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Piper Creations

Piper Creations


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Found Surfing - Full story will be at link
posted on 07 Oct 2000

"New Scientist magazine reports that the researchers, from University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, carried out research after a rise in reported cases of food poisoning caused by fresh produce [and found that bacteria grow better in common pesticides]. "The researchers found that bacteria thrived in around a third of the pesticides. The bugs grew most readily in: the fungicide chlorothalonil, the weedkiller linuron, the insecticides permethrin and chlorpyrifos...numbers could increase one-thousandfold. Salmonella, E. coli and Shigella grew best - particularly on chlorothalonil."

Commentary By Nicholas Regush
Oct. 5 — Well, here we go again. Another red-hot scientific scandal. This time, anthropologists and geneticists are getting a noisy wake-up call.
Who Should Investigate? Looking at Conflict of Interest in Biomedicine, Part Two

A History of Secret Human Experimentation
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