-Caveat Lector-

ISSUE 1955 Sunday 1 October 2000

Ambitious Kiwis take flight to escape high tax
by Mark Chipperfield in Sydney
 The Press (New Zealand news)

  FEARS over New Zealand's economic and political future are driving record numbers of 
educated people abroad, despite government pleas for them to stay. In the past year 
71,600 have left
the country permanently.
A survey by TV New Zealand last week found increasing disenchantment with the 
high-taxing Labour government led by the Prime Minister, Helen Clark. One in five New 
Zealanders is
considering settling elsewhere. Most of the emigrants settle in Australia, to which 
New Zealanders
have unrestricted entry. A smaller number go to Britain.

A television presenter said: "If you're a Kiwi with any sort of ambition, having a 
crack at
Australia seems like a natural step." Richard Wilkins, one of 350,000 Kiwis now living 
in Australia
said "Australia lurks a three-hour flight away as the great land of opportunity."

The Prime Minister, who last year made an emotional plea for expatriate New Zealanders 
to return
home and rebuild the economy, has dismissed the latest emigration figures as a "blip" 
which will
soon correct itself. She said: "It's the middle of winter, people sometimes think 
about a warmer
climate, but if they're thinking of Australia I don't think the unemployment rate is 
any more
attractive there and, of course, the tax rate is considerably higher."

The Opposition claims that at least 10,000 professionals, mainly doctors, engineers, 
business managers and computer experts, have left New Zealand since Labour came to 
power last
November. It estimates that the brain drain has cost the New Zealand economy £1.1 
billion in wasted
education and training, and gave a warning that there is worse to come.

Penny Webster, an immigration spokesman for the Right-wing ACT Party, said thousands 
of new
university graduates have been fleeing the country without repaying their student 
loans. She said:
"Not only are they taking their skills with them, they're leaving New Zealand with a 
massive debt."
The latest estimates suggest that the government is owed £37 million in unpaid 
university loans to
students - double the previous year.

About one-fifth of all new migrants to Australia arrive from New Zealand.

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