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    The American Missionaries, the Mandarins, and the Opium War : Circa 1839
to 1911
by Dominic S. F. Lee

Our Price: $35.00
Availability: On Order; usually ships within 1-2 weeks.

Hardcover - (April 21, 2000) 362 pages


Editorial Reviews

Book Description
The American Missionaries, The Mandarins, and the Opium War by Dominic Shi
Fong Lee, P.E. is the story of Mr. Lee's family in service to the Qing
Dynasty's government in the 1800's. Mr. Lee, as the oldest son in his family,
received much family history in the form of published and unpublished
manuscripts, paintings and scrolls after his father passed away in San
The American Missionaries is of great historical value for its first person
accounts of the people and life in China in the 1800's. The book has over 200
pictures, historical oil paintings, scrolls, photos, Chinese songs and
poetries in original Chinese version at the end of each chapter. It is
written with much historical accuracy about the entire episode of the Opium
War between China and Great Britian in 1838 to 1842.

The story of American missiionaries caught in Canton's thirteen factory
compound, his great-grandfather, Lee Chee Cheng, served as personal aide to
Commissioner Lin Tse-Hsu, who was the architect to suppress the Opium trade
and the love story of Chee Cheng with the daughter of an American Missionary,
Susan King. As time progresses, Chee Cheng withnessed the Tai Ping Rebellion,
the mistreatment of Chinese in the USA and his friendship with Mark Twain,
America's favorite writer during his time.

His son, Chuen Shek was also a Mandarin who served in the Qing's Army as an
amry officer. He also withnessed the Chinese Japanese war in 1895, the Boxer
Rebellion in the 1900 where hundreds of American Missionaries, doctors and
nurses were beheaded by the Qing's officals and the Boxers. The accounts were
horrible and were never been published in any other document. He also witness
the Japan Russian War in 1905 which was fought in Chinese soil. Later he
secretly joined Dr. Sun Yet Sen's Alliance Association in Japan, and helped
Dr. Sun overthrow the Qing government, which ended 267 years of Manchu rule
in China in 1911.
>From the Publisher

Throughout the text, the author uses every opportunity to tell a favorite
Chinese story or to explain particular Chinese poetry. The stories are
wonderful and the poetry is exquisite. The reader experiences a range of
emotions with the American Missionaries....we are happy when Chee Cheng and
Susan marry and envy their wonderful honeymoon. We are angry with the British
for the Opium crisis and their greed. Treaty after treaty leaves China with
less and less of itself intact; it is a severely troubled histroy. The
various rebellions were horrifying. Most interesting is that in the
beginning, Chinese histroy records belief in One God, creator and the flood.
The history of Missornary work to China was recorded in detail and is of a
great historical value.

This book has over 200 pictures, oil paintings, photos, scrolls, and Chinese
songs and poetries in original Chinese version at the end of every chapter,
which are related to the stories of the text and is a joy to read for readers
who know both Chinese and English languages. The Chinese translation of the e
ntire book is also avaiable for extra cost.

It is a very delightful book to read fo the person who wants to learn about
Chinese culture, literature, traditions, the history of China in the 19th
century, and the Missionaries who were responsible to bring the Good News to
Chinese population. It is an extraordinary work for which the author should
be commended.

About the Author
Dominic Shi Fong Lee is the grandson of Lee Chuen Shek and the great-grandson
of Lee Chee Cheng. He was born in Hong King during the Japanese-Chinese War.
He is the oldest of the late Thomas Tung Hai Lee and Theresa Kin Mo Ho Lee
who now resides in San Francisco, California.

Dominic Shi Fong Lee was educated in Macau and Hong Kong at the Tang King Po
High School, where he excelled in Chinese literature and history. He
continued to study the Chinese classics with help of his father and became a
Confucian scholar. He loves Chinese poetry and essays. He is one of the few
Confucian scholars who understands Chinese and western culture and
civilization in the U.S.

Mr. Lee cames to U.S. to study engineering at the University of Missouri
where he received a B.S. Electrical Engineering degree and three other
graduate degrees in Electrical, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. He also
studied civil and environmental engineering at the University of Alaska in
Anchorage. He is a licensed professional engineer in serveral states and owns
and operates one of the most respected construction and engineering firms in
Anchorage, Alaska. His company works on projects on both the East and West
coasts, including Hawaii and Alaska.
Mr. Lee is also an educator who taught engineering as a Vista volunteer at
Lincoln University in Jefferson City, Missouri for four years. Lincoln
University is the first all black college established in the United States by
the 72nd and 73rd colored infantry and U.S. Congress shortly after the Civil
War. Mr. Lee is also an artist for both Chinese brush painting and western
oil painting, a writer, and active in his local church. He has been listed in
Who's Who in American since 1986 and he is very active in the engineering and
construction community. He has received a number of awards and citations for
his achievement.

Mr. Lee currently lives in Anchorage, Alaska where he enjoys the vastness,
winter sports and the beauty of the Great Land. He is working on his second
book of the Lee family, which is about the stories of his late father, Thomas
Tung Hai Lee, and himself, a continuation of this book from 1911 to present.

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Om, Shalom, Salaam.
Em Hotep, Peace Be,
All My Relations.
Omnia Bona Bonis,
Adieu, Adios, Aloha.
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