A funny thing happened to me on the way to the
Kristeen Young show Thursday night.  On my way to CB's
313 Gallery, somebody drove right up my rear bumper
and kept flashing his lights like a maniac.  I
signaled  him to keep off my rear and he just kept
driving up my rear bumper and flashing his brights.
Finally, I flipped him the bird.  He turned out to be
a cop.  He gave me a ticket for improper hand signal.

   Before I continue- Wow!!!  Su'mer speaks six
languages!  Which ones?  I learned Spanish as a second
language back in the day, but every time I used it,
everyone answered me in English.  Very frustrating.

> The settlements stem from charges made by two
> whistleblowers in a 1996
> lawsuit against 18 large oil companies.

   I don't know if this is news to anyone, but a few
years ago, an effort was made to repeal the
Whistleblowers Act on the claim that it was unfair to
businesses.  I wouldn't be surprised if there was an
effort made against the Whistleblowers Act again in
the future.  Or tie it in with the label of
"government waste" or the slogan of "downsizing big
government".  I remember a few years ago on Nightline
Sen. Al D'Amato and a few other Republicans were asked
what they meant by downsizing big government.  The
first answers they all gave was getting rid of
"unnecessary environmental regulations".  They also
mentioned either decreasing the role of or the getting
rid of government regulatory agencies like the EPA and
one or two of the Republicans in the interview made
the comment that the businesses have been around long
enough to know what's safe and what isn't and should
be given the right to regulate themselves.
   When I was an environmental manager for Clean Water
of New York, Inc., I used to receive newsletters that
were always talking about the "oppressive Big Brother"
environmental regulations that all the "little
businessmen" had to abide by and was always mentioning
phrases like "less government" and "more freedom".
Today, whenever I hear people use terms like
"government waste" and "excess regulatory measures", I
become suspicious that they must be in the same league
as the writers of the newsletters that were delivered
to Clean Water of New York, Inc.
   For those who might be wondering about my scenario
and stay at Clean Water of New York, Inc., I was hired
to be the environmental manager of a barge facility
that would clean out vessels and reclaim the oil from
the sediment and sell it.  They chose to do everything
from a barge predominantly so that they would be
regulated by the Coast Guard, which, at least at the
time, had less demanding standards to abide by when
compared with other regulatory agencies.  The state of
New York did start to include passages in their
environmental law books that would make mention of
docked off shore facilities in their rules and
regulations to include them in the laws laid out for
everyone else "on land", probably as a result of the
existence of this barge facility.  My stay there went
sour when the Coast Guard visited the facility and
asked me questions regarding the facility.  It really
turned out to be nothing; they were confused about the
change of the names of the barges there and were
wondering if a few barges had turned up overnight.
What I didn't like was that my direct supervisor, who
was the head of the facility, practically ducked and
took cover under his desk during the coast guard
visit.  He had once made the comment to me that not
everyone would take a position where "their neck could
be on a chopping block" and after the Coast Guard
visit I found out that there were things going on
behind my back that I was not aware of and did not
approve of, ranging from nobody performing enough or
any sample testing to the facility itself running
without a required permit.  At that point I felt like
a turkey about to be introduced to the chopping block
and relations between myself and my supervisor quickly
grew hostile and in the end I was no longer with the
   This actually turned out to be a good thing.  Six
months after I was no longer there, the parent
company, Eklof Marine, wanted one of their barges to
be sent to Rhode Island.  On the way to Rhode Island,
the barge and the accompanying tugboat encountered a
storm.  Instead of waiting the storm out, they decided
to go ahead and travel through the storm.  The end
result created the largest oil spill in the history of
Rhode Island.  Eklof Marine was fined seven million
dollars.  From what I understand, their insurance paid
for the fine.
   If anyone was curious and wanted to know more about
this incident, here's a few pages that have the story:

      Look under the criminal liability section for
the story.

         Yep.  This attracted the FBI's attention.

It's #39 on this list.  I think this list overall
overlooked a few businesses that I think could rival
what's been laid out in this list.


   If the Whistleblower Act is ever repealed or should
the equivalent ever happen, that might mean that
mentioning what I typed out might be against the law.
I wouldn't be surprised if some sort of slander or
equivalent charge can be levied against me when I
discuss what I've seen during my stay in the
environmental field.  But what the hell?  I gave an
East Brunswick cop the finger the other night.  Why
stop there?


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