-Caveat Lector-

[GVT] The Aftermath of UN Millennium Summit

>From www.americanpolicy.org/un/aftermathofun.htm

The Aftermath of the U.N. Millennium Summit... A Renewed Commitment to
Global Governance

By Peyton Knight, Associate Editor

Now that the U.N. Millennium Summit has come and gone, many are wondering
"what happened?" What consensus was reached at the gathering? Are the tools
for global governance in place? What will become of our nation¹s
sovereignty? Did our president express the best interest of the United
States? What can citizens of the U.S. expect now that the Summit is over?

While the methods for implementation were vague, the goals for
accomplishment were incredibly specific. Everything was promised to
everyone. Indeed, the world forum sounded like a roomful of Al Gore¹s, each
one trying to outdo the other with how much they could pander to their
audience of third world countries and socialist dictators. The underlying
theme was simple: The world has problems. Only the U.N. can solve them. Give
us the power. Sound familiar? It should. It¹s the same mantra that liberals
and socialists alike spew to the easily swayed masses who believe that
rights, happiness, and prosperity begin with government programs and end
with individual liberty.

The most deceptive aspect of all this, is the that U.N. is packaging their
socialistic product in a box labeled "democracy." Let¹s examine just a few
of the details of the "U.N. Millennium Declaration" which was derived from
the Summit.

Dictatorial Powers

The most frightening new direction the United Nations is taking after their
summit is the change in which authority determines the deployment of
peacekeeping missions. Traditionally, this authority has been the U.N.
Security Council, a board consisting of the major heads of state. This
allows the major contributing nations to decide whether or not certain
deployments are worthy of their contributed resources. Most importantly, it
gives the United States (the hands-down most generous contributor to the
U.N. budget) a voice in where the world body will intervene around the

No longer. Now, peacekeeping decisions will be the sole authority of the
U.N. bureaucracy‹specifically, the Secretary General. This gives the United
Nations unilateral power to deploy "peacekeeping" troops around the globe.
No more input from the pesky United States. Nonetheless, the U.S. is still
expected to pump exorbitant amounts of money, soldiers and resources into
U.N. operations‹only now we have no voice in how those resources are used.
How does the Clinton/Gore administration feel about this castration? Let
President Clinton tell you in his own words, in his address to the U.N.
Security Council at the Millennium Summit.

"We must do more to equip the United Nations to do what we ask it to do.
They need to be able to be peacekeepers who can be rapidly deployed,
properly trained and equipped, able to project credible force. That, of
course, is the thrust of the Secretary General¹s report on peacekeeping
reform. The United States strongly supports that report."

Apparently, the President has no problem signing away our national security,
as well as the lives of American soldiers, to the United Nations.

The International Criminal Court

The U.N.¹s International Criminal Court (ICC) gained some momentum at the
Summit. This court would empower the United Nations to enforce its own rule
of law. As stated in these pages before, the ICC would reign supreme over
every other judicial system in the world‹including that of the United
States. The U.N. has vowed to hold every member of every nation accountable
to this court, whether or not that nation ratifies it.

At the Summit, the Statute for the ICC was signed by an additional 12
countries and ratified by four. The statute now has a total of 110
signatures and 19 ratifications. This is nearly one third of the 60 total
ratifications the ICC must have to enter into force.

Also stressed at the Summit, was the need for the United Nations to have its
own fighting force for supposed peacekeeping missions. This army would
consist of soldiers from varying nations‹who would transform their
allegiance to the U.N. This proposal has been labeled many things, most
notably the U.N. refers to it as the "United Nations Rapid Deployment Police
and Security Force" (UNRDF). In reality, this is no more than a U.N.
standing army. With the International Criminal Court at its side, the UNRDF
will be boundless in its operation.

A Turkey in Every Pot

The Millennium Summit also served as a stage for the leaders of the United
Nations to gain support for their plans of eradicating poverty. Of course,
no one likes poverty, however, the U.N.¹s solutions to poverty-stricken
areas resemble nothing more than a global "New Deal" list of entitlement
programs. In their words: "Global challenges must be managed in a way that
distributes the costs and burdens fairly in accordance with basic principles
of equity and social justice." Translation: We must redistribute the
wealth‹welfare for all. Throughout their own report, the U.N. stressed the
need for greater oversight of national governments, and stricter regulation
of the private sector and civil society.

Through their grand, socialist redistribution scheme, the U.N. hopes to
strengthen the dependency of less fortunate nations on the world body. Much
like other totalitarian regimes, the United Nations knows that if they can
control the flow of goods and services to the people‹they can control the
people themselves.

For his part, President Clinton also made global promises regarding
education of all things. Unbelievably, Mr. Clinton wishes to force our own
failed public education system on the entire world. In his speech to the
Security Council he declared: "I strongly support the goal of universal
access to primary education by 2015. We are helping to move toward that
goal, in part, with our effort to provide school lunches to 9 million boys
and girls in developing nations."

Global Warming

What would a Millennium Summit be without the good old "sky is falling"
rhetoric about global warming? Even in the midst of overwhelming scientific
evidence that shows manmade global warming to be a myth, in its declaration,
the U.N. vows: " to make every effort to ensure the entry into force of the
Kyoto Protocol, preferably by 2002, and to embark on the required reduction
in emissions of greenhouse gasses." President Clinton agreed: "We have to
meet the challenge of climate change. I predict that within a decade‹or
maybe even a little less‹that will become as big an obstacle to the
development of poor nations as disease is today." Of course, Mr. Clinton is
dead wrong in this respect. The biggest obstacle to poor nations would be
the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol, as it would force developing
countries to industrialize within the framework of massive restrictions on
the amount of greenhouse gasses they could emit. How unfortunate that common
sense wasn¹t invited to attend the Summit.

The World Changed

In the end, the leaders of the United Nations left the Millennium Summit
with a renewed sense of power and a mandate to implement the policies called
for in the Charter for Global Democracy. Their mandate is the "U.N.
Millennium Declaration"‹a task list chock-full of global governance
proposals. The Declaration was passed by general consensus, meaning no vote
was taken and none of the proposals were debated. This document was simply
waived in front of the General Assembly and heads of state, and passed by
virtue of "hearing no objections." With no objections, the U.N. received
authorization from the highest authority on earth‹the world¹s heads of
state‹to move forward with its agenda for global governance. No recorded
vote was taken. In a sense, the world changed in early September‹yet the
U.S. Congress remains in the dark.

© 2000 American Policy Center
Sig Heil!

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