-Caveat Lector-

Even liberal Democrats contempate leaveing the sinking ship of Clinton-Gore.
What Next?

Democrat Smith: Why I'm Voting for Nader

Sam Smith Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2000

€ Democrats these days are just pro-choice Republicans.

€ Third parties move politics in their direction even when they don't win.
The Green Party already has; that's why Gore is pretending to be a populist.

€ If it only takes Al Gore two weeks to become a populist, he could become a
right-wing nut even quicker.

€ I don't think a guy who grew up ordering breakfast from room service would
make that good a populist, anyway.

€ While Clinton will be gone in January, all those people who have been
covering up for him will still be around. I'm tired of hearing Joe Conasan,
Lannie Davis, and Eleanor Clift making lame excuses for corrupt Democrats.

€ If I vote Democratic I'm afraid I might be liable under the RICO
anti-racketeering statutes.

€ I voted for Clinton in 1992, which proves my prescience isn't so hot. This
time I'm going to trust my conscience instead.

€ Nader hasn't lied to me. No major candidate can make that claim.

€ Nader has done more good for America than Gore, Bush, Cheney, and
Lieberman put together.

€ Nader isn't afraid to debate Gore and Bush, but they're afraid to debate

€ Nader promises he'll end the drug war. Gore and Bush only promise they've
ended their drug use.

€ Nader is the only one of the three who supports public campaign financing,
proportional representation, national health care, and an end to the death

€ Nader is the only one of the three who seems truly concerned about the
planet, our democracy, and the constitution.

€ I think the planet, democracy, and the constitution are at least as
important issues as abortion. It's not Nader's fault that women's groups
wasted their time running interference for a corrupt administration led by a
major sexual predator instead of coming up with a strong candidate who would
protect the right to choose.

€ If President Gore says we're in a crisis, how can I tell he's not just
exaggerating again?

€ Pro-Gore commentators keep saying that third parties are ineffective,
unimportant, and meaningless. In fact, while third party candidates often
lose, their programs often win. From the Populist Party, for example, the
Democrats stole the ideas of a graduated income tax, direct election of the
Senate, civil service reform, pensions, and the eight-hour workday. Not a
bad list of accomplishments for a party that got just 8.5 percent of the
vote in its only national race.

€ Clinton and Gore spoiled the Democratic Party long before Nader decided to
run. More major Democratic officeholders lost their posts ­ or switched to
the GOP ­ under Clinton and Gore than during any Democratic administration
since Grover Cleveland.

€ I'm not worried about wasting my vote. I wasted my vote on Stevenson,
Muskie, Mondale, and Dukakis. In 1992, I really wasted my vote by voting for
Clinton. I can't do any worse than that.

€ The Clinton-Gore administration has had the most number of convictions of,
and guilty pleas by, those close to it; the most number of Cabinet officials
to come under criminal investigation; the most number of witnesses to flee
the country or refuse to testify; and the greatest amount of illegal
campaign contributions.

€ There have been 47 individuals and businesses connected with the Clinton
machine who have been convicted or pleaded guilty to such things as drug
trafficking, racketeering, extortion, bribery, tax evasion, kickbacks,
embezzlement, fraud, conspiracy, fraudulent loans, illegal gifts, illegal
campaign contributions, money laundering, perjury, and obstruction of
justice. And those are just the ones who got caught.

€ My parents told me to stay away from people like that.

€ Too many people who didn't stay away have ended up publicly trashed,
blacklisted, hurt in some way, in jail, or dead.

€ For eight years the Democrats have ignored, discounted, and dissed
progressives like me. Now they say it's essential for us to vote for Gore.

If they want us so badly in November, why weren't they nicer to us in May?

€ The Clinton-Gore people get mean when they think.

€ Liberal Democrats have repeatedly said that the Clinton-Gore
administration was the best they could possibly hope for. I came to believe
them. That's when I decided to take my politics elsewhere.

€ How can we expect politicians to follow their conscience if we don't set a
good example?

€ In a couple of years, I want to get one of those bumperstickers that reads
"Don't blame me; I voted for Nader."

€ If you always do what you've always done, then you'll always get what
you've always got. I'm going to try something different.

Sam Smith is editor of Washington's "most unofficial source" ­ the
Progressive Review. An unabashed liberal Democrat, he can be read online at

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