-Caveat Lector-

But what about the jew Josephus? I read his book years ago, and in it I was
quite surprised to read his teachings about the Gentiles, that they are
dogs, that it's not a sin for a jew to kill a Gentile, and other similar
things like this.

I think it's because of these types of orthodox jewish teachings why
Hoffman, and so many others, have a problem with the jews. I understand, of
course, there are different grades of jewishness, like reformed,
conservative, orthodox, and one or two others. But aren't all jews basically
taught the same thing anyway about Gentiles, to begin with?

I've heard and read things also about how  most
marxist/leninists/communists/socialists are mostly jews, if not all of them.
They could even be atheistic marxist/leninist/etc. jews, but jews
nonetheless. Of course, in conspiracy theory, all these
marxists/leninists/communists/socialists are out to destroy Amerika, hence
it's the jews who are out to destroy Amerika. Karl Marx was a jew, for one.
Also, a person might say they are marxist/leninist/etc., but the religious
connection is usually hidden behind the political label.

I'm only asking these questions because this jewish thing keeps cropping up
and I don't know what to think about it. I read Hoffman's Wire too, just as
part of my interest in conspiracy theory. However, I think he certainly
brings up valid points about what the Talmud, not to mention early jewish
commentary, teaches the jews about Gentiles, and the reprehensible names
that are given to Gentiles, and how to treat Gentiles. Hoffman goes into
more detail than I can, but I too have always been curious what today's jews
have to say about what the Talmud teaches, and what historical jewish
commentators like Josephus teaches.

I'd also like to know the religion of people who are
marxist/leninist/socialist/communist. I suspect they are mostly jews myself.
The jews do seem to have a background in these political theories, more so
than any other group, I think.

For the longest time, too, jews have been the biggest racists going by not
allowing any intermarriage with the mud races, I think Gentiles are, or
were, called.

So, no offense to any jews on the list. I'm just trying to understand.

>>>No it's not Bill. He's an ignorant prick who hates Jews and looks for
ways to
demonize them for profit.

His whole idea here is wrong. He doesn't understand what he is saying. His
presentation is superficial and he has concocted this silly conspiracy to
his audience of Christian bigots who will gladly pay for his " materials."

I don't want to explain the details of what the Kol Nidre is saying. But
you people must understand that Jews have lived in foreign countries for a
long time. The primary directive of Jewish law is to comply with the laws
phrases in the vastness of the literature to prove anything can be easily
done when taken out of context. The case he makes for Kol Nidre's negation
oaths was taken out of context and actually means the opposite of what
says it means.

Because Hoffman is an idiot with a truly ignorant audience, he can tell them
any kind of nonsense and they are happy to believe it. That he claims to
" unearthed " the Kol Nidre is so absurd that it's quite funny. It's like
saying Columbus discovered a land where people came out to greet him. It's
discovering the name Jesus in a Christian hymnal.


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