-Caveat Lector-

>From the SMH website


More than 200 Olympic threats

2:14PM, Sep 30

Police had received more than 200 threats against the Sydney Olympic Games, New South 
Wales Police Commissioner Peter Ryan said today.

All of the threats had been checked and most were determined to be hoaxes, said 
Commissioner Ryan, who heads security for the Games.

No explosive devices had been found.

''We received somewhere on average of about 12 different threats a day,'' he said.

''Many of them were hoaxes, others it was difficult to say, but remedial action was 
taken by the police and by the defence force working with the police in terms of the 
bomb disposal and search teams to make sure any threat was thoroughly analysed and 
neutralised before it became a reality.

''We did in fact respond with bomb search teams to the venues and the places where 
those threats were made against.

''There were no explosive devices found or dealt with - there were no explosive 

Several people had been interviewed about the threats but no charges had been laid, 
Commissioner Ryan said.

Olympic Security Commander Paul McKinnon said a typical case involved an extortion and 
bomb threat against Stadium Australia where the perpetrator was caught quickly after a 
detective traced the call to the north coast of NSW.

''He rang the local cops at Casino, they drove around and the silly bugger was still 
in the phone-box,'' he told reporters.

''Mainly that was the sorts of things we dealt with.

''The person was taken into custody about a week ago and we were advised by the locals 
that he had a long history of psychiatric care and it would have been inappropriate to 
proceed with the matter.''

Commissioner Ryan said that some of the threats had been delivered via the internet.

''We have received threats by the internet which we have traced back to source despite 
that fact that one of them tried very hard to disguise its source of origin by hiding 
it through different countries, but we are good enough to be able to track that 
down,'' he said.

''It turned out it was sourced back to Australia but it bounced all over the world to 
get here, trying to hide to footprints in the sand, but we got there before the tide 
came in and that person is helping us with our inquires into that matter.''

Commander McKinnon later said the level of threat received had been comparable to the 
number usually received during university or HSC exams and had been mainly made by 
''fruit loops''.


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