by B. Alan. Walton

Utah is literally surrounded by underground bases where 'reptilian
humanoids' reportedly have been seen. I will assume that the reader is
already familiar with the reptilian mystery as described in such websites as   and

On such sites one will learn about these bases, in this case those
surrounding the state of Utah on all sides...Burley Idaho to the north, Mt.
Teton to the northeast, Denver International Airport to the east, Dulce New
Mexico to the southeast, Superstition Mts. near Phoenix Arizona to the South
and Las Vegas, Mercury, Groom Lake Nevada to the west.

There has been a great deal written on the reptilians, especially on David
Icke's reptilian Archives site and these cases are certainly not limited to
the areas mentioned above. This report will deal mainly with the reptilian
activity in Utah, or rather the many stories that I have heard. Whether
these accounts are based on fact or fancy I will let the readers decide.

I was born and lived the early years of my life in the southeast corner of
Salt Lake Valley. Although I have no "conscious" memory, I do have what
might be called "intuitive" memories in the form of dreams and so on of
being involved in some sort of government-alien interaction scenario, since
a child. The gist of the scenario involves underground colonies of humans
who, after entering into territorial treaties with subterran species of
reptilian humanoids, over a period of time became increasingly assimilated
into a psychic collective which controls the reptilians.

These humans are known as the Melchizedeks who apparently have ties with the
inner cores of Masonry, Mormonism, the Naga-Mayas of Mt. Shasta, the
Agharti-Ashtar collective and native tribes living in a large system of
caverns. There are even rumors that the lost Israelite tribe of Mannasah
resides in this underground realm.

My first introduction to the "reptilian" mystery came through my
correspondence with Tal Le Vesque. Sometime later I began hearing rumors of
related activity in Utah. I remember the day when I received a phone call
from my friend Kaye Studstrup of S.E.Salt Lake City, telling me about what
she learned from a friend of hers, Irvarene Davis, of West Valley City,
Utah. I called and later visited, Mrs Davis in her home and learned the
whole story. I was not surprised to learn that her entire neighborhood had
been plagued for years by abduction type phenomena. One of her neighbors
spoke of being abducted to an underground city where she met strange humans
and brown skinned reptilians. But this was not the story which led me to

The story involved a young man named peter, the son-in-law of Mrs Davis, who
had just been hired on as a security guard at the Crossroads Mall in
downtown Salt lake City. Peter had learned that construction workers digging
out the lower levels of the Mall - where Crossroads Cinemas now lie - had
broken into some underground tunnels, but never returned, he was told. When
asking a fellow security guard about his desire to explore the tunnels, he
was told that this would not be wise since he might encounter the "lizard
men" (exact words) and not be allowed to return. This other security guard
was deadly serious.

Another Salt Laker, john Todd, recalls the day many years ago when he walked
into the Crossroads Plaza, only to find a construction area in the lowest
level where there was a pit-tunnel cordoned off by construction tape. Ever
curious, Mr Todd walked apst the barrier and looked down the hole. Suddenly
a construction worker appeared and angrily told him to leave the area. Mr
Todd responded in a friendly fashion and got the man to admit that the
tunnel had been penetrated five days earlier, that one of the workers went
down in it to explore, but in the five days since had not returned... John
Todd had also worked at the Dugway military base to the west, where he had
met a man at the tire shop who swore that he had seen 'people' transform
into reptilian humanoids, in the town of Dugway.

Kaye Studstrup had introduced me to Dan, a young man whose life was going
well until he was abducted in City Creek canyon east of Salt Lake City, by a
"UFO". he did not remember what took place following his initial encounter -
he woke up on the ground in the dead of night - but he did have nightmares
of tall, green-skinned (reptilian?) aliens with dark eyes staring down at
him, as if he were on some sort of operating table. Dan became very suicidal

Kaye Studstrup claims to be part of a hybrid program. As a teen she had
photographic memory, until the abductions began, following which she had
experienced nothing but memory problems... almost as if the aliens are
intentionally disarming those who might become a threat to them. the
evidence suggests that they also use "Montaukian" temporal manipulation to
control us, having created numerous temporal even singularities which act as
parasitical artificial reality-fields which feed off of our own prime
universal nexus.

Anyway, Kaye showed me the skin on her lower legs which appeared very scaly
(not the result of drying but definitely-defined pink 'scales'). So maybe
she is part of some alien genetic project? Her father worked with the
Manhattan project, which according to some was also involved with reptilian
'Gray' aliens based under Los Alamos, New Mexico. Kaye's grandson Matthew is
also an abductee. Kaye recalls meeting a "man" who claimed to be from
Draconis. Matt also met this individual and complained afterward that he had
somehow gained access to his mind and wouldn't leave.

Irvarene Davis of West Valley City (west of Salt lake City) also recalls
childhood experiences with reptilian-like aliens, on one occasion she was
horrified to see what she could only describe as an alien that looked like a
"creature from the "Black Lagoon" peering in through her window while she
was living in Nevada. Some time later Mrs. Davis' son Robert was hired on as
a security worker on a night shift, with the help of his brother-in-law

Soon Robert realized that there was something strange going on. he was
familiar with the claims of alien activity in Area 51, for this was shortly
after 1987 when the alien interaction scenario was simultaneously exposed by
such figures as Bob Lazar, John Lear, William Cooper, Bill Hamilton, Agent
Yellow Fruit, George Knapp, Billy Goodman, the late Stacy Borland and
others. Robert stated that the same power cult that was operating in Nevada
(Groom Lake) seemed to be active in Salt lake City - which according to the
late (?) Dulce base security officer Thomas Castello contains an underground
base connecting Area 51 and Dulce - Los Alamos.

One night Robert and Peter, following a routine investigation resulting from
a bomb threat entered an "off limits" passage in the Crossroads Cinemas area
of the mall. Peter had earlier mentioned a "water dept." manhole cover in
this - the lowest section of the mall - as being an entrance to the tunnels,
but I have reason to believe that there are other access points as well, in
this case a locked stairwell behind the right-hand theater, entered through
two exit doors on either side of the screen. behind this theater there is a
locked door without a label and some steps leading up into a long hallway
that connects with the other theaters before it emerges into the underground
parking lot or into the main Mall.

Apparently Robert and Pete used the bomb threat as an excuse to enter the
sub-basement that they would normally have no business entering. They
descended THREE levels below the lowest part of the Mall, emerging into a
long hallway leading north.At the far end of the hall were two
ancient-looking wooden doors where the sub-basement of the Mormon Temple
would be (I heard from elsewhere that there amy be as many as eight levels
beneath the Mormon Temple, and over thirty miles of tunnels supposedly built
by early leaders of the church).

When the Scottish Rite Mason Brigham Young first entered the Salt Lake
Valley he ordered the excavation of a large hole that would later become the
sub-basement of the Mormon temple. Then a rumor surfaced that a U.S. Army
battalion was headed their way, so Brigham Young ordered the excavation to
be filled in until the military had passed through. What was he trying to
hide? There are rumors that the Rothschilds and their Masonic Lodge helped
finance the Mormon church just as they financed the Jehovah's Witnesses,
Unitarian and other neo-masonic churches. But this can not be entirely
confirmed. It is however written about the Rothschilds cult-network and the
"reptilian" connection.

Back to Robert Davis and Pete...they also noticed in the underground hall a
door separate from the northern wooden doors, behind which they saw a
greenish luminescence. For some reason the thought of opening that door
frightened them, so they did not. Brent Butler of Colorado also claimed that
he and a friend had seen this underground hall three levels down.

Todd Jumper president of Eaglenet, mentioned something that caught my
attention a few years back. While traveling interstate on a bus he had
struck up a conversation with a man who out of the blue told him a strange
story. he had personal knowledge of a construction worker who was among
those who broke into the underground tunnels during the excavation of the
Crossroads Cinemas. This worker swore that after entering the tunnels he was
attacked by a "lizard" or "serpent" man. he escaped with his life and soon
the story was making the rounds. Apparently the "feds" even got involved. I
doubt that they called in Agent "Mulder" though.

I've heard variations on this story from elsewhere, some versions mention a
temple worker, but the above is the most tangible one that I've heard to
date. But of course Robert Davis is the prime source. According to his
mother Irvarene, following and a friend of his returned one night to
investigate a manhole cover that he had heard about. Whether it was in an
alley adjacent to Crossroads or within the loading dock, I'm not certain.
After having pulled up the manhole cover with a truck and chain, the two
entered an underground passage that intersected with the cities' underground
drainage system. They passed an intersection where they had to navigate over
a stream of water and continued until they finally emerged into a cement
chamber about ten feet square.

In the floor was a metallic trap door which could only be opened from above.
They did so, being careful to leave the trap door open. Below was an
identical cement cubicle with yet another trap door and below this a similar
one. This third room had a long tunnel leading north to a door. Carefully
opening the door, just a crack, they peered through into a large underground
chamber about 300 feet long, in which they saw "two men in suits and
carrying Uzi machine guns, pacing back and forth". Needless to say they beat
a hasty retreat back to the third cubicle, but their curiosity getting the
better of them they continued downward, to a fourth and then a fifth
cubicle. The fifth had a tunnel leading south, into a large cavern.

The most noticeable sight was the large south tunnel, strung with lights and
"large enough to drive a semi-truck through". I wonder if this connects with
the underground tunnels that are said  lie beneath the Trolley Square and
Sugarhouse Malls or, possibly, with the massive caverns that lie under the
north face of Little Cottonwood Canyon to the south-southeast. MANY sources
have referred to the "Granite Mountain" base in Little Cottonwood Canyon,
consisting of a huge underground "vault" maintained by the Mormon church,
connected by an underground passage to an even larger "military base" to the
northeast, where witnesses have reported massive underground construction
projects, huge caverns and underground buildings in which CIA agents have
been seen working with reptilian Grays on electronic equipment and so on.

Robert Davis also reported that in the cavern he and his  friend entered,
there was also an apparently bottomless shaft, since they heard no resound
when stones were thrown down it. Also there was manhole cover with the
initials >Z. carved into it and Robert suspected that this might be a tunnel
that led to the "Hogal Zoo" to the east. The strangest sight however were
the human-sized footprints in the dust of the chamber, but these prints had
only three toes! The two of them returned to the surface and it was only a
few days later that Robert heard an unusual story... It seemed that a
Hispanic woman who did night-cleaning in the mall had quit. She claimed that
while working a creature that she could only describe as a "demon" wobbled
up to her, snarled in her face and then continued past her down the hall.

Robert, realizing that he and his friend did NOT close the "trap-doors" when
they left the cubicle shaft, was afraid that he. essentially, had been
responsible for the incident by inadvertently opening up the door to
Hades... There is another admitted "rumor" of a large "Masonic Tunnel"
leading from Las Vegas to Salt Lake City. Also Kate Studstrup claimed to
have seen reptilian shape shifters in a Nordstrom store in downtown Salt
Lake City. In somewhat of an Ickean vein, she described the impostors as
tall, lanky blond and with modern "bowl" haircuts. What tipped her off was a
conversation she had overheard between the two of them. Also neither of them
had any blemishes whatsoever.

Many mornings I've awakened to the faint sounds of screams and cries as if
from men, women and children crying out from dungeons underground...with
faint memories of horrible nightmares of alien prison camps deep underground
where atrocities beyond human comprehension are being carried out. Given the
chance, supposing there were  a large enough militia force to carry it out,
I would gladly take part in an "operation dungeon storm" type of invasion of
the underworld, flame-thrower in one hand and a 9mm semi-automatic in the
other as we commence to kick ass and take names. But don't ask me to do it
alone! Maybe one day the conditions will be ripe for such a response to the
reptilian threat. But unfortunately most people seem to be more interested
in talk than action. I can't help but feel it might take a very rude
awakening to motivate the masses to respond to the reptilian threat above,
within and BELOW. Until then I suppose that the cries and screams of the
lost will continue.

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