* T H E  H O F F M A N  W I R E
* Sept. 29, 2000
* Independent History and Research
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Nine Days to Lieberman's Kol Nidrei Rite on Yom Kippur Eve

Coeur d'Alene, Idaho (Sept. 29, hoffman-info.com.news.html). The clock is
ticking on the countdown to the Kol Nidrei rite, which Joe Lieberman, the
Democrat candidate for the Vice Presidency of the US, will perform in just a
few days.

Yesterday we mailed a press release to major and minor media all over the
US, from the NY Times and CBS News to talk radio hosts and local newspapers.
The press release is packaged inside an envelope with a photo of Lieberman
in his kippah ("yarmulke") and the banner headline, "Lieberman's Strange
Gods" (those of you living in the US who have purchased anything from us or
made a donation, will also receive this mailing).

Inevitably the media describe Yom Kippur in hues of deepest piety and kid
gloves' reverence, as a "penitential rite" during which saintly Jews
approach their Maker and beg his forgiveness for wrongs committed in the

Rubbish! Judaism is a crime syndicate disguised as a religion. The gangsters
must protect themselves from the bad seed they will sow in the coming year.
To do so they  cut a lawyer's deal with their god (in actuality, the  rabbis
and the Talmud), that allows them to believe they can lie with impunity and
not reap what they sow.

The fact that Lieberman will engage in this rite on the evening of Oct. 8 is
frankly outrageous. He and his handlers can only get away with this if Kol
Nidrei is falsified, usually by the media's claim that the absolution being
sought is for promises broken in the past.

To counter this disinformation I refer you to documentary evidence --
Babylonian Talmud Tractate Nedarim 23a and 23b: "And he who desires that
none of his vows made during the year shall be valid, let him stand at the
beginning of the year and declare, 'Every vow which I make in the future
shall be null." (Quoted in "Judaism's Strange Gods" by Michael A. Hoffman
II, p. 61).

I am continually researching this subject and I now have two folders thick
with additional revelations not in my book's first edition. Much of this
later data appear in the two speeches I gave at the America's Promise
Ministries Conference Sept. 16 and Sept. 17 (see the end of this message).

Since I wrote the book, I wanted to overcome the objection that while the
Talmud may decree the nullification of all oaths, how can it be proved that
this is exactly what transpires in the Orthodox Jewish synagogue ritual
itself? (I qualify this with the word Orthodox because the Reform synagogue
does use the Talmudic Kol Nidrei rite, but then of course Sen.  Lieberman
attends an Orthodox synagogue which does use it, as all Orthodox synagogues

I have had a number of secondary sources in my files attesting to the
existence of Kol Nidrei in the Yom Kippur liturgy, but I did not have
primary documentation, until now. I have since unearthed the actual
liturgical rite itself from the synagogue "prayer book," and posted it in
the original Hebrew at http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html

So, we have the decree from the Talmud in Nedarim 23 and now we have the
actual text from the synagogue rite which Joe Lieberman will mumble along
with his fellow racketeers on Sunday evening, Oct. 8:

Translation of the actual synagogue text:

"All vows, prohibitions, oaths, consecrations or equivalent terms that we
may vow, swear, consecrate, or prohibit upon ourselves from this Yom Kippur
until the next Yom Kippur, may it come upon us for good - regarding them
all, we repudiate them henceforth. They all will be abandoned, cancelled,
null and void; they will be without power and without standing. Our vows
shall not be valid vows; our prohibitions shall not be valid prohibitions;
and our oaths shall not be valid oaths."

Now here's the clincher: we have from today until Oct. 8 to take this
information and hector the media, the clergy, the professors and the
Democrats (and even revisionist publications and allies who thus far have
been silent).

Keep the message pithy and brutally direct. Ask a simple question which only
Michael A. Hoffman II has thus far dared to ask, and the media --including
the kosher-conservative media -- refuse to ask:

How can a man who performs the Kol Nidrei rite and recites the words of the
preceding text - invalidating all the oaths he will make in the coming year
-- be trusted to uphold the oath he will make to the Constitution should he
be elected Vice-President of the US?

The telephone number of the Gore-Lieberman 2000 campaign is 615-340-2000. (I
am sure they also have a toll-free number--can any HOFFMAN WIRE reader
supply it?).

The address of Lieberman's office in Connecticut is One State Street #1420,
Hartford, CT 06103.

You know the addresses and phone numbers of your favorite newsletters, talk
shows and local newspapers.

I have furnished you with several weapons for this historic Fall offensive:

The book, "Judaism's Strange Gods."

The professionally recorded, two camera color video (also available in
audio): "Lieberman's Strange Gods" where I lay out his Kol Nidrei connection
and liability in detail.

Two  audio cassettes in addition to "Lieberman's Strange Gods" forming the
three part, "Religion of Judaism" set.

It is 39 days to Election day. 9 Days to Yom Kippur Eve. Can you honestly
say in good conscience that you have availed yourself of these weapons in
the public marketplace of ideas?

If now is not a golden opportunity to raise consciousness about the true
nature of the Jewish religion and the New World Order's intended American
Pharaoh, Joseph Isadore Lieberman, when, pray tell, is the time?

I am aware that most of the right wing, and most revisionists have not
picked up on my Lieberman Awareness Campaign.  No blame is apportioned. Each
has his own agenda. You must choose who you think has the vision most
accurate and urgent at this time. Choose for yourself, do not let others
choose for you! If we wait for others to catch up we will lose this
opportunity. I have forged a path to exposing the Judaic religion like never
before, using Lieberman's fame as the springboard.

You can print out the page: http://www.hoffman-info.com/news.html and
disseminate it. You can obtain wholesale quantities of my book and hand it
out to key people. You can get me on talk shows or speaking before your
civic, church or patriot group. You can put my video on public access TV or
show it to friends and neighbors in your living room or Vets' hall.

In the past one hundred years we have not had the opportunity we have now.
Lieberman the lemon is a gift to us from that great Lemonade Stand in the
Sky. Don't blow this one folks and then come crawling dispirited after
Election Day, bewailing our national fate and invoking all the familiar
"should haves and would haves."

Maybe just this once we will exhibit the energy and dedication of our
adversaries and take advantage of the gift Destiny has given us. I will be
on the phone with the media, on talk shows and going wherever I am invited
and I have the air fare or the diesel fuel to fly or drive to get there,
from now until November.  At the same time, I grab an hour here or there in
the archives to do more research.

I ask that someone somewhere will have the vision to see that this Kol
Nidrei angle is potentially catastrophic to the Establishment.

There are two Jewish websites on the Internet dedicated to nothing but
full-time refutation of my research. They quake in such abject terror of my
work that they dare not even mention my URL or even my name, though they
engage in line-by-line attempted refutation of unmistakable quotations from
my writing. What do these enemies know that my friends do not?

I don't ask for a bullet proof vest (I don't need it!) or a pat on the back
(I'm a German so I don't need that either). What I need is publicity for my
campaign, ammunition for my "rifle" and soldiers to lead into battle. Don't
sleep through this one folks!  We CAN punch a hole in Lieberman and the
whole rotten pyramid that props up this grinning Howdy-Doody doll, but we
must strike now!

Michael A. Hoffman II

Join the Fight! Fax a donation to Hoffman's "Lieberman Awareness Campaign"
-- by VISA or Master Card (acct. #, exp. date, authorized name, address and
amt. donated): 208-777-2612. (Or by mail, see below).

Lieberman's Strange Gods: Professionally recorded, two camera video. 57 min.

The opening salvo in Hoffman's nationwide "Lieberman Awareness Campaign.
$19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC video).

The Religion of Judaism: Parts 1-3.
Three audio-cassettes (includes soundtrack from the above video) in an
attractive album with liner notes and color photo of Hoffman on the cover.
$19.95 plus $3 shipping (foreign send US$26 for this NTSC VHS video).

Judaism's Strange Gods. Softcover, 144 pages.
$11.95 postpaid. (foreign send US$16).

Order online or through the mails from:
Independent History & Research, Box 849, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho 83816

Copyright 2000 by hoffman-info.com

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