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Peace at any cost is a Prelude to War!

 <A HREF="http://www.vetsforbush.net/vetsforbush.netx.html">VetsforBush.net -


ARLINGTON, VA (Sep 26) - Of all of Al Gore’s highly publicized fibs and
exaggerations, his “Reinventing Goverment” program may turn out to be his
biggest “dirty little secret” yet, and the administration’s greatest scandal
-- one that impacts national security, the budget, and every government-run
program on the books.

A little-publicized congressional and General Accounting Office (GAO)
investigation, concluded in September 1998, but largely buried until now,
indicates that Vice President Al Gore’s “Reinventing Government” program was
directly tied to, and largely responsible for, a massive growth in government
and contracting fraud, theft, and corruption cases during the Clinton
Administration -- fraud in which literally “trillions” of dollars in
bookkeeping figures were “manipulated up and down, back and forth,” to hide
untold billions of dollars in fraud and thefts. The investigator told
VetsforBush.net that in CY 1999 alone, a sum total of $6.7 Trillion in
“adjustments”were made to cover incredible levels of mismanagement, neglect
and criminal activities.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, one of the investigators -- an expert on
fraud, waste, and abuse in general, and the “Gore-connection” in particular
-- said that while the increase in government-related abuses were known and
discussed within certain Capitol Hill congressional committees, few
legislators and virtually no one in the public sector had drawn the
connection between an historical descent into “utter chaos” in government
accounting procedures and Al Gore’s direct oversight in reshaping government

The significance of the Gore-Chaos-Corruption connection is that previous
disclosures during the Clinton era focused on the President or his White
House staffers, allowing the Vice President to deflect criticism as not
falling within his personal or professional bailiwick.

The congressional and GAO investigators believe that Gore’s ill-conceived and
poorly executed “Reinventing Government” programs resulted in fiscal
responsibility and financial accounting safeguards being “tossed out the
window.” The implications, the source said, are staggering not only for the
Defense Department (DOD) programs they examined and the military readiness
standards that have been devastated, but for any government programs affected
by Gore’s “Reinvention” program.

The programs affected may constitute virtually all aspects of the Executive
Branch’s Federal Government offices and their domestic, foreign, and
financial programs, including Social Security, Medicare, the military, and
all procurement and acquisition channels government-wide.

“Contrary to popular opinion, and even sentiment in the Congress,” the
source said, “the problem is not with levels of congressional budget
allocations. We already have enough money in the budget to deal with all
programs on the books. The problem is with fraud, waste, and abuse. We have
more money than we can responsibly control.”

The investigator commented that if Texas Governor George W. Bush were elected
President, one of his first priorities might be to undertake a GAO or
independent audit of the entire Clinton-Gore era handling of accounting, and
should form an independent commission akin to the Grace Commission formed by
President Ronald Reagon early in his administration.

“There has always been graft in government and contracting circles,” the
investigator admitted, “and we have prosecuted them before, and even during
the Clinton years. The problem is that under Gore’s program of reinventing
government, accounting irresponsibility, mismanagement, fraud, waste, abuse,
and -- in spite of high-sounding words -- the ‘acceptable level of
corruption’ have reached historic proportions.”

As an example, the investigator cited some of the “buzz-words” and
definitions instituted under the Gore program that generated or facilitated
an estimated $6.7 Trillion in “fiscal manipulation of figures” to allow
accounting mistakes, oversights, and fraud to be “adjusted,” rearranged, or
even covered-up in CY 1999 alone.

This is not to say, the investigator explained, that the acutal monetary
values involved were $6.7 Trillion, but rather that the sum total of
“back-and-forth, top-to-bottom” numbers that were finagled totaled that
amount. “Financial adjustments,” he said, “is itself a code word for not
only correcting legitimate errors and oversights, but for covering the
institutionalization of fraud and for ‘cooking the books.’”

Under the Gore Reinvention program, any incident of fraud less than $100,000
is considered, “Budget Dust,” or a sum too insignificant to even bother
investigating. The source noted several cases where contractors, civilian and
even active duty procurement officers routinely and frequently submitted
outright false claims for amounts of $13,000 to $20,000 a pop --right inside
government procurement offices --only to put the money in their personal bank
accounts with impunity.

“The ones we’ve caught aren’t even the tip of the iceberg,” the
investigator said. “We’ve finally reached a state of ‘Utter Chaos,’” -- the
investigators’ unofficial term for the state of affairs that exists under the
Gore-induced accounting nightmare. "People know they can get away with almost
anything under this administation."

The investigative source pointed out that general conclusions to the problem
can be found in official-use only reports under review by Senator Charles
Grassley’s office, as well as in two published staff reports, namely the
“Staff Report of Joint Review of Internal Controls at Department of Defense”
(September 1998 by USAF Management Systems Deputy A. Ernest Fitzgerald and
Legislative Assistant Charles Murphy) and a GAO report entitled “Financial
Management: Improvements Needed in Air Force Vendor Payment Systems and
Controls,” (September 1998).

While the bureaucratic titles of the reports are typically innocuous in their
nomenclature, and are focused primarily on Air Force cases, the investigator
said that levels of theft and outright fraud pervade the entire Defense
apparatus and affect national security to its very foundations. “We are
paying millions, even billions of dollars, for stuff that we don’t even know
is actually produced. The material and parts, if they are produced at all,
are often so poorly made, or out-sourced to foreign manufacturers, that our
forces are in physical jeopardy or our logistical lines vulnerable like never
before in our history.”

While the investigator stopped well short of accusing the Vice President of
personally condoning corruption or being aware of the graft taking place
under him as number two man in the White House, he did make it clear that
Gore’s mismanagement, nonfeasance, and lack of hands-on leadership and
misunderstanding of reality directly contributed to the abilities of thieves,
frauds, and scam artists to bilk the government out of billions of dollars
and threaten national security for decades to come.


Following is a short list of “terms” and examples of the appalling
conditions that the investigator says have developed since Gore instituted
his “Reinventing Goverment” program”

“Harmonizing” -- the term used for making hardware specifications meet the
product, not the other way around. Manufacturers are permitted to make shoddy
military and defense parts or equipment, and the standards are written after
the production. Quality control, which can save lives in combat, has
virtually disappeared under Gore and Clinton, unless companies themselves
have pride in their work. While some corrupt contractors contend that
“quality cannot be inspected INTO a product,” the investigator points out
that “products can be inspected FOR quality.”

“Pay and Chase” -- The practice of paying bills without knowing if services
were actually performed or products genuinely produced, much less delivered.
An estimated $ 22 Billion per Month in outright fraudulent scams is believed
by the investigators to slip by the government in the DOD milieu alone, due
to managerial unwillingness to verify receipts with services. Under Gore,
“Pay and Chase” has replaced “Verify and Pay,” the investigators alleged.
(How many military retirees could have their medical expenses paid with this
kind of money?)

“Budget Dust” -- The term given by Gore-era managers to any suspected
incident of theft, fraud, waste, or abuse under the amount of $100,000. In
other words, if scam artists and companies steal in lumps of $99,999 or less
at a time, or per invoice, they are given a virtual and perhaps literal “free

“Sandwiching” -- The now-common practice of a contractor and subcontractor
submitting two separate bills for the same work or service. The accounting
procedures and verification processes are so shoddy, or non-existent, that
both receipts are paid and rarely noticed.

“Astronomical Inefficiency Rate” -- This is the assessment of GAO and
congressional investigators of the accounting and verification status under
the Gore-Clinton-Cohen Defense Department. The investigators assume that a
similar condition exists in nearly every other Federal program and Agency in
the Clinton-Gore government.

“Straight Pay,” -- The practice of submitting outright phony documents and
receipts for obligations never verified by accounting managers.

“Fast Track” -- The accounting procedure and technique under the Reinventing
Government program that allows managers to make up “new numbers” to account
for increases in unexpected or fraudulent obligations.

“Journal-Value Transfer Technique”-- This is the managerial practice of
covering up fraud, waste, and abuse that is in excess of the “$100,000
“budget dust” amounts, and can hide upwards of $200 Million in fraudulent
claims and payments such as investigators found in the C-17, SEAWOLF, AND
V-22 procurement programs. This involves moving or transferring cost overruns
from one category where the amount would attract attention, to another
category, or several, where it will not be noticed. (The investigator said
that the fancy-sounding new term used to be called “cooking the books.”)

“Fallacy of False Alternatives” -- This, the investigator said, involves the
Administration’s use of “Myriad Formless Threats” to fool the public and the
political opposition into believing that unspecified dangers exist to the
point where unnecessary alternatives must be accepted or disaster will befall
the country. The “Y2K Scare” and the more recent “Heating Oil-Strategic Oil
Reserve Release” are but two examples among thousands believed in operation.

“Myriad Formless Threats” -- Contrived, vague, or unreal threats designed to
divert attention away from genuine concerns. A variation of “Wagging the Dog.”

“Utter Chaos” -- The term investigators apply to the abysmal state of fiscal
accountability and managerial responsibility under Gore’s Government

“Missile Skins Full of Junk” -- An assessment of uninspected missiles being
sent to the field under regulations that do not allow for quality control
inspections or proper examination of armaments ranging from TOW anti-tank
weapons to PATRIOT missiles.

“The Lost Art of Double Entry Bookkeeping” -- The outmoded, but once
reliable, bookkeeping method of making certain that “accounts receivable”
matched “accounts payable,” or that the “books were balanced.” Today, the
investigator said, not only are the accounts receivable not verified, but
there is not even an attempt to balance the books. New and often fraudulent
expenses are simply added at will to the national debt and are lost in the
morass of paper.


One Defense Contractor with a history of anti-corruption investigations, sat
in on the source’s briefing. The contractor noted that the level of fraud,
waste, and abuse perpetrated by criminal elements operating under the
Clinton-Gore bureaucratic “largesse” make it difficult for honest
corporations to conduct business. The level of corruption under the
Clinton-Gore administration is so high, he said, that “Only the crooks get
paid on time.”

When asked what could be done about the deplorable situation affecting
national security and readiness, the investigator reiterated his call for a
major audit and accounting. “If Governor Bush is elected President, his first
order of business should be a top-to-bottom audit of Gore’s reinvented
government apparatus.” All the money in the world needed to pay for
legitimate social programs, pay-down the debt, defend the nation, create
surpluses, fund education, medical research, pay for health-care costs, and
still provide tax relief, is probably already at hand -- but in the hands of
the corrupt.

“Anyone who thinks Al Gore is the solution to our national problems, doesn’t
understand the degree to which he is responsible for those problems and the
neglect he has created that fosters them,” the investigator indicated.

(to be continued)

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A vote for Bush or Gore is a vote to continue Clinton policies!
A vote for Buchanan is a vote to continue America!
Therefore a vote for Gore or Bush is a wasted vote for America!
Don't waste your vote!  Vote for Patrick Buchanan!

Today, candor compels us to admit that our vaunted two-party system is a
snare and a delusion, a fraud upon the nation. Our two parties have become
nothing but two wings of the same bird of prey...
Patrick Buchanan

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