Title: Impersonal evil:
Comrade Blake;  
> Yeah, I'd sure like to hear more about Steiner and Stegmann. I was an a
> Steiner email list group, but they weren't really posting anything of much
> interest to me.
> Justine
       If you want anything worth while we have to dig for it.  What comes easy is on the 6 o'clock news.  Dan Rather will tell you all you need to know.  Many people have a passing familarity with Plato and Aristotle, yet by questioning them, we come to realize their grasp of Platonics or Aristatilan logic is non-existent.  The same goes with many who plunge into Steiner or Blvatsky.  One needs deep waders in these waters.  I, personally am not a Steinerite and haven't owned a copy of Blvatsky in decades.  Yet if we pretend to buy into the childishness of thread bare religions today we come away dissatisfied.  In the past, up until the last two centuries, faith was enough.  Not so today, we need to understand.  Understanding is possible but it also requires perceptiveness of heart.  W.T. Stead (sp?) an American philosopher remarked that the heart is just as perceptive an organ as the eye or ear. (I think that many aboriginal cultures held to that).  By cultivating our feeling nature, reverance, devotion, wonder we gradually enliven our spiritual nature.  The (Borg) Ahrimanic (Satanic) forces wish only for a strong will and an exaggerated intellectual development for humanity. Development of the heart is brought to a standstill.
  What is the world full of today? (At least in the halls of industry and Government) Highly intelligent, strongly willed men and women who seem to be somehow stunted in their development.  Maybe little or no compassion, no ability to put themselves in the place of another.  Their desires are unending (commericalism in the Western countries), they really like money and power or just the power will do in a pinch.  These are our leaders today.  These kinds of people, with their stunted moral forces and twisted dry intellect come with all sorts of programs and reforms that flood or schools, bring choas into our socal fabric.  
   If this sounds like the description of a sociopath...then what can I say?  Don't we have one or more in prominate government circles?  
   These are people with a great big hunk missing right out of their middle.  What is a demon?  I mean really, besides a little frompy thing ugly with bat like wings?  They are beings without wholeness.  They are missing a part and that is the heart. (I like that, kinda poetic!)
   What kind of schemes do beings like this hatch up?  Schemes that look great on paper and in corporate boardrooms but which in practice [pay attention Justine] produce an IMPERSONAL EVIL.
   Laws and rules that lead to improvishment, suffering to the masses and 'no one is personally responsible!'  The 'buck' can go on forever.  Like the Nazi desk murders, 'just doing their job, following orders!'
   Who in congress or the senate (forget the excutive branch) is responsible for anything any more?
   Why are folks in the streets of Seattle, LA, or Prague?  Because of the schemes these corporate types that are missing an essential part of their supposedly human nature cook up and fost off on the rest of us and it is working to our distinct disadvantage.
   This is the first lesson of Stegmann/Steiner tried to get across...impersonal evil is now the law of the land.
   Please forgive me Justine, if I seem to be picking on you.  It is not so...you have just asked some important questions.
   Kris and all of the others who have posted on this list and have done diligent work documenting a massive conspiricy that pushes in our face the very fact that human destiny is in danger.  At least any destiny that I could think that I would want to live with my wife and children.
   The recognition of laws and rules that make for impersonal evil is our first lesson.  Thank You D. E. Park
   Sig Heil:)

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