-Caveat Lector-

This is sent along for your information and consideration only.  I do not
necessarily support, believe nor condone this post.  In fact, I do not quiet
know what to make of it as the memo at the bottom does not mention anthrax.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 06, 2000 2:50 AM
Subject: Feds decide DEFINITELY to use Anthrax against innocent U.S.

(Sent to USCMike1's 43,397+ readers -URGENT!  please repost to your own
mailing lists and newsgroups, thanks!)

Feds decide DEFINITELY to use Anthrax against innocent U.S. Citizens

Dear Citizens, Patriots, Constitutionalists, Veterans, (and this time: the
Civilian Militia) et al:

    Please read the post below about how our U.S. Army will be spraying
(probably with fake contrails but actually chemtrails and biotrails)
BIOLOGICAL WARFARE AGENTS upon us U.S. Citizens and civilians in a "test" to
determine how well biological warfare agents can be dispersed and how well
they can work against us!!!!

    Actually, our government and military has been perpetrating biological
warfare against us citizens and American Indians ever since our founding
fathers created this once great nation.  My ancestors are indigenous, native
Cherokee Indians and the U.S. Army, in a deceptive gesture of good will,
distributed wool blankets to an entire nation of similar Indians in the
days of our nation ( 1754 French-Indian War).  Only trouble was that the
blankets were contaminated and infected with dried pus and serum from U.S.
soldiers who had recently died from the deadly small pox virus.

    Only a tiny percentage of the Indians (even those who were NOT directly
exposed) barely survived, and were scarred and crippled for life - 99% of
victims died because they had never been exposed to such a devastating
disease before and had no immunity to it.  In about the same way, Americans
and Western Europeans infected the Alaskan and Canadian Eskimos with

    The Spaniards brought small pox and measles to Mexico and Central
in the 16th Century and decimated 30 million Indians, bringing the total
number of Indians of the Americas killed by biological warfare to 75

    The ominous fact today is that in the late 1960s, the federal CDC
for Disease Control) determined that small pox had been "eradicated" - wiped
out completely throughout the entire world and that we no longer had to be
innoculated against it.  So now we have two generations of civilians who are
imminently susceptable to small pox and other such devastating diseases.

    Can our government and the United Nations' WHO - World Health
Organization, be so asininely presumptuous to think that mankind could ever
wipe out any and all of a particular type of pathogenic organism?  The only
thing that happened was that there were no reportable cases of small pox for
a few years.  Now it's coming back and nobody is innoculated against it.

    My God, man, we still have the causative organism, Yersenia pestis, that
causes the Black Death or Bubonic Plague that killed 100s of millions of
people over the historical span of the human race.  In fact, Ventura county
just west of Los Angeles county in Southern California has had a continuing
and current EPIDEMIC of Bubonic Plague which is endemic in the ground
squirrel population, which is carried by fleas in their fur, and the fleas
can bite humans and infect them.  Families on a picnic can contract the
Death Plague by merely sitting near a ground squirrel hole where the fleas
can hop onto them and bite them.

    The following post reveals that the U.S. Army generals at Fort Polk Army
Base in Louisiana will be releasing a live bacterium, Bacillus subtilus (or
Bacillus globigii) in a supposed experiment to attemp to detect a biological
agent attack.  They emphatically state that this organism is "virtually

    "Virtually harmless," oh, yeah, right!!!!  Notice they say "virtually."
Virtually means absolutely NOTHING!  Bacillus subtilus causes
or infections and inflamation of the eyes and eyelids and causes upper
respiratory diseases.

    In fact, I just checked Medscape and Medline on the internet and
discovered that there has been a tremendous amount of research using these
supposedly "virtually" harmless organisms and they are doing genetic
engineering of their DNA.  This is to establish what can be done with
Bacillus anthracis to make it absolutely untreatable.

    But that is NOT the half of it!!!   No! Not on your life!  The reason
feds and the Army are using Bacillus subtilus as an experimental organism to
test its delivery, distribution, and infective qualities is because,
according to Tabor's Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary:  "Bacillus subtilus.
common hay bacillus, has close resemblance to Bacillus anthracis."  Bacillus
anthracis causes the dreaded ANTRAX.  Anthrax is what the military is
forceably attempting to vaccinate all soldiers and military personnel
in case of supposed international terrorist biological agent attacks.

    Anthrax is deadly and extremely ugly, almost as bad as the dreaded Ebola
virus in its effects on human beings.  Here is why the Army is testing
Bacillus subtilus on us:

    Both Bacillus Anthracis and Bacillus subtilus are small rod shaped
bacteria what are Gram Positive organisms.  [Gram Positive means that a
particular biological stain or dye will cause the organism to take in the
blue dye and it cannot be washed out because of the organism's cell wall
being too impermeable to allow the dye to wash out of its small pores or
latice structure.  The dye makes it more visible under the microscope.  Gram
Positive suggests a particular type of organism.  Both B. Antracis and B.
subtilus are Gram Positive.]

    They both are also spore-bearing (form endospores) - VERY BAD for us,
they are aerobic!!!  Aerobic means that they can live in air, like float
from a biotrail from an Army or Air Force jet tanker and still live.

    In fact, the worst part is that they form endospores. In comparison,
these are like tiny protective spaceship escape-pods that protect them from
the equivalent of a nuclear blast in human terms.

    Here is how endospores work.  Most bacteria will die within a few
if exposed to adverse physical and environmental conditions.  That means
if you hold most bacteria out in the open air and in the sunlight they will
dry up and get irradiated by heat and ultraviolet rays and DIE!  NOT SO

    The instant a spore-forming bacterium is exposed to a harsh environment,
it immediately shrinks its vital inside organelles (inside of its rod-shaped
cell wall) and forms an endospore (or inside spore) which is the same as a
protective escape-pod.  In this suspended animation condition, the spore can
survive heat, even boiling for many hours, radiation, harsh chemicals, and
all antibiotic medications.  The only way to surely kill an endospore is to
physically burn it with a 2000 degree F flame or put it into an autoclave (a
pressure cooker which raises the pressure to more than double atmospheric
pressure - the pressure breaks open the spore shell) and cook it at 250
degrees F for half an hour in the presence of alcohol or other
antiendosporal, antiviral chemical agent.  Of course that would also cook
kill human beings.

    In fact, Anthrax endospores can live in the soil under conditions of
extreme desert summer heat alternating with winter freezing for many decades
and still be viable if subjected to the proper growth conditions - like
inside the lungs of a human being.

    This is why the Army has been testing for about 4 to 5 years with all
those con-chem-bio trails criss-crossing in the sky above us.  They want to
know how they can best deliver this ugly death to us.

    Anthrax endospores can be dried and powdered and released in biotrails
and take hours or days to settle to the ground and even blow hundreds of
miles to other cities or states.

    The only vaccinations against Anthrax are useless now because the feds
have genetically engineered them to be different and untreatable.  Even the
newest vaccines against Anthrax have caused many of the Gulf War Diseases in
our military personnel who now have Gulf War Syndrome.  Our benevolent U.S.
Government even supplied Saddam Hussein with these organisms to use against
the Persians in Iran in hopes that they would wipe each other out and save
the trouble.  Only, during the Gulf War, Saddam used them against us.  Not
mention that our military also infected 500,000 G.I.s with dangerous,
unapproved, unsafe, experimental vaccinations

    This dried Anthrax powder can affect us in three ways:  1- It can alight
upon and settle into open cuts, abrasions, or sores on our skin and cause
necrotic (dead tissue) areas and then spread throughout our bodies and lymph
immune system.  Twenty per cent of these cutaneous (skin) infections can
result in death if untreated.

    If the Anthrax endospores land on our food and we ingest it, it causes
internal bleeding similar to the Ebola virus hemorrhagic infections.  But
even with antibiotic treatment 20 to 60 per cent of the victims die anyway.

    The most deadly form of Anthrax is airborne (respiratory) if we inhale
it.  This form is equally as deadly as Ebola and even with early treatment
after the onset of symptoms Anthrax is INVARIABLY fatal!

    My background is in the medical field and I have been warning people,
citizens, Patriots, Veterans, and the Civilian Militia for almost 4 years
about what is happening.  With the assistance of my mainstream medical
colleagues, I have developed a series of pre- and post exposure therapies
treatments to help protect people from exposure to and infection by
biological and chemical warfare agents.  In future posts I may be able to
explain some of them to you and how to enhance your immune system to fight
off infections.

    Here is the post about the Army planning to spray and expose us
to Bacillus subtilis as a biological warfare agent experiment to simulate
Bacillus anthracis.  It is because of this close relationship between B.
subtilis and B. anthracis that they are using B. subtilis because it is
to experiment with both physically and genetically, although is DOES kill
people too.  THEN they will enhance Bacillus anthracis and attemp to
exterminate us.

    This is why I am personally sure that the feds are going to attack
certain areas of the U.S. civilian population with ANTHRAX.  They have
already tested 1000s of delivery and dispersion systems from biotrail
aircraft and literally 1000s of civilians have become ill with these
"virtually harmless" organisms (in preparation for the real deadly
organisms).  Hundreds of older people, people with depressed immune systems
and children have actually died from these clandestine, conspiratorial germ
warfare experiments.

    Here is the post about the Army's dastardly upcoming deed!

Michael Johnson

    Many thanks to Janet Lee and JIM MEISINGER <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (sarge),  and [EMAIL PROTECTED] (APFN  egroups) for
forwarding this important post.  And thanks to the American Gulf War
Association for their efforts to bring out this information.

Subj:   Biological Release @ Fort Polk Hearings
 Date:  10/5/00 6:04:07 PM Pacific Daylight Time

Subj:    [apfn] Fwd: Biological Release @ Fort Polk Hearings
  Date: 10/5/00 11:06:38 AM Pacific Daylight Time
  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sarge)
  To:   [EMAIL PROTECTED] (APFN  egroups)
  >What kind of weirdos are in charge of the Pent-a-
  >gone? Experimenting on Americans with Chemtrails -
  >now this!  And how easy would it be for those weirdos
  >to slip in a lethal chemical when 'duped' Army
  personnel are led to think they are releasing a
  >'harmless' agent? Duhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
  >Janet Lee: Meisinger
  >---- Original Message -----
  >Residents of central Louisiana are outraged to learn that officials of
Polk Army Post are scheduling the open-air release of biological agents for
the purpose of testing the Biological Integrated Detection System (BIDS).
agent the Army claims to be released is Bacillus subtilis or Bacillus
globigii (BG) and is said to be "virtually harmless."
  >Senate Reports and other official government documents state that these
agents and many others have been released in the past without the public’s
knowledge or consent, and that these tests or experiments resulted in the
infection and in some cases, death of unwitting civilians. Public outcry is
based on the fact that the Department of Defense (DoD) has established a
clear and consistent track record of withholding and concealing information
vital to the public interest, and has lost all credibility in the eyes of
general public.
  >One of the many documents that will be discussed at these hearings is the
Congressional report, "Biological Testing Involving Human Subjects by the
Department of Defense, 1977". This document discusses the development and
release of bacteria, viruses, fungi and chemicals into the environment and
populated areas, and the devastating affect on the unwitting subjects of
these experiments.
  >Due to the fact that Ft. Polk officials have refused to hold public
hearings, area residents have organized their own hearings to present this
information and invited the Department of the Army and representative of the
Pentagon to attend.
  >Joyce Riley, R.N., BSN, Captain, USAF Reserve (Inactive) is scheduled to
speak on behalf of the American people in regard to the exposures and
experiments conducted in the past and the resulting deaths and diseases of
these releases.
  >The meetings are scheduled for: Tues., 10/3/00, 7PM, DeRidder War
Civic Center, 250 W.7th St., DeRidder, LA. and, Wed., 10/4/00, 5PM, Shoney’s
Restaurant, I-10 & I-49, Lafayette, LA.

  >Local Contacts: Kathy McDaniel, (337) 463-7885, and Bonnie James, (337)
  >To contact the AGWVA by phone, call: 1-(800)-231-7631
  >Government is not reason; it is not eloquence;
  >it is force! Like fire it is a dangerous
  >servant and a fearful master.
  >--George Washington

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