-Caveat Lector-

Yahoo! Asia - News
Friday, September 29 4:46 AM SGT

Denmark rejects euro
Denmark rejected the euro Thursday, voting not to join 11 other
western European states in the common currency and raising new
questions about the pace and scope of Europe's political
In a national referendum, Danes balked at scrapping their historic
currency, the krone, for the troubled euro, and in the process
broadcast a message of concern about ceding local identity and
sovereignty to a European superstate.
One of the main leaders of the anti-euro campaign, far-right Danish
People's Party leader Pia Kjaersgaard, qualified the result as "a
victory for Danes' wish to defend democracy, self-determination and
the country's sovereignty."
About 53 percent of the four million voters who took part in the
landmark plebiscite decided against joining the euro zone with
around 47 percent in favor of entry, with almost 90 percent of votes
The referendum was regarded as a barometer of public confidence
in the currency itself and in efforts led by Europe's powerhouses,
particularly France and Germany, to consolidate the continent's
decision-making processes.
The euro, fresh from an unprecedented intervention by the world's
top central banks to prop it up, slipped back below the 88-cent
mark soon after the outcome of the Danish vote became clear.
The European currency has already lost nearly one-third of its value
since being launched on January 1, 1999 and analysts agreed that
a Danish 'no' vote would apply further downward pressure to the
struggling money.
The European Central Bank and Group of Seven countries have
however pointedly declined to rule out further intervention on money
markets to support the euro if it were judged necessary.
The message from Denmark was also certain to reverberate well
beyond its own borders, with Britain and Sweden -- the only other
EU states that have still not joined the euro zone, apart from
Greece, which joins in January 2001 -- listening with particular
In comments at the outset of Thursday's vote in Denmark, British
Prime Minister Tony Blair downplayed the impact it would have on
a raging debate within Britain on whether or not to make a stronger
commitment to Europe.
"Denmark has its own decision. We have our own decision," Blair
told BBC radio at the annual conference of the ruling Labour Party
in Brighton.
The Swedish leader, Prime Minister Goeran Persson, readily
admitted that the outcome of the vote in Denmark would have a
direct impact on sentiment in Sweden for closer integration with
"It's obvious that the result of the Danish referendum on the euro
will have an influence on the domestic debate in Sweden,"
Persson, one of Sweden's most public cheerleaders for the euro,
told state television.
Both Britain and Sweden have pledged to consult their citizens on
whether or not to join the euro zone, but neither country has yet
set a date for doing so.
France has vowed that European economic and political integration
will go ahead regardless of the outcome of the Danish vote, but
cautioned that a rejection could contribute to the development of a
"two-speed" Europe.
French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin however downplayed the
impact of the Danish vote, saying Denmark had little economic
weight within the European Union and its rejection of Europe's
money was "not a problem."
Analysts attributed the Danish rejection of the money to factors
ranging from right-wing fear about the dilution of Denmark's national
identity to worries that acceptance would cut the country's
generous welfare benefits.
Rejection of the euro was a stinging defeat for Prime Minister Poul
Nyrup Rasmussen, who turned the campaign in favor of the
currency into a personal crusade.
Rasmussen said last week however he would not step down if the
euro were rejected.

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