-Caveat Lector-

As, always, Caveat Lector
Click Here: <A HREF="aol://5863:126/alt.conspiracy:644958">Breaking the
Biggest Story in History: transcript of Benjamin Creme's LA Press Conference
Subject: Breaking the Biggest Story in History: transcript of Benjamin
Creme's LA Press Conference
Date: Fri, Oct 6, 2000 8:54 AM
Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This might be of interest to some of you. If you wonder why it's being posted
the above 'conspiracy' groups, the simple reason is that this story threatens
the established so called world order...and is consequently ignored by the
people who control the news media.

Only a few will be open minded enough to consider this possibly true. Hope
your mind is open!

Breaking the Biggest Story in History:
Edited transcript of Benjamin Creme's LA Press Conference of 11/25/97

Announcer:      For over 20 years, a man whom some call a modern-day John the
Baptist has been traveling the globe, telling audiences that the second coming
of Christ will not be a celestial spectacle in a distant future, but is
a real event, unfolding since 1977, behind the scenes of everyday life, and
signifying the reappearance of a great spiritual teacher for all people -- a
World Teacher, who is not only Christ returned, but also the long-awaited
Messiah, Imam Mahdi, Krishna, and the Fifth Buddha, all one and the same
individual.  This World Teacher, whose name is Maitreya, stands at the head of
an enlightened group known as the Masters of Wisdom, who are here to help
humanity solve the problems of the world.

The man with this earth-shaking news is British artist, author, and futurist
Benjamin Creme.  In 1982, at  a news conference in Los Angeles, Mr. Creme
challenged the media to cover this incredible story as it was then just
beginning to unfold.  But news media declined, asking for more tangible
evidence.  Since then, tangible evidence of extraordinary nature and
has been amassing.  And at a news conference on November 25, 1997, Benjamin
Creme presented this evidence:  photographs, reports, correspondence, and
corroboration from a former United States government official, that Benjamin
Creme's story is true.  In the next half hour, this compelling evidence and
highlights of Mr. Creme's news conference will be shown, including his
explanation of who Maitreya is, why he is here, and what this means for our

Mr. Creme's perspectives about the World Teacher and the Masters of Wisdom
derive from and continue the Theosophical teachings introduced by Helena
Blavatsky in 1875 and expanded upon by Alice Bailey from 1919 to 1949.  Both
Blavatsky and Bailey claimed to have received their information telepathically
from one or more of the Masters.  Benjamin Creme also claims such telepathic
contact.  According to Theosophical writings, Maitreya and the Masters would
emerge publicly sometime after 1975.  Since then, second-coming prophets,
preachers, and new-age visionaries have flourished, but Benjamin Creme has
remained separate and distinct from them all.  And now with fifteen years of
hard evidence to back up his story, Mr. Creme has proven himself to be
the  most credible source of information about revelations leading into the

Benjamin Creme:    The Masters are our elder brothers, members of humanity who
advance before us, a group of perfected, illumined, enlightened men who for
millennia have lived in the remote mountain and desert areas of the world, and
from there they have beneficently overseen and stimulated our evolution from
earliest times.  Every cosmic cycle, one or other of these Masters comes into
the world as a teacher for that time -- as Krishna, the Buddha, the Christ,
Mohammed.  These are all Masters, coming  all of them from the same spiritual
center of the world, the Spiritual  Hierarchy of Masters and initiates who
the next kingdom up above the  human.  I was contacted by one of these Masters
way back in January, 1959,  and from then on was prepared  and eventually sent
into the world to make  known the fact of the return to the world of this
of perfected men.

Maitreya, the Master of all the Masters, is the embodiment of the Christ
principle -- that energy of love manifests through him and he releases it
into the world.  And as that is awakened in the human heart, so Maitreya can
work through that individual.  He comes to help us to change the world, and he
sees the major problem for humanity in the discrepancy in living standards
between the developed world (that's us), and the developing world.  At the
moment, some 35,000 people die every day of starvation.  Some 38 million
right now are facing starvation. Maitreya calls this a blasphemy -- millions
people starving to death in a world with a huge surplus, some 10% surplus, of
food.  He says, "Nothing so moves me to grief as this shame."  That compassion
is something which he wishes [to] and will generate in humanity.

He says there is only one way this world will ever know peace, and that is if
create justice in the world.  And there is only one way, he says, we will have
justice, and that is if we share the resources of the world more equitably.
Because he says the tensions inherent in the discrepancy of living standards
between the developed and the developing world have within them the seeds of a
Third World War.  That war would be nuclear and would destroy all life, human
and subhuman, on this planet.  That war will not take place.

Maitreya is absolutely certain that humanity will respond to his call for
justice and sharing, and so create the peace which everybody aspires to,
everybody, if they have any sense, wants peace.  But he cannot, without
infringing our free will, simply hold up his hand and say "there shall be no
war, there shall be no destruction."  He cannot do that.  The laws governing
human free will do not allow it.  So what he has to do, and what he will do,
to galvanize humanity into action on our own behalf.

A:              To support his claim that Maitreya and the Masters are here
ready to help solve our most critical problems, Benjamin Creme presented three
categories of evidence at his news conference.  One category of evidence, a
continuous wave of miraculous events, has already been reported by news media
although, says Mr. Creme, reported as separate phenomena, without knowing that
these events all have a common cause:  Maitreya and the Masters.

BC:             He has created millions of phenomena, miracles, which now
bedazzle all those who come in contact with them.  The visions of the Madonna,
which for example appear to the children at Medjugorje every evening and give
them secrets, similar visions which have occurred in many countries, wherever
there are Christian groups around the world.  Statues which weep real tears
blood.  The statues which open their eyes and close them again.  There is a
35-foot rainbow-colored Madonna which adorns a bank in Florida, people come
every day to see this miracle -- which was vandalized and has restored itself
its original pristine color.  The icon of Jesus in Sydney, Australia, [on?] a
large crucifix which leaks liters of pure olive oil.

These are signs -- to the religious person, a sign that God is there, God is
real, God is looking after them.  They think it is an act of God.  It is not
act of God.  These miracles are the very definite acts of a science unknown to
us but known to all the Masters, the science of the relationship between
and energy, and the interchange of energy into matter and matter back to
The evidence of all of this is being shown in these extraordinary miracles --
the 40-foot-high crosses of light which adorn a fundamentalist Christian
church in Tennessee.  Then -- it happens a lot in England -- holy messages,
housewives cut the vegetables they find that the seeds of the food are
rearranged and spell out "Allah is great, Mohammed is his prophet."

Healing waters which have appeared worldwide, as at Tlacote in Mexico, some of
the most miraculous cures from cancer and AIDS down to warts and boils have
miraculously cured in this way.  Such wells have been created by Maitreya all
over the world -- one in Germany, a place called Nordenau where thousands of
people have taken the water, and one north of New Delhi where suddenly an
well gushed this water, which was found to have miraculous healing properties.
Eventually, there will be 777 of such healing wells, distributed all over the
world, and this will have a most profound effect on the health of humanity in
the future.  There is no end to this perfectly pure healing water which has
magnetized by Maitreya with cosmic energy.  It is this which gives it its
extraordinary healing properties.

I think probably one of the greatest miracles that the world has ever seen, on
the widest possible scale, is the "milk miracle" which occurred in the Hindu
community, north, south, east and west, wherever Hindus did puja in September,
1995, the milk was offered to the gods and the milk disappeared.  It looked in
every case as if the statutes lapped up the milk, it disappeared in seconds.
New Delhi everything stopped.  Parliament closed, millions of people took to
streets with their cans of milk -- in fact, after four days they ran out of
milk.  Of course, these gods made of wood and teak and bronze and copper and
on did not drink the milk.  The miracle was not that they drank the milk.  The
miracle is that the milk disappeared.  It was made to disappear by Maitreya
a group of Masters who specialize in this particular type of miracle.

Also, there is a Lebanese Moslem child who weeps razor-sharp crystals, and yet
absolutely harmless.  She said that a man on a white horse, dressed in white,
told her that this was going to take place and not to be frightened, and that
was a great spiritual sign for the Moslems of Lebanon.

And in this way, he is making his voice heard to the religious groups who need
this kind of sign.  It gives them hope, the hope that there is a spiritual
connection maintained between what they call God and themselves, and that the
future holds hope and that these are the signs of change, change in the ways
the world.  And these changes will be activated by Maitreya.

A:              A second category of evidence presented at Benjamin Creme's
conference consists of personal accounts, reports from private parties who
met very remarkable people, people who in some cases have saved them in the
of time from injury or even death.  These private parties have written to
Benjamin Creme at Share International magazine, of which he is chief editor,
had Mr. Creme confirm that the remarkable people they met were either Maitreya
or a Master.  In addition to these reported encounters, there have been,
according to Mr. Creme, countless others all over the world, where people had
idea that they had actually been helped by one of the Masters.

BC:             There was a survey taken in America not too long ago about
angels, and whether people believed in angels.  And it was found an
extraordinary number -- I think it was up around 80% -- of people who said
they believed in angels and they had had some kind of experience, some saving
situation by an angel -- they were healed or they were saved from an auto
accident or such like.

 In every single case of saving by so-called angels, you have seen a saving
situation by one or other of the Masters. They can make themselves as people
imagine an angel to be.  If people are a bit more sophisticated and maybe
know a
little more about the Masters, they come to them in their own perfectly normal
appearance.  And all of these millions of experiences of angels throughout the
world are, and growingly are, the activity of the Masters.

A:              According to Benjamin Creme, Maitreya himself has appeared to
individuals and also to groups of people around the world.  One of these
appearances was actually documented in a newspaper report, although, says Mr.
Creme, none of the media, including CNN and others who picked up the story,
at the time that this was Maitreya.

BC:             He appeared 'out of the blue' on the 11th of June, 1988, in
Nairobi, Kenya, before 6,000 people.  One moment he wasn't there, the next
moment he was standing beside the woman dressed in blue.  Her name is Mary
Akatsa.  She is a fundamentalist Christian preacher, and he spoke to them in
perfect unaccented Swahili, the native language, for 15 or 20 minutes, and
he disappeared as amazingly as he had come.

A:              Another piece of evidence presented at Benjamin Creme's news
conference is a declaration by a former official of the United States
Information Agency.  This official held a top-security clearance, and says
he has personally met Maitreya.  He also says that other officials he worked
with in the United States government, at the highest levels of other
governments, and even the Vatican, know that Benjamin Creme's story is true,
because these other officials say they have met Maitreya themselves.

A third category of evidence can be verified by anyone with access to a
or the Internet, or by news media through their archives.  This evidence
consists of forecasts of the future, predictions made starting in 1988, which
amazingly included not only unpredictable events such as major earthquakes,
also the most dramatic unexpected shifts in political power since the Second
World War.  Unlike the often-generalized predictions of psychics, these
forecasts specified the nature of each event, the country in which it was to
occur, and, if major political figures were involved, identified them by name.
The predictions were published in Share International magazine and sent to
media starting in 1988.  The source of these forecasts, Mr. Creme says, is
Maitreya himself, who through his profound understanding of the Law of Cause
Effect, can see the consequences of human actions long before we see them in
physical world.

All the evidence taken together -- the wave of miracles, the growing reports
benevolent intervention in people's lives, and the astonishing forecasts of
unexpected changes around the world, lend support to Benjamin Creme's claim
seemingly unexplainable, miraculous events are the work of Maitreya and the
Masters and, wondrously, are only their calling cards.

BC:             There has never been a man of his stature working openly in
world.  He is a colossal avatar.  He has cosmic and other energies working
through him, which leaves him and the Hierarchy as a whole, if I can trust my
own Master -- leaves him in no doubt that he will be successful.  He is a
spiritual teacher, in the broadest sense of that word, talking about the
transformation of all aspects of life, until it fits into a basic spiritual
reality:  that we are brothers and sisters of one humanity, and the way to
demonstrate the spiritual essence of our lives is through our actions.

The simplest of all the changes we need to make is the distribution of the
and other resources of the world.  There is a group of high initiates,
of the Masters, who, in the everyday world, are administrators, financiers,
industrialists of extraordinary success and achievement in their own right,
have worked out with the help of the Masters a whole series of interrelated
plans which will solve the redistribution problems.  And the number two
after the feeding of the starving millions is looking after the ecology of the

This world is very sick indeed.  The air, the waters and the soil of the world
is polluted now to a degree that pollution from the Masters' point of view is
the greatest killer in the world.  Millions of people die every year from
diseases which are actually caused in the first place by pollution. We have to
change our ways.  We have to simplify our lives, and we will find that we are
all living decent, civilized, simpler lives, living in correct relationship
the first time, that we will have a happier and richer, more profound
of  life, which is what everybody wants.

In 1975, five Masters came into five major cities:  one into New York, one
London, one into Darjeeling, one into Geneva, and one into Tokyo.  They were
followed later by two others, one into Moscow and one into Rome.  The one in
Rome is the historical figure, probably the best-known Master of all the
Masters, known to millions of Christians as Jesus.  He will be one of the
of the Masters to come before the world when Maitreya declares himself openly
the whole world.  There are now 13 Masters, plus Maitreya, working in the
in the major cities.  Their energy is so tremendous, their power, their wisdom
and love so beyond or comprehension, that first group of Masters will help
us to transform the world out of all recognition.

A new science will be given to the world.  Maitreya calls it the Technology or
the Science of Light.  This will provide all power needed on earth.  This
will come directly from the sun, and of course its implementation will
life on earth.  No one will be able to corner the power of the future.  The
kings and sheiks will lose their power, as will those who control the gas and
electricity, and above all the nuclear power stations of the world.  The
call the nuclear power stations evil expressions of the greed and misuse of
power of man, and they advise their immediate closing.

There is a very simple fusion process using a simple isotope in water which is
abundant throughout the planet which will give us unlimited, safe, fusion
energy.  And that could be an interim process to the technology of light.  We
shall lift 30-foot stones and deposit them to wherever we are building
that need that size, and we will do it by sound.

An entirely new science is awaiting us when we take the steps to put our house
in order, to create peace and justice and sharing in the world -- the Masters
will reveal to us, by degrees, this extraordinary science which is the science
of everyday life, although hidden and esoteric until now.

When Princess Diana died, there was an extraordinary manifestation of love
the people of Britain.  Maitreya gave potency to this energy of love.  It was,
as it were, a rehearsal for the Day of Declaration.  When Princess Diana died,
there were very meager little plans for her burial . . . and, the people
objected, and the people made their voices heard.  And bit by bit the plans
wider and wider:  horse carriage, a much longer route, millions of people came
from all over the country, even from abroad, to just stand there and watch
cortege pass. Millions more, as I did, watched in on television.  Countless
millions of flowers were put outside the palaces, on the grounds.  It was an
extraordinary manifestation of love, way beyond anything that had happened
before or would have thought possible with the death of Princess Diana.  But
she had an experience from Maitreya in 1989, he gave her a vision.  This
completely reoriented her life, and she began to enter life as a service
activity.  She got involved in hospital work, in shelters, among the homeless,
and so on.  She became an international figure for good, paralleling that of
Mother Theresa, with whom she was great friends. Mother Theresa became her
of role model.  Now, Maitreya gave her an extraordinary power for healing, and
it began to be noticed more and more. What we saw in the response to Princess
Diana's death was almost a kind of rehearsal for the Day of Declaration.

When Maitreya declares himself openly to the world, when he is invited to do
by all the world's media, he's accepted, presented his credentials and they've
said "Alright, come on, tell the world your story, your call," he will
overshadow -- he's omniscient and omnipresent, and he will mentally overshadow
all of humanity simultaneously.  He will come into telepathic rapport with
individual in the world, and each of us will hear him inwardly, silently, in
own language, as if he were speaking directly to us, which in fact he will be.
At the same time there will be hundreds of thousands of miracle cures,
taking place around the planet.  His energy will flow out in colossal potency,
through the hearts of all humanity.

He has said it will be "as if I embrace humanity.  People will feel it even
physically."  That energy of love will galvanize the hearts of all people.
That, if it is anything like the atmosphere of Britain during the funeral of
Princess Diana, will be the most extraordinary feeling that anyone has ever
felt, throughout the world.

A major network in this country has invited Maitreya to come on a major
for an interview, and also in Japan two major Japanese networks have issued
same type of invitation.  Then, obviously, and immediately after that, a
succession of interviews on the BBC and all the major networks of the world.
this way, Maitreya can present to the world his concerns.  And he is a very
practical person.  He is not a religious teacher per se.

Those who look for him as a religious teacher will probably not recognize him.
Maitreya has said, when he appears many will follow him and see him as their
guide, "many will know me not."  And there are very powerful bulwarks of
in the world, media moguls, political agencies, economic corporations and so
who are very, very powerfully frightened, and against, therefore, this
manifestation of Maitreya openly in the world.  For their own purposes, they
seek to hold it back, until it can no longer be held back.  The time has come
when it can no longer be held back.

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ShareRadio (RealAudio) <http://www.shareradio.org>
Aloha, He'Ping,
Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
Roads End

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