a friend for a number of years now, and
who, if anybody, single-handedly blew the cover off the outrageous,
despicable cover-up and disservice, if not rape, of the honor of our
veterans. Joyce Riley did it...and she's back tonight.

Hi Joyce, how are you?

JOYCE: I tell you Jeff, your words are very kind. But it's a story that's
been long in coming and I think we're about there.

JEFF: I know the door has been pushed open wide. The information is beginning
to flow. I think we've 'got 'em on the run' as they say. They've turned in
the other direction, at least.

JOYCE: Yes, and I'll tell you, your program played a big role in that because
you really broke the story and I think that had we not had access to talk
radio, I don't know what we would have done, because talk radio has been the
only source of information to the public as well as the only source of
getting through information, prior to Internet, to the veterans themselves.
Talk radio has stimulated it all.

JEFF: I agree, and I was just trying to think this afternoon, when was the
first time I had the privilege of meeting and having you on the program. It's
got to be 5-6 years now.

JOYCE: I believe it was 1995. One of the first programs I ever did, and boy I
was scared to death that night. You did a phenomenal program and the message
is still resounding out there. You know, everything that we said on the
program that night is still true today. No one's ever disproven anything that
I've said. And I think we're come an awful long way.

JEFF: She's got her own radio program now. Joyce, tell us about that quickly.

JOYCE: Well, I'm doing a 2-hour radio show with my husband. We co-host a
program called "The Power Hour" in which we examine some of the issues with
the people involved. For instance, the issue of Federal Reserve. Is it
"Federal" or not? We asked the Vice President of the Federal Reserve to come
on our program and explain. And there were some very educated callers and he
had to admit that it was a private banking organization. So we like to go
into the issues and bring out the people behind the issues and confront them
on the radio.

JEFF: I have a program coming up tomorrow night, which is basically made
possible by you, because of the recommendation. It is going to be, I think,
every bit as fascinating as our visit tonight. A fascinating program indeed.
The guest tomorrow night is retired Major Glenn McDonald.

JOYCE: Oh, fantastic! I'll tell you, that is one of the sources. I always say
that not only can you take to the bank what he says, but you can take him to
the bank. He is an incredible person, so I'm really pleased that your
audience will be able to hear from him. He has some information that is
unbelievable regarding the corruption in the military.

JEFF: His website is militarycorruption.com We're going to get into some
things tomorrow night that will make many of you ill, when you think about
how it was 30-40 years ago in this country. Things have changed but
fortunately there are people like Capt. Joyce Riley out there to make sure
there is some accountability. Even though it takes 5, 6, 7, 8 years, 10 years
- whatever it takes - she'll get the job done, with all of you out there
helping, which has been the case from the beginning.

OK, what is the latest now? There's something new on the V.A. benefits

JOYCE: Well, I think the one thing that is upsetting the military right now,
the veterans of the Vietnam conflict, is this issue of turning over of
medical records to the FBI. Now, this is a very shocking story and it is on
our website at gulfwarvets.com and you can click on there, go to "hot info"
and follow it yourself. Because the statement I get over and over again, from
nearly everybody that hears it is, "This couldn't be true. It can't be

What happened is that in November of 1999, the V.A., through the Veterans
Benefit Agency, decided that, for whatever reason, they would turn over
medical records to the FBI of anyone who had been "adjudicated by the V.A. to
be a mental incompetent or a mental defective."

JEFF: Hold on, just a second. What? The FBI? The V.A. decides who is mentally
competent or not and turns over records to the FBI? Our veterans?

JOYCE: That's exactly right. Now, the giant kangaroo court they call
"adjudication" by the V.A. is nothing more than the V.A. deciding however
they want to determine someone's future. The true meaning of "adjudication"
is adjudicated by a court of law. That would be legal term "adjudication."
But, of course, the V.A. decides, in their own brilliance, what they will
determine to be mental incompetent or mental defective, as far as I know. I
have not been able to get the policy as to how they are determining that.

JEFF: I'd like to see those guidelines, yeah.

JOYCE: Absolutely, I tried requested them today from the St. Louis V.A. And
what they have done to this point in time - I don't know the number, but at
that time in November of '99, they turned over 90,000 medical records, and
the psychiatric records. Now here's the problem. You remember after the
Vietnam war, of course there was no Agent Orange, nobody was sick, everybody
was fine, except we had a lot of people who were very ill. So the V.A. said,
in its brilliance, "OK, we'll give zero percent disability for Agent Orange,
since it doesn't exist, or you can take this 100% disability for PTSD, Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder, which do you want?" Well, obviously they had no
choice, they needed to feed their families, they couldn't work and they took
the PTSD.

JEFF: So, PTSD leans into the area of mental competence?

JOYCE: That's correct. I cannot say whether PTSD is included in their
guidelines. I can only say that they kind of erred on the side of wanting
everyone to have a psychiatric diagnosis. Now, the same thing is happening
with Gulf War veterans. 90% of them have now received psychiatric diagnoses.
So we had the most mentally ill military ever, if you believe the V.A., that
went to fight Desert Shield and Storm.

JEFF: It's tough to carry a combat weapon when you're in a white straight

JOYCE: No kidding...and to do top level cryptography and to fly F-16's.

JEFF: A lot of you people are probably scratching your heads. And it's worse
than that.

JOYCE: So they took these records and turned them over to the FBI and
basically they can't pass the national instant background check. This is part
of the Brady gun law. Now what they did, in my estimation, is absolutely
destroy these veterans for any kind of future credibility by giving them a
mental disorder in the first place. But now, not only can they not own a gun,
Jeff, but nobody in the household can own a gun.

JEFF: They are pushing the destruction of the Second Amendment in so many
ways. Furtively, in your face, stealth, it doesn't matter. This is a massive
onslaught on the Constitution.

JOYCE: And besides that, they are pushing these guys over the edge. Because I
talked to a Vietnam vet just before I went on the air a few minutes ago. He
called and said, "I'll tell you right now, I can not believe that I heard on
the air. I can not believe that this is true."

I said, "I'm sorry, but this is true."

And he said, "You do that to me, I'm 100% PPSB because I was dowsed with
Agent Orange the whole time, I am so sick. But I can own a gun and that is my
constitutional right. He said, "How can I appeal this?"

I said, "What the statement says is that if you have been adjudicated to be
incompetent and you decide you don't want to be incompetent anymore, or if
you disprove the incompetency, you still can never own a gun. They already
closed that loophole. So, not only can't you own a gun, no one in your family
own a gun, but they are going to push this to a point now where not only
can't you purchase a new gun."

But guess what is right on the heels? Gun confiscation of the ones that are
existing in the home.

JEFF: Now is this handguns, or shotgun, rifle, everything?

JOYCE: It doesn't say. It simply says you cannot own weapons, cannot pass the
Brady background check.

So I have talked about this on the air. A veteran of 22 years in the military
contacted the St. Louis V.A. and asked of the administrator, wanted to know
for a FOIA request, is this true or not? The St. Louis V.A. director, a Miss
Kurz, denied that it was accurate. Said in a letter that this would never
happen. Now this was only 3 weeks ago.

So I contacted her and said "Maam, I think you need to recheck the
information because you are wrong. This is happening. These vets are being
strung around. This happens all the time. The V.A. denies everything that's
going on." Obviously if you didn't have a mental illness when you started
dealing with the V.A., you will after awhile.

Sure enough, after going through Public Relations, the whole 9 yards, sure
enough they called me back today and said I was right and the director of the
V.A. was wrong.

So, what we're seeing now is that these veterans are starting to see what's
going on. I have not heard of anybody that has been denied a gun as of yet.
They have not contacted me. But I'll tell you what, they put all of those
Vietnam veterans on mental disorders, somatoform disorders, psycho-social
disorders, schizophrenia, whatever you want to call it. Because they fed them
LSD while they were trying to fight a war in DZ. Well, no wonder they have
after-effects. But it wasn't their fault. And I guarantee you, they are not
going to lose their Second Amendment right over this.

This man told me today, "I'll tell you what, it may start with us, but it's
not going to end with us until the whole country responds to this."

JEFF: Amazing...the onslaught against the Second Amendment continues. This is
just the latest wrinkle.


JEFF: It's always been a question, at what level, and it obviously has to be
the highest, but is it even a higher level than the V.A. that this kind of
madness is being orchestrated? To typecast our vets as being psychiatrically
unbalanced and now to take away their Second Amendment rights because they
have been so labeled. But who is pulling the strings? How high up does this

JOYCE: Well, I can't tell you how high it goes. Well, let me tell you this
much, that when the Brady Bill was introduced they, according to the veteran
benefits agency, did something that I think is unconscionable. They adopted
as one of the reasons that you can not purchase a gun the V.A.'s definition
of incompetence. Now listen to this, the ATF defined 7 categories of
individuals prohibited from purchasing or redeeming firearms. ATF
incorporated the V.A. definition of incompetence because of injury or disease
of lack of mental du-du-du-du-dah. That was back when they adopted the Brady
Bill. How they did they know that they wanted to utilize the V.A.'s
definition to preclude the purchase of weapons? I think it goes way above the

JEFF: I agree. Amazing. That's frightening. How many vets now legally, at
this point in time, can't own weapons?

JOYCE: I don't have any idea. I couldn't even guess at the number. But if the
initial handover of medical records is 90,000, that was just the initial one
and they said they were going to continue to do that on an ongoing basis, I
think we're talking millions of veterans.

JEFF: It sounds to me like it's a mass effort at disarming veterans.

JOYCE: That's right. And the vets that I was talking to tonight said, "I'll
tell you right now, we're the guys they don't want to have weapons. And I
think it's becoming painfully obvious.

JEFF: That's right. This is a very big development. Thanks for breaking it
right here. Another sickening chapter in this tawdry saga of what this
country does to its veterans.

(A caller joins in...)

CALLER: What she was talking about, I just tuned into your show and caught
the end of it. Suddenly something that happened to me yesterday made sense.

JEFF: You're a veteran?

CALLER: I went to the V.A. for a followup on a breathing problem I'm being
treated for and at the end of the interview the doctor, just out of the blue,
asked me if I was depressed. That's something I've never been asked before. I
wondered where in the world it came from and later on wondered if there was a
directive, if all the vets were to be asked that.

JEFF: Was he just writing things down, or was he recording this interview?

CALLER: After I responded to that, it was a woman doctor, she made a note in
my file. I couldn't see what it was. I'd never been asked that before. There
was no basis for a breathing problem in asking somebody if they were
depressed. I was suspcious about it and thought it might have been a
directive they'd been issued.

JEFF: Any other veterans you've talked to?

CALLER: I've only asked one other person since then about and haven't
interact with any other vets, but I'd sure be interested in finding out this
some standard question that is being asked now, because I'd never, in all the
time I've been in the V.A. system been asked that or even asked anything
about psychological evaluation.

JEFF: Sounds like a new policy to me.

JOYCE: That is a new protocol. They are now going to ask every person at the
V.A. if they are depressed. In fact they are going to give a depression
questionnaire. And if you fill it out, and if you incriminate yourself,
you'll have put yourself into this very same situation.

This is the kind of incredible heinous cruelty that's happening to our
veterans right now. They don't know what they are doing. In fact I had one
man who filled it out and it said, "Have you ever been depressed?" And he
said he was when he was 12 years old because his mother died and they
labelled him as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

JEFF: Again, this has to be coming down from the uppermost levels of the V.A.
and, of course, there's another level above that. This is a carefully
orchestrated campaign to undermine a large proportion of this society and
take away its Second Amendment rights. They are going to disarm this country
any way they can. There are many efforts underway, this is just the newest
one, and it is sickening.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] X-Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000
08:29:03 -0700 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Joyce Riley, FBI, VA

Good point!

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