-Caveat Lector-

Click Here: <A HREF="http://www.narconews.com/pressbriefing.html">Narco News:
The War on Drugs Meets its Waterloo</A>
-- Simón Bolívar

Today's Press Briefing

October 4, 2000

Generals Said Reluctant to Fight Bolivian People

"Coca or Death," the Battle Cry

US: Coca Farmers "Immoral"

>From the daily Los Tiempos, Cochabamba, Bolivia
Wednesday, October 4, 2000

Coca Issue Unites the Resistance

The slogan "Coca or Death" yesterday became the glue of the alliance of
resistance that coca-growers, teachers, peasants and the Water Coordination
movement of Cochabamba. In spite of the desperate efforts by the government
to mine the solidarity of the bloc and the advances in negotiations with the
peasants, what clearly has surged in the third week of the crisis was that
President Banzer finds himself in a dead end with no visible exit.

Washington had to reiterate its support for the government (for the second
time in ten days) over one of its major challenges in the South American drug

The uncertainty rose to new levels still with the mysterious appearance of a
supposed communiqué of colonels and generals of the Armed Forces who demand a
"political solution" to the country's worst crisis. The communiqué was not
disowned by the military leadership.

The wave of violence could grow still more in the coming hours. Fifteen tanks
advance toward Chapare. The coca-growers await them with slingshots and and
have mined the bridges, as in a war.

* * *

War? Coca Growers Mine the Bridges

The peasants of the tropic rejected any government proposal that does not
permit them to grow at least a kato (a 40 by 40 meter parcel) of coca. In the
photo by the daily Los Tiempos a campfire along the blockade in the Tropic of

Villa Tunari y Shinahota | Los Tiempos.- As if preparing for a grand battle,
the coca growers of Chapare challenge the government, begin to arm themselves
with everything available and say that they are ready to resist any intent by
the Armed Forces to unblock the roads. Yesterday, police and soldiers,
according to the ANF news agency, discovered that below the bridges in
Chimoré and Ivirgarzama there are explosives.

The Congressman and coca grower Evo Morales admitted that the rank-and-file
is ahead of the leaders. "If this is true, we find ourselves in front of the
next civil war, for fault of the government that has not solved the crisis,"
he said, making it clear that he had not ordered this tactic.

Less than 24 hours after five coca grower leaders sustained a frustrating
meeting with three government ministers in Chimoré, the representatives of
the six coca growing federations of the the Tropic of Cochabamba shared the
results of these meetings with their rank-and-file bases. The response was
the same that Evo Morales had earlier said: "Coca or Death." The coca growers
began to entrench themselves with everything, the women wove slingshots for
their husbands and sons and informed that women and children will also join
the feared resistance.

Yesterday in Chapare a rumor said that the government would clean out the
blockades with small tanks (lightly armored vehicles similar to tanks).
However, nothing happened.

In all cases, the coca growers accept the possibility of a military invasion,
and predict that the confrontations wil be in El Castillo. In the morning two
helicopters flew over the area and placed the coca growers on guard. The
logic is to not show their faces, but to blockade.

There is No Rupture

Morales made clear that the dialogue with the government has not ruptured,
although its initial proposal of ceasing all the pressure tactics in exchange
for the government accepting a cato of coca per family is maintained. This
response was communicated to the Church, mediating the talks, and it is
anticipated that the government will respond negatively.

"If the government minister is not convinced, let him send his soldiers,"
said Morales.

It was also proposed that the dialogue commission defines the case of the
cato of coca not in 15 days, as was proposed on Tuesday, but in three. To
prolongue it for more time is to prolonge the conflict, he said.

Exodus from Chapare

Employees of Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations linked to
"alternative development" projects began a virtual exodus from Chapare in
fear of confrontations and assaults.

The employees of these institutions fear that the coca growers will occupy
their offices at any moment as a form of protest against the entire project
of alternative development, which the peasants consider a trick.

The fleeing functionaries are leaving their belongings and machines in the
office of the Rural Patrol Mobile Unit (UMOPAR) and took a helicopter to fly
over the blockades. The passage from Chimoré to Cochabamba costs $450 US
dollars and has room for four passengers.

* * *

US: "It is immoral to ask for compensation for eradication"

La Paz ANF News Agency.- Bolivia cannot hope that the International Community
will compensate it for the approximately $500 million dollars of losses that
the eradication of coca has caused. The loss of the money that came from the
coca crops of Chapare in the Bolivian economy -- calculated by the government
of the US as $250 million dollars -- does not deserve consideration because
it is "immoral." This analysis was offered by the US Embassy in Bolivia.

US Ambassador Victor Manuel Rocha declared that "the loss of illicit economy
is the loss of a criminal economy, and for this it has no moral validity and
does not deserve to be considered in a discussion because no government would
respect it."

...Ambassador Rocha said that the deepening of alternative development will
"give honorable work to those who are still in the business of coca
cultivation in Chapare."

Mysterious Military Communiqué Causes Confusion

La Paz | Los Tiempos.- A group of unidentified generals and colonels of the
Army supposedly demanded that the government of general Hugo Banzer assume
"political responsibility" for the deaths of more than ten civilians during
the violent repression of road blockaders. As of the closing of this edition,
the spokesman for the Armed Forces in Miraflores would not comment as to the
authenticity or falsity of the document.

According to the PAT TV news, it received the communiqué a little before noon
yesterday, and the military officials demand a change in the cabinet. They
recommended that the new government team have people who are "capable" to
negotiate "with legitimate representation, but above all embody honesty." The
criticism of "corruptos" inside the cabinet was underlined.

The worry is centered in the damage to the Army's institutional credibility
as a result of the repressive actions. The position was broadcast by PAT TV,
noting that the communiqué's sentiment is based on the result of the
operations of April when "the military had to take charge" on "Black
Saturday," when in Cochabamba and the high plains four civilians and one
official died.

For the military, according to the TV station, the current problem is
political. Consequently, the solution should be political, not military.

Genuine or apocryphal, the announcement is the first in the name of the
military since the crisis exploded two weeks ago.

"The Armed Forces are subordinates of Civil Power and this power should know
how to use them, because it would be cowardice to use them and later blame
them for bad work," said the document read by the journalist.

Another Bolivia Drug War Story Today:

>From The Guardian of London

October 4, 2000:

Alison Spedding Released from Prison

A British anthropologist jailed in La Paz two years ago on drugs charges has
been released on bail after reforms in the Bolivian penal code.

Alison Spedding, 38, who is a novelist and a former university lecturer,
received a 10-year sentence in 1998 when a judge ruled that 2kg of cannabis
found at her home was intended for trafficking. She was allowed to leave jail
last Friday on payment of a £1,300 surety and on condition she stays in La
Paz until the supreme court makes a final decision on her case.

Speaking from a friend's house yesterday, she said: "I am out but I wouldn't
use the word 'free'. I don't know when my case will be heard, so it is not
that great."

Ms Spedding's arrest and imprisonment shocked the academic community in
Britain, who petitioned the Foreign Office to demand her release. She did not
deny possession of the cannabis but said that it was for personal use.

It has been argued that her imprisonment was political since she has been a
prominent opponent of the Bolivian government's crackdown on peasant coca
farmers. Ms Spedding has lived in Bolivia since 1989 and taught at La Paz's
San Andres university, specialising on the Aymara culture, as well as writing
the historical-fantasy trilogy The Road and the Hills....

Full Story at

Yesterday's Press Briefing

October 3, 2000

Last Update at 9:40 p.m. ET (see below)

Banzer's Titanic is Sinking

Plot to Divide Bolivian Social Movements Fails

General Strike Could Begin Thursday

The War on Drugs Meets its Waterloo

The historic drama unfolding in the South American nation of Bolivia deserves
the attention and support of all América. It is there that Bolívar's dream is
awakening. The impact on the hemisphere, indeed the world, will be felt for
years to come.

History is knocking on América's door once again.

But where is the US media? Where are its correspondents, special reporters,
camera crews and helicopters? The United States press corps has made a
profound error in believing those -- from the US State Department to the
Associated Press organization -- who have signaled, blindly and incorrectly,
that the social revolt in Bolivia will be quelled by their troops in La Paz,
above all, by the dictator-turned-"president" Hugo Banzer.

Let history take note of the words of yet another "unnamed State Department
source" quoted by Marcela Sanchez of the Washington post last week:

A senior State Department official, who asked not to be named, recognized the
current problem in Bolivia but didn't think it is "all that terrible."

"We have full confidence President [Hugo] Banzer and his government will get
through this," he added. The official indicated that he sympathized with the
coca growers but added that "We cannot forget that what they are doing is

Let history also note what could and should be the final report from the
"cacique journalist" Peter McFarren of the Associated Press in La Paz, when
against all factual record, he wrote this past weekend that the movement is
based on "anti-white sentiment." Narco News vows: This will be the last
unchecked lie by Mr. McFarren, who has no business posing as a journalist
when his multi-million dollar empire in Bolivia is among the powers of the
corrupted status quo that seek, desperately, to quell a revolt that will not
be stopped. Coming this week on Narco News: The Untold Story of AP's Peter

The Banzer-McFarren-Washington strategy had been to divide the social
movements: to treat the striking teachers, the water warriors, the
coca-growers, the unions and the regional movements as they are treated
inside the United States: as "interest groups." They tried to buy off the
teachers and other groups and isolate the coca-growers leadership to justify
the final bloody solution. Indeed, this beast in its death throes could lash
out against the Bolivian people with brutal violence at any moment.

But what Power forgot is that, even in this 21st century, there exists the
human spirit, "national conscience," the moral of solidarity, all the values
that Power and its mediated armies have tried to stamp out in its thirst to
"globalize" the planet under economic dominion with the drug war as its sword.

In recent days, the Banzer government made surgical concessions to various
fronts in the movement in its attempt to isolate and ready the coca-growers
for destruction. It signed an agreement with the rural teachers union leaders
to give them more money. It pledged to respect the April agreements on water
policy that it had already broken. It feigned a "suspension" of construction
of three new military bases in the Chapare region in an attempt to calm the
local public outrage. And Washington's lips did not even move in its
ventriloquy when Banzer announced: The coca crop will be totally eradicated,
even that which produces coca leaf -- and not cocaine -- for safe peasant

All the players were in place to crush the movement. And with no other major
media present, AP's McFarren was set to control the English-language spin, to
dress up even massacres in the perfume of an "anti-drug" victory.

Power's maneuver, however, did not go as planned. The 80,000 striking urban
teachers condemned the rural teachers leadership for selling out the
movement. The 50,000 rural teachers followed by condemning their own leaders
and refusing to go along with the deal. They, and the popular movements to
preserve Bolivia's water supplies, announced that there will be no solution
until the demands by all the movement's sectors, including the coca-growers,
are resolved. The coca-growers and peasants continued the blockades that
paralyze the nation and its commerce. The urban populations in La Paz and
elsewhere took to the streets yesterday and were repelled by the tear-gasses
of the regime.

And then Banzer made his final error. His Air Force had been working overtime
to fly food into the capital of La Paz and other cities: road access is
already a distant memory. But the food did not go to the popular markets,
which are empty. Instead, what food is available has been channeled to the
Five Star Hotels, the expensive Supermarkets and the walled neighborhoods of
the wealthy.

The great majority of Bolivia's urban population, until now sympathetic to
the social demands in the country but unmobilized and irritated by the
shortages of basic products, has now seen what the entire regime is based
upon: The protection, at all costs, of the super wealthy class and the
US-imposed drug policy that keeps the poor and the worker down.

If there is any doubt that all this madness has at its root the US-imposed
war on drugs, the report we publish today from correspondent Jim Shultz in
Cochabamba, Bolivia, makes clear that this fact is beyond doubt:


The US-backed regime of Banzer in Bolivia has attempted, through trickery and
media manipulation, to divide and conquer the social movements. And yet it
has only made them stronger, more united, and ready. Coca-growers leader Evo
Morales yesterday sounded the battle cry: "Coca or Blood." All popular
sectors are now moving against the Banzer regime, now joined by the urban
workers to the middle class.

The professional association of market shopkeepers has just delivered the
final warning: Meet the social demands of all the sectors, or Thursday they
will shut down the markets. In other words; General Strike.

The passengers of Banzer's Titanic will not go down without a fight. The drug
war is, by definition, the Titanic as policy: a ship that saves only a few
and damns the many.

Do not turn your eyes from the great shaking events of this moment. The 21st
Century begins with a bang from below.

The US-imposed War on Drugs meets its Waterloo on the high plains of Bolivia.

Right here, right now, history is in the making.

...from somewhere in a country called América,

Al Giordano


The Narco News Bulletin



Today's Translations and Reports

>From wire services

Tuesday, October 3, 2000:

Solidarity Between Coca-Growers, Teachers and Peasants Makes Solution to the
Crisis Difficult

LA PAZ (DPA y AFP). The solidarity between coca-growers, teachers and
peasants made it difficult to find a solution for the social conflicts that
have affected Bolivia for 15 days.

Analysts expressed their concern over this fact because it creates a
situation where "all the demands must be solved or the pressure tactics will
not cease."

They recalled that the principal leader of the rural teachers, Fredd Núñez,
said very clearly that they will accept the official offer of a bonus of
1,500 bolivianos ($238 US dollars) in two payments, but this does not mean
that the general strike will be lifted, nor the blockade of roads, until the
peasant demands are met.

The professors accepted their two bonuses, but conditioned their return to
classes on the suspension of the road blockades by the farmers. In such, the
congressman and agricultural leader Evo Morales predicted that they will
insist that the government permit the farming of a "cato" (40 by 40 square
meter plot) per family, so that the families can survive.

According to Morales, this is the only way that 35,000 coca-producing
families can make a living. But they are ready to listen to the offers of the
government that could mean a real alternative.

The Executive Branch is disposed to cede some more to the coca-growers who
have blocked the roads since September 18 in protest against the eradication
of coca and the construction of military bases in the tropical region of
Chapare, the major producing center of the bush in Bolivia.

The confrontations in the past two weeks between peasants and combined forces
of the Army and the police have caused 10 deaths, 128 wounded and an
undetermined number of prisoners, according to the Permanent Assembly of
Human Rights of Bolivia (APDHB).

The Assembly said that the most recent victim was found on Saturday in the
town of Vinto, near Cochabamba, a distance of 403 kilometers from La Paz,
where the peasant Benito Espinoza, 15-years-old, died from a bullet wound.
The facts were confirmed by opposition congressman Manuel Suárez, chairman of
the Committee on the Constitution.

Another civic organization threatened to hold mass mobilizations in the state
of Cochabamba if the government of president Hugo Banzer does not disactivate
the social convulsion by Wednesday.

The Coordinator for Defense of Water and Life gave the government 48 hours to
attend to the demands of the teachers, coca-growers and peasants, said its
spokesman Óscar Olivera.

The Catholic Church, the Public Defender and the APDHB called upon the
government and the sectors now on strike in La Paz to begin a dialogue to
seek a solution.

Bolivian Tension Mounts As Roadblock Talks Continue

Updated 2:18 PM ET October 3, 2000
By Gilbert Le Gras

LA PAZ, Bolivia (Reuters) - Tension mounted in Bolivia Tuesday as the
government repeated threats to deploy troops if coca growers, peasants and
teachers do not abandon roadblocks set up 16 days ago that have paralyzed big

"We're talking, we're working on solutions, but if we stop talking and stop
seeking solutions then we'll clear the roadblocks," Government Minister
Guillermo Fortun said, according to radio news reports.

A government-imposed noon (1400 GMT) deadline came and went as ministers
huddled with peasants in La Paz without soldiers being deployed in the
stalemate with coca growers and teachers. Fortun said as long as talks
continue with one of three protest groups no troops would be sent to clear

Ten protesters died last week in clashes with security forces over their
demands for higher teachers' pay, abolition of a water tax and opposition to
the eradication of coca -- the raw material used in the production of cocaine.

"As long as the government is unwilling to discuss the coca issue we won't
have an agreement," said Congressman Evo Morales, head of the coca growers

The situation in Bolivia has become increasingly tense as the blockade of all
roads leading into the capital La Paz and the agricultural hubs of Santa Cruz
and Cochabamba has caused food prices to skyrocket. The Bolivian air force
said it has flown two million pounds of food to La Paz, Cochabamba, Santa
Cruz, San Borja and Cobija to restock supermarket shelves.

"These flights are a guarantee that food stocks in La Paz won't be drawn
down," said La Paz Mayor German Velasco.

While coca growers welcomed a government offer not to build three army
barracks in the coca-growing Chapare region, they refused to lift roadblocks
until the region's 40,000 families are allowed to grow 2.5 acres (1 hectare)
each of coca for traditional use.

Andean Indians use the bitter leaf for religious and medicinal purposes,
including easing the pangs of hunger and thirst and coping with altitude
sickness. Some coca production is legal.

At the height of coca production about five years ago, one in every eight
Bolivians made a living off coca. Bolivia is the world's third largest
producer of coca after Colombia and Peru.

But Bolivia, one of the Western Hemisphere's poorest nations, has
significantly reduced coca production in the past five years in exchange for
U.S. aid.

The government of President Hugo Banzer, a military dictator of the 1970s who
was elected president in 1997, has vowed to rid the nation of illegal coca

Bolivian government ministers have tried to present a $63 million rural
development package to the peasants which includes crop diversification as
well as the extension of electrical and telephone services to remote areas.

But coca growers are skeptical of government suggestions they grow pineapples
and bananas instead of the bitter leaf.

Meat prices have doubled and the cost of some vegetables quadrupled since the
roadblocks began. Some foreign tourists have been stranded by cut-off roads
or fear of protesters.

While the government negotiated with coca growers and peasants, talks with
teachers failed after an agreement in principle with rural teachers was
reversed by about half of the 50,000 union members.

Teachers were the government's best hope of dividing the coalition of
strikers but the rejection of the plan by Bolivia's 80,000 urban teachers
seemed to turn the tide.

The government offered them a $40 raise for the remainder of this year and a
$200 pay hike over all of next year. Teachers earn $150-$200 a month in this
Andean nation of eight million people, where average annual income is about

>From the daily La Razon, La Paz, Bolivia

October 3, 2000:

The Food Doesn't Come to the Markets

Hotels, Supermarkets and Residential Zones are the Beneficiaries of the State

In the Popular Markets the Shortages Continue

As of this moment, the aerial food source established by the La Paz state
government is stocking supermarkets, hotels and part of the Southern zone of
the city. But few products reach the popular markets.

Among the 84,000 kilos of beef and chicken, the almost 50 bags of carrots and
onions that arrived yesterday at the Military Air Transport base (TAM), many
products were shipped to hotels due to a previous agreement....

The 20,000 kilos of chicken brought yesterday by the Sofía company were
delivered to distributors and from there the businessmen brought the foods to
the residential zones because there they pay more. The director of the
chicken business, Sofía, Rafael Sena, said that his product goes to the
markets of La Paz and El Alto, but in the distribution chain there are
middlemen who determine where the product will go.


But for the majority of the population, onions and tomatoes, those
irreplaceable ingredients of preparing ahogado and chorrellana, have become
luxury items in recent days.

The shopkeepers in El Tejar, Rodrígues and Yungas offer their last onions at
five bolivianas per pound. The cost of tomatoes, that are brought from
Cochabamba, Santa Cruz or Rio Abajo, rose from 1.5 to 5 bolivianos per pound.

Doña Zenobia of Ormachea, housewife in Villa Victoria, sought unsuccesfully
yesterday morning to find beef, onion, carrots or tomatoes. "The sellers are
proud if they have three or four onions. We discussed with one of them the
price and they insulted us."

On Thursday the Food Warehouses Could Close

The Bolivia Federation of Professional Organizations called for a 24 hour
strike on Thursday, October 5th, in the entire country, closing all markets.
The measure is in support of the teachers and peasants currently in
confrontation with the government. The leader of this sector, Francisco
Figueroa, made the announcement yesterday, after a march of nearly 3,000
professionals in the Ceja of El Alto.

The principal demand of the professionals is that the government accept talks
with the peasant leaders on their turf in Achacachi, as has proposed the
principal peasant leader Felipe Quispe....

>From Allied Press Limited (New Zealand news agency)

October 2, 2000:


La Paz: Bolivian government officials hope talks today with coca growers,
teachers and peasants will bring an end to road blocks that have choked food
deliveries and led to 10 deaths.

"I think we'll reach an agreement but I think we could have avoided this
conflict had the government listened to the peasants' demands," the Roman
Catholic archbishop of La Paz, Jesus Juárez, told Reuters.

Bolivia, one of the western hemisphere's poorest nations, has been paralysed
for the last 12 days since tens of thousands of coca growers, peasants and
teachers laid stones and boulders on highways to force the government to
address their demands.

Peasants are against a campaign to eradicate most cultivation of coca leaf,
the raw material of cocaine. In addition, teachers want a 50% pay rise and
other protesters accuse the government of reneging on promised pay rises to

Ten people have been killed in clashes in the past week.

Three were shot at a protest on Thursday at Huarina on the shores of Lake

Witnesses said a Bolivian Air Force plane opened fire on the group.
Government officials claimed the plane "only shot in the air" but they were
awaiting autopsy results to see if the fatal wounds matched the .50-calibre
bullets of the aircraft.

President Hugo Banzer agreed to negotiate with the three groups separately
over the weekend, meeting with the coca growers in the lowland city of Santa
Cruz, teachers in La Paz and peasants in Pucarani, 30km northwest of La Paz,
near Lake Titicaca.

Talks with coca growers are likely to prove to be the toughest of the three
because of the government's reluctance to jeopardise $US157 million in US aid
over the next two years that is contingent on wiping out coca in the Chapare
by 2002.

"The road blocks will continue; we'll change tactics. We'll block roads north
of La Paz that lead to other departments," said Tupac Katari peasant leader
Felipe Quispe, who held a press briefing in La Paz after hiding for 11 days.

Bolivia has proportionately by far the largest Amerindian population of any
nation in the Americas, with more than 55% of its eight million people of
native extraction.

Average annual income in Bolivia is $US1000 ($NZ2449) and it has one of the
hemisphere's worst infant mortality rates, at 69 per thousand live births.

While all three groups have separate specific demands, they all want the
coalition government led by Mr Banzer - a military dictator in the 1970s but
who was democratically elected in 1997 - to address the root causes of
Bolivia's chronic poverty.

"The church wanted to negotiate everything in one package; that would be
fatal. As the president said, we're not going to stop eradicating coca in the
Chapare region and we will build military barracks there for surveillance,"
Information Minister Manfredo Kempff told Reuters.

Mr Kempff estimated coca sales yielded $US250 million to $US500 million to
the underground economy in a nation with a gross domestic product of $US8

"We've proposed that they grow pineapples or bananas instead but those crops
just do not pay as well as coca, so that's the challenge we face in Bolivia,"
Mr Kempff said.

Coca growers say coca pays well, can be harvested three times a year and is
easy to transport, compared with pineapples - which spoil easily - and
bananas, which fetch only low prices.

>From the French Press Agency (AFP)

7:47 p.m. EST October 3, 2000:

Dialogue Between Government and Coca Growers Reaches Dead End

Coca Growers' Leader Rejects the Most Recent Official Proposal to End the
Blockade of Bolivian Roads

La Paz, Bolivia 03-OCT-00

The dialogue between the Bolivian Government and the powerful coca growers
union that still controls the principal highway of the nation, hit a dead end
on Tuesday, after the leader of the coca growers, Congressman Evo Morales,
rejected the final official proposal.

"We have rejected a fourth recess of two weeks that calls for the end of the
road blockade, proposed by the government," Morales affirmed in a telephone
interview from Villa Tunari in the State of Chapare, 600 kilometers east of
La Paz.

The leader of 60,000 indigenous families who survive from the cultivation of
coca leaf, Morales indicated that the coca growers " will not cede our
decision to cultivate a cato (a 40 by 40 meter parcel) of coca" for family

This position, worked on during the dialogue, was absolutely rejected by the
government, whose main claim to fame is the destruction of 90 percent of the
coca crops destined to drug trafficking from Chapare.

On another flank, the government is still negotiating to open a dialogue with
the peasants of the high plains and valleys who remain in control of the
roads in the west and center of the country.

Updated 9:40 PM ET October 3, 2000
By Gilbert Le Gras, Reuters

Bolivian Leader Confident Talks Will End Protests

LA PAZ, Bolivia (Reuters) - Bolivian President Hugo Banzer said Tuesday the
government was close to negotiating a deal to end a protest by teachers,
peasants and coca growers that has paralyzed Bolivia's major cities with
roadblocks for 16 days.

"We're close to solving this," Banzer said in a national radio address. "As
long as dialogue exists, there's hope for a peaceful solution without the use
of force to take down the roadblocks."

The government had threatened to deploy soldiers to remove the roadblocks,
but its noon (EDT) deadline came and went without action despite a stalemate
with coca growers as Cabinet ministers huddled with peasants and teachers in
La Paz.

Government Minister Guillermo Fortun said as long as talks continued with at
least one of the three protest groups, no troops would be sent to clear the

"We are firmly behind the democratic and constitutional government of
President Banzer," U.S. Ambassador Manuel Rocha told reporters, calling the
crisis a threat to Bolivia's socioeconomic reforms.

Coca growers did not return to the negotiating table on Tuesday. While they
welcomed a government offer not to build three army barracks in the key
coca-growing Chapare region, they refused to lift the roadblocks until the
region's 40,000 families are allowed to grow 2.5 acres (1 hectare) of coca
for traditional use.


U.S. diplomats said as long as troop numbers were increased at the barracks
along the highway at either end of the Chapare region, they would be
reassured that surveillance would be sufficient to prevent the return of coca
cultivation there....

Narco News Commentary: Read between the lines of the US and Bolivian
government statements. The only way they can end the unrest is to allow
peasant families to grow a small amount of coca per family. As US officials
micro-manage the situation from afar, insisting that a sovereign nation set
up roadblocks against its own people "along the highway at either end of the
Chapare region," they are finessing the bottom line: coca growing may be
decriminalized for small scale producers. In other words, harm reduction in
Bolivia. And yet the governments, rather than trumpet such a move as
progress, will instead go to all lengths to claim it didn't happen.

This, of course, is only one possible outcome of these earthshaking events.
We will continue translating and publishing the fast-breaking developments
for our readers, round the clock.

More Reports As They Come In

Recent Press Briefings

Zero Hour in Bolivia (Sunday-Monday Briefings)

Bolivia, US, "Narco-tize" the Conflict (Friday-Saturday Briefings)

Thursday's Bolivia Press Briefing (Important Background Info)

September 22-27 Press Briefing: Perú Analysis

September 21 Press Briefing on the Closing of the Geopolitical Drug

Archive of Press Briefings September 19-20

Archive of Press Briefings September 8-18

Archive of Press Briefings September 1-7

Archive of Press Briefings from August 24-30

This is your war. This is your war on drugs. Any questions?


More Plan Colombia News Beginning on our Front Page


The War on Drugs Meets its Waterloo
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

<A HREF="http://www.ctrl.org/">www.ctrl.org</A>
CTRL is a discussion & informational exchange list. Proselytizing propagandic
screeds are unwelcomed. Substance—not soap-boxing—please!  These are
sordid matters and 'conspiracy theory'—with its many half-truths, mis-
directions and outright frauds—is used politically by different groups with
major and minor effects spread throughout the spectrum of time and thought.
That being said, CTRLgives no endorsement to the validity of posts, and
always suggests to readers; be wary of what you read. CTRL gives no
credence to Holocaust denial and nazi's need not apply.

Let us please be civil and as always, Caveat Lector.
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