-Caveat Lector-

--- Justine Blake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is a reply to something Justine forwarded to me from another
> list,
> supposedly written by a Lubavitcher Jew who therefore believes the
> late
> Rebbe
> Menachem M. Schneerson is the Jewish Messiah.  (The "son of sneer?
> How
> apropos with regard to Lord Jesus Christ and the devil who sneers.)
> Obviously, therefore, the future world civilization is to be built
> upon
> Rebbe
> Schneerson's shoulder according to the supposed "laws" of ancient
> Bronze Age
> Judaism?

I stand by my interpretation of the site as a piece of anti-Semitic
disinformation, and a badly written one at that...... Schneerson died
in 1994, and as of today, still has not risen...... kinda puts the
kabosh on any claim of him being the Messiah.

> Jewish
> "God" and His "Laws" must be fairly impotent since human civilization
> is now
> largely founded upon The New Testament, via Anglo-Protestant USA,

Does this include China, Japan, France, Italy, Greece, etc., or are
they not civilizations?

> of Judaism, not Christianity?  Judaic law, talmudic and otherwise, is
> perfect?

The Jewish laws are set down in the Torah, also known as the Pentateuch
or the Five Books of Moses, to Christians. The Talmud is non-binding
rabbinical commentary.

> lived just over the next hill?  Since this Lubavitcher is so
> fundamentalist,
> I suppose s/he believes Christian civilization is to be destroyed

Being that he is still dead, I don't know that he can believe in much
of anything.

> all Christians "worship Jesus instead of God."  Thus, is
> marxist-leninism
> really a Judaic politikal means to this babylonian talmudic end?

marxist-leninism is atheistic: that means they don't believe ANY God

> lot of
> data are available that seem to point to this possibility:  the
> 3,500-year
> old religion of Judaism teaches that idol worshippers are to be
> exterminated
> from the face of the Earth as quickly as possible by any and all
> means
> possible, exactly what marxist-leninism also decrees about
> Christians.

And every other religion, including Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, etc.

> Since
> Judaism teaches that all Christians are idol worshippers (along with
> everyone
> else in the world who is not Jewish), what do orthodox Jews, such as
> Sen.
> LIEberman, actually believe?

Why don't you ask him?

> So, "laws" that applied to the Bronze Age also apply to the Space Age
> and
> thermonuclear warfare?  Nothing changes?  A cigar is always just a
> cigar?
> How absurd.  What a brood of vipers haughtily making busy with their
> scales
> as they measure tit for tat according to their own manner of
> self-righteousness.

Are you saying that the Bible is changeable to fit the times? Hmmmm,
maybe that's where Klinton got his modus vivendi.

> >In Deuteronomy 17, this false prophet is also described as someone
> who
> would
> >rebel against the authority of the judges of the Jewish people, and
> who
> >should be put to death for his rebelliousness (v. 8-13, esp. v. 12).

Jesus was crucified, a penalty reserved strictly for rebels against the
ROMAN occupiers of Judea. Had Jesus blasphemed against Judaism, they
would have stoned him to death, not turned him over to Rome. Can't be
Jesus being referred to.

> sinless?  How absurd.  If they were so sinless, why then the need for
> a
> Messiah?

The Messiah, in Judaism, is not considered a Savior in the Christian
sense. He was expected to be the one to liberate the Jews from Roman

But the false prophet would
> challenge the
> >authority of the Sanhedrin, thus revealing himself to be an evil
> man.

See above.

> their forefathers.  I am so very sick of religious fundamentalism and
> its
> "horned" boogymen and its own manners of self-righteousness.

Does this include Christian and Islamic fundamentalism?

 ALL Old
> Testament prophesy became obsolete in AD 70 with the destruction of
> Jerusalem, according to the "curse" of Malachi 4:6.

Which reads: (verse 5, for context): Behold, I will send you Elijah the
prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD:
(v.6) And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and
the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the
earth with a curse. Not a word about OT prophecy, or the destruction of
the Temple.

> This
> "learned" wo/man is seriously pondering what a middle eastern tribal
> prophet
> mused some 2,600-years ago.  Okay.  Talk about living in the past,
> even
> worshipping the past.

This would include most practitioners of the world's major religions.

> According to Jews who worship the idol of their now damned religion.
> What
> is:
>        God
>      /     \
> Adam   Eve

> Hmmm.  Could it be a trinity?  What would Adam and Eve have become if
> they
> had not fallen?  The Image of God and the Spiritual Parents of
> Humankind in
> the Kingdom of Heaven ON Earth?

That's the Mormons, not the Jews.

> Lord Jesus did not suffer fools easily, and especially haughty
> religious
> fools and their petty "religious" beliefs, er, I mean opinion, i.e.
> "laws."

I didn't know Jesus and Schneerson knew each other.

> Kosher laws are the result of a more ignorant, "unclean" age.  Some
> have
> theorized that the "law" against eating pork, for instance, really
> has to do
> with the fact that pork tastes very much like human flesh.  Now, if
> one has
> developed a taste for loin of pork and a famine arises, might one's
> neighbor's children begin to look very tasty?

Pork was forbidden because it was known to make people ill at times.
Today modern science has identified the Trichina parasite that causes

> We are all one family, and our only parent is God.  If Mary was such
> a good
> "Jewish mother," then why isn't her presence apparent in nearly every
> Gospel
> verse?  Mary thought Jesus insane, that's why.

Which Bible verse declares this?

Not even His Own
> mother
> supported His Ministry.

That explains her presence at the wedding in Cana, where AT HER URGING
Jesus performed his first miracle, and her presence at the Crucifixion,
and her going down to the tomb with the other women to anoint Jesus'

> This is like saying that Hitler though Jews were merely impolite.
> Tell us
> about the babylonian talmudic teaching concerning Lord Jesus and
> Judas
> flying
> around in the air, fighting with one another, and pissing on one
> another.

Why don't YOU tell us? Book, chapter, verse.

> File this with the babylonian talmudic teaching that Lord Jesus is in
> hell
> for all eternity immersed up to his neck in a pit of boiling sewage.

Again, book, chapter, verse.

> What a
> crock.  This is from the same folks that teach that Lord Jesus was a
> Roman
> soldier's bastard via a hairdresser whore.

This is from Roman sources, not Jewish.

This from a person who
> believes
> it is unGodly to allow women to sit next to men in sin-agog.

Muslims also segregate men and women. Is it sinful for them to do so?

> Excuse me, don't you mean "Jehovah?"  Or is that Yahweh?  What is the
> name
> of
> the god of the Jews since even Moses himself had to ask what "god" he
> was
> speaking to? (Ex. 3:13)

Moses, having grown up in Egypt, had been exposed to Egyptian

> So rabbinical mediators don't separate man from God?

So Christian priests and ministers don't separate man from God?

> This is so twisted I cannot continue.

Is this a threat or a promise?

What a benighted understanding
> of
> "God."  Law is dispassionate, graceless.  However, God is first and
> foremost
> our Loving Father of Grace and Compassion.  Therefore, what does God
> really
> have to do with those who only worship His supposedly unforgiving
> "law?"

OK, if Hitler or Stalin, or someone like that asked God for forgiveness
on his deathbed, would he go to heaven?

 The "spiritual leadership" of some Russian ASHkeNAZI
> marxist-leninists created the modern "science" of concentration
> camps.  What
> goes around, comes around.  Preach hatred, and one is soon forced to
> also
> drink of the bitter wine of that cup of satan.

<passes glass through screen>

> Read on - it's just more of the same sophistic casuistry to deny the
> obvious.
> Now, how are the Lubavitchers going to pull off Schneerson's
> "resurrection?"
> God Save us from that stinking little racist and the vipers
> slithering along
> behind me according to their own manner of "holiness."

<passes mirror through screen>

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