-Caveat Lector-



MOB RULE, Part 2 Gore's, Talbott's Red Russian roots

How they 'Hammer'-ed out Washington-Moscow policy

By Charles Thompson and Tony Hays
© 2000, WorldNetDaily.com, Inc.

Read Part 1: Gore condoned Russian mafia?

Editor's note: This is the conclusion of a 2-part examination of
Vice President Al Gore's role in the disintegration of America's
relationship with Russia since the end of the Cold War. Part 1,
yesterday, documented how Gore's current campaign claim of being
a "Russia expert" rests largely on his experience co-chairing a
commission from 1993 to 1998 with former Russian Prime Minister
Viktor Chernomyrdin. Although the commission's intended function
was assisting foreign business people and companies wanting to
invest in Russia and bailing them out if they ran afoul of
bureaucrats or gun-toting gangsters, Gore pointedly overlooked
Chernomyrdin's reputation in Russia for actually promoting
corruption. In fact, E. Wayne Merry, a senior diplomat at the
American embassy in Moscow from 1991-94, wrote in The Wall Street
Journal, "The commission became an instrument to advance the
political career of the vice president."

Today's report reveals just how deep Al Gore's roots go into
pro-Russian soil, starting with his father, the late Sen. Albert
Gore Sr.'s strong ties to Armand Hammer, and continuing with the
blatantly pro-Russian No. 2 man in the Clinton-Gore State
Department, Strobe Talbott, whose highly controversial past
activities and relationships in the former Soviet Union have
caused many to question just why he has been put in charge of
America's Russia policy.

Armand Hammer, a notorious influence peddler and collector of
politicians of all stripes, in 1950 put Al Gore's father, Albert
Gore, Sr., a Democrat, on the payroll when the senior Gore was a
U.S. representative from Tennessee. Hammer also set up Gore Sr.
in the cattle-breeding business. FBI reports obtained under the
Freedom of Information Act detail specific chores assigned to
Gore Sr. by Hammer.

As the Tennessee lawmaker gained national prominence and moved up
to the Senate, the cattle business became very profitable, thus
allowing the Gore family to live in luxury at Washington's
Fairfax Hotel. When Gore Sr. was defeated for re-election to the
Senate in 1970, Hammer placed him on Occidental Petroleum's board
of directors and named him chairman of an Occidental subsidiary,
Island Creek Coal Co. Occidental became the Tennessee Valley
Authority's coal supplier for its electrical generation plants.

These posts brought the retired senator, who died in 1998, at
least $500,000 per annum. Vice President Gore also benefited
through his family's association with Hammer. An Occidental
Petroleum subsidiary, Occidental Minerals, negotiated a generous
lease to mine zinc under Gore's 88-acre farm in Carthage, Tenn.,
25 years ago. The $20,000 annual lease amounted to $227 an acre
-- more than seven times the $30 per acre Occidental paid to
other landowners.

Al Gore has received an estimated $450,000 from Occidental. He
and his wife, Tipper, frequently attended Hammer's lavish parties
in Washington and Los Angeles and had the use of the tycoon's
customized Boeing 727 jet whenever they wanted.

In his capacity as "reinvent-the-government" czar, Gore made it
possible for Occidental to buy up to 78 percent of the Elk Hills
strategic petroleum reserve in 1998 for $3.65 billion, the
largest privatization in U.S. history. Elk Hills, the huge oil
field outside Bakersfield, Calif., and a similar rich reserve
located in Teapot Dome, Wyo., were set aside for the Navy nearly
a century ago.

A criminal investigation in 1923, which became known as "Teapot
Dome," brought disgrace on two members of President Warren G.
Harding's administration. These men had taken sizeable bribes to
lease the reserves to private concerns without competitive bids.
One of these men, Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall, was
convicted of accepting a bribe and was sentenced to prison.
Historians considered this scandal to be the worst in U.S.
history until Watergate came along a half century later.

Gore has recently been falsely claiming that he helped establish
the strategic reserve program. He made the outlandish statement
during the time he was persuading President Clinton to lease even
more of the reserves to oil companies in order to offset the
spiraling gasoline and home heating oil prices. Gore ultimately
succeeded in getting Clinton to open up the reserves.

CIA sees 'appalling bad judgment'

Clinton also went along with Gore on another point -- namely,
having his picture taken with Russian organized-crime figures.
Grigory Loutchansky, discussed in Part 1 of this report, and
linked by Interpol to the Russian mafia, money laundering, drug
trafficking, nuclear smuggling and international arms trading,
attended a Democratic National Committee fundraising dinner in
Washington in October 1993. This occurred while Loutchansky was
on the State Department's exclusion list. Loutchansky was also
deported from Canada in the spring of 1993 for money laundering
and for "being a major organized crime figure in Europe."

Nevertheless, he got a 10-minute meeting and a picture with
Clinton. Former CIA director James Woolsey said later that an
invitation to Loutchansky to meet with the president "would show
a severe lack of scrutiny and appalling bad judgment."

As revealed by Jerry Seper in the Washington Times on Dec. 12,
1997, Loutchansky was the guest of and had been recommended to
the DNC by Sam Domb, a New York landlord, who donated $160,000 to
the DNC shortly after the dinner. During their private session,
Clinton asked Loutchansky to deliver a message to Ukrainian
president Leonid Kravchuck to reduce the nation's nuclear
stockpile. Loutchansky agreed and asked Clinton's help in getting
international financing and investors for the Magnitogorsky Iron
and Steel Plant, Russian's largest such concern.

Despite his criminal background, Loutchansky was invited back to
another $25,000-a-head DNC dinner on July 11, 1995, in Washington
honoring President Clinton. But despite pulling strings,
Loutchansky was denied entry by the State Department this time.

Clinton compromised himself again by posing with Gore for a
picture with Vadim Rabinovich, Loutchansky's business partner, on
Sept. 19, 1995, at a fundraiser at a posh Florida hotel. This,
even though the State Department had revoked Rabinovich's visa a
month earlier for being "a suspected criminal." Rabinovich had
been a partner with Loutchansky from 1993-95 in a Swiss firm
called Ostex. When he returned to Russia, Rabinovich prominently
displayed his picture with Clinton and Gore in his Kiev office to
impress clients of another company he owned. Not surprisingly,
this company was under State Department scrutiny for corrupt
business practices.

Loutchansky's name surfaced again last year, when the Washington
Post revealed that first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton's two
brothers, Tony Rodham and Hugh Rodham, were involved in a $118
million scheme to grow and export hazelnuts in the former Soviet
republic of Georgia. Their partner in the venture was Aslan
Abashidze, who said his financial adviser was Loutchansky.
Abashidze is a reputed member of a Russian organized crime

The Rodham brothers at first balked and then agreed to national
security adviser Sandy Berger's request that they terminate their

The hazelnut imbroglio wasn't the only time Tony Rodham was
involved with people accused of having links with Russian
criminals. While working as a consultant for a Florida hotel
company hoping to do business with Russia, Rodham set up a
meeting with Bill Clinton and Moscow's powerful Mayor Yuri
Luzhkov in April of 1997. Luzhkov had been linked in the Russian
press to mob figures, and had been involved in a bitter dispute
with an American businessmen who was subsequently found murdered
in Moscow.

In a March 15, 1996, White House "memorandum of conversation"
between Clinton and Boris Yeltsin in Moscow, Clinton is quoted as
saying he wanted everything the U.S. did to "have a positive
impact, and nothing should have a negative impact" on Russia
until after Yeltsin was re-elected later that year. Clinton asked
Yeltsin for a quid pro quo for this indulgence -- namely, an end
to the Russian ban on U.S. chicken imports. Clinton said chickens
were a hot issue in Arkansas, which produced 40 percent of U.S.

Talbott and the KGB

As influential as Gore was in setting Russian policy, he was
rarely involved with the country on a day-to-day basis like
Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott. A native of Cleveland
who graduated from Yale, Talbott, with his parents'
encouragement, had devoted his life to Russian studies, culture
and language. His friendship with Bill Clinton hails back to
their days as Rhodes Scholars at Oxford. After college, Talbott
joined Time as a rookie correspondent in the magazine's Moscow
bureau. His career took off after he met Victor Louis (a
pseudonym), a smooth, seasoned KGB operative. Louis masqueraded
as an independent Soviet journalist. However, according to
Insight reporter and Russia expert J. Michael Waller, Louis's
real job was planting disinformation, recruiting agents and
providing tips to trusted foreign journalists.

The KGB operative brought Talbott a treasure trove -- boxes of
documents and reels of tape concerning the career of former
Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev. Talbott was asked to translate
the material and write Khrushchev's biography. Louis informed
Talbott's editors in New York that without Talbott's active
participation there would be no biography. Time agreed and
allegedly paid Louis $600,000. The book was a huge success,
Talbott's name was on the cover, and his star was in ascendancy
within liberal Democratic and journalistic circles.

Appointed by Clinton as deputy secretary of state, Talbott, at
his 1993 confirmation hearings told Sen. Jesse Helms, R-N.C.,
that he had remained in close contact with Victor Louis until his
death about 10 years ago. Louis had provided him with valuable
information about arms control, said Talbott, supplying him with
sources within the Soviet Union. When Helms tried to make the
former Time reporter admit that he knew Victor Louis was a KGB
officer, Talbott insisted Louis was only a newsman.

Mysteriously, that controversial portion of the hearing
transcript was never released, although a copy was obtained by
Insight's Waller, who said it is damaging enough to prevent
Talbott from ever holding office again.

In the past, Talbott was a vociferous defender of Boris Yeltsin.

"President Yeltsin is the personification of reform in Russia,"
Talbott said. This, despite the fact that Yeltsin refused to sign
legislation outlawing money laundering and other corrupt business
practices within his country.

In 1997, a group of CIA analysts provided Talbott with a report
concerning Yeltsin's corruption as well as the criminal
activities of other key Russian political figures. Talbott
reportedly yelled at the analysts, ordering them to leave.

"If I were to believe half of what you said, I couldn't have a
personal relationship with these men. U.S.-Russian foreign policy
is based on my personal relationships. Without my personal
relationship with Boris Yeltsin and the other Russian officials,
we wouldn't have any foreign policy," he said at the State
Department meeting.

In 1998, shortly after the meltdown of the Russian ruble and
recommendations by Gore and Talbott that the U.S. shore it up,
two former CIA analysts, a highly respected husband-and-wife
team, visited Moscow and compiled a report full of damning
information about Yeltsin and his cohorts. The couple met with
Talbott and showed him a final draft of their report. They later
told associates that Talbott wasn't pleased and summarily
dismissed them.

During the winter of 1999, they traveled to Russia, where they
were confronted by Russian internal security agents who had
copies of their report and wanted to question them about their
critical comments about Russian officials. They had previously
been able to travel around the country, seeking information and
asking questions without any interference from Russian security
police. A former CIA station chief in one of the former Soviet
republics, he told WND that he and his wife knew such access
would never be possible again and that they were dismayed Talbott
had burned them and their sources.

Talbott refused comment for this article. He also refused to
cooperate with Rep. Chris Cox's committee, provoking the ire of
the California Republican.

'Calm down, world!'

Gore and Talbott sought a $4.8 billion International Monetary
Fund payment during the summer of 1998 to help bail out the
ruble. Many knowledgeable observers thought the money would go
down a black hole, but the vice president and Talbott argued that
the Russian economy was about to turn around and that without the
IMF money democracy would end and the communists would win. In
fact, federal law enforcement officials tell WorldNetDaily that
less than 10 percent of the IMF money ever reached Russia.

Shortly after the Bank of New York scandal broke last summer,
Talbott told Newsweek, "Calm down, world!" He attempted to
downplay the seriousness of the money laundering at the Bank of
New York. "We have been aware from the beginning that crime and
corruption are a huge problem in Russia and a huge obstacle to
Russian reform," he said. He pointed out that Gore had been on
top of the problem for years, conferring with former Russian
Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin and two other former Russian
premiers. He neglected to say that all three of those former
premiers had been accused of corruption.

Despite all the serious allegations, for the most part Gore is
still allowed by the establishment media to get away with
claiming Russia as a success story. No reporters have pressed him
with questions about the Russian mob, a subject about which he
knows a lot, or how he allowed Viktor Chernomyrdin, the
co-chairman of his commission, to continue to enrich himself at
the expense of Russia during the same time he served with Gore.

Read Part 1: Gore condoned Russian mafia?

Charles C. Thompson II, a network news veteran and former
producer of both ABC's "20/20" and CBS's "60 Minutes," is the
author of "A Glimpse of Hell: The Explosion on the U.S.S. Iowa
and Its Cover-Up."

An experienced print journalist, Tony Hays' recent 20-part series
on narcotics trafficking received an award from the Tennessee
Press Association.

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

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