-Caveat Lector-

Arutz Sheva News Service


Thursday, Oct. 5, 2000 / Tishrei 6, 5761


During these critical days for the State of Israel, the picture
being painted by the world media - now, more than ever - is of a
"cruel and domineering Israel suppressing the civil rights of the
peace-loving Arab population."  Many of you have written to us
that Arutz-7 is serving a critical function in reporting vital
information needed to correctly understand the situation.  We
ask, therefore, that you disseminate our reports - even those of
the past days - to as many of your acquaintances as possible, in
order to neutralize just a bit more the one-sided version of the
events being presented to much of the world.  Thank you.


   8. IN BRIEF


The ceasefire promised by Arafat in the Rosh HaShanah Arab
Assault does not seem to be holding - and a Tanzim leader said
today that a decision has been made to "militarily clash" with
the IDF in a Palestinian city tomorrow.  Fatah leaders have
called on their members to arrive and demonstrate at the mosque
on the Temple Mount tomorrow.

An Israeli from Tiberias was moderately injured late this
afternoon when he was attacked by an Israeli-Arab mob near Beit
Rimon; the Arabs shot on his car and threw rocks at him.  Heavy
fire is being exchanged outside Netzarim, after Arabs resumed
their assault on Israeli troops there this afternoon.  Two Arabs
were shot and killed while climbing the roof of an Israeli
outpost at the Netzarim Junction.  The Arabs have stationed
ambulances - which they know will not be targeted by the Israelis
- at the site, but have been seen removing ready-made firebombs
from the ambulances and throwing them in the direction of the

Shots were also fired on IDF soldiers in Kalkilye, as well as on
Hevron's Beit HaShishah; one of the bullets penetrated a room in
a home there.  The wave of Arab-ignited blazes continued with new
cases of arson in the north this afternoon, and to date has
claimed some 9,000 dunams of Israeli landscape.

At least 23 rock-throwing incidents were registered in the towns
of Ramle and Lod in the past 30 hours.

Last night:

        Shots were fired at the southern Jerusalem neighborhood
of Gilo; at least one bullet penetrated a home, but no one was
injured.  A resident there said this was not the first shooting
there, "but only the first one that actually hit..."

        Heavy exchanges of fire were registered at Psagot and
Joseph's Tomb in Shechem...

        Shots were fired at Kiryat Arba and Jewish homes in
Hevron, as well as at Dugit, N'vei Dekalim, and Morag in Gush

        Travel to and from Netzarim is only via helicopter; the
commander of the IDF brigade in northern Gaza told Arutz-7's Kobi
Finkler that he hopes that within days, land transportation to
Netzarim will go back to normal; "if not, then sooner or later,
we will open the roads..."

Earlier today, the IDF took in-the-field measures for the
"cease-fire:"  It withdrew its forces from the Ayosh Junction -
within Israeli-controlled territory, immediately north of
Ramallah - which was the scene of several intense battles over
the past few days, and closed it to Israeli traffic.  Beit El
residents, who normally use the Israeli-controlled intersection
to drive to and from home, are being routed through a nearby army
camp instead.  After Israeli and Palestinian officers met today
to discuss ceasefire arrangements, IDF tanks were also withdrawn
from other recent battle zones, such as Psagot, Netzarim, the
Bethlehem region, and N'vei Dekalim.


A frustrated and somewhat humiliated Israeli delegation returned
home this morning from Paris, after Yasser Arafat did not show up
for the signing of the cease-fire agreement on which the
Americans, Israelis, and Palestinians worked all night.  Arafat
continues to demand the establishment of an international
commission of inquiry about the past week's violence.

Upon his return to Israel, Prime Minister Barak reported to his
Cabinet that despite the lack of an agreement, Arafat had
"unequivocally committed himself, to the U.S., to halt the
disturbances on the Palestinian side, including shooting by the
Tanzim and Palestinian policemen at IDF forces."  [The Tanzim is
a quasi-military Fatah militia whose members, all of whom were
imprisoned by Israel in the intifada, initiate and organize
confrontations against Israel, not solely controlled by Arafat.]

Barak also said, "We have witnessed during the past days hundreds
of [Palestinian] violations of all the agreements which have been
signed with them, starting with the existence of armed militias
and ending in the use of live fire...  It is not clear whether we
in fact have a partner for peace [in Arafat], and unfortunately,
the time has not yet come for us to beat our swords into

Makor Rishon correspondent Riki Shushan, who accompanied Barak to
Paris and back, reported afterwards, "This was a very humiliating
night for Barak - no one ever humiliated him like [French
President] Chirac and Arafat did last night.  Immediately after
word of an agreement was released in the U.S. Embassy in the
middle of the night, Arafat walked out in anger, saying, 'You're
not respecting me!' Albright ran after him, begging him to stay,
just like little kids - it was unbelievable.  Arafat didn't stop,
so then Albright ordered the gates locked so that he would not be
able to get out!  Later, after everyone had left, they then
returned again to the Embassy, where they were all supposed to
sign the agreement - they were all standing around waiting for
Arafat, but it turned out that he simply decided not to show up!
This was a big slap in the face for Albright and the U.S.
Chirac and Arafat worked together against the Americans and
Israelis."  Barak security-aide Danny Yatom confirmed that Chirac
had worked to convince Arafat to stand firm in his demands for an
international investigation.

Yasser Arafat and U.S. Secretary of State Albright met in Sharm
a-Sheikh with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak today - without
Prime Minister Barak.  No "breakthrough" was reported.  Albright
has transmitted an invitation to all the negotiating teams to
arrive in Washington next Tuesday.


Talk of an emergency national-unity government is once again the
order of the day, and Prime Minister Barak is likely to initiate
the idea within a few weeks.  A senior Prime Ministerial aide
said that the idea would be actualized if it becomes clear that
Israel has no partner for peace.

The proposal was first raised today by Communications Minister
Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, and was soon seconded by Shas leader Eli
Yeshai, MK Michael Kleiner (Herut), Likud members - and even
President Moshe Katzav.  Opposition leader Ariel Sharon has not
committed himself one way or another, saying today that though he
has been briefed continually by Barak, they did not discuss
political options.  Sharon said he would back Barak for as long
as he stands firm against the Palestinian violence.

The opposition parties have agreed to work together regarding the
possibility of a national-unity government.  During a meeting of
opposition representatives this afternoon, each party agreed to
inform the others in the event that One Israel invites it to join
such a government, but they did not commit themselves to take a
unanimous course of action in such a case.  National Religious
Party MK Sha'ul Yahalom said that his party would be likely to
accept such an invitation, on condition that the diplomatic
process changes and the secular revolution is put to rest.

One Israel MK Avi Yechezkel explained to Arutz-7 today what he
felt would be the agenda of such a unity government:  "If there
is even a slight possibility for a peace agreement, then let
Barak - we'll assume he'll still be Prime Minister - try to reach
that agreement.  But if it turns out that there is no such
chance, then let's turn our joint attention to a new agenda -
social, civil, settlement - and solve the problems that we have
here at home..."


Despite the heavy incitement in the Palestinian press for Moslem
violence at the Temple Mount following tomorrow's Friday prayers,
no decision has yet been made to close the area for such prayer
by the Israeli security establishment.  Western Wall Rabbi Shmuel
Rabinovitch called today for "significant limitations" to be
placed on Palestinian entry to the Mount, lest rocks again be
thrown on the Jewish worshippers at the Wall below.

The rabbi called upon Jews "not to abandon the Kotel [Wall],"
noting that in previous years, Kotel worshippers during the Ten
Days of Repentance between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur have
numbered well into the thousands, while this year, the number is
drastically down. Rabbi Rabinovitch says that the police have
informed him that the area is totally protected and that the
dangers are nil. The Egged Bus Company is operating special bus
service to the Kotel until 1 AM.  "It's a terrible feeling to see
the Wall so empty - certainly not what it's like every other year
during the Ten Days," he said.

Jerusalem Police Chief Ya'ir Yitzchaki said that the police have
information on major disturbances planned for tomorrow.  He said
that he will recommend that the entry of young Palestinians to
the Mount tomorrow be limited.


After five months of indecision and difference of opinion, Prime
Minister Barak and IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Sha'ul Mofaz have
agreed on a new IDF Chief Rabbi: Lt.-Col. Rabbi Yisrael Weiss.
His appointment has not been well accepted in the army, as he is
lower-ranked than the two military rabbis who had been considered
the natural candidates for the post.  Rabbi Weiss, 51, studied in
the Merkaz HaRav Kook yeshiva in Jerusalem.


MK Dan Meridor (Center party), Chairman of the Knesset Foreign
Affairs and Defense Committee, was harshly critical today of
Prime Minister Barak's decision to negotiate with Arafat in Paris
while shooting was still going on.  The former Likud member said:

        "The Palestinians must be made to pay a price for their
violence...  We must not hold talks at all with them when they
make a changeover from the negotiating table to street
violence...  We have now moved to a new phase, which we might not
be realizing, just as happened in the beginning of the intifada.
Until [last week], the terrorism was always being perpetrated by
Hamas and the like - but now it's being done by the exact people
with whom we are talking!  This must be a red light, one that
stops the process.  We must not allow ourselves to become
accustomed to this reality - of shooting on Jerusalem, and people
locked in their homes, and people getting food only by
helicopter...  [In answer to a question:] Yes, I think Arafat can
control the violence - but if he can't, then why are we talking
with him?"

Meridor denied that there was any connection between Ariel
Sharon's visit to the Temple Mount last week and the violence:
"So they didn't like his visit - so what?  Do we like everything
that they do?  Barak has said many times that we will not give up
on that which is holy to Israel, and the Temple Mount is the
holiest site in the world to the Jewish people."


Gush Etzion Regional Council chief Sha'ul Goldstein commented
today on the army's decision to close roads that are threatened
by Arab violence:  "The closing of the Tunnels Road - the
connection between Gush Etzion and Jerusalem - and the other road
closings are a scandal of the first order.  The government must
wake up and order the army to station tanks facing and
threatening Beit Jalla [the Arab village from which shots were
fired on Jewish targets].  What, guns should cause a major
Israeli artery to close down?  This brings us back 52 years!"

Hevron Jewish Community spokesman David Wilder similarly
commented, "In many cases the Israeli army, rather than try to
insure security on the roads, simply closes them.  One of the
most ludicrous instances concerns the trans-Judea highway,
leading from Hebron to Ashkelon via Kiryat Gat.  This road also
provides easy access to Beit Shemesh, bypassing Jerusalem.  A few
miles out of Hebron is the Halhul bridge that crosses over the
road from above. This bridge is under total Arafat-control, while
the road below is under Israeli control.  For the past week,
Arabs have been using the bridge to bombard any moving vehicle
with Israeli license plates traveling under it.  Rather than send
in Israeli troops to take over the bridge, or rather than use one
missile to take the bridge down, Israel has closed the road.
This, because the road is in "Arafat territory" and Israeli
prefers not to 'react too harshly' to the continued attacks..."

Yesha residents blocked the Ofrah-Psagot road to Arab traffic for
several hours yesterday, saying, "If we can't travel freely on
the roads, then why should the Palestinians be able to?"


Hamas terrorists from prison.  Security elements fear renewed
terrorist attacks...

        The Knesset will convene next Wednesday for a special
session on the events of the past days.  So decided Knesset
Speaker Avraham Burg today, after consulting with coalition and
opposition leaders.  The session will be pushed off until after
Sukkot (Oct. 14-21) if the violence continues...

        A Smith Institute poll finds that 2/3 of secular citizens
in Israel believe in a Creator and in His influence over human
activities and fate...

        The Movement for Quality Government in Israel has
demanded that Attorney-General Rubenstein order the indictment of
Israeli-Arab citizens who took part in the recent riots. The
movement argues that if the state ignores the crimes that were
perpetrated - property-damage, road-blockings, injurious throwing
of rocks, bricks, and firebombs, and more - it will not be able
to enforce the law in the future...

Hebrew News Editor:  Haggai Segal and Haggai Seri
English News Editor:  Hillel Fendel

             Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, YHVH, TZEVAOT

  FROM THE DESK OF:                    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                      *Mike Spitzer*     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                         ~~~~~~~~          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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       Shalom, A Salaam Aleikum, and to all, A Good Day.

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