-Caveat Lector-

I see no one has commented on this article one way or the other, so I'm
curious. This being a conspiracy list, opposed to the NWO and all, is it
just me, or do I see an analogy to today's "liberal" mind-set of political
correctness, and it's INSISTENCE on "tolerance", Thought Control at its
best, regardless of who's other rights this idea of "tolerance" tramples on,
and sees no problem with it?

I only ask because there is something fundamentally wrong somewhere. I
suspect most people who define themselves as "liberal" are well-meaning
enough. But seeing where this Thought Control is leading, with its very
obvious clamping down on anyone who deviates from the pattern of thought and
behavior surely smacks of a certain
marxism/leninism/socialism/communism/nazism/fascism, does it not?

Don't get me wrong now. I'm only trying to feel my way, since politics was
never really of interest to me. But what with the New World Order right in
my face, well I find I must take notice.


>> Corporate giants now enforce thought control
>> September 22, 2000
>>     One of the distinguishing characteristics of a totalitarian system is
>> that not only does the state impose an official ideology throughout
>> but so do other institutions as well.  The "totality" at which the regime
>> aims means that every sector of the society -- the economy and social and
>> cultural institutions as well as government -- tries to make certain that
>> one and no thing deviates from the pattern of thought and behavior being
>> imposed.
>>     In the New Order now being constructed in this country and most of
>> world, Thought Control is enforced not just by the state ("hate crime"
>> public education and selective condemnation of dissident ideas) but also
>> the mammoth corporations of the "global economy."  Here are several
>> of how it's being done.
>>     When the Supreme Court ruled recently that the Boy Scouts of America
>> not required to admit homosexuals as members or hire homosexual
>> scoutmasters, both local governments and "private" corporations
>> started retaliating by cutting off grants and access to important
>> facilities.  Several cities denied the Scouts use of parks and other
>> services, while Chase Manhattan Bank and Textron Corporation "have
>> hundreds of thousands of dollars in support to local and national
>> groups nationwide," as the New York Times reported last month.
>>     The rationale for this kind of ideological disciplining is, of
>> "diversity," in the Orwellian language of Thought Control.  "Their [the
>> Scouts'] position," a Chase spokesman says, "is, on the face of it, in
>> conflict with our commitment and our values on diversity."  Chase's
>> commitment to diversity apparently does not extend to respecting the
>> different views of homosexuality.  That's why it's Orwellian.
>>     Go into a Barnes and Noble book store these days and you'll discover
>> even more diversity.  The giant book chain, which contributes to
>> by driving out of business smaller book stores across the country, now
>> greets customers with a display entitled "Close the Book on Hate."
>>     The display is part of a joint project of Barnes and Noble and the
>> Anti-Defamation League, which "have come together to help children better
>> understand the richness and beauty of our multicultural society."  That's
>> sweet -- except that the project assumes that anyone who disagrees with
>> multiculturalism and its agenda of subverting distinctively Western
>> and institutions is imbued with "hate" and "intolerance."
>>     "Intolerance," the display piously instructs us, "isn't something
>> children are born with.  It's learned.  Therefore, it can be unlearned."
>> The way to "unlearn" it, of course, is to buy the books on the display
>> table, which would just happen to be profitable for Barnes and Noble.
>> of the books seem innocuous enough, mainly a lot of drippy moralism about
>> the "Holocaust" and several kiddies' books containing cute little lessons
>> cartoon versions of multiculturalism.
>>     Nevertheless, the purpose is clear -- to popularize the idea that
>> insistence on maintaining the cultural integrity of American society is
>> "hate" and "intolerance" and that those who still believe in such
>> have something wrong with them that can and should be "unlearned."
>>     Yet another lesson in how "tolerant" the corporate giants really are
>> comes from the behemoth Wal-Mart.  Recently in South Carolina a gentleman
>> named Maurice Bessinger, who owns a small barbecue restaurant chain and
>> makes his own barbecue sauce, raised a South Carolina state flag outside
>> of his restaurants, along with the Confederate flag.
>>     It's not the government Mr. Bessinger needs to worry about but
>> which used to carry Mr. Bessinger's barbecue sauce nationwide.  Wal-Mart
>> suddenly dropped the sauce from its shelves.  When I called the customer
>> complaint number to ask why, I was told that Mr. Bessinger "was involved
>> activities with which Wal-Mart did not wish to be associated."
>>     The munchkin with whom I spoke refused to say what those "activities"
>> were, why they were objectionable or whether the chain also scrutinized
>> activities of other suppliers to evaluate their "activities" as well.  He
>> claimed the Confederate flag had nothing to do with it.  My own bet is
>> you can find plenty of products at Wal-Mart made by slave labor, but
>> -- at least the kind that really exists today as opposed to the kind that
>> has been extinct in this country for more than a century -- apparently is
>> not "an activity with which Wal-Mart does not wish to be associated."
>>     Joseph Stalin and Mao Tse-tung could have learned something from
>> corporate leviathans.  The tyranny over the mind their governments
>> required secret police, death camps, genocide and state terror for
>> generations, and still it failed.  The Thought Control these titans of
>> international capitalism are constructing is being imposed without firing
>> shot -- and it may endure far longer than its communist cousins ever did.
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