excerpt from
below, about 15 pages detailing Bush family ties to indicted, convicted,
fugitive, & otherwise "shady" Latinos in TX and Mex.

Dave Hartley,
Senior VP
Asheville Computer      -][-       Tri-Cities Computer
86 N. Lexington Ave.   -][-      200 W. Oakland Ave.
Asheville, NC 28801    -][-      Johnson City, TN 37604
(828) 285-0240         -][-       (423) 952-0983


The shady ties of George W. Bush's Latino friends

  Dime con quién andas y te diré quién eres.
Tell me who you side with and I will tell you who you are.
 George W. Bush for President web site

Cast of
Los amigos de
los amigos

George W. Bush Jr.

Friend and ally of Ernesto Ancira Jr. Roy Barrera Sr.

Ernesto Ancira Jr.

Friend of George and Laura Bush, co-chair Adelante con Bush, Bushes (Jr. and
Sr.) campaigned for him in 1992 State Senate run. On board of The Dominion.
Friend and/or associate of
Guillermo Ávila
Gus García
Roy Barrera, Jr.
Cousin of Alonso Ancira

Roy Barrera Jr.

Head of San Antonio Republican party, Adelante con Bush (Sr.), Bush Team
campaigning for W, said to be cabinet contender.

The Barreras cartel-related clients:

Guillermo Avila, CONVICTED money launderer for Juárez cartel.

Juan Chapa, CONVICTED cocaine trafficker, Juárez and Gulf cartels.

Mario Alberto Salinas Treviño, FBI links to 1985 murder of DEA agent Enrique
Camarena, CONVICTED cocaine runner, Caro-Quintero cartel.

Enrique Fuentes León, lawyer for Gulf Cartel, linked to Ruiz Massieu and
Colosio assassinations, CONVICTED of bribery, now imprisoned in Mexico in
connection with murder of Nellie Campobello. Has OUTSTANDING WARRANT in U.S.
on attempted bribery charges.

Guillermo Ávila

CONVICTED money launderer for Juárez cartel, linked to Rafael Muñoz Talavera
(photo, below). Was on the board of Dominion, friend of Ernesto Ancira and
Gus García.

Enrique Fuentes León

Lawyer for Gulf cartel CONVICTED of bribery, partner in Planeta Mexico with
Rogelio Gasca Jr. Bought large tract of Dominion property, sold part of it
Image Homes Ltd, which sold it to Crescent Real Estate, a company George W.
Bush invested in. (more under Roy Barrera, Jr.) Linked to assassination of
José Francisco Ruiz Massieu (below).

Manuel Muñoz Rocha

FUGITIVE wanted in connection with assassination of PRI politician José
Francisco Ruiz Massieu. Was paid $500,000 by check issued from Bank Audi,
Geneva. Last seen in San Antonio with Enrique Fuentes León

Manuel Pacheco

Admitted money launderer CONVICTED, partner in Planeta Mexico with Enrique
Fuentes León.

Gary Jacobs

President of Laredo National Bank, owned and run by Carlos Hank Rhon and
Carlos Hank Gonzlez. Donated $61,000 to George W. Bush. In another case, was
fined last spring by FEC for violating campaign finance laws.

Carlos Hank González

Known as the PRI king-maker, the Dinosaur of the party, his family has been
investigated for cartel links, murder and money laundering, NOT CHARGED

Gus García

INVESTIGATED for cocaine trafficking and money laundering, NOT CHARGED.
Business partner of Anuar Name, their San Antonio building bought for $5
million cash, re-financed by Bank Audi.

Anuar Name

Reported in news media and by investigators as friend and/or partner of:

Emilio Checa Curi, fugitive investigated for Sinaloa/Guadalajara cartel ties

Mario Villanueva, fugitive wanted for Juárez cartel ties

Adnan Kasshoghi, International arms dealer involved in Iran-Contra scandal

Joseph Audi, of Lebanese Audi family, CEO and partner in Bank Audi, New York

Raúl Salinas, CONVICTED of authoring murder of Ruiz Massieu. See Raúl

Carlos Hank González, Billionaire politician-businessman. See Carlos Hank
González box.

Former President Carlos Salinas de Gortari
Widely accused in Mexican press of corruption and Gulf cartel links, NOT
CHARGED. Now self-exiled in Ireland and/or Cuba.


Moises Saba
Property financed by Laredo National Bank, which is owned by Carlos Hank
Rhon. Moises is son of PRI finacier Isaac Saba, PRI financier and one of the
richest men in Latin America. Investor in TV Azteca, second-largest TV
network in Mexico. Isaac Saba recently took over a large share of the
business in Mexico.

Alonso Ancira
CEO of AHMSA, Mexicos largest steel company. Accused of business fraud
(Fertimex, Carbon II), NOT CHARGED. Property in Dominion transferred in
December 1998 to Cayman Island corporation.

Guillermo Ancira
CEO of AHMSA mining subsidiary. Paid cash for Dominion home.

Carlos Ancira
Son of Guillermo. Paid cash for another home with Guillermo Ancira, title
transferred to Cayman Islands corporation in 1999.

García Lourdes Brothers
One brother is head of Mexican Hotel-Motel Association, paid cash.

Rodrigo Treviño
CFO of Cemex, third largest cement company in the world.

Hector Burgos
Accused of stock market fraud, NOT CHARGED, partner Eduardo
Legorreta convicted. Legorreta was implicated in money-laundering with
Enrique Fuentes León in Texas, NOT CHARGED.

Rodolfo Zedillo
Paid cash for first home, just built second in Dominion. Brother of Mexican
president Ernesto Zedillo. INVESTIGATED for accepting $8 million from a
Juárez cartel-funded company, NOT CHARGED.


Robert Mosbacher Sr.
Investor, friend of Bushes, has an investment firm in Mexico City and is
pushing for Pemex privatization.

Rogelio Montemayor
Investor, friend of Anciras, while governor of Coahuila was accused of
illegally investing in Ancira fertilizer company, NOT CHARGED. Now head of
Pemex, pushing for privatization.

Rogelio Gasca Neri
Resigned after being accused of fraud while head of Mexican Federal
Electricity Commission, still under investigation. Now is Mexican consul in
Austin. His son Rogelio sold Planeta Mexico to Fuentes León. Other son,
Enrique, has worked with Alonso Ancira. Family bought property in Sonterra
development from Fuentes León.


Forbes; Andres Oppenhiemer, Bordering on Chaos,: Mexicos Roller-Coaster
Journey Toward Prosperity, 1998, Little, Brown and Company; Proceso
El Financiero; The Washington Post; San Antonio Express News; Bexar County
Deeds and Records Office and individual interviews.

by Julie Reynolds

Those who say that George W. Bush has scant knowledge of foreign affairs
understand his familys relationship with Mexico.

If one event could be said to make that relationship visible, it had to be
the state dinner given eleven years ago by President Bush for Mexicos
president, Carlos Salinas. It was an elegant yet boisterous gala, where the
biggest movers and shakers in Texas and Mexico congregated and celebrated.
This group was to become Ws Mexican legacy, a gift of ties and connections
passed on from the father to his son.

What was not visible was that the group included two men with numerous links
to drug cartel figures. These men helped George W. Bush win the Latino vote
in Texas. Which raises a few questions: How did these guys get into the Bush
circle? What else do they do for him? And, to rephrase a famous query, what
did the presidential candidate know and when did he know it?

A glance around the fourteen tables at the 1989 dinner showed that pains
taken to arrange them so that no one appeared more important than the
There was a smattering of celebrities  Anthony Quinn, Douglas Fairbanks,
Barbara Walters and Larry King. Bushs son Jeb and his Mexican wife Columba
joined the soirée, too.

The Mexican president had spent a long day with President Bush signing trade
pacts, the precursors of NAFTA. Salinas brought his so-called Dream Team:
commerce secretary, finance minister, and his personal Machiavelli, Jose
Córdoba. It would later be astounding to see, as the decade unfolded, how
many of that administrations proud men and women fell shamefully from grace
some exiled, some imprisoned and some assassinated.

No one knew it then, but many at that banquet would survive to one day help
young W beat a path back to the White House. There were loyal Bushfellas who
were old friends of the family: Commerce Secretary Robert Mosbacher Sr.,
General Colin Powell, and George Bush Seniors ever-present friend, Secretary
of State James Baker. Gary Jacobs, whose Texas bank was about to be bought
the son of Mexicos billionaire-politico Carlos Hank González, was also a
guest. Tony Garza, then a young judge, is now a Bush cabinet contender.
Today, all are advisors or contributors to Ws campaign.

Hidden among the glitterati were two relative unknowns. They were, however,
familiar to the group at hand. They were the loyal Amigos de Bush from San
Antonio: criminal defense lawyer Roy Barrera Jr. and car dealer Ernesto
Ancira Jr. In contrast to the Salinas group, the ties of Barrera and Ancira
to drug cartels would remain unnoticed for another decade. Their ties to
George W. would grow stronger.

In the Name of the Father

George Bush Sr. began his familys relationship with Mexico in the 1960s,
his Zapata Offshore Oil Company was partner in a border-region oil company
called Perforaciones Marinas del Golfo (Permargo), with Jorge Díaz Serrano.

In 1988, the financial newspaper Barrons reported that the two Jorges  Bush
and Díaz Serrano  used prestanombres (name-lenders) to hide Bushs investment
in Permargo from the Mexican government, skirting Mexican foreign-ownership
laws. Barrons also accused the Securities and Exchange Commission of
destroying related documents after Bush became vice president in 1981.

Bush Sr. met Carlos Salinass father, Raúl Salinas Lozano, back when the
latter was Mexicos commerce secretary. The families friendship has continued
through the years. Raúl Salinas, the presidents brother, has told
investigators that Jeb and Columba Bush joined him three times for vacations
at his hacienda Las Mendocinas. It was the same estate where he reportedly
hosted an infamous 1990 party for the cream of Mexicos drug cartels, which
Jeb and Columba did not attend.

Twelve years ago presidents-elect Carlos Salinas de Gortari and George Bush
Sr. met in Texas in a meeting that was called The Spirit of Houston.

That meeting shaped the relationship between both countries for years to
come, Antonio Ocarranza, former Zedillo aide and president of the consulting
firm Public Strategies Inc.(PSI) office in Mexico City told the Dallas
Morning News. PSI is owned by several generous George W. Bush supporters,
including Bush pioneer Roger Wallace.

Today, as governor of Texas, George W. Bush has assumed the role his father
once had as president. He meets regularly with Mexican officials, from
President Zedillo to Secretary of Energy Luis Téllez, to discuss joint
pacts and trade issues.

Ive had foreign policy as the governor of Texas, and that is with Mexico,
George W. Bush said during the New Hampshire primary.

While he is in public shaking hands, Bushs friend Ernesto Ancira works
backstage in the international energy sector. Which comes naturally: Anciras
family and their partners practically own the energy business in Mexico. The
Bushes, of course, know everyone in the oil business in the US. Its a nice
match, the Bushes and the Anciras.

Let me make one thing clear: there is no evidence that Ernesto himself runs
afoul of the law. Ancira is, rather, a point man in what Mexican journalist
Juan Ruiz Healy calls El Grupo Texano de George W. Bush. He happens to have
quite a few friends who are connected with drug cartels. In addition, there
are some disturbing links between Ernestos group of friends in San Antonio
and the assassination of Mexican politician José Francisco Ruíz Massieu.
Since Ernesto has been a friend and a helper to the man who may be
I believe they are connections worth exploring.

ERNESTO IS VERY FRIENDLY, very fun-loving, a real estate agent told me as we
cruised Ernie Anciras turf, The Dominion, a securely-gated San Antonio
development where a number of Mexicos elite have invested in million-dollar

Ernie, she said, loves to barbecue. Has money. Likes to socialize.

Ernie  auto dealer Ernesto Ancira, Jr.  is one of San Antonios most popular
and respected business leaders. Every year, hes in the lists of top Latino
entrepreneurs. Last April, his Ancira Enterprises Inc. made the number two
slot  with $575 million in revenue  in Hispanic magazines list of the
fastest-growing Latino companies.

My mother was paranoid about her kids success, he once said. Its like there
was a tremendous hurry to accomplish.

Truly a binational man, Ernesto Ancira Jr., was born in San Antonio in 1944,
but spent his formative years close to his industrialist cousins in Mexico,
who are in-laws of the Salinas family. In the 1960s he rose to become the
assistant to his mentor, Claudio X. González, one of the countrys most
powerful businessmen. González later became President Salinass foreign
investment advisor.

Anciras family in Mexico has long been part of the... CONTINUES on website


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